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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 18:34 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Only one thing was cleared up now, and that it was that Shieta may have been lying about their role. Unless Paiyoon was lying, but...


He sighed, shaking his head, writing Shieta's name down.

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 18:29 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"...oh my god."

Both the Saints were dead. This was f**ked.

However, Paiyoon had somehow known who one of the Yōkai was. Which meant she may have been telling the truth about being Miko.

The question was, who were the remaining Yōkai now?

It was now even more dire to figure them out.

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 16:59 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Role claims. Role counter-claims. Confusion all around. Just trust me.


Was it really Sylvie? Dorky felt queasy.

"Paiyoon... Wh-what the hell? I guess... I should say it, shouldn't I? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe me, but I'm a Civilian. That's all, nothing else. But I mean..."

He smiled sadly. "Go ahead and kill me if you want to. It's not like I'm any help anyways."

Paiyoon was so, so arrogant. So confident things would go her way.

And Dorky was... Really nervous. Could he trust Shieta or Paiyoon? Was Sylvie really innocent?

If they all got this vote wrong, they were screwed. That was all there was to it.

Dorky almost wished he had been one of the deaths. Why couldn't the survivors be people who knew what they were doing?!

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 04:31 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky frowned. "Okay, I... Both Kotone and Lydia have role-revealed now. But... I'm not sure... If I can trust that either."


"Come to think of it, Sylvie has been rather unhelpful with the vot- I- I MEAN- sorry. I- I meant she's been uninvolved with it. I'm the one who has been unhelpful. So... It feels like to me that, Sylvie may be a third-party or Yōkai for this reason. She might... Have an alternate motive so she doesn't care which way the votes go, or she might be stalling the day away so that the Yōkai can strike again?" he guessed.

"I... Know this is a long shot. It's so hard to be certain of anything out here, I don't know how any of you guys make decisions. For all I know..."


He turned to look ar Paiyoon rather mournfully. "I know there's nothing clearing me of suspicion by any means. Or you, or Tarik, or anyone else here. The best we can do is just guess and hope we're right, so..."

He gnawed at the nails of his left hand, while shakily scribbling out his previous vote, and writing Sylvie.

"It might be a long shot, Tarik. But... Either way, no matter who we vote on this one, it's a shot in the dark. We might all lose and die tomorrow either way. We just have to hope we're right this time."

His look at Paiyoon shifted into a more grateful glance. "Thank you... For being patient with me all this time. I... I know I really haven't been helpful. At all. But... If this is the end, it's been nice knowing you. Even if only for a short while. Thank you."


"I just hope we're right, whatever we wind up deciding upon. And if... It turns out you're some crazy awesome bad*ss mastermind Yōkai or third-party, Paiyoon, bravo, really. I just... Wish this didn't have to come to hurting other people..."


"Thank you. For everything, regardless."

He put the writing utensil down with a small thud.

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 21:16 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy nodded back at him. Oh, god.


Was Sawyer okay?


"Please... Please don't be dead," he whispered. "If something happened to you, I..."

He shook his head.

No, no. It was okay. Everything was fine.


A thought struck him. He remembered how Kaoru had kept Sawyer in her dorm for the night, when they were injured.

"Do you think they might be... In someone's dorm?" Darcy asked. "I just realized... The last time they were badly injured, Kaoru kept them in her dorm. Maybe someone else did the same!"

...if... They're alive.


There was only one person who came to mind, who might have done that. Only one person who seemed to make sense, and it made Darcy shudder in slight disgust.

"Maybe... Miyako."

And that was when he spotted her. She was... Talking to Idris about something.

All he heard was something about... Not hurting someone?

"Uh... Miyako. Hi." Wow. This was awkward. He stiffened, still shaking slightly.

"Do you... Know where Sawyer is? Who are you talking about?"

What was with Idris? Darcy winced upon seeing him again. Remembering the things he said, he felt his heart freezing in place. There was this invisible clutching at his throat.

Idris... Didn't look well. And Darcy didn't particularly want to talk to him again, not after their last conversation...

"Hello... To you too, Idris."

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 20:27 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky stiffened, his shoulders hunching up. He literally couldn't even decide if he would leave an assignment for the next day, or submit it now. Or if he should go out somewhere or stay home. Or literally whether he was going to eat or not and what he was going to eat!

He literally couldn't make a single decision without asking someone else's advice on the matter, even during the most trivial of matters, always saying he didn't mind any option, and just going along with whatever someone told him to do. About almost everything.

And now... Everyone's lives were at stake.

"I... See. I don't know, I'm... Agnostic, personally? So I don't really lean one way or the other. I..."


Pick one.

"I don't know..."



"Lydia seems to be the only one who gives a potential impression of a role, out of the two of them, while Kotone, on the other hand, hasn't left any impression at all." He grimaced. "It... Could very well be either of them. I don't understand how you can be so decisive, Paiyoon."

He let out a mournful sigh, his eyelids drooping. "I... I don't know. I really don't know. I'm sorry."

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 20:20 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"...People ACTUALLY talk about those things?" Dorky shivered. Small talk. How horrifying.

"Well... I- Lydia gives me third-party vibes. Just a vibe, you know... Could be completely wrong. It's just her behavior, and that could be misleading. Kotone? I'm not even certain. So I guess I'm fine with either... I'm so sorry. I'm really bad at making decisions, especially... In a stressful situation like this."


"Not death in the traditional sense? We get Thanos snapped in and out of existence or something, or... Some kind of Upside Down thing?"

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 20:12 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

He lowered his head. "Maybe... I guess we have to, either way. I'm sorry, Kotone."


"Jeez... Why was I selected to be on this gayme? It's like the person controlling me, that is, if someone is controlling me and I am breaking a fourth wall right now in a parallel universe, wanted to choose somebody incredibly unhelpful and stupid who could contribute basically nothing!"

Reluctantly, Dorky voted for Kotone. "I'm sorry. I have to take this chance..."

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 19:56 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky bit his lip. "I... Guess we could vote Kotone."

This was so frustrating. He couldn't make a choice of certainty on his own, but he wasn't so sure he could trust everyone else's reasoning. Although... It sounded like it made sense, but AUGH! What if it was just manipulation on their parts?

Paiyoon and Tarik... They were probably quite important, in some way or other, regardless of what their roles were. They seemed a lot more aware than everybody else right now.


Were they on the same side, or not?

Dorky tugged at his hair uncertainly. "Um... Gosh. I don't know. I guess Kotone hasn't really convinced us they aren't Yōkai, but does it technically mean they are Yōkai? I just... I don't know. I'm so scared... This is so confusing. If we get this vote wrong, we're screwed."

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 05:24 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky attained a strange, spooky feeling. Like a slithery sensation. Or maybe a spidery crawly sensation. That they were all being watched, by somebody who was VERY amused. Of course, he had to be imagining that, as usual. That would make sense.

To be fair, it still wasn't exactly clear if this was all real or not. But... Real or not, he guessed... Maybe it was a good idea to win this game? Or... Was it a better idea to lose it? Did people die for real here? Was this a simulation?

Good grief this was confusing.

But his eyes widened, and he started shaking all over, when Kojirou revealed the facts. That if they voted wrong this time, Town would lose.

"Oh my god. I'm... I'm gonna be sick," he choked out. Maybe he could try voting for Paiyoon, or for Tarik. But... That's not to say that other people couldn't also be suspects right now. Of course they were.

But, these were the people who stood out most right now. Which was at least indicative of... Something, right?

He gulped. "I'll... Be honest with you all. I'm not exactly sure if... This whole thing is real or not. But, regardless, of if our lives are all at stake or not... I- I'm going to try my best to help you all. So... I-"


"Shoot. I was going to say something super epic and interesting and punchline-ish but then I literally forgot what it was!

He sighed.

"Paiyoon. I- This really hurts to say. I... I like you. You're really cool. You seem super smart, logical, analytical. Absolutely brilliant. An extraordinary reasoner. But you also have this super off vibe... And... What Tarik is bringing up, I..."


His body increasingly tensed up. He gritted his teeth, pinching at his skin, shifting from side to side, one foot to the other.

"I might be wrong but... I might have to vote you. Whether I'm wrong or not... I'm so sorry."

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 01:45 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"I don't... I don't know what to believe. Paiyoon might just be a very traumatized person to the point it doesn't faze her when someone dies, but you might have a point..."

He shook his head. "I've been so stupid and unhelpful this entire time, I just... I don't know what to believe. There seems to- there seems to be a case to be made for both guilt and innocence. For everybody. I'm not even certain what is most likely."

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2023 01:30 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"okay... Okay. Sorry."

Everything was just so overwhelming and confusing right now. But he had to find a way to contain himself.

"Why do you want to be voted so bad? Are you Jester or something?" Dorky joked.

He paused, and turned to look at Tarik.

"You know, I... Paiyoon might be making a good point. If you were a civilian, you probably would have tried to understand her motives better. Why were you trying so hard to turn us against her? Sure, you acted like you wanted to save Luffy, but maybe you didn't know his role, and you just wanted, um, town credit?"

His shoulders hunched up, and he flinched backward.

"I- I'm sorry! I don't know what I'm saying. Maybe Paiyoon could be trying to gauge town credit by taking control, too. This is honestly such a guessing game, and I..."


"Two people have already died. What's worse... two civilians. If...someone has to die, I don't want to make it a third."

He wished he just knew the answer. He wished he could just offer some kind of interesting, helpful thought.

He wished he was sure of who was a Yōkai and who wasn't. But you never could be sure who was who. This was so stressful.

If it wasn't unbelievably selfish, he would have voted himself, just so he could die and save himself the stress. Not like he was any help anyway.

Just a stupid, overly dependent, indecisive, uncertain voter. With very little thinking capacity to determine who is suspicious and who isn't.

"I'm sorry. I'm... Not helpful at all." He lowered his head.


"Paiyoon... No. You're not gonna die. I-"

He couldn't promise that. He knew he couldn't.

"I'm sorry. You know, if... I had to guess, gosh, I don't know..."


"Tarik and Paiyoon both seem like they have been actively committing to votes, discussion of suspicions, and whatnot. Youngjin too. We've had some people standing by, not talking much about votes. This could be because they're uncertain who it is, or, maybe they're worried about fellow Yōkai being voted out. It's just... Augh..."

He sighed. "This is so pathetic, I have my suspicions, but... I can't confirm any of them, or really act on them much. Really. Because... I know I have to, but... I just don't want to be wrong. Not again..."

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 21:05 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky winced, clapping his hands to his mouth. Oh, god. Oh dear god.

Luffy was dead. Vortex was dead. What was worse, they were Civilians.

The numbers were ticking down.


"Is... Is this real?" Dorky choked out. "Oh god... Oh my god..."

He narrowed his eyes. How could Paiyoon be so unconcerned? Luffy had just freaking died.

"Lying to you?..."


"Paiyoon... Did I ever even claim anything? Just... From a factual standpoint. You know."

He paused. "Are you... Accusing me of being a Yōkai? Because that's not true. I-It will never be true. I would never kill anybody. I- I--"

He covered his face with his hands. "Oh, god... But I just did... With this stupid vote thing. I- I revoked my vote, but..."


"Maybe if I hadn't listened in the first place, Luffy would still be here..."


"This is- this is so messed up..."

He forced himself not to cry, shaking as he pulled his hands away from his face.

He looked Paiyoon straight in the eyes, and shook his head.

"Paiyoon... How do... I know what your identity is, either? You just seemed to know what you were doing, and-- you felt ambiguous. Like you could be either way. But... Are you pulling some kind... Of town credit, thing? How was Luffy being a pirate anything to vote him for?"


"I'm sorry... I know it's stupid, but... I- I don't know if I can trust you either. I'm sorry, this is so mean of me. I'm sorry."

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 04:34 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky flinched and shrank where he stood. "s-s-sorry..."

God, this person was right. Or might be right. What was he doing?

Everything seemed to be spinning. It was all so confusing. It was giving him quite the headache.


"I don't... I don't know what to believe. I'm sorry."

Dorky changed his vote to no one, because... What the hell else could he do?

Was Paiyoon suspicious or trustworthy? Was TARIK for that matter suspicious or trustworthy? Or Luffy?

"I don't know. I don't know the answer. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I messed this all up."

He gripped the sides of his head, gritting his teeth. "I don't... I don't know what to do."

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 01:13 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky sighed, and, reluctantly, succumbing to peer pressure, voted Luffy.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry..."

He knew he'd never let himself forget this. He'd probably hate himself for the rest of his life for it.

How could he vote to take another person's life?

"It's... Part of the game, I guess..."

He put his hands over his mouth, which did little to muffle his sobbing through gritted teeth. He was shaking all over.

Was this really worth it? To win some kind of game?

And then again, maybe...

Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe... He wasn't killing anyone.


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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 20:26 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

Dorky winced. All too soon, it was time to vote.

Could he really do this? Could he really condemn anyone to die?

If he could, he'd just vote himself. But that... Was that a bad idea?

In normal Mafia, he wouldn't have minded. He loved being the Jester especially, and even pretending to be the Jester when he was the Mafia or another Third-Party or even an innocent villager. He loved messing around!!

But, when it was real... He wasn't so sure. If this wasn't a dream, he was really killing someone.

Who might kill others. But... Still.

"I... Think I'll wait a day. At least. I can't just condemn someone to die."

He could feel the beginnings of tears in his eyes, a hurt in his heart, in his chest, a throbbing in his neck, like he couldn't breathe.

"We haven't even... Really cleared things up yet. And-- and I don't want to kill any of you."

He shook his head.

"...how could anyone live with that?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 19:39 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"Guys. This is... Hella cool and all. This Ghostbusters thing but..."

He inhaled. "Aren't we supposed to be getting to know each other and finding out who the Mafia is? Not reminiscing about backstories?"

Dorky turned to look at Shieta.

"I... See. I think Yohan is somebody that Paiyoon used to know. Whoever this person is, I... Think they reminded her of you. Just a guess."

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 19:09 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"Oh! Hi, Shieta. Nice to meet you. I-"


"Amnesia? Drunkenness? Drugs? Some other form of memory loss? I wonder why you can't remember? This sure is starting to feel like some elaborate Sci-Fi plot of some sort..."

Not that I don't like that! This just keeps getting more interesting!

He started waving his hands wildly without noticing. Eventually, he did, and stopped.

"Whoops! S-Sorry. I- I zoned out. I hope you get your memory back. I'm sorry. That sucks. Strange..."

He let out a muffled whistle.

"OHHH... Um... Maybe."

How could she be so decisive?



Who were these people?

Well, it was good she was joking.


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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 19:00 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

"Oh! That's- like a morality alignment. I think it kinda suits you. Or maybe Lawful Neutral, both seem to have your vibe! I'm a- um... Either a Neutral or Chaotic Good. I'm kinda both. Sorry, sorry. Um..."

He paused a moment. "There... Sure are a lot of people here. So- does this whole thing work like, traditional Mafia? We try to figure out the imposters and vote them out? It doesn't seem like much has been revealed to us yet, there's... So many people here. I've heard that, well, not talking votes at all or pushing for a vote rather than the in-between is suspicious. But- do these people just not know any better?"

He tugged at the hair on the sides of his head, to the point there was a slight pain. "Augh. This is so confusing! But... You seem to know what you're doing. A- a bit more than me, anyway. Is there anything you noticed? About the last times you were here?..."

He glanced around. It was odd to him that some people came here with items. He had nothing but the clothes on his back right now, and, to be honest, it was kind of boring. And. His memory kinda sucked. So it sucked he couldn't write stuff down or draw at least.

"You've got like this cold logical INTJ vibe, Paiyoon, I kinda like it! I was thinking, maybe, um-"

No. Nonono. That wouldn't work.

"Never mind. It's- a bad idea, anyway. A lot of people seem kinda distant, or... Confused, like they don't know why they're here. Should we... Try skipping this vote? Or try voting someone? I don't wanna kill somebody innocent by mistake... Or... Even kill anyone for that matter."

He looked visibly nauseous.

"This is messed up..."

His eyes widened. "Paiyoon! Don't just accuse them of that! I'm... Sorry. I'm Dorky, Paiyoon's just kinda- trying to figure stuff out. She doesn't mean any harm and um, I-- I'm not trying to condescend her or anything, I just- wanted to let you know so you're not-- scared or anything! Sorry."

He blinked. "Someone you used to know...," he murmured curiously.

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 18:37 (1 Year ago)

Dorky Monroe's POV

He gasped. "DnD?! DID YOU SAY DnD?! That is so cool oh my goodness I--"

He clapped his hands over his mouth, pausing to think for a moment.

"I always wanted to play that game but I never really had it and I've been learning it recently but- YOU LIVED IN A UNIVERSE LIKE THAT?!"

He sighed and shook his head. "That's so cool! I wish I spawned into a place like that. It just seems so much more fun and fulfilling than everyday life."

He turned to look at who had spoken. "Um... I'm pretty sure they're right, no one here knows deadly magic. I think. Are we...engaging in combat now? Is that what we're doing?"

He shook his head. "I- I don't think anyone is evil or good right now. Paiyoon's got like, a, mastermind detective ish vibe going on where she could be either but like seems all Ni-dom-ish and calculating and umm- never mind."

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