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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2023 23:34 (1 Year ago)
You can also breed Diancie (Emera), Type: Null / Silvally, and Phione with Ditto. (Though, Phione is not really considered a legendary on this site; it has the rare rarity).

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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2023 23:31 (1 Year ago)
Caterpie evolves into Metapod at level 7.

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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2023 23:27 (1 Year ago)
According to the Pokédex, there’s 0 shiny Harplade on site, but the Ranklist says that there’s 1 on site:

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Posted: Fri, 09/06/2023 22:25 (1 Year ago)
Which Pokemon are you wanting to evolve? If it's the Riolu in your party, it evolves via happiness, so the fastest and cheapest way to evolve it is by using a Soothe Bell on it. If it's the Boldore in your party, you'll need to trade it with another user to evolve it into Gigalith.

Here's the wiki page on evolving Pokemon, and here's a guide on evolution.

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Posted: Thu, 08/06/2023 02:08 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/06/2023 01:13 (1 Year ago)
@Realbraiden13_gamerYT: The Berrygarden unlocks at level 8. So you should have unlocked it by now.

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Posted: Thu, 08/06/2023 01:10 (1 Year ago)
Stantler evolves into Wyrdeer through Rumbling in the Snowy Mountains while holding an Azure Flute. (The Azure Flute will be lost). To unlock the Snowy Mountains, you need to reach an Exploration Level above 5 in the Rocky Cave.

Magnezoid evolves into Magnedrones at level 30. Magnedrones evolves into Motherzone by using a Moon Stone.

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Posted: Wed, 07/06/2023 22:24 (1 Year ago)
I’d suggest you buy a large amount of Oran berries, so that it takes priority, and your rarer/more expensive berries won’t get used up when feeding. Oran berries are also the best berry for feeding, as they are cheap to buy/easy to grow, and are also preferred by all Pokémon.

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Posted: Mon, 05/06/2023 02:53 (1 Year ago)


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Posted: Sun, 04/06/2023 22:52 (1 Year ago)
It's because: "Please note that due to performance reasons the live preview does not work for this feature - it displays "XYZ" as a placeholder"

The progress bar won't accept "XYZ ÷ 1000 × 100" as a percentage, so it shows a broken image when previewing.

It should work if I post the same code here:

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Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 23:12 (1 Year ago)
If it doesn't allow you to feed/warm it, that means you've already interacted with it today. (Through the index, clicklists, click exchanges, etc).

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Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 22:26 (1 Year ago)
Shiny Absol is worth 19k PD

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Posted: Fri, 02/06/2023 01:22 (1 Year ago)
Rowan will give you some gifts once you reach certain Dex entry milestones.

For the 8 regional dex completion rewards, you can go to this wiki page and control+F (or similar search function on your device/browser) "Dex"

Since, unfortunately, this information in not on a single page, I'll also just list them here:
Show hidden content
Kanto - Mega-Able Mewtwo X Egg
Johto - Mega-Able Mewtwo Y Egg
Hoenn - Deoxys Egg + ability to get a quest which unlocks the Space rumble area
Sinnoh - Arceus Egg (which gives you the ability to use the Azure Flute)
Unova - Genesect Egg
Kalos - Mega-Able Diancie Egg
Alola - Type: Null Egg (evolves into Silvally via use of a Soothe Bell) + ability to find Silvally memory discs from the Concentration Game
Galar - Calyrex Egg. If you also have the EggDex entries of Glastrier and Spectrier, Rowan will give you the Reins of Unity, which gives you the ability to fuse Calyrex with Glastrier/Spectrier
Hisui - Ability to use the Azure Flute on Dialga and Palkia, to change them into their Origin Forms.

50 Dex entries - Choice of a Leaf Stone, Fire Stone, or Water Stone
300 Dex entries - Mega-Able Charmander Egg (randomly X or Y)
200 EggDex entries - Resolute Stone + ability to find them in Mystery Boxes

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Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 20:14 (1 Year ago)
Mega-Able Diancie
Shiny Diancie - Stonks link currently does not work due to a lack of buying/selling data, but it will in the future. I'd suggest a similar price to a Shiny Diancie (Emera)
Mega-Able Diancie (Emera)
Shiny Diancie (Emera)

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Posted: Wed, 31/05/2023 22:58 (1 Year ago)
If it “deleted them”, it still used them up to spin the slots, even if it said that there was an error. In the case that you won a prize, it would still be added to your bag. (A similar thing has happened before with the Wheel of Fortune, that’s why I’m assuming that this is the case).

You probably just double clicked the button, which caused the error message to show up, as you wouldn't have had enough GGC to spin it a second time.

Try taking screenshots next time, if you think it may be a different issue to what I’m assuming it is.

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 14:59 (1 Year ago)
The mega bubble is just a sign that your Pokemon can mega evolve. In order for it to mega evolve, you have to give it the "Mega Stone" item, then level it up to level 50 or higher.

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 12:57 (1 Year ago)
A stats BBcode would be very helpful, especially for counters towards goals. They would be useful for Harvest Sprites, Mewton/Game Center stats, Badge progress, Puzzle collection, and more.

These would work similar to the bag BBcode. They would also be able to be used in progress bars, with the “,goal=XXX]” part.

The code would look like: [stat=STAT NAME]

Examples -
[stat=Cooking Pot] - Dishes cooked in the Berrygarden Toolshed
[stat=Lab] - Adopted Lab eggs
[stat=Concentration] - Concentration pairs matched
[stat=Interactions] - Interactions made
[stat=Puzzle] - Puzzle pieces collected
[stat=Gems] - Gems spent at the Gem Collector
[stat=Eggs] - Overall eggs hatched
[stat=Unique Wondercards] - Unique Wondercards obtained

Similar thing for everything else on the stats page.

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 12:53 (1 Year ago)

I have a few ideas about this though:

Show hidden content
Instead of "pokedex", dex would just be faster to type.

[dex=DEX NO]

I think the dex numbers should follow the site's current system, instead of the suggested "N, S, W..." one.

Examples -
[dex=0447] - Riolu collected
[dex=1448] - Shiny Lucario collected
[dex=2129] - Shadow Magikarp collected
[dex=0447s] - Rokkyu collected
[dex=1448m] - Shiny Mega Lucario collected

For your [/pokedex] code, I think that it would work better as:


[dex=Kalos] - Kalos Dex entries
[dex=Shiny] - ShinyDex entries
[dex=Shadow] - ShadowDex entries
[dex=Normal] - Dex entries
[dex=Shadow Johto] - Johto ShadowDex entries
[dex=Shiny Emera] - Emera ShinyDex entries

The percentages could be calculated using the [dex=Normal,goal=1664] code.

Show hidden content
Similar thing as before - plushie is just faster to type than plushiedex. The dex numbers should also follow the site's system.

[plushie=DEX NO]

Examples -
[plushie=0129] - Magikarp plushies collected
[plushie=1744] - Shiny Rockruff plushies collected
[plushie=0447s] - Rokkyu plushies collected
[plushie=0448m] - Mega Lucario plushies collected

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 00:08 (1 Year ago)
Here’s a wiki page about Nuggets.

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 22:52 (1 Year ago)
Did you have an empty party slot when you completed it, to get your Regirock egg? If you didn’t, then it won’t count as completed.

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