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Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 18:39 (11 Years ago) |
"Maggie! I'm Maggie!" the Mismagius quickly jumped in, swirling around the Espeon. Laughing, she zipped over to Paige. "I like Paige!" she declared, a bit randomly. "Paige is a friend now! And Nebula, and Yoru, and Rin!" Settling back down, she gave a satisfied nod. "Many, many new friends!" And to herself, she quietly add "Giratina likes new friends too, huh?" The legendary gave a warm flash of approval, making her already large smile widen even more. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 18:22 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 18:14 (11 Years ago) |
Username: Mituna (Tuna if you want something shorter) Name: Alex Age: 19 Gender: male Appearance: The one with the white hair. *Not my art* Personality: Calm, collected, and hard to anger. He's rather serious usually, but tends to use quite a bit of bitter sarcasm. Doesn't usually open up to others, and prefers to keep his emotions and his problems to himself. History: He and his twin brother have not received their pokemon guardians earlier because they were always busy. When they were young, they attended a rich private school with rigorous work, and were forced to stay home and study. However, when they turned 15, the money in the family suddenly ran out, and they had to start working. Until this year, they have been working the night of the Soul Ceremony. Soul Token: About the size of a ping pong ball, mostly brown with ghostly purple, swirling cracks How they bond: Alex and his guardian Stantler met the first time when Alex was very young. His brother had dared him to sneak out into the woods for a night, and they had an accidental encounter. Not aware of the power of Stantler horns, he was suddenly quite entrance, and woke up outside his house, apparently because the pokemon brought him home. Since then, whenever Alex enters the woods, he usually catches glimpses of what he believes to be the same pokemon. Super Secret Code: Alex's Guardian Username: You know. Name: Stantler (he likes it just the way it is T^T) Age: 20 Gender: male Appearance: Typical Stantler (with a brown tail as opposed to a tan one) Personality: Quiet, a loner. A bit mysterious at times. Wouldn't tell you that you were about to walk into a wall of spikes unless you specifically asked. Super Secret Code: Username: Same as above :P Name: Zack Age: 19 Gender: male Appearance: The one with the black hair. *Not my art* Personality: Outgoing and fiery. He's a dare devil, and never seems afraid of anything. A bit self centered and would sooner fight to the death than loose any battle that could hurt his rep. However, he cares a lot about his brother, and would even take a stab to his ego than let something happen to Alex. History: Basically the same story as Alex. Soul Token: A very large, smooth black stone, that has what seems like white mist swirling inside of it's polish. It shines a faint scarlet color. How they bond: When Zack was about 15, Darkrai attempted to him into an endless sleep. His nightmare lasted about three days, when his parents finally managed to spend basically their entire fortune to get a lunar wing and cure him. Super Secret Code: Zack's Guardian Username: If you don't know by now, something's wrong. Name: Darkrai Age: Old :P (several hundred years) Gender: Technically genderless, but goes by he Appearance: Just like your average Darkrai. Personality: Cold, uncaring, and generally emotionless. Unlike Alex's Stantler, he would be the one purposely leading you into the wall of spikes as opposed to just watching it happen. Quite ruthless, actually. Super Secret Code: ![]() [b]Username: [/b]Mituna (Tuna if you want
something shorter)
[b]Name: [/b] Alex [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b] male [b]Appearance: [/b] [url=]The one with the white hair.[/url] *Not my art* [b]Personality: [/b]Calm, collected, and hard to anger. He's rather serious usually, but tends to use quite a bit of bitter sarcasm. Doesn't usually open up to others, and prefers to keep his emotions and his problems to himself. [b]History: [/b]He and his twin brother have not received their pokemon guardians earlier because they were always busy. When they were young, they attended a rich private school with rigorous work, and were forced to stay home and study. However, when they turned 15, the money in the family suddenly ran out, and they had to start working. Until this year, they have been working the night of the Soul Ceremony. [b]Soul Token: [/b] About the size of a ping pong ball, mostly brown with ghostly purple, swirling cracks [b]How they bond: [/b]Alex and his guardian Stantler met the first time when Alex was very young. His brother had dared him to sneak out into the woods for a night, and they had an accidental encounter. Not aware of the power of Stantler horns, he was suddenly quite entrance, and woke up outside his house, apparently because the pokemon brought him home. Since then, whenever Alex enters the woods, he usually catches glimpses of what he believes to be the same pokemon. [b]Super Secret Code: [/b] [i]Alex's Guardian[/i] [b]Username: [/b]You know. [b]Name: [/b]Stantler (he likes it just the way it is T^T) [b]Age: [/b]20 [b]Gender: [/b]male [b]Appearance: [/b]Typical Stantler (with a brown tail as opposed to a tan one) [b]Personality: [/b]Quiet, a loner. A bit mysterious at times. Wouldn't tell you that you were about to walk into a wall of spikes unless you specifically asked. [b]Super Secret Code: [/b] [b]Username: [/b] Same as above :P [b]Name: [/b]Zack [b]Age: [/b]19 [b]Gender: [/b]male [b]Appearance: [/b][url=]The one with the black hair.[/url] *Not my art* [b]Personality: [/b]Outgoing and fiery. He's a dare devil, and never seems afraid of anything. A bit self centered and would sooner fight to the death than loose any battle that could hurt his rep. However, he cares a lot about his brother, and would even take a stab to his ego than let something happen to Alex. [b]History: [/b]Basically the same story as Alex. [b]Soul Token: [/b]A very large, smooth black stone, that has what seems like white mist swirling inside of it's polish. It shines a faint scarlet color. [b]How they bond: [/b] When Zack was about 15, Darkrai attempted to him into an endless sleep. His nightmare lasted about three days, when his parents finally managed to spend basically their entire fortune to get a lunar wing and cure him. [b]Super Secret Code: [/b] [i]Zack's Guardian[/i] [b]Username: [/b]If you don't know by now, something's wrong. [b]Name: [/b]Darkrai [b]Age: [/b]Old :P (several hundred years) [b]Gender: [/b]Technically genderless, but goes by he [b]Appearance: [/b]Just like your average Darkrai. [b]Personality: [/b]Cold, uncaring, and generally emotionless. Unlike Alex's Stantler, he would be the one purposely leading you into the wall of spikes as opposed to just watching it happen. Quite ruthless, actually. [b]Super Secret Code: [/b] [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:36 (11 Years ago) |
Diving headfirst into the spot where the Furret had been, she found she didn't even have to phase, like the ground simply didn't exist there. "Oh! The grounds a trick!" she finally deduced. "Illusions, illusion~" Inside the base already were a Riolu, a Gardevoir, a Zorua, and of course the Furret. When she tripped, Maggie giggled. "Silly Furret!" she commented, deciding to refer to it as such until she learned a name. "Is this Silly Furret's home?" Rin watched the girls enter, keeping himself in a shadowy corner. He didn't like how crowded it was becoming. If the illusion didn't hold or if the humans didn't fall for it, they were all sitting ducks. However, with the only other option to take his chances out on the street again, he decided to hold faith in the Zorua and the dumbness of the humans. How long could he stay for, though? Would his being here endanger the group more? Well, all the pokemon here were a little different. They must know that their abnormalities made them wanted. "Should we have some sort of introductions?" Rin looked at Paige. If they were all going to be crammed in here, they might as well get to know each other's names, at minimum. He'd like to know if any were spies for the humans as well, but he doubted anyone would say they were. There was no way he could ever understand those pet pokemon, who always seemed to have so much faith... [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:08 (11 Years ago) |
Link to the Past album=Pure amazing awesomeness [
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 12:27 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 05:15 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 05:14 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 05:10 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 04:17 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Chapter 3"A-a tail?" she rasped with her dry throat, but besides the hoarseness, it was still odd. Higher pitched, it seemed. Standing up and watching it follow her, she quickly realized that it was her tail. And it looked like... No, it was a Glameow's springy tail, just grown to human proportion. Too freaked out to think hard on that, she instead looked at the room. Four plain white walls with rounded corners and no door. The ceiling overhead had two fluorescent lights hanging by chains. The floor below was white linoleum tiles with gray speckles and rather dusty looking. So how did she get in? In fact, how was she breathing with no ventilation? Taking a deep, shaky breath, she could just slightly feel the air circulating. So there had to be some way... There had to be a trick to this room. "Trick Room?" she muttered out loud. It was a pokemon move she didn't know much about beyond it was psychic type, but... The moment she said it, the walls shimmered, and a heavy looking metal door appeared, with a small window made of bars. A tray was pushed through a little slot on the bottom. Approaching it carefully, it had a plate of rather cold looking pasta, some berries, a bowl of small assorted poffins, and some pokeblocks. "Here's yer dinner," came a gruff voice from the other side of the door. "Yer a fast one, figured out the trick right quick. Most others take a while. Nearly starve to death, those 'uns." "I-is this a joke? Some kind of prank?" Kat asked, approaching the door, a bit in shock. Some unexpected movement in her reflection caught her attention. She had... Glameow ears, to go with the tail. No, this wasn't right. She was dreaming, and she just needed to wake up. "Nah, we gotta fig'er what ya like, and you Gijinka are all different. Don't know 'til ya try everything," he responded, a little too cheery. "Not that! I mean the fact that I'm in a CELL! And are you trying to tell me I'm some half pokemon hybrid? WHERE IS MY POKEMON!" she just lost it, pounding on the door, trying to squeeze her hand through the bars. "Woah woah! Cool your fur! 'Coarse this is fer real! Yer pokemon's a part of ya now. Oh, dat's right, yer part of the long batch. Don't know nothin' 'bout what's been happenin' round here. Well, the Professor done a great thing, makin' all y'all Gijinka. United the regions with his short batch of Gijinka. Been waiting for his long batch to be ready since. Gotta do more research. Word is yer part of a special group!" "Wh-what? Stopping talking stupid, just let me out! You can't tell me you think this kind of treatment is humane!" "Can't do that! Nope, nope, you all are just a little too dangerous to just let ya be off on yer own doin' whatever the hell ya please. And 'course it's humane. You ain't human, and it's fer good reason. Besides, anyone who thought otherwise didn't stand no chance 'gainst the Professors army. What can ya do 'gainst something that can attack ya and yer pokemon at the same time?" Knowing there was not use trying to reason with this idiotic guard, Kat sighed and retreated to the tray of food, which had slid quite far into the room because of the hard push it had been given. Squatting down by it, she decided to play safe and take a bite of the pasta. Immediately, she regretted it. It tasted disgusting, and she barely managed to get it down. Keeping it down was even harder. On she moved to the poffins. The sweet one was a bit overbearing, but the texture wasn't bad. Kind of like a really fluffy, half cooked dough, though she knew it was done all the way through. Next she tried a Cherri berry, but as it burst in her mouth, her tongue exploded into flames. Fanning her face, the juice trickled down and burned her chin. It took a bit of wiping with her sleeve to get it all off, and then she quickly bit into a dry pokeblock. It crumbled into dust in her mouth, and the shape was a bit too odd. So she returned to the poffins, taking a bite of each. She nearly spit out the spicy one, but found herself stuffing her face with the sour. It was odd, since she'd never before cared for sour food. Usually, she had quite a sweet tooth, but now that didn't seem that great to her. Pushing the trey back out, she sat on the bed. "Ah, bitter poffins, got it. I'll write that in yer file," the guard mumbled. Not caring to respond, she just pulled her legs in and sat against the wall, her tail twitching every so often with annoyance. Arceus, it was so odd to see. But she just wanted out of here. This needed to just be a bad dream, where she could close her eyes and just wake up back at home, or in line waiting to get into the lab. Leona couldn't be gone. Everything was just wrong. She couldn't except this. Just... no. It was a while later when the sound of footsteps came from outside, and the jingle of keys. A lock clicked, and her door opened as she shrank back into the wall. (Sorry I didn't update last night. Darn iPod spazzed and lost everything, and by then it was already late so I gave up...) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 03:32 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 03:17 (11 Years ago) |
((Sorry I haven't update the front stuff yet with the profiles. Everything keeps happening at once... @A@)) EDIT: Also, could you give me a code box of your profile? [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 03:03 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 02:58 (11 Years ago) |
"Ugh, it stinks to get sick around here, but it's nothing too terrible. The Audino and Chancy generally take care of everyone," he commented. "You guys better not have brought some icky diseases in..." [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 02:37 (11 Years ago) |
P.S. to everyone, we might have a second fortune teller. Might. [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 02:29 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 02:28 (11 Years ago) |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 02:14 (11 Years ago) |
Yzma (Emperor's New Groove. I love going Disney~) [Read more] |
Zwei OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 196 |
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 00:39 (11 Years ago) |
Something about those semi transparent pokeballs makes me happy... [Read more] |