Forum Thread
Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]Darcy Harper's POV
Was Sawyer okay?
"Please... Please don't be dead," he whispered. "If something happened to you, I..."
He shook his head.
No, no. It was okay. Everything was fine.
A thought struck him. He remembered how Kaoru had kept Sawyer in her dorm for the night, when they were injured.
"Do you think they might be... In someone's dorm?" Darcy asked. "I just realized... The last time they were badly injured, Kaoru kept them in her dorm. Maybe someone else did the same!"
...if... They're alive.
There was only one person who came to mind, who might have done that. Only one person who seemed to make sense, and it made Darcy shudder in slight disgust.
"Maybe... Miyako."
And that was when he spotted her. She was... Talking to Idris about something.
All he heard was something about... Not hurting someone?
"Uh... Miyako. Hi." Wow. This was awkward. He stiffened, still shaking slightly.
"Do you... Know where Sawyer is? Who are you talking about?"
What was with Idris? Darcy winced upon seeing him again. Remembering the things he said, he felt his heart freezing in place. There was this invisible clutching at his throat.
Idris... Didn't look well. And Darcy didn't particularly want to talk to him again, not after their last conversation...
"Hello... To you too, Idris."
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Miyako Hiroto
"Sawyer?" Miyako's eyes narrowed. "What do you want with them?" She inched herself away from the both. She didn't like that they were on either side of her.
Who the hell was Darcy, anyway? Who's side were they on?
"They your friend?"
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo's jaw dropped.
Monokuma Announcement
Darcy Harper's POV
Darcy's fingers curled into fists, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in, puffing and panting.
"I'm... I'm sorry. It's- been a very stressful day. Do you... Know where they are?"
He felt kind of guilty. It wasn't like Miyako had done anything wrong, even if she acted kind of mean. It's just... This was urgent.
"Please... I need to know they're okay."
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Get back... To dorms?
Sawyer spun around and fell to the floor, blacking out.
Lucian Arbred's POV
He pulled up his scarf to hide his reddening face. "And... Never mind, it's... Not important. We took you to the Nurse's Office, and then I heard Idris trying to kill Saeko, so I- I'm so sorry, Kubo. I left you there and I swore I'd come back, but... I- I forgot," he choked out.
There was no way in hell he could mention kissing Kubo on the forehead. Kubo kissing him on the lips when he had a concussion. Or kissing him on the cheek when he left the room.
What's wrong with me?! What have- what have I been thinking?
That somehow... He liked me? Or even... Loved me? Had any romantic interest in me whatsoever?
"...are... You feeling okay?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako's fingernails dug into her palms. "They're not dead," she informed Darcy coldly. "I'll talk to them and if they're alright with you, I'll bring them to your dorm tomorrow. For now, it's time for us to sleep."
She wasn't exactly sure if Sawyer was in the right frame of mind to be making choices like that- but they had autonomy. She just had to keep them as far away from Darcy for as long as possible. Ah, the pains of morality. Almost get it sometimes- why he did what he did.
Everyone did things that were f*cked up. It only came down to how far you were willing to go.
How far you could ignore the screaming conscience in your chest as you chose to walk away. To fail somebody.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow Idris, okay? Don't do anything you'll regret."
Kubo Atsushi
Huh. For some reason none of that made sense. The words hit him, but the meaning bounced off his head like water. Never touching, never drenching.
His nose scrunched up. "O...Okay? Yeah... I'm okay."
Was Kaoru okay?
No, she was dead. He needed to remember that. She wasn't okay because she was bloody and blue and very very very dead, dead in the ground.
A piercing pain lanced through his skull and he crumbled back against the wall, clutching his head.
Setsuna Jun
"Oh. We gotta go back now." Setsuna looked down at his hands which were shaking. "Hey... Sutaraitsu? Do you think you could stay with me tonight?"
He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to hold back tears. I don't wanna stay with me either. You don't have to come, you shouldn't have to come-
But the hope inside him didn't let him voice the words, so he just stared hopefully at him.
Darcy Harper's POV
He crossed his arms. "I... Guess that's okay." What the hell happened?
What was he doing?
Well, this was awfully inconvenient. Darcy knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. He grimaced.
"Good... Night, Akari. Thank you for accompanying me," he told him very softly. Darcy headed off to his dorm, alone. All alone.
Why would he be anything but alone?
He shut the door and locked it behind him, and threw himself onto the bed.
It's funny.
He felt so tired, too tired to cry.
He just felt... Empty.
And strangely, despite his tiredness, he couldn't sleep. For all the dreary worry for Sawyer, and for what might be going on with Idris, and the possible murders...
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Lucian Arbred's POV
His eyes widened. "K-Kubo!"
He couldn't leave him alone in this state. He was probably still going through his concussion...
Lucian sighed, shaking his head. He closed and locked the door, and proceeded to slowly, slowly drag Kubo across the floor, to the bed inside the dorm room. He laid his head upon the pillow and pulled the blankets up for him.
"I'll... Just stay with you, tonight. If that's okay. I- I think you need it. Kubo."
A worry seized him. Was Kubo going to get better?
"I mean... We have to be in the dorms, anyway. And-- I want to be here to help you. If you need it. ...good night."
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"Everything is going to be okay."
A whisper. A faint whisper, from Darcy. He was worried sick, wasn't he? Understandable, I guess, wasn't all that fun when you have to wonder whether someone you care about so much is even dead, right?
"Please... Please don't be dead. If something happened to you, I..."
I'd kill them all.
Burn their bodies to the ground, right Akari? Tear them up limb by limb, make sure the pain they experienced was even a fraction of what you felt?
His face darkened, his head lowered. He didn't say a word. Funny how Daiko took every opportunity they got to make up some edgy BS, wasn't it?
"Do you think they might be... In someone's dorm? I just realized... The last time they were badly injured, Kaoru kept them in her dorm. Maybe someone else did the same!"
"Maybe... Miyako."
Well, that was an idea. Made sense to think that way, it might actually be true. He took a deep breath and shrugged, still keeping quiet as he tagged along.
...And here they were, right back here. It all came full circle, didn't it? He saw Idris through the crack in the door, he saw Miyako talking to them. The former still looked miserable, no surprise there. Akari didn't even greet the two, and again, he didn't say a word. He just kept his head low and stayed at a distance from everyone else. Didn't even bother to say anything to Miyako when she spoke.
Akari flinched at the sudden shouts, his breathing now suddenly having a slight shake to it. Darcy's outburst was a little understandable, sure, but it didn't seem like Miyako knew anything. If she did, it probably wasn't much.
Well, with Monokuma's absurd and annoying announcement, he sighed and began to turn away. It was hard to speak, but he felt the need to at least state his intentions as to not make things worse. "I'll... look around a bit, before curfew I guess..." He stated simply, then walked away.
And oh wow would you look at that, plot convenience my beloved.
As he was roaming around, checking inside rooms, he happened to run into Kubo and Lucian once again. He had been attempting to stay quiet in his search, in case there was a murderer on the loose, so his entrance could've easily went unnoticed if he had just walked away. But nope, thanks to Seren and our beloved ✨plot convenience✨, Akari stayed.
He walked forward and stood near Lucian, looking over in Kubo's general direction. "...Everything... Alright?"
Kubo Atsushi
"A-Ah... right..."
He was forgetting something. Something he had to say.
"Lucian, I'm-" he started.
Then Akari burst into the room. Kubo slammed his mouth shut. Okay? Of course it isn't. Kaoru's dead, you idiot. He looked down at his hands which were shaking.
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako frowned, watching Darcy leave. She felt like she'd just missed something important. Probably not, she decided with a shake of her head.
It was time to go sleep. Monokuma wasn't exactly the most patient stuffed bear out there- as they'd learned in the past.
What happened to the good ol' days when Teddy had kidneys that give him patience? Has Monokuma lost his kidney crayons?
The agonizing pain of bad youtube references had Miyako disobeying the laws of physics to teleport to her dorm.
"Sawyer!" she gasped as she glitched into reality. "Oh god!" She immediately knelt at their side and checked them. "Are you okay? Sh*t, they're unconscious-" she cursed. "Damn, Saeko? Where are you?" She glanced back and forth, hoping they'd suddenly appear.
Lucian Arbred's POV
"A-Akari! Yes. Everything's... Okay. I think Kubo just might still be recovering... I thought I'd... Stay with him for the night. To make sure he's okay..."
He sighed. "because, well, we're being ordered back to our dorms, and I can't just leave him here. Like this! You know?"
Lucian tried to shake any selfish, excitable thoughts away that he might be having. At the idea of getting to spend a night with Kubo again...
But it wasn't like that! It would never be like that. He just had to make sure he'd be okay.
I won't leave you alone, again, okay? You'll be safe. I'll protect you. Just like I promised.
It hurt to think about. But he just had to do better now.
Darcy Harper's POV
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Sawyer was dreaming. Not sure what of.
"Mom...? Dad...? What are you-"
They reached out with their hand, their figures crumpled into dust. What were...
"No, we can't do that to them. I don't think it will help."
"But... Pain-inducing stimuli, it might be able to jog some kind of mem-"
"ARE YOU CRAZY?! You're talking torture. This is a child!"
"We might not have much choice, you know. If they can't get any better..."
"This just- this goes against my ethics."
"Do you think it would be better for us to kill them?!"
"...yeah. you're right. Okay. Let's do it."
Sawyer could feel the cuffs and straps. They were rough on your wrists and ankles.
"What's... Going on? Is- this some kind of game? What are we playing?"
"...turn up the dial."
An electric shock. It wasn't all too painful, but...
"Sawyer. Do you remember this date?"
"I- I don't know what you're--"
Sawyer woke up. Everything was blurry. They were in a cold sweat.
Someone... Was touching them.
"No... Nonono. Hey. This... Isn't... A test, is it? Not of those?" they mumbled.
What was that?
What is this? Who are you? I... I can't... See. I can't remember.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Oh. They were in the middle of something, weren't they? Oh lovely. Gotta love the whole "wrong place, wrong time" thing, how fun.
Oh well, too late now. Couldn't worry about it too much, right?
"Sorry..." he muttered out, bringing his arm out of his pockets to rub the back of his neck out of nervous habit.
"A-Akari! Yes. Everything's... Okay. I think Kubo just might still be recovering... I thought I'd... Stay with him for the night. To make sure he's okay..."
He gave a hesitant nod, now looking directly at the pigtails in blue bastard. Akari could feel the overwhelming amount of angsty, edgy, nervous BS in this room and honestly it was weighing on him. He could understand the situation quite easily, how Lucian was so close to Kubo, but the resulting awkwardness was just too much. Understandable, sure, not like Akari was a stranger to whatever this was, but that didn't really make it any better...
"because, well, we're being ordered back to our dorms, and I can't just leave him here. Like this! You know?"
He stayed silent for a moment, pondering the situation a bit. "...Yeah... Yeah I guess so..." He muttered, slightly under his breath.
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian smiled at him. "It's... It's alright. Really."
"Sorry I look a mess right now, I... Had to get out of the shower in a hurry."
He swallowed. He wasn't so sure why that was relevant, at all, really. Still. He felt bad that Akari had to see him look such a stupid mess right now.
And well... That Kubo had to, too, even if he had a concussion right now.
"...Yeah... Yeah I guess so..."
"Yeah, I... Would you like to stay in here? I'm probably not going to sleep anyway, I mean... I want to be awake in case anything changes about Kubo's condition, I mean- just in case of anyth-"
"Or I mean, maybe I could sleep, I don't- I don't know."
Watching. Kubo sleep. Right, just wait right beside him for him to wake up. Might as well stroke his hair and kiss his forehead while you're at it! Ohhhh, WAIT! You DID THAT ALREADY!
Jesus Christ, Lucian, you're practically ASKING for another accidental kiss moment.
"It just... Um... Feels kinda weird to watch him sleep, I don't want to be creepy or anything, I just... Want to be awake and there to help in case anything happens, is all."
Oh, my word.
"I'm so sorry, this is so awkward. Thank you for checking in... You can stay if you want to, or not, I mean, whatever you're more comfortable with."
Somehow, it made things even more awkward.
The fact that he and Kubo were just... Well... Friends? Is that what it was? I mean, if they were dating, maybe this wouldn't be so awkward. But... Since they weren't...
It was all so full of uncertainty and confusion and tension. If only some event would come up that could be the perfect opportunity for Lucian to stop flailing around like a fish and just freaking ask Kubo out, am I right?
I just have to control myself. Maybe I'll tell him how I feel, at some point, but now isn't the time. Jesus Christ... What is wrong with me?
Why couldn't he just tell him how he felt? And deal with the inevitable rejection afterwards, so he could figure out a way to move on from it?
Or, maybe Kubo would feel the same or...
Why couldn't he just delete these feelings?...
All they were doing was screwing everything up.
Lucian sat down on the end of the bed, and breathed deeply, in and out, as he unfolded the crumpled start of the note.
He stared at it, mulling over the words. None of them sounded quite right.
And even if I tell him... no matter what I say, he'll say no, won't he?
He thought I was Kaoru. That's why he kissed me. That's... The only explanation.
The tears silently rolled down his cheeks, his lips trembling.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Sutaraitsu Umemoto
"Ehh? Stay tonight? Uhh, sure...! We could, like, discuss more of our theories. Whatever we were doing before!" Sutaraitsu replied.
Mika Uyehara
"Are you okay? Sh*t, they're unconscious-" she cursed. "Damn, Saeko? Where are you?" She glanced back and forth, hoping they'd suddenly appear.
Mika followed the vaguely familiar yet annoying voice belonging to Miyako, keeping himself hidden from sight as he spied on her and Saeko.
Setsuna Jun
"Theories! Yes!" Setsuna's face felt hot. So he really likes me? And wants to talk with me? Aggggh- He giggled nervously. "Let's go! Onward to dorms!"
He took him by the arm and dragged him down, only then remembering something very important.
I dorm with Idris.
Idris, who hates me.
Idris who's lover just died.
Going to see Idris with Sutaraitsu on my arm.
Welp, too late to second guess now! Onward to dorms! Onward to death! Onward to DOOM! "Let's goooooo!" he cheered.
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo blinked at both of them. His head felt fuzzy, and he wasn't really sure if Akari was real or just a mirage of someone long dead.
Some name was on the tip of his tongue.
It began with an N... Was it his brother?
"Niwa..." he muttered. Suddenly he jerked back to attention. Something was wrong with Lucian.
Just a mirage too, or-?
He watched, hypnotized, as his own fingers reached out and brushed over Lucian's face, catching the tears. He brought his hand back and stared at it, then looked up at Lucian. "You're crying," he said bluntly, then broke into a fit of coughs.
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako inhaled sharply. "They're waking up... God I hope I'm not supposed to take care of them on my own..." She glanced around for Saeko once more and found nothing- though she did catch a faint glimpse of fluffy white hair.
She blinked and subconsciously felt her own.
That was weird...
Almost like a ghost...
Her attention was brought back to Sawyer who was squirming. Carefully, gently, she laid a hand on their forehead, something in her aching at the gesture. "Shhh," she whispered. "It's okay..." Carefully she unravelled their shirt sleeve from around their arm and began searching for the injury.
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian's eyes widened. Kubo's. Fingers. On his face. Wiping away his... Tears?
His face flushed. The... Gesture. It was so sweet and... Comforting.
Trying not to look panicked, he folded up the paper he was looking at so Kubo wouldn't see it.
"You're crying."
Lucian wiped away the other persistent tears with his sleeves. "That's- that's not important, Kubo... oh my goodness, you're coughing? Are- you okay? Do you need some water?"
A shiver passed through him as he recalled Kubo's fingers gently brushing his face.
That felt... So nice. Lucian was grateful for the fact his hair covered his ears; they were bright red.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
They were... Okay.
Someone was telling them they were okay.
"No... Nooo. Everything is... Not-"
They felt so weak right now. Every bone in their body seemed limp.
This was strange. Why couldn't they... Move?
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
Lucian... so worried about him. Kubo felt strange once more. What was happening to him?
Kubo shuddered as he felt ghostly fingers grasp his chin and turn him to face her. Kaoru... With a gasp, he shook his head wildly, scattering the apparition into mist.
"Water- no, not water. Monokuma..." His mind screeched to a halt. "Gotta get in the dorms... Lucian, we need to get in the dorms."
Miyako Hiroto
"Sawyer?" They were saying something. She leaned down, pressing her ear close to their face- but it seemed they were already done, all she heard were their faint warm breaths.
She pulled back and went to shut the door, rubbing her wet ear with her sleeve. She paused and glanced back and forth.
"Miko?" she called.
Sutaraitsu Umemoto
Sutaraitsu noticed Setsuna's "odd" behaviour, but thought nothing of it. I'm sure Setsuna's fine anyway and definitely not in any way contemplating his life choices.
"Oooookay, let's go!" Sutaraitsu dragged Setsuna to his dorm.
Mika Uyehara
Oh shoot, she noticed me.
Mika did the Mika thing and became completely silent.
Setsuna Jun
Setsuna sputtered, feeling his face heat up at the casual touch. W-What is this feeling?! So sudden and new, and- He blushed and ducked his head.
Unfortunately not noticing they'd just reached the dorm.
"Ow!" he yelped, colliding headfirst with his own door.
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako studied the hallways. The shadows, the light- was anyone there, or was she going crazy? She rubbed her eyes and blinked through the darkness.
"Miko?" she called softly. "If you're there... it's almost nighttime. It's dangerous to be out there."
She remembered the first time she'd laid eyes on Mei. Nothing had seemed real. For a second, she'd been caught off guard with her soft hair. Her thick eyelashes. Those sweet lips.
Then Mei smiled, and Miyako's heart skipped a beat and she burst forward into conversation, acting as she'd always acted. Weird and funny and flirty- but still, above all else, normal. Unaffected. Unchanged by a girl who she'd suddenly realised was very very beautiful.
Miyako wasn't sure why she was thinking of Mei right now. She was dead and gone. And now Miyako was with Shi, a full and glorious relationship, two hearts intertwined.
But some people were just so very beautiful and...
"Miko. I know you're there."
Lucian Arbred's POV
He bit his lip nervously. "It's alright. You're safe. I'll watch over you. All night, okay? I won't let anyone hurt you," he told him insistently. "I care about you, and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."
He reached out and gently squeezed Kubo's hand again, before abruptly pulling his hand away, and glancing elsewhere. "I-- um... You'll be okay. Okay?... As long as I'm alive, I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you."
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Everything... Was so confusing.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo gave a start.
His hand was so warm. Kaoru's hands were never this warm. Always so so cold, always so closed off, never wanting to open herself up for anyone-
Tears came to his eyes before he could stop himself. "Thank you," he mumbled. "Welcome... to dorm."
And then he promptly passed out.
Monokuma began rewriting the setting because he was not at all sober and granted too much power. "Soooo..." he slurred. "They're in a dumb- dumb school-" he hiccupped out a laugh. "Instead of o-outer space! Because- because- that's too realisticcccc..."
"Did you just call someone other than me THICC?"
Monokuma panicked. "Of c-course not h-honey bear-"
"And are you drunk?"
A pause. "...No."
"I'm sorryyyyy!" he wailed. "I know it's a bad examplllleee for our chillldreennn but they're all gonna be dead before they... of age anyway!"
"Exactly. Remember kids, you always give your alcohol to the sexy rainbow bear first."
Monokuma looked at his feet, ashamed. "I've failed you all..."
"Don't worry, love. That ugly nails heels short story loser drank more than your glorious niwa-free bearness ever did." The two bears made out and had more suspicious beverages and then this scene cut off because this roleplay is PG.
Back to Miyako.
Miyako Hiroto
"The bears are probably drunk," Miyako continued. "Since this is a pretty damn long 10 minutes. Why don't you come in before it's up, huh, Miko?"
She attempted a smile.
Miyako Hiroto
"Oh. It's you." Miyako wasn't sure if she was even trying to sound enthusiastic at this point. "What're you doing here, Shi?"
She tried to remind herself that she was Shi's girlfriend, but an image of Mei was dancing behind her eyes.