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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from RaRaRasputin.
Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 13:31 (3 Years ago)
Sending! Missing limited please!

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Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 13:28 (3 Years ago)
Sending! Missing limited please!

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 20:59 (3 Years ago)
Missing limited please!

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 20:53 (3 Years ago)
Missing limited please!

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 20:52 (3 Years ago)
Missing limited please

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Posted: Thu, 28/10/2021 16:03 (3 Years ago)
Sending, mind sending the new (non shiny) gyarados plushie?

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Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 01:28 (3 Years ago)
Little kids

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 03:27 (3 Years ago)
"Right" Tayla replies. She hesitates before moving towards the door. But fortunately, the creature seemed to be long gone. Or at least, it was far enough away that she could shut the door without any issues. After shutting the door, Tayla releases a breath that she didn't even realize was held and turns to glance between Darcy and Razor. "Did you two find anything?" She asks.

In the darkest corners of the warehouse are some glowing eyes. Before Tayla can react something erupts from the darkness. Faustus leaps onto Tayla, his weight making her crash to the floor again. "Someone's happy to see me!" She says with a surprised chuckle. "I'm okay, I promise!" She tells Faustus, gently pushing the large feline off of her and standing back up again. She glances away from the two, suddenly embarrassed, but now ready to listen to their answer.

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 02:44 (3 Years ago)
The once empty streets were now filled with bodies and creatures. Tayla knew this without needing to see it. The smell of death was thick in the air and the sounds of heavy footsteps sounded from the ground below.. She would be safe from the creatures, just so long as she stayed quiet and stayed indoors. I hope the others are okay...

A short time passes and Tayla is certain that the creatures are gone. How long could she stay here? Not very long, her food and water supplies were already low. If she brought it back to her new allies it would only really last them two days at best. Maybe she should stay behind. No, I can't leave them... Faustus is also with them. Tayla sighs and curses her newfound weakness.

She takes a moment to quietly grab her crossbow, the necklace, and a bag filled with food and water before quietly moving towards the entrance. To her relief, the streets were clear of any creature. For how long though, was a mystery.

She leaps onto the ground and takes off running. She doesn't care that she is making any noise, if there were creatures nearby, her best chance of survival would be to get back before one spotted her.

Adrenaline fuels her, making her move fast. Soon she can see the warehouse ahead. Thirty steps... I got this Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven... A sudden loud clicking nearly makes her freeze in place. She fights that urge but can't resist looking over her shoulder to see a two legged creature standing behind her. She curses outloud and bolts for the entrance. Fifteen steps now come on! Heavy footsteps sound behind her as the creature desperately tries to reach her. She doesn't dare look back to see how close it is.

Eight steps... She spots Darcy by the door and nearly barrels the poor girl over as she practically throws herself through the opening. She doesn't have time to apologise as she scoots away from the door, just in time to avoid the bladed tentacles clawing the air where she stood just moments ago.

"G-get away from the door!" She orders. She slowly rises to her feet and struggles to catch her breath. The run must've taken a toll on her. She coughs into a clenched fist and watches as the creature tries and fails to grab them. Suddenly, it stops. The clicking sound returns and it races away from the warehouse, seemingly towards it's next prey.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 20:42 (3 Years ago)
It didn't take long for Tayla to return to her home. She had just reached the ledge and was about to crawl into her home when the hairs on her neck suddenly rose up. Something was coming... Soon after, the air changed dramatically. She didn't have time to process what was happening because of the loud hum that shot through the streets seconds afterward.

Tayla's agonized scream was muffled by the sounds of the hum. She fought the urge to curl into a fetal position and cover her ears. Instead she forces herself through the crawlspace, the difference in sound was immediately noticable the moment she made it inside. Her ears were still ringing and her heart was still pounding as she lay on the floor, trying to process what was happening and where she was.

Faustus was also affected by the change. He roamed around the warehouse with his ears pinned back, stopping only for a second to swipe a paw over his ears before he took off running again. He was growling at nothing, targeting an enemy that wasn't there. At times, he would launch his front paws towards the air, as if to attack an invisible foe. It was apparent that something was wrong. Suddenly, Faustus stops, his breathing was still quickened as he lay on the ground, slowly glancing around in a disoriented state.

Where am I? What was I doing again? What's going on? What happened? All of these questions hit Tayla at once as she stares up the ceiling. She was suddenly aware of everything. The way her heart was beating, her panicked breathing, even the way her muscles twitched as she tried and failed to sit up. But after a few minutes of fighting, the sensation slowly passed. That's right, I was getting supplies. I'm home. I'm- her eyes widen suddenly, that's when it hits her. That hum... It had to be something... An attack maybe? Not trusting that it was safe to return back to the others, she scoots away from the entrance and rests against the wall, waiting until it would be safe to leave.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 16:26 (3 Years ago)
Pausing only for a second to see that Razor was following behind them, Tayla continues her pursuit towards the warehouse. Squeezing her way through to stand besides Darcy. She wasn't lying. Unlike the hundreds of other buildings in the area, the only rubble inside was old boxes and crates and rusted shelves. Whatever contents that were once inside the boxes were most likely stolen a long time ago. Still, Tayla would like to take a good look at all of them to confirm. Anything could be good use to them.

"Do you mind looking through the boxes and crates?" Tayla asks Razor and Darcy. "Even if there isn't anything we can still use the boxes to create fires." She turns towards the entrance. "I'll be back, I'm going to bring a few supplies over from my house."

She starts to move outside, Faustus following behind. She turns around suddenly, holding out her hand to stop him. "Stay back and protect them" she commands. "I'll be back momentarily. What's the worst that can happen?" She asks with a smirk.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 04:24 (3 Years ago)
Not wanting to seem like a coward, Tayla follows close behind her. She wasn't a fan of the unknowns. It was why she liked to do her research before she targeted her next victim. But she was already starting to break that rule, why stop now? Faustus leaves Diablo behind to follow close behind the two. His presence made Tayla feel a bit more comfortable.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 04:13 (3 Years ago)
"Be careful" she warns. There was no telling what dangers could be lurking within the shadows of the building. It could be other people, it could be monsters, it could even be a normal wild animal. Although she would think that there wouldn't be anything in there, especially since it was so close to her home. She would know if something was nearby. Then again, she never noticed the building until now.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 04:03 (3 Years ago)
Tayla knew a thing or two about being alone. Although in her case, it was usually by choice. Less people to potentially stab you in the back. Still, more people meant less work for her to do. She was quickly learning that surviving on your own and hunting down past criminals was no easy task.

She smirks at Darcy. "I'm glad to have you on the team and I'm glad Del's taking a liking for me. Better that then the opposite." Her smile vanishes, her tone quickly turning serious as she adds "don't think so low of yourself. You survived this long alone right? That must count for something. You'll be very beneficial to this team."

She didn't know why she was trying to lift Darcy up. She should just leave both Razor and Darcy behind and return home. Yet, she didn't. Speaking of which, if they really were going to join forces, then her single room home wouldn't be sufficient. Fortunately that problem was solved rather quickly.

Glancing past Darcy, she spots a large building behind them. It was surprisingly intake. "What's that?" She asks, pointing towards what looked to be a warehouse.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 03:27 (3 Years ago)
"So you're searching for protection then?" Tayla asks. Once again, her instincts cation her to ignore the girl. She wasn't her problem. Her way of protecting someone was killing whoever was threatening them, never once did her job description say that she should take them under her wing.

Yet here she was, about to do something stupid. She must've been getting soft. "Why don't you join us?" Tayla asks. "If Razor is okay with it, you'll be more than safe joining us for the time being."

Faustus glances down at Diablo, his head was cocked slightly, his way of showing confusion as best as the feline could. The larger animal carefully sits back on his hunches and sits over the smaller animal. Like Tayla, he was suddenly calm, but still determined to protect Diablo.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 02:43 (3 Years ago)
Once again, Tayla glances at Razor. She couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head. Did he trust the girl? She seemed convincing enough and she did more or less bring up a good point. While she had no way of knowing Tayla's true strength, it would still be foolish to go after two people alone... Was she alone?

Tayla glances at the buildings above. If there was somebody with this girl then they were doing a fantastic job at hiding themselves. I should stop being so paranoid... she turns back to face the girl. "Excellent" she says, "I'm happy to hear that there doesn't need to be bloodshed for either party." She doesn't respond to the first part, but only because she wasn't certain whenever or not it would be safe to answer something like that. What do you know? She wants to ask.

"What are you doing walking around anyway?" She asks instead. "Don't you know that it isn't safe? There could be those weird monsters running around, or more hostile enemies." She holds up a hand, already predicting her response: So what are you doing out then? "We're aware of the dangers" she assures.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 02:20 (3 Years ago)
"Kill you?" Tayla asks. "I can't speak for my friend here, but there is no need to hurt so much as a hair on your head so long as you aren't a threat to us." All of her talk was just talk. Even if Tayla wanted to kill her, she wouldn't have the weapons to do it. She just had to hope that the girl wouldn't notice.

Faustus growling almost immediately stops the moment Tayla decides that she wasn't going to harm the girl. Still, his tail continues to lash aggressively when he notices Diablo scurry behind him.

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Posted: Mon, 09/08/2021 20:40 (3 Years ago)
Not good...

The movement was small. Tayla would've missed it if not for the fact that she was trying look anywhere but at Razor. For a second she thought she imagined it- the crow in the sky. But her eyes follow the bird as it sails towards the ground and perches onto a stranger's shoulder. Where did she come from?

Her hand moves towards her back on instinct and she grasps at nothing. That's right, I left the crossbow at home. She tries to lower her hand as casually as possible. Easy now... She glances at Razor at the corner of her eye. Was he seeing this? "We have company" she whispers.

She didn't want to assume that this stranger was dangerous. She couldn't be, if she were, why would she not try to hide herself? But her paranoia cautioned her to not lower her guard. Next to her, Faustus was doing a poor job at pretending to not see the woman. His ears were pulled back and he was growling at the stranger.

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Posted: Mon, 09/08/2021 17:49 (3 Years ago)
The sudden aggression should've scared her. In fact, it should've been terrifying to the weaponless girl. Yet she only felt relieved. Because there it was! This was what she was searching for. His fighting spirit. Nobody could survive this long on their own without one. So why did he keep it hidden for so long?

Laughing out loud, Tayla stops walking to meet his gaze, at least before he turned away. "Now, now, no need to bite my head off" she replies smoothly, the smug smile never leaving her lips. "I apologise, I really didn't mean to ask that out loud. I was just curious. It's understandably a touchy subject."

She narrows her eyes, watching him closely. The scratches... something had to happen to him, but what? "You speak with such contempt..." She turns away, dismissively staring at the road ahead. "I won't pry anymore." She promises.

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Posted: Mon, 09/08/2021 16:32 (3 Years ago)
"That's a very good question and I'm afraid I don't have much of an answer for it" Tayla replies. "He appeared shortly after the world fell apart. I would've chased him off if not for this odd connection I feel towards him... It's as if he is another physical part of myself." That theory proved to be true, because whenever Faustus got injured she did as well. Fortunately, the intelligent creature didn't get injured all that often.

Tayla walks in silent for a moment, watching as Faustus pretends to act indifferent towards the creature. But his gaze keeps returning to the creature and the road ahead, as if he were afraid that a sudden danger would randomly appear at any moment and target the smaller animal.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" The question slips out without warning. Tayla's eyes widen when she realizes that she had blurted that out. "You don't need to answer that if you don't want to" she quickly adds.

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