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Posted: Sat, 06/01/2018 20:24 (7 Years ago)
Rosi gently floated about a centimeter above the ground. She sat down in a seat in the middle row. She was very excited, but she was containing that excitement in her head.

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Posted: Sat, 06/01/2018 20:05 (7 Years ago)
[oof im sorry]

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Posted: Sat, 06/01/2018 19:50 (7 Years ago)
Name: Rosi
Character They're Based Off Of: Rosalina
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rosi has pale skin and straight blonde long hair. Some of her hair covers her right eye. Her eyes are light blue. She wears a long light blue dress.
Personality: TBRP'd oof
Weapons: A wand with a star at the end. With her wand, she can teleport items away. These items can be only teleported around the same area which she is in. She can also create temporary forcefields around people. However, she only has a certain amount of magic that she can use a day, and when this magic is depleted she is very weak and vulnerable.
Abilities that come with your character (if any): Can float above the ground (she can't fly), can communicate via telepathy but can also speak regularly.
Other: Pokemon oof

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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 02:55 (7 Years ago)
[Okok, I'll add like three more Team Mankeys and two more Team Mikachus

You can maybe do the same? loL we don't need to but]

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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 02:49 (7 Years ago)
[Add like, a few more Pokemon lOL.
Add like, maybe a few other Team Mankeys
And a few more Team Mikachus if you want
I think we can make up more characters as we go along if you want]

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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 02:41 (7 Years ago)
In the forest of Cirrane, Pokemon can fuse with each other. It helps them to enjoy themselves, and also helps them to defeat enemies. This forest is isolated from any trainer contact, however, the Pokemon have formed two groups. One group believes in fusion, and that when Pokemon fuse together for the first time, its an amazing and sacred moment. This group is called Team Mikachu. The other group, however, condemns fusion. The Pokemon think that no Pokemon should be allowed to fuse, and that its a sign of weakness. This group is called Team Mankey.

Team Mankey holds dominance over most of the forest. The team sends out frequent patrols to make sure that no Pokemon are fusing. However, in underground tunnels, Team Mikachu plan to regain control of at least a good fraction of the forest. Will they succeed, or will they fail?

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1. Keep the Pokemon unique. We don't need twenty Umbreons.
2. That being said, please keep the teams balanced as well. For every two Team Mankey members, there should be one Team Mikachu member.
3. Be respectful to other RPers.
4. No Z-Moves, Mega Pokemon, or legendaries.
5. No godmodding, Mary/Gary Sues/Stus, bunnying, etc.
6. Romance is allowed.
7. you know the rules lucky lOL

Mimi (Mimikyu) x Volt (Pikachu) = Vimi (Mikachu)
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Name: Vimi
Gender: Genderless
Pokemon: Mikachu
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Electro Ball, Thunderbolt, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw.
Appearance: A gleaming yellow Mimikyu disguise, but with arms and legs poking out of it, and the disguise is tattered, with a red bandana on its top.
Personality: Confident, brave, loves to talk to people, thinks a lot.
Other: ALWAYS seen, leader of Team Mikachu, not a lot of people know that they're a fusion.


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Name: Volt
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Pikachu
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Electro Ball, Thunderbolt.
Appearance: A regular Pikachu, but with a red bandana on his head.
Personality: Brave, cool, looks out for others, doesn't think before he acts.
Other: NEVER seen unfused.

Name: Mimi
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Mimikyu
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw.
Appearance: A regular Mimikyu, but with a bit of a torn disguise.
Personality: Extremely shy, nervous, antisocial.
Other: NEVER seen unfused.

Name: Lillie
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Roserade
Team: Mankey
Moveset: Magical Leaf, Poison Sting, Petal Blizzard, Toxic.
Appearance: A regular Roserade, but with blush and outlined eyes.
Personality: Obedient, sassy, hates fusions with a burning passion.

Name: Danny
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Stantler
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Tackle, Calm Mind. (Refused to learn anymore moves)
Appearance: A normal Stantler, however is fur is lightly puffier. He also wears a blue scarf.
Personality: Calm, gentle, a pacifist at heart, but if he gets mad he'll be silent.

Name: Runt
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Tyrunt
Team: Mankey
Moveset: Dragon Claw, Ancient Power, Bite, Earthquake.
Appearance: A regular Tyrunt, but he has some teeth missing.
Personality: Harsh, quiet, hates other Pokemon.

Name: Viola
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Vivillon
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Gust, Psybeam, Sleep Powder.
Appearance: A normal Vivillon but with a light purple beanie on her head.
Personality: Polite, observant, outgoing.

Name: Robin
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Fletchling
Team: Neutral
Moveset: Tackle, Quick Attack, Peck.
Appearance: A regular Fletchling with a green ribbon tied around his left leg.
Personality: Can't choose a side, quiet, not confident, blurts out things without thinking.


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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 00:53 (7 Years ago)
In the forest of Cirrane, Pokemon can fuse with each other. It helps them to enjoy themselves, and also helps them to defeat enemies. This forest is isolated from any trainer contact, however, the Pokemon have formed two groups. One group believes in fusion, and that when Pokemon fuse together for the first time, its an amazing and sacred moment. This group is called Team Mikachu. The other group, however, condemns fusion. The Pokemon think that no Pokemon should be allowed to fuse, and that its a sign of weakness. This group is called Team Mankey.

Team Mankey holds dominance over most of the forest. The team sends out frequent patrols to make sure that no Pokemon are fusing. However, in underground tunnels, Team Mikachu plan to regain control of at least a good fraction of the forest. Will they succeed, or will they fail?

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1. Keep the Pokemon unique. We don't need twenty Umbreons.
2. That being said, please keep the teams balanced as well. For every two Team Mankey members, there should be one Team Mikachu member.
3. Be respectful to other RPers.
4. No Z-Moves, Mega Pokemon, or legendaries.
5. No godmodding, Mary/Gary Sues/Stus, bunnying, etc.
6. Romance is allowed.
7. More to be added.
8. Highlight this>> The password is the name of both Teams. Put this in the 'Other' section of the form.

Mimi (Mimikyu) x Volt (Pikachu) = Vimi (Mikachu)
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Name: Vimi
Gender: Genderless
Pokemon: Mikachu
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Electro Ball, Thunderbolt, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw.
Appearance: A gleaming yellow Mimikyu disguise, but with arms and legs poking out of it, and the disguise is tattered, with a red bandana on its top.
Personality: Confident, brave, loves to talk to people, thinks a lot.
Other: ALWAYS seen.


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Name: Volt
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Pikachu
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Electro Ball, Thunderbolt.
Appearance: A regular Pikachu, but with a red bandana on his head.
Personality: Brave, cool, looks out for others, doesn't think before he acts.
Other: NEVER seen unfused.

Name: Mimi
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Mimikyu
Team: Mikachu
Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw.
Appearance: A regular Mimikyu, but with a bit of a torn disguise.
Personality: Extremely shy, nervous, antisocial.
Other: NEVER seen unfused.

Name: Lillie
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Roserade
Team: Mankey
Moveset: Magical Leaf, Poison Sting, Petal Blizzard, Toxic.
Appearance: A regular Roserade, but with blush and outlined eyes.
Personality: Obedient, sassy, hates fusions with a burning passion.

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Posted: Sun, 31/12/2017 17:15 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 24/12/2017 14:24 (7 Years ago)
Abstaining : ))

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Posted: Sun, 24/12/2017 03:30 (7 Years ago)
Im in : ))

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Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 22:46 (7 Years ago)
Oh no I'm sorry I mixed you and Peggy up

Voting Peggy

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Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 22:43 (7 Years ago)
Voting Atavan :"" )

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Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 20:02 (7 Years ago)
Yeah, we should vote this night.

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Posted: Wed, 20/12/2017 02:23 (7 Years ago)
I'm suspecting Mya because of their inactivity >.>

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Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 01:35 (7 Years ago)
Gem shook her head. "No, you don't." She said, her tone strong but not harsh. She sighed, and wrote more notes into her notepad. "We should get going to the safehouse, huh." She whispered, holding back a sneeze.

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Posted: Tue, 19/12/2017 00:17 (7 Years ago)
Gem blinked, and said nothing. She wrote down more notes, before looking back up. "You don't want to know." She whispered.

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Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 22:58 (7 Years ago)
Gem shook her head. "I didn't do too much fighting." She said. She looked around, and wrote something more into her notepad.

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Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 21:33 (7 Years ago)
Gem followed behind Clover. She would probably need to make a trip to find a coat later. She hoped that nothing bad would happen while they were out here.

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Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 20:51 (7 Years ago)
Gem nodded, and waited for Clover to go forward first. She thought back to the small marks she had made on the trees when she was walking out to find stuff. She shoved the thought to the back of her mind, knowing that she would probably never find the same trees.

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Posted: Mon, 18/12/2017 01:39 (7 Years ago)
Gem didn't say a word. She was still mostly in thought and shock since the battle. She continued to write things in her notepad, but the words she wrote weren't necessarily notes anymore.

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