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Only Half A Soul [Semi-Lit] Setup //Now Accepting//

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Only Half A Soul [Semi-Lit] Setup //Now Accepting//
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:55 (11 Years ago)
RP thread.

Every person is only born as a half. They are incomplete. They are only made whole when they are gifted with a Pokemon guardian from Arceus at the Soul Ceremony once a year at Legend Hall.

There are many ways that a bond can be made with your guardian. You could feel strongly that a certain Pokemon is your guardian. It could feel unexplained affection towards you.

When you find your guardian Pokemon, a Soul Token is made, completing your soul. This is a small object, no larger than an orange, that contains special power. Many choose to have theirs made into a pendant so they can carry it with them anywhere. You must be careful with your Soul Token, because if it is stolen or taken from you, whoever takes it will have power over you and your guardian. Stealing another's Soul Token is strictly forbidden.

If your Soul Token breaks...no one knows, because this has only happened once in history, long ago. It was said that Arceus broke his partner's own Soul Token, and both he and Arceus went insane, and the world fell into chaos and disorder. The man was killed by his own guardian, Arceus, during their blind madness. Every legendary available at the current time managed to subdue Arceus, and made a circle around him. They pooled their power together, and lifted Arceus out of the madness.

It is unknown if this legend is true or not, but many think that it is, because this is the only explanation for Arceus being Unbondable.

Since the Dark Times when Arceus went mad, things have been peaceful and quiet. However, the Soul Ceremony has almost been canceled this year. There are rumors of a new group rising, of people who don't have guardians. Many of the people living in Theoria (the region) are untrusting of the people that come from across the seas. Others have mixed feelings.

It is true that the two groups are different, the Theoria citizens live alongside Pokemon, but are only allowed to keep one, their guardian, while the new group can have as many Pokemon as they want, and keep them in strange ball-shaped containers. They call themselves "Pokemon trainers" and many of them seek to capture the legendary Pokemon of the island. Among trainers, there are also hunters and poachers, trying to capture rare Pokemon to sell or to keep as trophies. Not many of them know there are many legendary Pokemon on the island, but it's only a matter of time.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:56 (11 Years ago)

Title: Important Information

The Region of Theoria is a large island. When I say large, I mean large. As in it's visible from space. It's not circular, but has a bit of a stretched-out kind of shape. The terrain varies in different parts of the island, but there is a volcano on the north edge of the island, and on the ocean side of it, the volcano drops off into a steep cliff. There are a few grasslands, as well as forests and lakes, and the beaches are sandy for the most part, but there are a few rocky ones. Around the volcano, there are some tall mountains, a few of which are snow-capped. There are quite a few bays and peninsulas around the island border, and one of them, at the south end of the island, is where ships come every once in a while from other regions. As far as the other regions know, the island is uninhabited, since no one has explored deep enough to find the towns and cities.

Theoria is a completely independent region, with cities, towns, roads, and everything.

There are more than one of each legendary on Theoria, so multiple legendaries are okay.

Legend Hall is an ancient courtyard. The surrounding walls are crumbling, and are missing chunks in many places, but the statues around the middle remain. The wall is circular, and the courtyard is very large. Large enough to have life-size statues of every legendary positioned around the edge of the courtyard. In fact, that's pretty much what Legend Hall is. And each year for the Soul Ceremony, Arceus and any legendary available come to legend hall, and Arceus gifts the people with guardians. Pokemon trickle into the courtyard by flying over the wall, climbing over the low parts of the wall, or walking through the entrance. They come and go whenever they want to. The Soul Ceremony ends when the sun completely disappears below the horizon, and everyone must go home.

Everyone who does not have a guardian and is over eight years old is required to attend, although they do not need to go if they are sick, or have important matters to attend to. People who already have guardians are allowed to attend and watch, but cannot interfere with bond-making.

The size of a Soul Token depends on the Pokemon that helped create it. If a person bonds with a Rattata, they'll most likely have a Soul Token slightly smaller than a robin' egg. A person bonded with a legendary has a Soul Token as big as an orange. The bigger the Soul Token, the more power it has. The power they give changes with the Pokemon that helped make it, and only the Soul Token of legendaries can give specific powers. All other ones give the holder increased speed, strength, stamina, better memory, etc. A Soul Token from a Mesprit could let the holder read emotions. One from Celebi or Dialga could let the holder see through time, and so forth. They don't give powers such as being able to fly, or being able to actually travel through time. (Even legendary ones.)

Since technically guardians aren't captured, they are able to be caught by Pokeballs. (And in hunters/poachers cases, anything that has the strength to contain them. Nets, cages, statue guns like Jay's, etc.)

When starting, you are someone participating in the Soul Ceremony. You have yet to meet your other half, unless you PM me and get permission. (I must have RPed with you before.)

When your Soul Token is made, it will appear in a small floating bubble of light. It will stay floating until you grab it, and the bubble will pop. The token look like anything. It could be a snowflake, a cube, or even an egg. When it lends you power, it will glow softly, and energy can be stored in it. (Like in Eragon, if you've read that.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:56 (11 Years ago)

Title: Rules

1) Listen to what I say. I am queen of this thread.

2) One-liners/under-minimum-posts get ZEE SHINING FINGER! (Warning once, kicked out the next time.)

3) This is a semi-lit RP, meaning as long as you post 3-4 GOOD sentences with good grammar and spelling, you can RP.

4) I will only allow legendaries/shinies with permission from me, and a PM asking if you can. For legendaries, only people I've RPed with before may have one. For a shiny legendary, I'd better have been RPing with you for a long time.

5) Up to two characters per person, although if you ask me nicely (and if I know you can handle it) I may allow you to have three.

6) No godmodding/powerplaying. It sucks.

7) If you're reading this, remember to put the name of the time period when Arceus went insane in the "Super Secret Code" part of your form.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:56 (11 Years ago)

Title: Forms


[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]History: [/b] (Optional)
[b]Soul Token: [/b] (Include size, and a picture/accurate description.)
[b]How they bond: [/b] (Basically what they/their guardian does that bonds them. They could have strong affection for each other, just have a feeling in their gut, or their guardian could even try to kill them [at first]. It's all up to you.)
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]


[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b] (Does not have to be the same as their person.)
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b] (For this one, it's different. Say the word in italics in the rules.)

Island Visitor

[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Status: [/b] (Trainer, hunter, poacher, dragon master, etc.)
[b]Equipment: [/b] (Pokeballs, traps, nets, statue cannon [like Jay's], etc.)
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Reason for coming: [/b] (To catch Pokemon? To capture and sell Pokemon? To explore the island? Anything.)
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]

For efficiency's sake, please post a copy of your form in a code box contained in a spoiler box at the bottom of your post.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:57 (11 Years ago)

Title: Character List

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Username: Death
Name: Madoka
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: She doesn't usually talk to others unless she either knows the person, or is helping them do something, in which case she acts like quite the know-it-all. Sometimes she can be a bit rude without meaning to, but she's usually quite nice. She isn't very strong and doesn't have much stamina, but she makes that up with quick reflexes and a knowledge of pressure points.
History: She wasn't exactly the social butterfly when she was younger, and doesn't have many friends. However, the ones she does have are very close to her, and she knows them very well. Her family is the one that mainly turn Soul Tokens into pendants, and she leads anyone who wants their service to her house after the Soul Ceremony.
Soul Token: It's about the size of an orange, and looks like this.
How they bonded: It happened at the Soul Ceremony when she was fourteen. Her guardian tried to kill her by diving at her, but she was able to jump out of the way, and she jumped onto its back where it couldn't get her. After a bit of twisting and rolling around, her guardian gave up fighting. Then her Soul Token was made. She has it looped around her belt/belt loops most of the time.

Username: Death
Name: Keros
Age: 24 (Still considered a baby/child in legendary terms.)
Gender: Female
Appearance: A shiny Lugia. Her pink coloring looks more like a deep red. She's quite small for her species, since she isn't yet fully grown, but is just large enough to carry an adult on her back.
Personality: She's quite calm, but get's worked up easily. She enjoys to go flying with her partner, and also enjoys eating. She makes it a point to eat like a horse, since she's still growing.

Username: Death
Name: Caspian
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Status: Pokemon "Collector". He collects Pokemon, and is searching for legendaries. Most of the Pokemon he's collected have been turned into statues and are at his fancy rich mansion.
Equipment: Pokeballs (various types, including masterballs), traps, cages, statue gun, and things to transport cages and Pokemon.

Personality: He's very calm-headed, and plans ahead for things. He doesn't consider what he's doing as bad, because to most anyone who looks at his collection, it just looks like he's collecting statues. When he's angered, he has a stare like ice, and he goes into "serious mode."
Reason for coming: To find legendaries to add to his Pokemon collection.

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Username: Mituna (Tuna if you want something shorter)
Name: Alex
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: The one with the white hair. *Not my art*
Personality: Calm, collected, and hard to anger. He's rather serious usually, but tends to use quite a bit of bitter sarcasm. Doesn't usually open up to others, and prefers to keep his emotions and his problems to himself.
History: He and his twin brother have not received their pokemon guardians earlier because they were always busy. When they were young, they attended a rich private school with rigorous work, and were forced to stay home and study. However, when they turned 15, the money in the family suddenly ran out, and they had to start working. Until this year, they have been working the night of the Soul Ceremony.
Soul Token: About the size of a ping pong ball, mostly brown with ghostly purple, swirling cracks
How they bond: Alex and his guardian Stantler met the first time when Alex was very young. His brother had dared him to sneak out into the woods for a night, and they had an accidental encounter. Not aware of the power of Stantler horns, he was suddenly quite entrance, and woke up outside his house, apparently because the pokemon brought him home. Since then, whenever Alex enters the woods, he usually catches glimpses of what he believes to be the same pokemon.

Alex's Guardian
Username: You know.
Name: Stantler (he likes it just the way it is T^T)
Age: 20
Gender: male
Appearance: Typical Stantler (with a brown tail as opposed to a tan one)
Personality: Quiet, a loner. A bit mysterious at times. Wouldn't tell you that you were about to walk into a wall of spikes unless you specifically asked.

Username: Same as above
Name: Zack
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: The one with the black hair. *Not my art*
Personality: Outgoing and fiery. He's a dare devil, and never seems afraid of anything. A bit self centered and would sooner fight to the death than loose any battle that could hurt his rep. However, he cares a lot about his brother, and would even take a stab to his ego than let something happen to Alex.
History: Basically the same story as Alex.
Soul Token: A very large, smooth black stone, that has what seems like white mist swirling inside of it's polish. It shines a faint scarlet color.
How they bond: When Zack was about 15, Darkrai attempted to him into an endless sleep. His nightmare lasted about three days, when his parents finally managed to spend basically their entire fortune to get a lunar wing and cure him.

Zack's Guardian
Username: If you don't know by now, something's wrong.
Name: Darkrai
Age: Old (several hundred years)
Gender: Technically genderless, but goes by he
Appearance: Just like your average Darkrai.
Personality: Cold, uncaring, and generally emotionless. Unlike Alex's Stantler, he would be the one purposely leading you into the wall of spikes as opposed to just watching it happen. Quite ruthless, actually.

Yua (InfinityLove)
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Username: InfinityLove (Call me Yua!)
Name: Inari
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Personality: He's slightly cold at first, but he's really just a happy-go-lucky person. He loves to have fun, and mess around with his friends. He tries to get Akamaru to loosen up a lot but it never really works. He gets caught a lot when he plays a prank because he laughs to loudly from his hiding spot. His stomach is also the size of a black hole, he'll eat ANYTHING. Be warned...(Guard your kitchens!)
History: He lived a fairly normal life, had a mom and dad, only child. As he started growing, his appetite grew as well, causing his parents to work more and more, so they'd have enough money to feed all three of them. When Inari was 12 he met Akamaru, and when he told his parents about the large Arcanine, they didn't believe him. He became fairly distant with his parents since then, and eventually moved out once her got a job and had enough money.
Soul Token: About the size of a small peach, it's a fiery orange and red with a flame in the middle.
How they bond: Inari had gone wandering once as a kid and found an old empty house that had been set on fire. He had wandered inside, not paying attention that the fire could kill him. He had passed out after a while, and was going to die when Akamaru found him by chance and saved his life. Akamaru left after that, but when it came time for his ceremony, he found out Akamaru was his Guardian.

Username: Just call me Yua x3
Name: Akamaru
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: A slightly larger then normal Arcanine.
Personality: Intelligent, and calm. He keeps Inari out of trouble a lot, and likes to mess with him.

Username: Just call me Yua
Name: Kori
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: She's sweet, kind, and caring, but seems cold. She hates it when people say females can't something, and will always prove them wrong. There are some things she can't do of course, but she's determined enough to keep trying until she can do it, or is forced to realize that she is unable. She loves to help others, and do what she can.
History: As she was growing up, she spent most of her time trying to help out with everything she could. Her family didn't have a lot of money, so she helped out, even when people told her she couldn't (well more like shouldn't) do something because a female couldn't do it. She proved them wrong and continued on with her life. She didn't have many friends because of this, and she dealt with it as a part of life, and continues to try and help bring in money to her family.
Soul Token: It's the size of an orange, colored dark and light green with flecks of white inside. In the middle of the Token, there's an old looking shrine.
How they bond: On her way to her Soul Ceremony when she was 14, her Guardian almost got her killed by involving her in one of her pranks. Celebi had dragged her towards a time portal, and shoved her in, almost getting her stabbed by a sword. Kori freaked out, and hid, for a couple of hours, before Celebi realized she was still there, and brought her back to her original time, where she was the last person to participate during the Ceremony when she found out Celebi was her guardian.

Username: Just call me Yua
Name: Kinana
Age: 30 (She's still very young though)
Gender: Female
Appearance: A regular Celebi.
Personality: Sweet, hyper, and playfull. She loves to play games, and have fun. Doesn't really like the idea of responsibility, but is good at giving directions.

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Username: Rini00
Name: Lucy
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Credit to the artist
Personality: Fun and playful. Loves being around others. She's very daring and loves taking risks. Also scared of the dark.
History: ~
Soul Token: A light yellow stone a bit smaller then an orange.
How they bond: She was lost at night in a dark alley. She was hoping and wishing to come back to light and was terrified. Suddenly she saw a soft light that pulled her out of the darkness and she saw the face of a Jirachi.

Lucy's guardian
Username: Rini00
Name: Kiara
Age: 20 thousand
Gender: Gender less but, likes to be considered a girl.
Appearance: Normal Jirachi
Personality: Playful, teasing, protective and fun.

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Name: Red
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: has short red(actual red) hair with red eyes always wearing a black T-shirt & black jeans wears a necklace with 2 rubies on it that look identical in every way and his Soul Token is inbetween the two rubies
Personality: Unlike his looks he is not quick to anger although if you try & mess with his Pokemon be prepared
History: not really much to say.
Soul Token: his soul token is a reddish brown color & is completely smooth & round and is a little pit bigger than a robins egg
How they bond: They met in the forest a month or two before the bonding cerimony & knew at that point they were ment for each other

Username: Redapple777
Name: Moon
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male
Appearance: A Teddiursa with a Full moon instead of cresent moon(if not i'll be fine with a normal Teddiursa
Personality: Loves everyone that is nice to him & hates anyone that tries & speerates him from his loved ones

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Username: CometandAqua
Name: Brooke
Age: 15
Gender: female

Personality: Brooke has a bubbly personality, but is serious when she needs to. Or when she's ticked off. She likes to be in the know about anything that concerns her or not, and feels like she needs to know exactly what to do. If she doesn't, she gets pretty confused.
History: (Optional)
Soul Token: The token is a little bigger than an egg, and is cream with a violet patch.
How they bond: When Brooke was a little younger, a few different boys had an interest in her. They all asked her out, and she was so flustered she couldn't think. She saw a Delcatty out the corner of her eye, and it seemed as if it was telling her to not bother with any of them. Anytime any boy seems to have an interest in her, the Delcatty seems to come to her, and she has the courage to turn them down.

Name: Velvet
Age: 18
Gender: female
Appearance: normal Delcatty
Personality: Velvet is usually carefree, and is somewhat restless. She can be lazy like most cats, and will just sit and do nothing at times. Romantic interests mean nothing to her, unless that one special person comes up.

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Username:DarkDragoDragonite, known as Dracci.
Name: Drakeli
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Status: Dragon Master Apprentice
Equipment: Only Pokéballs and Dragon-bait.
Appearence: Tall. A bit overweight. Wearing a helmet with two bat wings, a black leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders (and two dragon wings drawn on the back), spiked bracelets, old jeans with chains, and shoes whose sole looks like a Dragonite footprint.
Personality: Laid-back. Sometimes electric. Prefers really loud epic music, either Metal or Epic Classical. Kind and very friendly to everyone. She might seem a bit scatterbrained, but she is actually somewhat of a genius. Somewhat peppy... Moreover, somewhat annoying. And the word ‘stress’ doesn't cone on her dictionary.
Reason for coming: Her father forced her to explore different regions and discover every single dragon-type pokémon there.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:57 (11 Years ago)

Title: Status

RP time: Sunrise

In the RP, it's the day of the Soul Ceremony! Unless you've already gotten permission that your character has already met their guardian, your character will be meeting their guardian during the ceremony, which starts as soon as the sun is visible on the horizon.


i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 18:14 (11 Years ago)
Since it says open, I'm assuming it's okay to post these...

Username: Mituna (Tuna if you want something shorter)
Name: Alex
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: The one with the white hair. *Not my art*
Personality: Calm, collected, and hard to anger. He's rather serious usually, but tends to use quite a bit of bitter sarcasm. Doesn't usually open up to others, and prefers to keep his emotions and his problems to himself.
History: He and his twin brother have not received their pokemon guardians earlier because they were always busy. When they were young, they attended a rich private school with rigorous work, and were forced to stay home and study. However, when they turned 15, the money in the family suddenly ran out, and they had to start working. Until this year, they have been working the night of the Soul Ceremony.
Soul Token: About the size of a ping pong ball, mostly brown with ghostly purple, swirling cracks
How they bond: Alex and his guardian Stantler met the first time when Alex was very young. His brother had dared him to sneak out into the woods for a night, and they had an accidental encounter. Not aware of the power of Stantler horns, he was suddenly quite entrance, and woke up outside his house, apparently because the pokemon brought him home. Since then, whenever Alex enters the woods, he usually catches glimpses of what he believes to be the same pokemon.
Super Secret Code:

Alex's Guardian
Username: You know.
Name: Stantler (he likes it just the way it is T^T)
Age: 20
Gender: male
Appearance: Typical Stantler (with a brown tail as opposed to a tan one)
Personality: Quiet, a loner. A bit mysterious at times. Wouldn't tell you that you were about to walk into a wall of spikes unless you specifically asked.
Super Secret Code:

Username: Same as above :P
Name: Zack
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: The one with the black hair. *Not my art*
Personality: Outgoing and fiery. He's a dare devil, and never seems afraid of anything. A bit self centered and would sooner fight to the death than loose any battle that could hurt his rep. However, he cares a lot about his brother, and would even take a stab to his ego than let something happen to Alex.
History: Basically the same story as Alex.
Soul Token: A very large, smooth black stone, that has what seems like white mist swirling inside of it's polish. It shines a faint scarlet color.
How they bond: When Zack was about 15, Darkrai attempted to him into an endless sleep. His nightmare lasted about three days, when his parents finally managed to spend basically their entire fortune to get a lunar wing and cure him.
Super Secret Code:

Zack's Guardian
Username: If you don't know by now, something's wrong.
Name: Darkrai
Age: Old :P (several hundred years)
Gender: Technically genderless, but goes by he
Appearance: Just like your average Darkrai.
Personality: Cold, uncaring, and generally emotionless. Unlike Alex's Stantler, he would be the one purposely leading you into the wall of spikes as opposed to just watching it happen. Quite ruthless, actually.
Super Secret Code:

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[b]Username: [/b]Mituna (Tuna if you want something shorter)
[b]Name: [/b] Alex
[b]Age: [/b] 19
[b]Gender: [/b] male
[b]Appearance: [/b] [url=http://subno.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/anime-guy-with-black-hairshirosuke-satonaka---bleach-fan-fiction-wiki-vegchcyq.jpg]The one with the white hair.[/url] *Not my art*
[b]Personality: [/b]Calm, collected, and hard to anger. He's rather serious usually, but tends to use quite a bit of bitter sarcasm. Doesn't usually open up to others, and prefers to keep his emotions and his problems to himself.
[b]History: [/b]He and his twin brother have not received their pokemon guardians earlier because they were always busy. When they were young, they attended a rich private school with rigorous work, and were forced to stay home and study. However, when they turned 15, the money in the family suddenly ran out, and they had to start working. Until this year, they have been working the night of the Soul Ceremony.
[b]Soul Token: [/b] About the size of a ping pong ball, mostly brown with ghostly purple, swirling cracks
[b]How they bond: [/b]Alex and his guardian Stantler met the first time when Alex was very young. His brother had dared him to sneak out into the woods for a night, and they had an accidental encounter. Not aware of the power of Stantler horns, he was suddenly quite entrance, and woke up outside his house, apparently because the pokemon brought him home. Since then, whenever Alex enters the woods, he usually catches glimpses of what he believes to be the same pokemon.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]

[i]Alex's Guardian[/i]
[b]Username: [/b]You know.
[b]Name: [/b]Stantler (he likes it just the way it is T^T)
[b]Age: [/b]20
[b]Gender: [/b]male
[b]Appearance: [/b]Typical Stantler (with a brown tail as opposed to a tan one)
[b]Personality: [/b]Quiet, a loner. A bit mysterious at times. Wouldn't tell you that you were about to walk into a wall of spikes unless you specifically asked.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]

[b]Username: [/b] Same as above :P
[b]Name: [/b]Zack
[b]Age: [/b]19
[b]Gender: [/b]male
[b]Appearance: [/b][url=http://subno.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/anime-guy-with-black-hairshirosuke-satonaka---bleach-fan-fiction-wiki-vegchcyq.jpg]The one with the black hair.[/url] *Not my art*
[b]Personality: [/b]Outgoing and fiery. He's a dare devil, and never seems afraid of anything. A bit self centered and would sooner fight to the death than loose any battle that could hurt his rep. However, he cares a lot about his brother, and would even take a stab to his ego than let something happen to Alex.
[b]History: [/b]Basically the same story as Alex.
[b]Soul Token: [/b]A very large, smooth black stone, that has what seems like white mist swirling inside of it's polish. It shines a faint scarlet color.
[b]How they bond: [/b] When Zack was about 15, Darkrai attempted to him into an endless sleep. His nightmare lasted about three days, when his parents finally managed to spend basically their entire fortune to get a lunar wing and cure him.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]

[i]Zack's Guardian[/i]
[b]Username: [/b]If you don't know by now, something's wrong.
[b]Name: [/b]Darkrai
[b]Age: [/b]Old :P (several hundred years)
[b]Gender: [/b]Technically genderless, but goes by he
[b]Appearance: [/b]Just like your average Darkrai.
[b]Personality: [/b]Cold, uncaring, and generally emotionless. Unlike Alex's Stantler, he would be the one purposely leading you into the wall of spikes as opposed to just watching it happen. Quite ruthless, actually.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 18:17 (11 Years ago)
Accepted. Do you mind putting your forms into a code box?

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 18:22 (11 Years ago)
Just edited~ (you added in the Soul Token thing, too, so I fixed that.)
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 20:58 (11 Years ago)
Username: InfinityLove (Call me Yua!)
Name: Inari
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Personality: He's slightly cold at first, but he's really just a happy-go-lucky person. He loves to have fun, and mess around with his friends. He tries to get Akamaru to loosen up a lot but it never really works. He gets caught a lot when he plays a prank because he laughs to loudly from his hiding spot. His stomach is also the size of a black hole, he'll eat ANYTHING. Be warned...(Guard your kitchens!)
History: He lived a fairly normal life, had a mom and dad, only child. As he started growing, his appetite grew as well, causing his parents to work more and more, so they'd have enough money to feed all three of them. When Inari was 12 he met Akamaru, and when he told his parents about the large Arcanine, they didn't believe him. He became fairly distant with his parents since then, and eventually moved out once her got a job and had enough money.
Soul Token: About the size of a small peach, it's a fiery orange and red with a flame in the middle.
How they bond: Inari had gone wandering once as a kid and found an old empty house that had been set on fire. He had wandered inside, not paying attention that the fire could kill him. He had passed out after a while, and was going to die when Akamaru found him by chance and saved his life. Akamaru left after that, but when it came time for his ceremony, when he was 15, he found out Akamaru was his Guardian.
Super Secret Code: The Dark Times

Username: Just call me Yua x3
Name: Akamaru
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: A slightly larger then normal Arcanine.
Personality: Intelligent, and calm. He keeps Inari out of trouble a lot, and likes to mess with him.
Super Secret Code: queen

Show hidden content
[b]Username: [/b]InfinityLove (Call me Yua!)
[b]Name: [/b]Inari
[b]Age: [/b]18
[b]Gender: [/b]Male
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]He's slightly cold at first, but he's really just a happy-go-lucky person. He loves to have fun, and mess around with his friends. He tries to get Akamaru to loosen up a lot but it never really works. He gets caught a lot when he plays a prank because he laughs to loudly from his hiding spot. His stomach is also the size of a black hole, he'll eat ANYTHING. Be warned...(Guard your kitchens!)
[b]History: [/b]He lived a fairly normal life, had a mom and dad, only child. As he started growing, his appetite grew as well, causing his parents to work more and more, so they'd have enough money to feed all three of them. When Inari was 12 he met Akamaru, and when he told his parents about the large Arcanine, they didn't believe him. He became fairly distant with his parents since then, and eventually moved out once her got a job and had enough money.
[b]Soul Token: [/b]About the size of a small peach, it's a fiery orange and red with a flame in the middle.
[b]How they bond: [/b]Inari had gone wandering once as a kid and found an old empty house that had been set on fire. He had wandered inside, not paying attention that the fire could kill him. He had passed out after a while, and was going to die when Akamaru found him by chance and saved his life. Akamaru left after that, but when it came time for his ceremony, he found out Akamaru was his Guardian.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]The Dark Times

[b]Username: [/b]Just call me Yua x3
[b]Name: [/b]Akamaru
[b]Age: [/b]22
[b]Gender: [/b]Male
[b]Appearance: [/b]A slightly larger then normal Arcanine.
[b]Personality: [/b]Intelligent, and calm. He keeps Inari out of trouble a lot, and likes to mess with him.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b] queen

Username: Just call me Yua
Name: Kori
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: She's sweet, kind, and caring, but seems cold. She hates it when people say females can't something, and will always prove them wrong. There are some things she can't do of course, but she's determined enough to keep trying until she can do it, or is forced to realize that she is unable. She loves to help others, and do what she can.
History: As she was growing up, she spent most of her time trying to help out with everything she could. Her family didn't have a lot of money, so she helped out, even when people told her she couldn't (well more like shouldn't) do something because a female couldn't do it. She proved them wrong and continued on with her life. She didn't have many friends because of this, and she dealt with it as a part of life, and continues to try and help bring in money to her family.
Soul Token: It's the size of an orange, colored dark and light green with flecks of white inside. In the middle of the Token, there's an old looking shrine.
How they bond: On her way to her Soul Ceremony when she was 14, her Guardian almost got her killed by involving her in one of her pranks. Celebi had dragged her towards a time portal, and shoved her in, almost getting her stabbed by a sword. Kori freaked out, and hid, for a couple of hours, before Celebi realized she was still there, and brought her back to her original time, where she was the last person to participate during the Ceremony when she found out Celebi was her guardian.
Super Secret Code: The Dark Times

Username: Just call me Yua
Name: Kinana
Age: 30 (She's still very young though)
Gender: Female
Appearance: A regular Celebi.
Personality: Sweet, hyper, and playfull. She loves to play games, and have fun. Doesn't really like the idea of responsibility, but is good at giving directions.
Super Secret Code: queen

Show hidden content
[b]Username: [/b]Just call me Yua
[b]Name: [/b]Kori
[b]Age: [/b]15
[b]Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Appearance: [/b][img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20130107/touhou%20blue%20eyes%20long%20hair%20anime%20white%20hair%20purple%20eyes%20pens%20gray%20hair%20hats%20anime%20girls%20mononobe%20no_wallpaperswa.com_7.jpg[/img]
[b]Personality: [/b]She's sweet, kind, and caring, but seems cold. She hates it when people say females can't something, and will [I]always[/I] prove them wrong. There are some things she can't do of course, but she's determined enough to keep trying until she can do it, or is forced to realize that she is unable. She loves to help others, and do what she can.
[b]History: [/b] As she was growing up, she spent most of her time trying to help out with everything she could. Her family didn't have a lot of money, so she helped out, even when people told her she couldn't (well more like shouldn't) do something because a [I]female[/I] couldn't do it. She proved them wrong and continued on with her life. She didn't have many friends because of this, and she dealt with it as a part of life, and continues to try and help bring in money to her family.
[b]Soul Token: [/b]It's the size of an orange, colored dark and light green with flecks of white inside. In the middle of the Token, there's an old looking shrine.
[b]How they bond: [/b] On her way to her Soul Ceremony when she was 14, her Guardian almost got her killed by involving her in one of her pranks. Celebi had dragged her towards a time portal, and shoved her in, almost getting her stabbed by a sword. Kori freaked out, and hid, for a couple of hours, before Celebi realized she was still there, and brought her back to her original time, where she was the last person to participate during the Ceremony when she found out Celebi was her guardian.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]The Dark Times

[b]Username: [/b]Just call me Yua
[b]Name: [/b]Kinana
[b]Age: [/b]30 (She's still very young though)
[b]Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Appearance: [/b]A regular Celebi.
[b]Personality: [/b]Sweet, hyper, and playfull. She loves to play games, and have fun. Doesn't really like the idea of responsibility, but is good at giving directions.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]queen

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:05 (11 Years ago)
Accepted. I'm adding you now.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:16 (11 Years ago)
There's a code box at the bottom of my post in the spoiler box (it's pretty inconspicuous...), and should I edit out passwords?
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:22 (11 Years ago)
If you'd like. It would be appreciated. ;)

I've made the RP, and here's the link. (Don't worry, it's not a Rick Roll this time.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:30 (11 Years ago)
Username: Rini00
Name: Lucy
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Credit to the artist
Personality: Fun and playful. Loves being around others. She's very daring and loves taking risks. scared of the dark
History: (Optional)
Soul Token: A light yellow stone a bit smaller then an orange
How they bond: She was lost at night in a dark alley. She was hoping and wishing to come back to light and was terriefied. suudenly she saaw a soft light that pulled her out of the darkness and she saw the face of a jirachi.
Super Secret Code: The Dark times i think

Lucy's guardian
Username: Rini00
Name: Kiara
Age: 20 thousand
Gender: Gender less but, likes to be considered a girl
Appearance: Normal Jirachi
Personality: Playful, teasing, protective and fun
Super Secret Code: Queen (you)
Show hidden content

[b]Username: [/b]Rini00
[b]Name: [/b]Lucy
[b]Age: [/b]18
[b]Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Appearance: [/b][url=http://www.gandex.ru/upl/oboi/gandex.ru-19837_237f65ec389ffd2aec82304ce1e2f981.jpg]Credit to the artist[/url]
[b]Personality: [/b] Fun and playful. Loves being around others. She's very daring and loves taking risks. scared of the dark
[b]History: [/b] (Optional)
[b]Soul Token: [/b] A light yellow stone a bit smaller then an orange
[b]How they bond: [/b] She was lost at night in a dark alley. She was hoping and wishing to come back to light and was terriefied. suudenly she saaw a soft light that pulled her out of the darkness and she saw the face of a jirachi.
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b]The Dark times i think

[i]Lucy's guardian[/i]
[b]Username: [/b]Rini00
[b]Name: [/b] Kiara
[b]Age: [/b] 20 thousand
[b]Gender: [/b] Gender less but, likes to be considered a girl
[b]Appearance: [/b] Normal Jirachi
[b]Personality: [/b] Playful, teasing, protective and fun
[b]Super Secret Code: [/b] Queen (you)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:32 (11 Years ago)
Your image url doesn't seem to be working...

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:34 (11 Years ago)
It worked for me but I'll put a different one.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:36 (11 Years ago)
Now it's working. Accepted once you put your form in a code box so I can add it to the list.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:44 (11 Years ago)
Okay, I added the coding.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Thu, 08/08/2013 00:12 (11 Years ago)
um... if i may join
can i be just a gardian?
Username: Redapple777
Name: Moon
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male
Appearance: A Teddiursa with a Full moon instead of cresent moon(if not i'll be fine with a normal Teddiursa
Personality: Loves everyone that is nice to him & hates anyone that tries & speerates him from his loved ones
Super Secret Code: Queen
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Thu, 08/08/2013 00:34 (11 Years ago)
You would need to make a person, too. (And also maybe capitalize.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists