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I'm Feeling Lucky
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RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2022 14:31 (2 Years ago) |
-Cripes, not now... The girl had been continuing her act up until now. If she could just keep her guard lowered maybe she could... No, fighting also wasn't an option. If her instincts were right, this girl was dangerous. Who knows what she had under her sleeve. Cassandra takes a calming breath and snaps into attention when Gordon speaks. Her face was unreadable as she watches him aim his gun at the girl's head. She relaxes slightly, letting out a relieved breath. Planning a course of action was one thing, but acting on it was something else. Someone has to do it. So why can't it be you? Coward. Her steady gaze falters as she watches the girl's mask fall. Cassandra knew she should be alarmed by the sudden reveal, but instead she felt relief. I was right! So what does that small victory mean for us? Aster had never once moved from her side. His own gun was resting on the table, far away from his reach. Still, he was prepared to fight the girl if she dared take a step towards their direction. Both of them silently watch her drop her bag onto the floor. For a calming second, they all wonder if that's the end. Is she seriously going to surrender just like that? That's when black smoke fills the room. Cassandra lets out a startled yelp when she feels arms wrap around her. She feels someone spin her around, so that their back would be facing towards where Andrea stood just moments ago. "It's me, don't worry" Aster whispers. "Gordon!" He shouts. "We're okay! What about you!?" It was hard to see through the smoke, but Aster was trying his damn hardest to look for the dark silhouettes that would likely be Gordon and Andrea's bodies. One was uncounted for. "Where did she go?" Aster asks while furiously blinking his now stinging eyes. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2022 13:27 (2 Years ago) |
The girl didn't seem to be armed. But for some reason, she was still making Cassandra nervous. Living alone for the past few years and fending for herself at a young age; it honed her instincts. She may seem like an air head, but Cassandra was sharper than she often showed. Right now, her gut was screaming danger. How did I miss this before? That's right, I was too focused on her looks and voice. She is a deceptive one. Cassandra tried to shuffle a step away from the girl. She did her best to make it discreet, but she had a feeling the girl would notice anyway. Danger, caution, why aren't you doing anything yet! "I'm sorry to hear about your loss" Cassandra responds. Despite her sudden suspicions about this girl, she managed to keep her voice gentle and kind "The Purge? You seriously never heard about it? It's a day where the government allows any crime to be legal for twenty-four hours." She explains. She clenches her shaky fists and puts them in her pockets to hide them. The realization that this girl was likely dangerous was terrifying to her. Oddly enough, it wasn't her own life she was worried about. There were two people in the room that she cared for- even though Gordon was still basically a stranger she didn't want to see him get injured, or worse. Maybe I should've made Gordon send her away. She wouldn't forgive herself if Aster and Gordon got hurt due to her showing mercy towards the strange girl. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2022 01:08 (2 Years ago) |
Imagine their surprise when a woman carrying a book walks in. Cassandra was equally startled when the girl ran into her. She relaxes as she watches the poor girl try to explain herself. "Hey it's okay" she assures. "What are you doing out at this time? Don't you know the Purge started? And what are you doing walking into random people's houses? Don't you know that, that's dangerous!?" She scolds. She sighs, turning to both Aster and Gordon to peg their reactions. Aster remained close to Cassandra's side. Muscles tense and prepared to attack if necessary. The girl was suspicious, but she didn't seem dangerous. "Gordon, I'm certain that you know this area better than us. Maybe you could give her correct directions?" She turns to look at the girl with a sympathetic gaze. "If it's not too much trouble, maybe she could stay until the Purge ends? It feels wrong to send her away..." [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 19:17 (2 Years ago) |
"We were in a bit of a rush, both to pack the items and escape with them" Aster pipes up. "Better supplies would be greatly appreciated. The most I could do was stop the bleeding." Aster's eyes widen while he listens to Gordon explain how he managed to heal his own injured arm. The man continued to surprise the two in the best way possible. Is this man even human? Aster wonders with an amused grin. "I'm amazed" Aster says while taking a step closer to examine Gordon's arms. "It's quite a task to fix a gunshot wound, especially on yourself!" Both Aster and Cassandra silently thank their fate for being in alliance with Gordon, because man, he would be a terrible enemy. "Well, between you and Aster helping me, I'm certain this wound won't be the death of me" Cassandra says with a chuckle. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 23:52 (2 Years ago) |
"Hopefully that luck continues. We can use some good fortune right about now" Cassandra responds while gently rubbing her bandaged forehead. She had forgotten about the wound up until now. The worse of the pain had long passed, leaving only an annoying sting. "No owls? Now that's what makes living here worth it" she adds with a smile. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 18:36 (2 Years ago) |
"You seem to be doing great without them" Cassandra agrees with a chuckle. "You'll have time to find them. But for now we should focus on surviving through tonight." She pauses to glance over at Aster- who was silently listening to the conversation while looking out the window. "Is the coast still clear?" She asks. "I haven't seen a single soul. I have to hand it to you Gordon. You chose a great spot to live. I think it's safe to say that nobody- besides Cassandra and I- will stumble into this area... Hopefully... Probably..." Aster trails off. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 14:40 (2 Years ago) |
"Sounds like you have a great group of friends" she says with a smile. "It sucks you had to leave the group...I understand that feeling. I left my home state to travel the Country. I've been doing it for a few years, long before the Purge was even a thing." She winces when she realizes what she just said. She couldn't chase away the memories of the first Purge. She remembered how terrified and confused she was. Granted, she was still terrified of it, but at least she understood it. But most of all, she remembered what it took from her. "It hurts to leave good people behind-" another pang of regret hits Cassandra. The Purge was something that would be burned into everyone's memories for multiple reasons. Cassandra remembered it as the day her whole life changed. The day everyone she loved disappeared. Because of the ideologies of the Purge- one that didn't even work. Her family was gone, slaughtered, exactly one day before the second Purge was supposed to begin. "All that matters is that you continue to hold happy memories of them. It's great you are still friends with your childhood friend though! Maybe one day the two of you can find a way to come in contact with the others" she continues, with a slightly defeated tone. The memories hurt, but she didn't really want to share stories of her grief with a complete stranger. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 01:35 (2 Years ago) |
"That's a shame- having your friends move away from you" Cassandra replies. Who was she kidding? She was that friend to other people. Her own family, her childhood friends, people she met along her travels. She had a nasty habit of leaving them behind. "But it's great you still keep in contact with one. Do you talk often?" She asks. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 19:16 (2 Years ago) |
"No thanks" both Cassandra and Aster reply to the mention of food, despite their empty stomachs. Not that they would feel the hunger anyway. The stress of this whole situation was a good distraction. "There are a lot of desperate people out there" Cassandra points out softly. Once again, she felt guilty for crashing the ambulance. How many people are dying out there? How many people could we have saved? She sighs and looks towards one of the photos on the wall. She couldn't help but frown at the picture. What could drive someone to live alone with access to multiple weapons? Where did he even obtain this stuff? Who was this mysterious man? [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 18:27 (2 Years ago) |
"Are we really going to do this?" Aster whispers while the two walk around the side of the house. "What if he is dangerous?" "If he wanted to kill us, he would've done it already... Probably" Cassandra responds. "Look, what choice do we have? We can keep running, but who knows how long we'll get lucky for? All it takes is for one person to attack us. Then what?" Cassandra asks. "I say we try to trust him. What's the worse that can happen?... Don't answer that" Cassandra says the last part quickly. The two were equally nervous as they stepped into the house, and they were too focused on looking around the house to notice Gordon's trembling hands. "Thank you" Cassandra tells the man politely while pulling the mask off her face. Aster cringes slightly at that. Hopefully that action wouldn't scare Gordon. Killers who show their faces are dangerous. He hesitates before doing the same. "If it means anything, it's just the two of us. Nobody followed us" Cassandra assures before realizing how cliché that sounded. Man, I'm not good at this Cassandra thinks to herself. "I'm Cassandra and that's Aster" Cassandra says awkwardly, desperate to change the subject. "Again, thank you for letting us stay here. We'll try to not overstay our welcome. We'll leave at any point. Can we offer anything to show our thanks? Money maybe?" She asks while glancing over at Aster, remembering how they stole from that store. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2022 15:48 (2 Years ago) |
"This way." Aster tells Cassandra softly. He was sticking close to her, obviously intent on trying to hide her as best as he could. He steers her over to a store that had it's door busted down. The move towards a register and sit behind the counter. Cassandra had no idea how long they walked, but it had to be for awhile due to the immediate relief she felt when she sat down. "Are you okay?" Aster asks while digging through his bag. "I'm-... alive" Cassandra replies. "What about you? That was a horrible crash. I'm sorry-" she clenches her fists together, but she was unable to stop the heavy emotions from pouring out. "I shouldn't have panicked! I put us in danger all because I couldn't keep my cool! I'm sorry Aster!" She chokes out. She turns away from him, only to hear him softly shushing her. She feels hands fall onto her shoulders to turn her to face him. "I'm fine" Aster assures her. "What happened wasn't your fault. You reacted quickly, and saved us from the explosion. We just got unlucky with the placement of that lightpost" he adds with a soft smile. It goes away when Cassandra doesn't smile back. "Let's get you cleaned up" he says while pointing to her bloody forehead. "I do hope the cut isn't too deep" he mutters while pulling a first aid kit out of the backpack. She lowers her gaze, downcast to the floor. She couldn't fight away the nagging guilt she felt. "There" Aster says after a few minutes of trying to clean and wrap up the wound. "It wasn't deep, fate must be on our side!" He pauses to put the first aid kit back into the backpack. "Do you feel any head pain? Any memory loss? Problems focusing?" He visibly relaxes when Cassandra shakes her head no to all those things. "Good, then you don't have a concussion. After what just happened, we are more than lucky to get away with one minor cut." Aster slowly stands up to peek over the counter. "We should keep moving. I didn't like the way those people were looking at us." He bends down again and digs through his bag to pull out two Halloween masks. Both masks looked like fox-like creatures. "What's this for!?" Cassandra asks, horrified. "We need to blend in" Aster replies. "All the crazies wear masks" he adds while putting the mask in Cassandra's hands. He stands up again and his gaze rest on the cash register in front of them. "Don't-" Cassandra warns. "You remember our promise? To leave America after this year's Purge? We need money to survive Cassandra" Aster says with a sigh. "I did some research. Canada and Mexico have support groups that'll help us cross the border and settle in. But we still need money. This super store, it'll be fine if it's missing a few bucks." Cassandra doesn't reply. She just watches him slam the pistol repeatedly against the register until it breaks. There wasn't a lot in there. Just some cash to prepare for the next work day. There couldn't be more than $50 comprised of dollars, fives, and change. The duo take the money anyway and move back out into the streets. This time though, nobody gave the two a second glance. The two continued to walk for awhile, and soon, in the distance, was a house ahead. The two exchange questioning looks. Maybe the could hide in the backyard until the Purge was over? Or the shed? Nobody would come looking for them there, and if anyone was going to attack they'd go through the front door. They two slowly approach the house and Cassandra's blood runs cold when she catches the owner standing on the porch outside. He was tall, covered in scars, and was quite literally armed to the teeth. She curses and grabs Aster's arm to stop him from moving forward. They had to run, now, before this man noticed him. What were the chances he'd shoot the two masked Intruders? Then again, what were the chances he could shoot them while they were retreating? Too high... The best thing they could do now was surrender, and hope he would show them mercy. "Hello!" She calls out with a trembling voice. "We aren't here to hurt you!" She cringes, suddenly realizing how unconvincing she sounded. "Aster, drop your gun!" She demands. Aster nods and throws the pistol away from them and raises his arms up. "We just need a place to hide, I know we're strangers and you can't trust us. But please! We need help!" Cassandra continues. "We'll get out of your hair as soon as we can! But right now, the streets aren't safe!" [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 17:30 (2 Years ago) |
Fire was still raging through the building when the ambulance slowly approached the scene. Rubble was scattered across the road, making it difficult to easily maneuver the vehicle around. Without realizing it, Cassandra had tightened her grip on the steering wheel, and her knuckles were beginning to turn white. She didn't like the idea of being stuck in an enclosed space, unarmed, in a place where escape would be difficult by vehicle. She constantly was checking the mirrors, anticipating an attacker or two to approach at any moment. "Stop!" Aster suddenly shouts, making Cassandra instantly slam on the breaks and look towards him with wide eyes. He was digging through the glove compartment and was careful to avoid her shocked gaze when he pulls out a pistol and moves to the back of the ambulance to open the double doors. "Stay there" he orders while racing out into the street. Cassandra watches with baited breath while he moves towards some rubble. She didn't notice it until he got close. Feet were sticking out from behind the rubble. Someone was laying down and hiding behind it. From her position, she couldn't hear what Aster was saying while he approached the person. He moves with cation, eventually saying the right thing because the person managed to sit up. They visibly wince and tighten their fist into their bloody stomach. The poor person doesn't have a lot of options. With no team to help move the person into the ambulance on a stretcher Aster is forced to half lead, half drag the person into the ambulance. They move as quickly as they can. Both anticipating danger. Whoever stabbed the person would likely return to finish the kill. Climbing to the back of the ambulance, Cassandra helps haul the person into the back. The two move quickly. Cassandra climbing to the front to drive to the nearest hospital while Aster works to keep the person alive. The person's pained screams were haunting. Aster tried his hardest to assure the person that they'd be okay while he worked on them. But they were understandably in too much pain to focus. It seemed to take forever to maneuver the ambulance around the rubble, but eventually, Cassandra successfully managed it. She moves quickly, nearly driving at highway speeds down mostly empty streets towards a nearby hospital. She approaches the emergency room side, where four gunmen carrying assault rifles stand in wait. Two nurses approach the ambulance while two of the four gunmen follow. They all move quickly, placing the person onto a stretcher and moving them inside. The whole process was over in minutes and soon Aster and Cassandra were back on the road again. The two decided to stick close to the burning building. This time, they moved down side streets to avoid the rubble. More people seemed to be out on the streets. Many avoided them due to being unable to catch the fast moving vehicle. Cassandra was thankful that they had yet to reach someone carrying guns. The two approach a suspiciously empty street. The two sit up, suddenly alert. A fire hydrant had been busted down, causing water to leak out into the streets. Fortunately, there wasn't enough water to cause the ambulance to hydroplane. A gasp escapes Cassandra's throat when she glances into the rear view mirror to see two masked people armed with axes step out into the streets behind them. Aster also gasps when two more step out into the road in front of them. One carried a large knife, while the other had a pistol. The gunman draws their weapon and points it towards them. Out of fear and instinct, Cassandra steps on the gas right as the gunman fires. But rather than hitting the window, he shoots at the road. The bullet hits a planted pipe bomb that Cassandra didn't notice until now. She swerves to dodge the worst of the explosion, causing the ambulance to slam into a light post. The sudden stop combined with the high speeds causes the vehicle to flip onto it's side, then again onto it's back. Time seems to move in slow motion. There was the explosion, their screams, the sound of shattering glass, the distinct sound and scent of air bags exploding. Pain slams into the side of her head as her head slams into the side of the door- where an airbag has yet to properly deploy. Everything went dark for a few seconds. But eventually, Cassandra came to. Her head felt groggy, and her ears were still ringing from the explosion and air bags. She could faintly hear Aster calling out to her. She could feel arms guiding her out of her seat belt. She could see Aster, grabbing a backpack and partially dragging her towards the now open door. Her senses were working, but it felt like a dream. "Cassandra! Come on!" Aster screams. His voice was shaking with terror. He keeps a tight grip on her hand, dragging her down the wet streets until her feet finally complied and she could race with him. Her head hurt, and blood was dripping into her left eye. But miraculously, they were alive, and mostly uninjured! It was almost as if the author needed something bad to happen to them, but couldn't kill them in two posts! But they had yet to be out of the clear. Now they were alone in the streets, still fighting for their senses. They had no idea if the four would follow them, or if they would find more trouble. One thing was certain though, they needed to find safety. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Mon, 09/05/2022 22:02 (2 Years ago) |
It was why Cassandra and Aster chose to drive down these streets in a 'borrowed' ambulance from Aster's work. In the middle of the death and chaos, they would stand brave. Healing the injured and saving lives! Aster was busy in the back, anxiously counting all of their supplies for the fifth time while Cassandra kept her eyes on the road. She drove slowly, there was no need to drive quickly yet. It was unlikely that they would find anyone injured in the early hours of The Purge. If someone was going to be attacked, it would be targeted, and they'd likely die. Both Cassandra and Aster jump as the sound of bells playing. Signaling the beginning of The Purge. Cassandra and Aster silently exchange looks. They didn't need to speak out loud, the two were thinking the same thing. Cassandra takes a steadying breath before returning her gaze to the streets ahead while Aster sits down next to Cassandra. Sensing her fear, Aster calmly reaches a hand out and places it onto her free hand. She catches him offering a smile on the corner of her eye and smirks back. For one moment, the two felt like everything would be okay. Boom! The sound of the explosions shocks the two into place. What the Hell. This was completely unexpected. The bloodshed was starting already? This early!? Cassandra acts quickly, stepping on the gas and lurching the car forward towards the explosion. Many people would die today, but the two would try to save as many innocent lives as possible. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Mon, 09/05/2022 17:20 (2 Years ago) |
~Being nice merely to be liked in return nullifies the point (-Criss Jami)~ Gender: Female Age: 20 Personality: Warm and friendly. She would give you the shirt off her back if she had to. She is extremely selfless and passive. She had no desire to fight others, instead she tries to help others. Appearance: Long lengths of brown hair that have purple highlights in it- her favorite color. She had dark green eyes and tanned skin from having always be outside. She doesn't care for fashion, usually wearing clothes that she finds on sale. She doesn't have enough money to keep up with the latest fashion- not that she really cares. Backstory: Cassandra is the type to travel often. It's difficult to enjoy life when there is a day centered around death and brutality. Cassandra tries to enjoy her limited years by traveling. If she is going to die by some masked maniac, she'd rather go out with happy memories. That's how she got to this city. She was working in a coffee shop when she met Aster, who worked as a paramedic. The two became close, and he agreed to let her live with him until earned enough money to travel somewhere new... Specifically out of America. But splitting food and rent became expensive and soon The Purge was drawing near. The two promised each other that they would find a way to leave America after this year's Purge. Password: Us Group chat? Yes Other: If it's okay, I am going to have her driving in an ambulance (for the first few posts of the RP)- just like in one of the first Purge movies (I forgot which one xD). She, and her friend (Aster) will eventually be attacked and driven out into the streets. Also, spoiler: her friend is going to die ):3 so don't fall in love with him [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 16/04/2022 23:31 (2 Years ago) |
Please send a birthday plushie :D [
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 16:55 (2 Years ago) |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 14:35 (2 Years ago) |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 03:13 (2 Years ago) |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 02:03 (2 Years ago) |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 02:01 (2 Years ago) |