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Searching for: Posts from andrea~.
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 08:43 (1 Year ago)
done! might add more but I’ll bump again if I do :)

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Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 04:45 (1 Year ago)
@Interna_Chaotica, D2 male is taken up by Kendo. Maybe choose a diff district, or PP him to work it out?

A reminder of the spots that are no longer available!



@cardboard, junebug, daiko, accepted!
@all make comfy suffer, treat their characters with nothing but warmth and happiness
@all if you want death fodder, sure, go ahead. If you want your character to kill/(or in the case of the current roleplayers we have here) be killed by someone, work it out with them and lmk one way or another.
@junebugg successfully switched districts!

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Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 03:20 (1 Year ago)
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know it well enough”

Your Username: -andrea-
Character name: Florence Oregon
Age: 23
Gender: female
INTP (The Logician)| 5w4

Deeply curious, independent, and very self-sufficient, Penny has many interests and often becomes an expert in more than one area. Spending time alone, reading, and exploring their interests is the ideal of a perfect time for this highly introverted type. Though they are rational and emotionally distant in general, they show unique creativity and a sense of humor within their closest circle and at work. They simply cannot be shallow and artificial, even if they want to be. Their inquisitive, powerful minds see beyond the surface, which is why they appear to know almost everything. When it comes to friendships and romantic relationships, these people are very selective. They prefer serious commitment and take an unusually long time to warm up. They are the most likely to feel comfortable traveling alone, dedicating their time to learning new things and following their interests. They exude delicate but pleasant energy, and people around them are often curious about this sophisticated, silent type. They are the person in your circle who speaks rarely but smartly and with purpose. This is why others are often so impressed with the depth of their insight and the speed at which they collect information. pride themselves on their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe. Penny is the type to prefer solitude, as they can easily become immersed in their thoughts when they are left to their own devices. They are also incredibly creative and inventive, and they are not afraid to express their novel ways of thinking or to stand out from the crowd.

Weapon(s): sniper/damascus steel throwing knives
Other: tbd
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?: yeah

The Great War

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Posted: Wed, 10/01/2024 10:38 (1 Year ago)
@all res/accepted

@res’d people bump to start/finish your forms!

@satoru may I request a sample of your standard post length? I haven’t roleplayed with you yet, so I hope you won’t mind me asking.

Heads up to all who’ve signed up/wish to sign up, these are the taken spots. Also, lmk if you’re comfortable with pp or not.



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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2024 05:29 (1 Year ago)
daiko, res’d

D5 male gone.

Everglades, resd. Will give you a district shortly before I close sign ups

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Posted: Mon, 08/01/2024 23:22 (1 Year ago)
Comfy, accepted!
that’s D4/11 male gone~

June, Seren, res’d!
that’s D3 male, D1/9 female gone~

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Posted: Mon, 08/01/2024 05:24 (1 Year ago)
See No Evil

Panem is a dystopian nation divided into twelve districts, ruled by the Capitol. As punishment for a failed rebellion many years before, each district must annually choose two tributes, one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen, to fight to the death in the annual Hunger Games, until one victor remains. The event is televised across the Capitol and all districts, who are forced to watch. This year, there’s a little twist. People born with, or possessing supernatural abilities have been chosen. And something tells me…this time, the Games will be a little twisted. But surely it can’t be that bad….right?

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Strengths and Weaknesses:

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1. This is meant to be a semi-lit roleplay (Meaning at least one paragraph per post)
2. No bunnying or powerplaying.
3. Cursing is allowed, but please don’t get yourself banned
4. Romance is allowed and can affect your character's actions, but it should NOT affect the storyline
5. Hate the character, not the roleplayer
6. Max of 2 characters, and they can not be from the same district
7. Breaking any of the above rules will result in a strike. Two strikes and you are banned from any future roleplays I make. If rule 5 is broken, it’s an IMMEDIATE ban from my rps.

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All credits to SerenityFallows’ We’re Only Human for the Districts and descriptions!
District 1:
Members of District 1 were known to produce luxury items such as jewelry. Due to their skill in craftsmanship, the goods that came out of District 1 were used to decorate the Capitol. Those who lived in District 1 were some of the wealthiest citizens of Panem. Tributes from District 1 were known as "Careers" because they trained for years before competing in the Hunger Games.
District 2:
Located in the Rocky Mountains, District 2 was one of the largest communities in Panem. It was also home to wealthy citizens, resulting in a positive relationship with the Capitol. District 2 was known for its masonry and weapon manufacturing. Tributes are also known as careers.
District 3:
The main industry in District 3 was technology as the people there produced televisions, computers, and other electronics
1. Andrea (17) (-andrea)
District 4:
District 4 specialized in the fishing industry. The citizens in District 4 were known to be wealthy and very good-looking. Their tributes were also Careers, training from a very early age to prepare for the Games
District 5:
District 5 was responsible for power and electricity. The area produced the electricity that powered all of Panem. They housed a hydroelectric dam which many of the citizens worked in
District 6:
The core industry within District 6 was transportation. It served as the hub for the transport network throughout all of Panem
District 7:
District 7 supplied Panem with copious supplies of lumber. The area was said to be surrounded mostly by trees
District 8:
District 8 was known for their work in the textiles industry. One of their factories was dedicated to producing the uniforms used by the Peacekeepers
1. Lilith Amberstar (18) (-andrea-)
District 9:
The main industry at the focus of District 9 was grain production. The area was the least referenced district in all of Panem. Not much is known about the victors or tributes from District 9
District 10:
District 10 focused on the livestock industry. Their main job was to raise animals and supply the meat to the Capitol
District 11:
District 11 was said to be composed of a very large area, possibly the entire Southern region of Panem. Agriculture was the main industry of District 11 as the land was covered in orchards, crop fields, and cattle farms. District 11 was one of the poorest districts and its citizens lived in small shacks in an area patrolled by Peacekeepers
District 12:
District 12 was the smallest and poorest district in Panem. The district was located in Appalachia and their main industry was coal mining

My forms:
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" Dance, my little pupils, dance! "

animal farm - BIBI
0:01 ❍─────── 4:28
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

ɴᴀᴍᴇ / andrea
ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ / the obscurus/ the loving queen
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ / ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ / female she/her
ᴀɢᴇ / 3.5 years

ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴘʀᴇꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ / none
ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴘʀᴇꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ / bisexual

ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ /

INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher

She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. Andrea loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Andrea is organized and prefer following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals.
Probably one of the more mentally unstable ones, Andrea is narcissistic and passive aggressive. She is described as a cynical, sadistic and psychopathic person, having long lost the very essence of what it means to be human. She is smart, not just in terms of intellect but also street smarts. But above all, she is manipulative. Is she ever truly on anyone’s side? She can be a saint, she can be a devil, a sweetheart or a monster, depending on her audience.

Powers / blood manipulation 🩶

ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱᴇꜱ /
emotionally numb, will not be able to tell the difference between anger and happiness
sometimes doesn’t get along well with other people. kinda gets motion sick on boats, comes off as creepy and not very friendly.

ʜɪꜱᴛᴏʀʏ /

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 12:20 (1 Year ago)
“Nice to meet you, Dee. My name is Cami, short for Caramel Milk Cookie. I was a Professor at the Parfaedia Institute of Magic.” Cami dropped to a polite bow, giving Dee a small smile. “Though I do suppose you’re right. It is unnaturally skittish.” A short pause, as her eyes flickered over to Ruby. “Seems to like you both. I’d much prefer dead ones, however, given that powdered pomegranate scarab carapace would make a wonderful itch relief mixed with the gem of a pomegranate snake, and a few other ingredients” Cami pointed her staff in the air, then looked back at the ragtag band of travelers. “We should leave soon if we want to reach the city by nightfall”

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 08:23 (1 Year ago)
Andrea A Kaminsky’s POV

With nothing to do, Andrea headed back home. They wouldn’t need her yet. And honestly? What good were forensic analysts in a world full of androids? Like hell there were going to be any blood samples from them. What a waste of talent. Or not. With an exaggerated sigh, she headed for her bedroom. Despite the clear differences in wealth between humans and androids, Andrea was, what you’d call ‘upper-class’. Thanks to her various aunts and uncles, as well as her natural beauty and vixen-like nature, Andrea had managed to accumulate a fair sum of money under her name. Perhaps Andrea was narcissistic, but she had good reason to be. With such dashing looks that could sway both men and women, she had now, over six husbands, all of which fawned over her, showering her with whatever they could spare. Those who saw past her sweet, loving exterior would compare her to a kitsune. But if you asked Andrea? Well, she had been blessed with good looks, and she’d damn well use it. Heading to her bedroom, she took out an easel and began painting. The half-complete portrait looked frighteningly like Cassidy, and she hummed quietly to herself as she worked, as if projecting the young girl’s bright smile from her mind, directly onto the canvas

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 06:02 (1 Year ago)
Cami walked along silently with the rest, keeping a wary eye out for any creatures. When Dee came back with the pomegranate scarab, she raised her eyes curiously “It’s not one of Dark Enchantress Cookie’s minions right? Last I recall, she had all sorts of little critters under her control”

Coca, on the other hand, had gotten distracted by the food Rosewater Cookie brought out. She bounded over on her little dragon paws to Rosewater Cookie, looking up at her with her best puppy eyes, as if to ask for some of the food.

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Posted: Tue, 14/11/2023 11:49 (1 Year ago)
Andrea A Kaminsky’s POV

“Well I suppose prey isn’t the most fitting word either. What’s a better word for it….goods? Mmm, yeah, that seems like a better term. You’ve no idea how easy men are to manipulate after a few drinks, a couple accidental displays of indecency and the like. Rohypnol is a particularly handy drug to induce sleep. As well as anterograde amnesia. Though most don’t survive more than a day after interacting with me.” Andrea drawls out, curling her fingers like a cat and admiring her way-too-pointy purple nails.

“Well….If you do wanna show your appreciation, sweetheart, there is something you can do. And please, do feel free to call me Alia…..” Andrea trails off for a moment or two, as if considering if she should continue.

“What do you say you spend some of your free time with me? I could teach you how to do forensic analysis. A little bit more knowledge never hurt anyone, y’know what I mean, cutie?” Andrea clearly enjoyed seeing how flustered Cass got, evident by the small smile on her face, the most genuine expression she had ever showed during this…intern welcome thingy.

“Chin up, darling. Appearances may not be everything, but it’s certainly damn helpful. Put on an air of confidence, hold yourself with pride. And try not to fluster and stutter. It’s cute, that’s for sure, but won’t leave a good impression on your work partners.” Andrea purred out, stretching out a hand to flick upwards, gesturing to Cass.

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Posted: Sun, 12/11/2023 02:24 (1 Year ago)
Andrea A Kaminsky’s POV

Cass definitely looked like a child on sugar high. Bouncing about her spot, wide-eyed and grinning, she reminded Andrea of a small child on way too much sugar that was just informed she was going to Disneyland. Interesting. A little nervous, perhaps, but there wasn’t the usual fear others had when talking to her. This was more like…should she say, a childlike mix of curiosity and awe? And with that thought, Andrea’s lips curved upwards in a small smirk- she had found her new target. “Well then, hello to you, Cass. I admire your guts to approach me, and judging from your work these past few months…I’d consider you less annoying.” She drawled out, swirling the wine in her glass before taking a sip.

It was quite true, Andrea had been observing the young girl for quite some time, amazed by her skill at the age where most other girls would still be schooling, chatting about girly things or boys or whatever. Cass seemed mature for her age. No matter, she was still a little innocent. A compliment here, a well placed praise there, and she would have Cassidy as a sort of…victim? No no, what was that word again? Ah yes, an apprentice.

“Ma’am? Well, that’s a first. I’ve only ever had…well, men scream that out as they begged me to- never mind that’s not very PG. A little too gruesome and violent. Point is, I’ve never been addressed as such unless it’s my new prey” Andrea mimed the slicing of a neck as well as several other gestures that looked suspiciously like organ harvesting. “But anyways, sweetheart, I must insist on letting your first sip of alcohol be a good one. If you ever wish to try alcohol, do come find me.”

Andrea’s smirk grew wider when Cass flushed under her gaze, probably realising what she had just addressed Andrea as. “Call me Andrea, darling. Or Alia, whichever you’re more comfortable with”

The compliments seem to be causing Cass to trip over her words with an adorable stutter. “I know I’m talented, cutie. Though I appreciate the compliment. You’re not too shabby yourself.” Three nicknames had slipped out already, Andrea’s words seemingly nonchalant. Silver-tongued and eloquent, her words rolled off her tongue with ease, bringing with it a waterfall of compliments for the young Cassidy.

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Posted: Sat, 11/11/2023 13:08 (1 Year ago)
potential res here too :)

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Posted: Sat, 11/11/2023 13:07 (1 Year ago)
Andrea A Kaminsky’s POV

A small pause, as Andrea’s sharp eyes drank in the odd sight before her, scanning this new… victim carefully. This girl sure seemed to have swallowed a lion, to date to approach her. Andrea sighed, straightening to her full height with a concerning crack of her bones, towering over Cass’ short stature. 17, and already Investigative Assistant. Impressive. A small smile crept onto her face, as Andrea husked out in a low purr “Cassidy Louvin, our young, bright mind. How may I assist you?.” With a grin that was almost predatory, she stalked closer to Cass, long red hair nearly touching Cass’ face as she leaned forward.

Hearing what she had to said, she let out a light chuckle. Andrea couldn’t help but marvel at Cass’ boldness. “Perhaps you’d like to open your eyes first? And rest assured, this is merely Cabernet Sauvignon. One of my favourites, though this one’s particularly…rich. I’d offer you some, but I’d hate to give alcohol to a minor. Come back next year, hmm? Or whenever you’re allowed to drink, I’ll save a lil something special for you.” Andrea's eyes, sharp and discerning, betrayed a calculated intent beneath the facade of friendliness, voice no more than a velvety whisper.

A well-manicured hand reached out, as if wanting to grab Cassidy, before retracting, instead tapping against the wine glass with a thoughtful rhythm “You’re interesting” Andrea commented, gaze sharp and unyielding. “And talented to” High praise coming from the rumoured insane forensic analyst.

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Posted: Fri, 10/11/2023 07:32 (1 Year ago)
Celine Noëlle’s POV

Celine’s eyes lit up immediately. Paperwork? She loved paperwork. Every document on her desk found its place in a perfectly arranged array, and each line she penned exuded a deliberate accuracy. No matter who it was, her colleagues or clients never failed to marvel at the flawlessness of her reports, as Celine's commitment to precision became a hallmark of her professional reputation. In the bustling offices where chaos often reigned, Celine stood out as a paragon of order and precision, an ever sturdy pen and a bright mind full of fresh yet organized ideas.

Her approach to documentation was akin to crafting a delicate piece of art. Each stroke of her pen was purposeful, forming letters with an unwavering consistency. She scrutinized every figure and cross-referenced details with an almost obsessive attention to accuracy. Colossal spreadsheets and complex reports were tackled with a methodical grace that turned the most daunting tasks into a ballet of meticulousness.

Her commitment to precision was not just a personal quirk but a professional asset. Highly sought out for projects that demanded an exacting eye, Celine would never fail to deliver outcomes that were not only error-free but also infused with a level of detail that set a new standard within the organization. Where she lacked in time management, she made up for in the sheer flawlessness of her work.

Yet, beneath the surface of this precision-driven exterior, Celine was more than a walking calculator. She possessed a profound understanding of the importance of her work, realizing that the accuracy of her paperwork had a ripple effect on the entire team's efficiency. Her attention to detail wasn't just about perfection for its own sake; it was a commitment to ensuring the smooth functioning of the intricate machinery that kept the office running.

While some might view her meticulous nature as bordering on the obsessive, others recognized the value she brought to the workplace. Celine, with her pens, folders, and spreadsheets, had become an indispensable cornerstone of the office's operational integrity, transforming paperwork from a mundane task into an art form of precision and reliability.

And with that, she plopped down onto the floor, got into a comfortable position and pulled out a stack of papers, checking them through thoroughly, tuning out whatever silly arguments those around her were having. Or whatever it was they were talking to each other about.

Andrea A Kaminsky’s POV

Casually observing the crowd over the glass of red wine? blood? in her hand, Andrea’s gaze was sharp and piercing, boring into your soul should you accidentally (or deliberately) make eye contact with her. She cradled the delicate wine glass between her fingers, the deep red liquid swirling within. With each sip, she savored the rich flavor, her posture exuding an undeniable haughtiness. The subtle tilt of her head and the way her eyes gleamed over the rim of the glass spoke of a connoisseur reveling in the exquisite taste, making even the simple act of drinking red wine a display of elegance and refinement. Her gaze was at best dismissive, yet cold and calculating. Glaring at a daring trainee, Andrea sent said boy scampering away in fear, lips parted in a snarl as she flashed a set of teeth too sharp to be normal at him.

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Posted: Tue, 07/11/2023 05:19 (1 Year ago)
updated desc, oreo thief :)

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Posted: Mon, 06/11/2023 23:31 (1 Year ago)
Name: Andrea Alianovna Kaminsky

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Birthday: 14 Dec

Role at the Agency: Forensic Analyst

She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. Andrea loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Andrea is organized and prefer following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals.
Probably one of the more mentally unstable ones, Andrea is narcissistic and passive aggressive. She is described as a cynical, sadistic and psychopathic person, having long lost the very essence of what it means to be human. She is smart, not just in terms of intellect but also street smarts. But above all, she is manipulative. Is she ever truly on anyone’s side? She can be a saint, she can be a devil, a sweetheart or a monster, depending on her audience.

Personality Type: INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher

[]Height: 162cm
[]Weight: 48kg
[]Skin Tone: ghostly pale
[]Hair Style: wavy and long, fringe tied into a small plait
[]Hair Colour: red
[]Eye Colour: murky whitish grey, like a pool of arsenic
[]Clothes: simple turtleneck blouse with a black coverall?
[]Accessories: a syringe hairpin, syringe necklace and some sort of cattle skull headband
[]Other: TBD

History: Efficient, reliable and fantastic at her work, Andrea is not a person to be doubted. She gets the job done, no questions asked, even if she does pocket a few samples of skin and blood every now and then.

Sexuality: Lesbian

Voice Claim: Lee Si Won (Devil’s Plan) a great Netflix series you should defo watch

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Posted: Mon, 06/11/2023 09:46 (1 Year ago)
Name: Celine Noëlle

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Birthday: 8 February

Role at the Agency: Secretary

They tend to be altruistic and purposeful in their behavior. They have the will to alleviate human suffering and desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community.
In their unassuming, understated way, they help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. They can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes.
She is capable, with a wealth of versatile gifts. Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships.

Personality Type: ISFJ The Caregiver | 2w1 The Companion


[]Height: 170cm
[]Weight: 55kg
[]Skin Tone: pale ivory
[]Hair Style: long and a little wavy, usually untied
[]Hair Colour: pink gradient fading to orange-yellow, like the sunrise
[]Eye Colour: light purple
[]Clothes: a plain white dress somehow kept pristine
[]Accessories: rose choker, rose hairclips, star earrings
[]Other: nil

History: TBD

Sexuality: bisexual

Voice Claim: Rosie Betzler (Jojo Rabbit)

+ reserve a forensic analyst?

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2023 23:34 (1 Year ago)
“The Meadowsweet Mountains are my home” Cami tells Ambrosia, grip still tight on her staff as she occasionally glanced warily at Snapdragon. “I’ve lived there ever since my dough was new and freshly baked, the wilderness is my own blanket, the beauty of nature surrounding my cottage each day. it’s much nicer living out there.” Cami continues, eyes looking Ambrosia up and down, noting her outfit choices. “I am curious though, how did you earn the trust of Snapdragon? Few get to talk to any dragon or dragon hybrid, let alone ride them” Cami asks, tilting her head curiously as she does so. As if she wasn’t friend with Coca, a half dragon herself. a mildly strange question to ask, given that the shorter human-dragon was clinging to Cami, feelers vibrating in mild fear

Coca meanwhile, had calmed down somewhat, curious eyes still cloudy from having just transformed, patches of dragon scales still visible on parts of her neck, yet gaze intent and fixed solely on Snapdragon.

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Posted: Mon, 23/10/2023 23:14 (1 Year ago)

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