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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from 96XNeko.
Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 14:05 (5 Years ago)
"Well of course..!" Amy snickered, playfully resting her hand under her chin like the prissy rich girls do, jokingly commenting that she needed to come with him because he would be lost without her. She then shook it off and took another sip. "I don't want to leave my brother all by himself, what kind of sister would I be?" She chuckled again before she then lightly leaned back into the chair once more, starting to imagine her life with Metal by her side forever. She smiled a dopey smile at the thought of no Eggman coming between their relationship and it made her happy.

She quickly nodded at Tails' request for her to stay with him. "I wouldn't want to risk that jerk breaking YOU rather than your machines...But I know where you're coming from. I'll stay with you and keep him away." She watched him and her ears lowered before she then gripped his hand a little more. "Take it easy, Tails. It isn't a problem at all and you know this! I always have time for you!" She winked to him again before finishing her smoothie. Her eyes darted back and forth between the cupcakes before she gently took one from the shelf, nibbling on it a little before she looked back to Tails.

"So! Didja want to rent a movie or anything for tonight?"

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 13:48 (5 Years ago)
"Hee hee! Isn't it just?" She gave another chuckle before taking a small sip of her smoothie, resting her free arm on the back of the chair before she looked back to Tails, taking another sip before she winked again at his comment. She then gently rested her smoothie back on the table, she knew Tails better than Sonic. Tails was naturally curious about anything and everything, and if something was wrong, he would stay up all day and night to find out, no matter what. She gently ran her fingers through her front bang quills before she then nodded towards him, giving a gentle sigh before smiling lowly.

"I figured that would be a part of the reason, Tails..I mean, I know you build things on a whim because you find it enjoyable and all, and the fact that you made a time machine IS pretty cool. But I figured there would have to have been more of a reason than 'just because'. She continued to listen to him before she smiled and took another sip.

"T.B.H Tails, I totally wouldn't mind you kidnapping Metal and I to be free from Eggman..! I'd love to just have us three with no cares in the world!" She blinked a little as she watched Tails' reactions, lightly resting her hand on top of his.

"Hey..." she spoke softly, giving him a gentle smile, "To quote you, 'Everything will be okay.' I know it will. Just relax." She then gently cupped his hand into hers and lightly tilted her head.

"Would you feel better if you came over to my place tonight or want me to stay at yours? You need a buddy. We could totally veg out and have popcorn, watch movies,whatever you want!" Her proposal seemed more like a plea to her, but she digressed, she didn't want Tails to be upset.

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 13:24 (5 Years ago)
"Haha..Well I usually try to mean well you know!" She then looked towards the machine again before her attention went back to Tails, her eyes widening as she listened intently to what he was saying. Her ears perked high once more before she gasped.

"T-Time travel!? Tails you can't b-- Well...actually you can L.O.L! You're you!" she snickered a little before resting her hands on her hips, "That sounds amazing though, brother! I really hope it'll pan out for you! I'd love to see the future for sure!" She then paused a moment, looking back down to Tails with a small sigh after hearing the final part of that.

"Or did you really just build that to try to find out what's happened to Sonic...?" She gave another disgruntled sigh to him before shaking it off as she smiled once again, finding seats for both her and Tails to sit at.

"Yeah! O.M.G he's such a sweetie! Last time I went to visit he had just gotten back from a mission and you know what he did? He brought me the most beautiful daisy I had ever seen! Ee!" she squeaked cutely as hearts fluttered above her head. She nodded a little before ordering her smoothie, looking back to Tails with a happy smile. "Well, you're right! He makes me the happiest hedgehog on earth! He's just so sweet and such a gentleman!" She swooned a little before winking to Tails, flashing him a peace sign.

"I'm sure you'll find your special one too! I swear by it!"

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 13:02 (5 Years ago)
Amy blinked twice at Tails' reaction to her hug, she didn't realize he had a welding torch in his hands. She just instinctively went to hug him. She then chuckled lowly to herself upon watching him, gently rubbing the back of her head nervously.

"Aaaaahhhhaha...Sorry Tails! Just kinda went for it like I normally do!" She continued to hug him tightly, reassuring him that he always had her to turn to. She watched him check his phone before her ears perked a little as he notioned towards his machine. "I always want to know everything, Tails! I'm always curious about a lot of things..!" She began, playfully pouting as he didn't tell her, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Aw come on..!" She then paused as he spoke, lightly nodding before she giggled as she felt him nuzzle under her chin, it was something she really liked, as far as she knew he only nuzzled under her chin. 'Take THAT, Sonic..' she thought before she nodded and then flashed a peace sign to Tails as she began to walk with him towards the smoothie shack.

"Aaah! <3 Metal and I are doing great! Well...great as we can, anyway." She sighed lowly before crossing her arms and pouting again, "Eggman keeps making Metal go out on stupid missions to get more animals for his badniks...I haven't hardly had any time with him!"

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 12:46 (5 Years ago)
Amy continued to play on her phone while she waited for Tails to text her back, gently sliding her finger across the screen, a dopey grin on her face as she scanned through the selfies she took with her and her favorite hedgehog, despite Eggman's protesting. As she continued to scan through her pics she lightly blinked as her eyes focused on the top of her screen, smiling as she saw that Tails had responded to her.

She swiped her pics away and started to read his message, sighing lowly before she gave a small sad smile as she texted him back, her back leaning against the door.

"Haha. Of course you are, Tails. You're always busy now. I really wish we could have some bonding time..What are you working on though, if I may be so bold to ask?" she texted him back before she smiled as he offered to go with her to get a smoothie, sighing again. "Ya know, Tails..it takes like 5 minutes to GET to the smoothie place...I'll be in in like...one second." She finished typing before gently opening the door, glancing around before she spotted Tails, lightly leaning against the door with her arms crossed, playfully sticking her tongue out at him.

"So...Maybe 10 minutes so we can actually enjoy the smoothie, Tails?" Amy chuckled softly before gently walking up to him, embracing him gently.

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 12:21 (5 Years ago)
"I can't believe the nerve of that guy!" Amy growled and muttered under her breath, lightly resting her hands on her Piko Piko Hammer. She glanced to her right side, her forest green eyes flashed a little as she saw a bunch of girls line up to meet Sonic. Why wasn't she in the line you ask? She had feelings for another. Someone, similar to Sonic, but to her, much better.

"Gotta find some way to sneak into Eggman's headquarters..To see him again!" she squeaked quietly, doing little excited taps on the ground. Her ear then twitched slightly as she turned her head to face Tails' workshop. A small frown on her face before she gently reached into the pocket of her hoodie and pulled out her phone.

"Hey Tails. Are ya busy? Didja wanna go out to get a smoothie and salad or anything? Since Sonic is...ya know...being Sonic?" she started to text, trying her best to avoid the cat calling that Sonic was giving her in the distance. "Or...if you're busy..didja want me to bring you anything from the store..?? I'm kinda worried about you."

She frowned once more before putting her hammer away and starting to make her way towards the workshop, the familiar smell of diesel fuel and the familiar warmth of fresh sparks made her feel at ease. She had always seen Tails as a little brother and hated when Sonic got this way.

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Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 10:05 (5 Years ago)
The Espeon listened to what the Ninetales had asked her. This caused her to gently shake her head, her leafy green colored head tufts gently and elegantly swaying with her motion.

"Ah. Alas, Mi Hija, I have never been here before..I have ventured far from the region of Johto. I am searching for a place to call a home to wait for my very close friend..He is an Umbreon named Schwarzlicht. I take it you are looking for some place to stay as well..?"

Her eyes gently wandered over to the running Ninetales. She blinked a little and tilted her head slightly.

"That Ninetales seems to be in a hurry..I hope all is alright."

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2020 18:32 (5 Years ago)
You cupheads ARE something else, thinking you can beat me..

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2020 12:15 (5 Years ago)
The Espeon continued to groom behind her ears before they instantly perked up, hearing her species name be called. She gently glanced to her right to see a Ninetales notioning towards her. She blinked a little before tilting her head once more, getting back onto all four paws. She started to cautiously make her way over to the pokemon.

"Ah. A familiar species you are," she said softly upon approaching the Ninetales, admiring the tails at a safe distance. "What is it I can do for you, mi hija?" she then gently sat herself in front of the Ninetales, tilting her head once more.

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2020 10:40 (5 Years ago)
"Ah, this place looks so lovely." came the small coo from an Espeon a few meters away from entering the esteemed Akai Village. She found herself approaching the crossroads which led into the village, the aroma of fresh flowers and many herbs had caught her interest. She couldn't help but follow the scents until it lead her to the village, where she happened to glance around at all the pokemon inhabiting the area.

"Perhaps this place is...a little too lively for me." the Espeon whispered softly under her breath, her ears lowering slightly, she gently took a seat and reached her paws up to adjust her vine necklace so that it wouldn't quite get caught in her mask. "Is there not a calmer place that I could rest..?" She tilted her head a little as her attention landed upon a very happy go lucky Braxien, a pokemon she had never seen before. She had grown up in the Johto region and had never seen a Braxien before.

"Curious. That is a rather interesting looking pokemon..I wonder if it is related to Ninetales?" She tilted her head once more before cautiously wanting to approach the pokemon before she watched the Braxien leave, her ears lowered slightly.

"Ah," she replied to herself, sitting down once more, seemingly from no where small flowers started to appear around her, "I guess I was a little too late in asking that curious pokemon where I was or where I could find some shelter that is more...quiet."She gently lifted her paw up and started to groom behind her ears, her flower petals gently brushing against her head tufts, causing a nice Marigold scent to waft around in the air.

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Posted: Thu, 16/01/2020 09:48 (5 Years ago)
I'm personally not a super huge fan, but the movies are enjoyable regardless.

The babies are pretty cute, however.

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 10:13 (5 Years ago)

Thank you kindly. Now THAT is Iirona~ <3

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 10:02 (5 Years ago)

Ah. She came out wonderfully. Thank you so much for making her for me.

I really like sets 2 and 3, especially since you included the vines, an essential part of my dear Catrina.

However, please do not be too angry..I do have one request I'd like to ask for her.

I really love her vines, albeit, perhaps not around her head, but I think it would make a better necklace...What say you?

Thank you again, however, my dear. She turned out lovely~

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 08:02 (5 Years ago)
I agree with YungRover. I think we should be able to start.

Whenever is convenient for you, of course :)

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 14:22 (5 Years ago)
I blame you for being so nice?

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 14:20 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 08:52 (5 Years ago)
So many lovely entries..~

I'd like to enter please.

My Espeon banner is below.

Best of luck to all contestants~ (x)

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 06:48 (5 Years ago)
I'm quite fond of roleplaying, video gaming, and drawing. I do also love to sing, but I don't do that often.

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 06:44 (5 Years ago)
"Unknown Mother Goose" - Wowaka feat. Hatsune Miku

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 06:43 (5 Years ago)

the picture is very inspiring.

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