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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from FunnyWolf.
Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 12:22 (10 Years ago)
(Accepted We will wait for pika now.. x3)

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 03:35 (10 Years ago)

Prepay or pay later?

(If you do prepay do it tomorrow probably because i gotta go soon)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 21:21 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 18:21 (10 Years ago)
Yes you do..

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 17:02 (10 Years ago)
(This RP is emera-like basically meaning we are going away from emera on a boat for... Eh here ..)

Trainers of emera town have been given tickets to go to sinnoh for a vacation
Most of them accept but some sell their tickets for other pokemon or items some heroes from the last adventure are coming too!
(Yeeeeah.. im horrible with this narrator stuff... Anyway the last RP Was mysterious island if you wanna know whats kinda happening go check that out x3)

1. No godmodding
(im horrible at making rules :3)
2. Only use pokemon that you have here on PH/Emera


Age: (Not your real age.. unless you want to but.. Like the age of your person on PH)
Pokemon: (Up to 6)

My form

Other: Also leader of team rainysky hes keeping it secret though he brought his invention the box ball to test it with his beedrill horde. Absol ralts and lucario are mega-able (The normal absol the shiny is the normal ones brother)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 16:25 (10 Years ago)
I just got my kyurem egg massclicking a friend it came about 10 pokemon before the massclick ended (around 340 pokes) Im so happy! X3

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 14:50 (10 Years ago)
Fruits, Let's Make a Pokemon Makeover!
Trainer Gender:Male
Trainer Sprite (optional):
Pokemon:Groudon (Primal)
With Pokemon?: (I dunno what this means.. Does it mean like the pokemon with the trainer? If its that.. then) No
Other:If i cant order more then 1 then ignore the next one

Fruits, Let's Make a Pokemon Makeover!
Trainer Gender:Male
Trainer Sprite (optional):
Pokemon:Kyogre (Primal)
With Pokemon?:No
Other: o:

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 14:32 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 14:07 (10 Years ago)
Whichever ^^ Paying now would get your hunt done Right after my mega beedrill hunt (And i also would get premium which is extremely helpful) paying later (After i get your shiny) Well.. i dont know x3 (I really hope the mega bee hunt wont take long so i can finish your order with premium if you do prepay)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 14:04 (10 Years ago)

Palpad PM or comment

Basically make an item (add a name to it)
Then a description like the box ball
(The box ball is also mainly used for hordes of a certain pokemon to attack team Darkemerald)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 14:01 (10 Years ago)
Yep! 8 BN right?

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 13:19 (10 Years ago)
Oops! i forgot to post this on the last bump xP
(Sorry for doublepost)

A bigger announcement..

Shiny event hunts for 8 BN!
If its a shiny mega-able
Any mega-ables after the 1st one are also yours!

Hunts will be started right after my Shiny mega beedrill hunt

Prepayers get theirs first

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 13:02 (10 Years ago)
Your not in the group so please dont post.. (Unless your joining then you should edit your post)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 13:00 (10 Years ago)
I dont know x3 since your an inventor you can make ideas for things we can use against team DarkEmerald (Like the box ball! .. now i can send an army of beedrills at them Heheh..)

If enough inventions get accepted People can become Elite inventors

(To anyone/everyone reading this)

Added pokemon of the month (At the very bottom)

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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 12:50 (10 Years ago)
Accepted (i guess everyones a trainer anyway.. i might just remove that job/rank XD)

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Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 16:54 (10 Years ago)
"Ah.. Yes Cyber clan.. Hm Well When you do become leader.. You'll do great!" He said then sighed "But anyway.. One of the bug clan was here just before you got here and it seems death is killing many creatures.."

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Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 16:38 (10 Years ago)
Kyle ended up back where he found the gryphon "Wait.. you were protecting something!" he ran over to the rock "Dig under here!" Kyle said and the gryphon began digging

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Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 16:25 (10 Years ago)
a once evil and fallen team brought back by a trainer funnywolf also known as fastrun25 he remade the team and is now going to use it for good against team darkemerald who want to flood the earth using both lugia and kyogres powers

"Hey!" i (Fast) Yell from an alley of emera you walk up to me "Hey [Insert name here] you live here in emera.. i know a lot of the people that live here Though a lot dont know me" i said "Anyway.. your here to join team rainysky right?" [Your answer] "Yes" "No"
"Alright then follow me" i climb down into a sewer then we walk a bit splashing in the water from the sewers we then climb another ladder down and open a door leading into a massive base with many (Or very little sometimes) People walking around working battling training with there partners
"So heres our base we've got forms over there" i pointed to a table full of identical papers and a shiny gengar looking at some papers "Then we've got everyones rooms over there" I pointed over to a door marked "Rooms" Where some people went inside looking tired and some came out looking ready to start working "You'll get points for doing many things here and then you may buy stuff for your room We'll give you a bed a table and a chair to start building up your room you can buy bigger rooms too with your points which are called Rain points Anyway you should probably go sign up if your going to join... I've got work to do!" Then i ran off

You then walk to the desk with the shiny gengar sorting already signed forms "Ah hello" She said "Im slash! You wanna sign up to join rainysky?" She handed you a piece of paper

How many Pokemon do you have:
Job: (Yep.. XD Jobs: Inventor Spy Scientist Admin More may be added and info is down below about each job Only a selected few may be admins though)
Favorite pokemon:
How many shinys do you have:

You then fill it out "Yeah.. fast didn't know what to add onto the form so he added a bit of random stuff Heh" slash said then taking your form and looking it over "Oh! you might wanna read the rules too" She pointed up to a board behind her then you read them

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"Rule number 1 Do not be rude to ANY other members of the team!"
"Rule number 2 Try to be active"

"I really think fast has no idea what hes doing trying to make a team but.. Im one of his pokemon so i'll just help him out" Slash said then continued reading forms sent in by others

You walk around searching around the base then find a room telling you about each job

"Scientists Help us research many things including evolution mega evolution pokemon Gear that inventors make and many other things!"

"Trainers Are at the battle lines fighting team darkemerald to keep them from getting their goal Everyone can have this rank AND another rank"

"Spys will sneak around team darkemeralds base finding out their plans and reporting them to the admins or fast"

"Inventors are a very important role they get an idea then make it into a piece of gear that can be used for spys trainers admins scientists and even fast! You can make new types of gear or vehicles to travel around and other stuff"

"Admins are a selected few people that are higher then any other rank EXCEPT fast And can accept forms and other stuff Admins can also have another job (Spy Inventor or scientist)"

You go through the door marked "Rooms" and look around you see a shop that says "Selling Stuff for your rooms! Get computers! New beds! And more"
You finally find a room that says [Your username here]'s room and go inside it has a small table a chair and a bunk bed Then fast comes in "Alright so .. I'll let you Rest! Sometimes we'll have missions for certain members And you can get rain points for completing them which allow you to do more here" then fast left

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Funnywolf: [Leader/Inventor/Trainer]

Marky: [Admin/Inventor] Rainpoints: 1

Secret910: [Inventor/Trainer] Rainpoints: 3

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Made by Funnywolf (Team Rainysky Leader)
"Box ball! It is all grey and acts like the boxes you put pokemon inside it allows you to throw it then release all the pokemon from the box you connected it to but it can only release 1 species of a pokemon chosen due to it being newer"

Made by secret910 (Team Rainysky Inventor)
"So well the invention looks like a flute but it more like a recoder. Its color is like a dark color. If someone blows the thing,the people who hears it will be hypnotised. But it will only avalailable for 4 hours. After that limit,they will realize from the hypnotise."

It is...

Whoever can get the most of this pokemon Gets a prize! Theres also a prize for whoever can get the most of this pokemon in SHINY form!
Prizes: (Still being decided)

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Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 15:00 (10 Years ago)
Bump :o

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Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 20:01 (10 Years ago)
The leader of animal clan stood up from his table then he walked over to virtua "Your buisness here?" He asked.

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