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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 04:26 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

"Who said I made up my mind?"

Ah. How very interesting. This girl was quite a lot like Hisoka, wasn't she? Cold. Arrogant. Passive-aggressive. And yet she had a slight mockery to her, which reminded Kowai of a character she literally couldn't possibly know in-universe due to her being from a game after Kowai was dead so fourth wall break go brrr.

Yeah, she wanted to set Paiyoon on fire for calling her all those insults, and an idiot. She hadn't made up her mind at all, she wanted to vote Paiyoon just to see how she'd react. See what she could deduce from whatever the girl would say and do in response.

An alliance? Sounded all too familiar.

How very interesting, her little monologue about how much she wanted to "win". Please, oh, please. Where was the fun in that?

Kowai didn't care why she was here, she didn't care who died, she didn't care who won. She just wanted things to be interesting. Considering she was brought back from the dead, she at least wanted whatever came after that to be... Entertaining.

All she cared about was being the best, did she?

A visual of a red-haired young man with olive skin and yellow eyes, in his spiffy clothes. A woman who too, was olive-skinned, although far shorter and not as thin, with piercing orange eyes, short blue hair and glasses which she persistently adjusted.

Yes, indeed. That sounded all too familiar.

Paiyoon seemed to know what she was doing.

"An alliance, hm? Now that's a fascinating idea! The curious thing is, though, are we on the same side?"

Oh, how she wanted to spit insults of deep loathing at Paiyoon. She wanted to watch her boil and squirm. Buuuut. You know, killing people would be a waste of time. Because what fun would it be if they weren't around to play with?

"So. Who do you want to vote then?" She raised an eyebrow.

Artemis (Fowl) didn't seem to want to be here. He seemed to be kinning Akari and desperately wishing he wasn't brought back to life. Just kidding, Kowai didn't think this, this was a Dorky observation.

Still, she couldn't resist the jab. "And you are playing it with all your braincells? I'm curious as to what gave you the idea of possessing a superior intellect," she replied, in an amused, joking voice.

She noticed Subin, and turned to look at her.

"Salutations! I'm Kowai Kurai, welcome to Hell, where you're going to spend the rest of your miserable existence! BUUUURNING!" she exclaimed, wriggling her fingers and then laughing maniacally. "Ehhh, I'm just kidding. Pretty sure this is Hell though. Anyway, we gotta find the murderer, or murderers, in this case, and vote for them to be executed. Sound familiar?"

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 23:23 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai sighed. Oh, yes, so, so very rude, to be trying to keep people alive and to literally follow her advice about it being a shot in the dark. To be fair, she had voted Paiyoon, but it was best to vote somebody you had some impression of instead of no impression of.

"I'm sorry, Paiyoon," she said apologetically. "I'm just trying to keep as many people alive as possible. And you said people had to die no matter what, and that our vote would be a shot in the dark regardless, right? It's nothing personal, I assure you."

I just want to see what'll happen.

"But no matter how much you care for these friends of yours, as unfortunate as it is... Someone has to die, you said it yourself. And any of them could be Yōkai. You could be, I could be, even Tarik could just be lying! Like you said, we have no way of knowing for sure. Go ahead and vote me if you want to. It's a shot in the dark, riiight?"

She tilted her head so far to the left it looked like it would snap right off. She jumped about, back and forth, grinning and giggling.

"Let's be honest, people, the game has begun!~ May the most strategic amongst us win, and, it is unfortunate, but some of us, inevitably, will perish. Friends or not, there is no strict way to determine our sides than intuition. So, feel free to vote me if you think that'll be beneficial for your game. Or don't! It's your call!"

She clapped her hands together. "I'm curious to see how this turns out, heheh!"

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 08:09 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Wow. Okay. Somebody was literally sleeping on the floor.

Did she care that little about what was going on? That was... Interesting to say the least. Maybe she had been summoned into the games so many times she didn't care what happened anymore. Maybe she was just the type of person who didn't care. Or maybe, just maybe, she was some kind of Third-Party.

Honestly, there were a lot more possibilities than that as well.


Aaand that girl was playing a guitar. This was kinda amusing, really, it seemed like everyone was doing everything BUT actually playing the game.

While others, still, were quiet.


Paiyoon had said that no matter what, their first vote would be a shot in the dark. So... Why not try it? It might make things interesting. It was a risk, either way.

She wrote down the name Paiyoon Ji.

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 01:50 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Oh. I wasn't aware she was stupid.

"Of course that wasn't my plan! I was just thinking, what the heck is waiting around like this supposed to accomplish?"

Yeah, duh, of course people will die. Every sixty seconds, a minute passes.

But she forced herself not to show any anger upon her face or in her posture.

"I was just thinking, you know... We can't just idly chitchat with everybody without doing anything. We need to figure OUT everyone's "vibes" as you called them, and then vote them off!"


She decided to ignore Paiyoon's comment about people dying no matter what.

Yeah. I've lost count of how many people I killed. Do you think I don't know that?

Well... To be fair, she had said that if they didn't do something, people would die, so, frankly, Paiyoon wasn't to blame given what Kowai had said.

"I'm sorry. I should have explained better. I just don't see what idle banter will accomplish..."

She turned to look at Aria. "Hii!! I'm Kowai Kurai. And you are?"

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 01:32 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Well. They didn't seem particularly talkative. She sighed.

"Paiyoon, what is the point of this exactly? Sorry if this sounds rude, but shouldn't we be figuring out who the Yōkai are? This is no time to be idly chatting with people about their lives."

Jeez. This was boring.

"People could die if we don't figure this out, we can't let that happen!"

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 01:21 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Welcome back, huh?

Artemis had also been here before. How fascinating.

Yes, she thought she faintly remembered someone like him. That would make sense.



Huh. Why were they wasting time making idle chitchat? They needed to figure out who the Yōkai was! Jesus Christ.

Well, Kowai didn't believe in Christianity, but that was beside the point.

She was quite curious what drama was being referred to, but they needed to figure out a Yōkai and vote them. There was no time for some stupid pathetic good-for-nothing useless talk between friends!

"What drama?" she asked, swaying back and forth but making sure not to show her impatience.

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Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 20:54 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

"I see. How very interesting."

She turned to look at Paiyoon. "I'm Kowai Kurai! Curious to hear you've had experience with this before!" she chirped.

"Sooo. Guess it's one big guessing game to determine who is suspicious, right, right?"

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Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 18:55 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai raised her eyebrows. No, she was remembering something now. Something about what Tingyun had just said. Every night, someone was killed.

She recalled, then, that she had been in this situation before. Under a different name. Who else was here?

She scanned the room. Tingyun, a certain girl who seemed strangely familiar, someone who she had never seen before, well... Plenty of people she had never seen before.

Hisoka wasn't here this time. But someone else she recognized was.


Niwa Atsushi.

Who, in the end, she wasn't sure how she felt about. She hated him, for sure. She had stabbed his eye out to show it!

...but she also loved him.

I think.

Or at least, some part of her cared for him.

"Someone dies each night, huh? Gosh, that's awful!" She made herself shiver. "B-But that's not... Gonna happen, right? We're not going to resort to killing one another! We're going to all be friends and believe in one another!" She clapped her hands together cheerily.

What a load of garbage, am I right? Very few of us will make it out of here. Still, though. I guess it's an entertaining thought. To not just burn the entire place down. To see where this goes...?

Strange. A girl with wings was inside of the room. Kowai tilted her head to the side.


She'd been brought back to life twice, it was probably safe to assume anything was possible.

"Is there any way we can prevent deaths from occurring?..."

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Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 08:28 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai thought about it for a moment. "In my world, I'm something of an actress! Nice to meet you, Tingyun! I hope we can get this confusing situation sorted out, huh?... So long as we're all stuck here together."

Sure would be a shame if anyone died.


Wouldn't it?

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Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 07:11 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Now Playing: Candle Queen by Ghost and Pals

"Ever since she was a child
She always knew how to get her way
Just act a little bit wild
And someone will surely come to play

It's a truth she took to heart
But humility and patience didn't come with age
She's born to play this part
A diva's always center stage

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder
Relishing in untestable power
Glowing red in a black and white scene
The one and only candle queen!

Stoking the flames that burn higher and higher
Royalty with a crown of fire
Setting ablaze an extravagant scene
The one and only candle queen

Addicted to adrenaline
And always looking for attention
Thought to be so genuine
When she's suddenly met with apprehension

The fighting has begun
And she'd do anything to get ahead
Like using people as ladder rungs
And sweeping eggshells under the bed"


It was hard to remember, almost. The shock was still there.

She could hear the loud bangs, she never saw the bullets. She could feel herself turning to look at Hisoka, the one who, she had always suspected would kill her. And yet, in that moment, she had never seen it coming. How foolish she had been.

How foolish she had been, to trust that good-for-nothing!!!-

She had reached out her hand, to do something, anything. She had opened her mouth to say something, but no words had come out. As she fell into the pool, her body already crumpling, with a SPLASH!

She hadn't even been able to move much, as her consciousness faded away, and she drowned.


It's funny, isn't it? Ohhh, Hisoka, you sniveling rat. I thought I had you all figured out. But it seems I couldn't have been more wrong.

She'd taken him as the type of person who only did things for his own benefit, that only cared about pride and his precious little family, and maybe that one man in the world that he loved.

But as Kowai smoothed out the creases on her skirt, one question gnawed at the twisted girl's mind...

Where was she now? How was she alive again?

She blinked the world into focus. Was this some kind of afterlife?

No, probably not. She had a feeling it wasn't.

And yet, the funny thing was... She wasn't feeling as bitter as she thought she should have. In fact, she only found herself laughing at Hisoka's audacity.

That had HURT. It had really hurt! She hadn't known he'd even been capable of doing that.

But, oh well. She'd always thought her to be someone to expect the unexpected, and yet she hadn't in that moment. All she really wanted to know now was what she was doing here, and what might be going on.

Was it worth it? Had it really been worth it?

All those people, dead?

She shook her head. Why did she even have a second thought about it now?

She turned to observe another girl within her surroundings, immediately adjusting herself. "I'm just as confused as you are!!! Hiiii there! My name's Kowai Kurai, and you are?" She smiled sweetly at Tingyun, doing her best to look well-intentioned and, at the same time, deeply perplexed, with a hint of curiosity.

The game has begun.

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Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 01:52 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"...Akari? Are you alright?" Lucian remembered he was also in the room. "I'm sorry. For... Not paying attention to you right now. I just need to make sure Kubo gets better, but... I can't imagine you're doing well either. I don't think any of us here are, to be honest."


"...just... With the murders, and... Everything that happened in our lives. And everything that is still happening. It's... All so confusing, and difficult."

Akari probably wouldn't even say anything. He didn't seem like he wanted to open up. But... Lucian wanted Akari to at least feel welcome in here and less like he was--

No, he wasn't third-wheeling. That concept was ridiculous because there was nothing to third-wheel to! If it had been anyone else, he would have done the same for them as he'd done for Kubo. None of their time together had been romantic in the least!

"...do you... Want to talk?"

It would probably be less awkward than just trying not to stare at his friend the entire time.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer is off being an Eleven kinnie don't mind them

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 04:37 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"K-Kubo?" He was... Crying too. Lucian couldn't help but smile sadly. Oh, god. He was so pretty. And his hands were so cold, had Lucian so badly wanted to touch them again? No... He'd wanted to reassure Kubo. But... Maybe that was part of it.

He was looking at Kubo with a million stars in his eyes, and smiling his fool head off. It was a bittersweet smile.

"...hey... It's okay. I hate to see you cry, but... it's... It's okay. We'll figure everything out, somehow."

"Thank you. Welcome... to dorm."

Warmth spread across Lucian's face.

"You're always welcome, Kubo... Always."

His eyes widened. Oh god!! KUBO PASSED OUT! Nonono, it was alright. He was in bed anyways.

He tucked Kubo in. He couldn't stop smiling at him.

Oh, god, this is weird, isn't it?

They weren't even dating!! And he shared a bed with him for the night, kissed him, hugged him, squeezed his hand, cuddled with him...

Lucian clapped his hands to his reddening face. No. It wasn't like that. Kubo had just needed someone to share a dorm with, the... Kissing only happened because of Kubo's concussion, and... Stupid impulses on Lucian's part. And... Hugging was a platonic thing. He'd been trying to reassure him by squeezing his hand. And he'd accidentally rolled over in his sleep to cuddle with him!

All of it was silly. Subconsious things. Impulses. None of it... Meant anything. Right?...


Okay, okay. No. What he was about to do wasn't weird either.

Kubo had passed out, but... Surely he should try to make sleeping more comfortable for him. Right?

Oh, god. No. That was too weird!! No, he was not taking any of Kubo's clothes off! Not even for good reason! ESPECIALLY NOT WHEN HE WAS ASLEEP! But... His pigtails might be uncomfortable to sleep in, right?

Carefully, gently, he removed the hair ties.


Oh, so- that's- that was what his hair looked like when it was down. He looked... So pretty...

Lucian marveled at it for a moment before shaking his head and forcing himself to look away. He couldn't have thoughts like this...

Every so often he'd glance back at Kubo, but he kept trying to write on his notepad to pass the time, so he wouldn't be awkwardly staring at his unconscious friend the entire time.

You're just making sure he's okay. That's all.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Someone had left. The strange presence had left the room.

...something about it felt off. Evil.

"Muuurrf?" Sawyer mumbled.

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 03:07 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"K-Kubo...? Are you alright? You're... Already in a dorm right now. It's okay. I've... Gotten you into a bed. Um... Maybe you should rest..."

He bit his lip nervously. "It's alright. You're safe. I'll watch over you. All night, okay? I won't let anyone hurt you," he told him insistently. "I care about you, and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

He reached out and gently squeezed Kubo's hand again, before abruptly pulling his hand away, and glancing elsewhere. "I-- um... You'll be okay. Okay?... As long as I'm alive, I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you."

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer let out a small groan.

Everything... Was so confusing.

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 02:54 (1 Year ago)
𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 - Dorky

𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 - Kowai Kurai

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚐𝚎 - 16 Years Old* (*I mean, if we're talking this taking place after she died in the DanganRP, if not, she's 15)

𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 - Female, She/Her/Hers | Homoromantic Lesbian (On both the aro and ace spectrum)

𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 | 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜 - On the surface, Kowai Kurai acts like your stereotypical Genki girl! Optimistic, kindhearted, eccentric, overly energetic, incredibly naïve. However, this isn't her at all. Inside her mind, she shows her true colors. She is a deeply bitter and pessimistic person, with greatly fluctuating self-esteem between being greatly egocentric and downright self-loathing. She views people in terms of only how she can gain from them and manipulate them, and greatly fears vulnerability. She doesn't want anyone to get too close, out of the fear that she'll be betrayed or hurt, that people will see her as the monster that, deep down, she does in part see herself as, and that many others see her as. She has something of a twisted sense of humor, is greatly childish, and incredibly intelligent and calculating. She is something of a distant observer, who approaches others when she deems it to be necessary. There is something slightly creepy and off about this ever-smiling girl. Kowai is rather lacking in empathy, rarely feeling remorse or guilt for others, feeling quite shocked when she actually does. She is mostly something of an empty shell of a person who adapts based on people's impressions of her, and, really, frankly, no matter how much she denies it, deeply cares about what others think of her and wants to be loved and appreciated. Also, she definitely has screws loose. LOTS of screws loose. Her behavior is rather unpredictable to the point that even I as her creator have difficulty determining how she was really feeling about something at a particular moment wkwjsksh. | Likes: Setting fires, Breaking the fourth wall, Attention, Succeeding at overly complicated plans apparently Dislikes: Vulnerability, Being in difficult situations where she doesn't know anything, having to trust or work with others, most people

𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 - Oh good lord. Spare me. Not again. I'm separating this into categories this time.

Skin Tone- Neither light nor dark, I'd call it either a very very light brown or a very dark tan.

Hair- Faded purple in color, goes down to her back in length. Is slightly spiky and wild in texture, because… anime physics? She also wears spiky pigtails on the sides of her head. Bangs are rather square in nature, diverting slightly on the left side. Long, rectangular locks of hair cover her ears, going down to her shoulders.

Accessories- Faded light pinkish white flower hair clip, that is probably a daisy. Medium-sized pink heart hair clip. A pink heart locket with a gray outline that is rather important to her, that she never takes off. A large pink bow at the top of her head. Faded purple gloves, that cover most of her arms. Flower earrings exactly like her hairclip that are covered my the hair over her ears.

Height- Five feet, one inch. (5'1").

Weight- 134-148 lbs

Eyes- Usually the color of dried blood, but in Picrews and fanart, vary greatly between red, brown, reddish brown, and numerous other subgenres of said colors. Are large and somewhat cat-like. She has long and noticeable lashes. Eyes also commonly look rather empty.

Face- Rather round, short, and strangely symmetrical, contributing to her childlike appearance. Always seems to be smiling…

Clothes- That white off-the-shoulder blouse that is lined with light purple fruffs or whatever they're called. Underneath that, she wears a yellow tank top that has tiny yellow bows on the straps. The off-the-shoulder sleeves are rather large and puffy in nature, again with the purple fruffy things. She wears a large, short, puffy white-and-pink skirt with the fruffs on it, again. I am so bad at describing this. Her socks are greatly inconsistent in fanarts, but they tend to be medium in length, and greatly colorful and random. She wears either hot pink boots, heels, or Mary Janes depending on whether you selected Pokémon Red or Blue.

Additional Notes- Her face is constantly flushed for no particular reason.

𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 - Once upon a time, in a faraway la- COUGH COUGH, once upon a time, in a land far far aw- COUGH COUGH, once upon a time in a galaxy far far- okay, in all seriousness. Kowai Kurai lived a kinda normal but sucky life with her family until they ✨totally not suspiciously perished✨! Swaggg! Now that she was an orphan (sounds like a skill issue tbh), she was adopted by the Atsushi family (a totally not very troubled family that seemed to have a trend in turning out people with a lot of bitterness, high kill counts, hero complexes, and bitter sibling/ex rivalries). She was heavily abused and neglected, often a rather ignored child, and she lived most of her life feeling extremely empty. She wasn't really much for morals, so… she decided to gain people's attention through the power of 🏳️‍🌈🤘😎🔥✨ BE GAY DO ARSON!! ✨🔥😎🤘🏳️‍🌈 Everything might have been fine if her parents had just told her DON'T PLAY WITH MATCHES, KIDS! But anyway swag, a lot of people died. Sounds kinda like a skill issue. She wound up accidentally setting the house on fire (cool story much believable I know), and Niwa, the one person who treated her KINDA decently never forgave her because of the family members he lost in said fire. So Kowai using her 🤔✨🧠😎 super big brain 🤔✨🧠😎 reasoned that the best and only way to gain the love of her adopted brother AND I MEAN PLATONIC. PLATONIC LOVE. PLEASE DON'T SHIP THEM. (looking at you Serend /s) was to create a beautiful happy jolly Killing Game where a ton of people wound up dying, including her and Niwa to appeal to his Hero complex!!! 📢📢📢📢🧨🧨🧨🧨🎊🎊🎊 YAYYY! Unfortunately, that really didn't work. At all. So that sucks. Sounds like a kill issue, Kowai. The moral of the story is don't raise Flowey kinnies and don't play with matches, kids.

𝚁𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎 (𝙾𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕) - I might add this!! Maybe.

𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 - Desires

𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝? (𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚍) Uhh I forgot the roles

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Lucian Arbred's POV


Lucian smiled at him. "It's... It's alright. Really."


"Sorry I look a mess right now, I... Had to get out of the shower in a hurry."

He swallowed. He wasn't so sure why that was relevant, at all, really. Still. He felt bad that Akari had to see him look such a stupid mess right now.

And well... That Kubo had to, too, even if he had a concussion right now.

"...Yeah... Yeah I guess so..."

"Yeah, I... Would you like to stay in here? I'm probably not going to sleep anyway, I mean... I want to be awake in case anything changes about Kubo's condition, I mean- just in case of anyth-"



"Or I mean, maybe I could sleep, I don't- I don't know."

Watching. Kubo sleep. Right, just wait right beside him for him to wake up. Might as well stroke his hair and kiss his forehead while you're at it! Ohhhh, WAIT! You DID THAT ALREADY!

Jesus Christ, Lucian, you're practically ASKING for another accidental kiss moment.

"It just... Um... Feels kinda weird to watch him sleep, I don't want to be creepy or anything, I just... Want to be awake and there to help in case anything happens, is all."

Oh, my word.

"I'm so sorry, this is so awkward. Thank you for checking in... You can stay if you want to, or not, I mean, whatever you're more comfortable with."

Somehow, it made things even more awkward.

The fact that he and Kubo were just... Well... Friends? Is that what it was? I mean, if they were dating, maybe this wouldn't be so awkward. But... Since they weren't...

It was all so full of uncertainty and confusion and tension. If only some event would come up that could be the perfect opportunity for Lucian to stop flailing around like a fish and just freaking ask Kubo out, am I right?

I just have to control myself. Maybe I'll tell him how I feel, at some point, but now isn't the time. Jesus Christ... What is wrong with me?

Why couldn't he just tell him how he felt? And deal with the inevitable rejection afterwards, so he could figure out a way to move on from it?

Or, maybe Kubo would feel the same or...

Why couldn't he just delete these feelings?...

All they were doing was screwing everything up.

Lucian sat down on the end of the bed, and breathed deeply, in and out, as he unfolded the crumpled start of the note.


He stared at it, mulling over the words. None of them sounded quite right.

And even if I tell him... no matter what I say, he'll say no, won't he?


He thought I was Kaoru. That's why he kissed me. That's... The only explanation.

The tears silently rolled down his cheeks, his lips trembling.

Alternatively, complete the literacy test provided below:

1. Type the following sentence. Capitalization, punctuation, and the accented O (Ō) all count.

I have read the rules of Ōmagatoki, and agree to follow them.

2. Next, complete the following sentences.

When they get there, they're going to
return their scarf.

You're being ridiculous if you think I'm going to follow your gut instinct.

3. Finally, you must answer this fiendishly difficult trivia question: What color was George Washington's favorite black horse?

Uh… black?

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 02:02 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Niwa?... Who was... Niwa?


Lucian's eyes widened. Kubo's. Fingers. On his face. Wiping away his... Tears?

His face flushed. The... Gesture. It was so sweet and... Comforting.

Trying not to look panicked, he folded up the paper he was looking at so Kubo wouldn't see it.

"You're crying."


Lucian wiped away the other persistent tears with his sleeves. "That's- that's not important, Kubo... oh my goodness, you're coughing? Are- you okay? Do you need some water?"

A shiver passed through him as he recalled Kubo's fingers gently brushing his face.


That felt... So nice. Lucian was grateful for the fact his hair covered his ears; they were bright red.

Sawyer Laurens's POV


They were... Okay.

Someone was telling them they were okay.

"No... Nooo. Everything is... Not-"

They felt so weak right now. Every bone in their body seemed limp.


This was strange. Why couldn't they... Move?



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Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 21:31 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV


Lucian smiled at him. "It's... It's alright. Really."


"Sorry I look a mess right now, I... Had to get out of the shower in a hurry."

He swallowed. He wasn't so sure why that was relevant, at all, really. Still. He felt bad that Akari had to see him look such a stupid mess right now.

And well... That Kubo had to, too, even if he had a concussion right now.

"...Yeah... Yeah I guess so..."

"Yeah, I... Would you like to stay in here? I'm probably not going to sleep anyway, I mean... I want to be awake in case anything changes about Kubo's condition, I mean- just in case of anyth-"



"Or I mean, maybe I could sleep, I don't- I don't know."

Watching. Kubo sleep. Right, just wait right beside him for him to wake up. Might as well stroke his hair and kiss his forehead while you're at it! Ohhhh, WAIT! You DID THAT ALREADY!

Jesus Christ, Lucian, you're practically ASKING for another accidental kiss moment.

"It just... Um... Feels kinda weird to watch him sleep, I don't want to be creepy or anything, I just... Want to be awake and there to help in case anything happens, is all."

Oh, my word.

"I'm so sorry, this is so awkward. Thank you for checking in... You can stay if you want to, or not, I mean, whatever you're more comfortable with."

Somehow, it made things even more awkward.

The fact that he and Kubo were just... Well... Friends? Is that what it was? I mean, if they were dating, maybe this wouldn't be so awkward. But... Since they weren't...

It was all so full of uncertainty and confusion and tension. If only some event would come up that could be the perfect opportunity for Lucian to stop flailing around like a fish and just freaking ask Kubo out, am I right?

I just have to control myself. Maybe I'll tell him how I feel, at some point, but now isn't the time. Jesus Christ... What is wrong with me?

Why couldn't he just tell him how he felt? And deal with the inevitable rejection afterwards, so he could figure out a way to move on from it?

Or, maybe Kubo would feel the same or...

Why couldn't he just delete these feelings?...

All they were doing was screwing everything up.

Lucian sat down on the end of the bed, and breathed deeply, in and out, as he unfolded the crumpled start of the note.


He stared at it, mulling over the words. None of them sounded quite right.

And even if I tell him... no matter what I say, he'll say no, won't he?


He thought I was Kaoru. That's why he kissed me. That's... The only explanation.

The tears silently rolled down his cheeks, his lips trembling.

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Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 18:57 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

What... What did Kubo have to s-

"A-Akari! Yes. Everything's... Okay. I think Kubo just might still be recovering... I thought I'd... Stay with him for the night. To make sure he's okay..."

He sighed. "because, well, we're being ordered back to our dorms, and I can't just leave him here. Like this! You know?"

Lucian tried to shake any selfish, excitable thoughts away that he might be having. At the idea of getting to spend a night with Kubo again...

But it wasn't like that! It would never be like that. He just had to make sure he'd be okay.

I won't leave you alone, again, okay? You'll be safe. I'll protect you. Just like I promised.

It hurt to think about. But he just had to do better now.

Darcy Harper's POV

Hahaha sleepless angsty pain go brr

Sawyer Laurens's POV


Sawyer was dreaming. Not sure what of.

"Mom...? Dad...? What are you-"

They reached out with their hand, their figures crumpled into dust. What were...

"No, we can't do that to them. I don't think it will help."

"But... Pain-inducing stimuli, it might be able to jog some kind of mem-"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! You're talking torture. This is a child!"

"We might not have much choice, you know. If they can't get any better..."

"This just- this goes against my ethics."

"Do you think it would be better for us to kill them?!"

"...yeah. you're right. Okay. Let's do it."


Sawyer could feel the cuffs and straps. They were rough on your wrists and ankles.

"What's... Going on? Is- this some kind of game? What are we playing?"

"...turn up the dial."

An electric shock. It wasn't all too painful, but...

"Sawyer. Do you remember this date?"

"I- I don't know what you're--"



Sawyer woke up. Everything was blurry. They were in a cold sweat.

Someone... Was touching them.

"No... Nonono. Hey. This... Isn't... A test, is it? Not another....one of those?" they mumbled.


What was that?

What is this? Who are you? I... I can't... See. I can't remember.

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Posted: Wed, 17/05/2023 17:17 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV


He crossed his arms. "I... Guess that's okay." What the hell happened?


What was he doing?

Well, this was awfully inconvenient. Darcy knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. He grimaced.

"Good... Night, Akari. Thank you for accompanying me," he told him very softly. Darcy headed off to his dorm, alone. All alone.

Why would he be anything but alone?

He shut the door and locked it behind him, and threw himself onto the bed.

It's funny.

He felt so tired, too tired to cry.

He just felt... Empty.

And strangely, despite his tiredness, he couldn't sleep. For all the dreary worry for Sawyer, and for what might be going on with Idris, and the possible murders...

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer hath fainted in Miyako's dorm.

Lucian Arbred's POV

he... Said he was okay. Thank-

His eyes widened. "K-Kubo!"


He couldn't leave him alone in this state. He was probably still going through his concussion...

Lucian sighed, shaking his head. He closed and locked the door, and proceeded to slowly, slowly drag Kubo across the floor, to the bed inside the dorm room. He laid his head upon the pillow and pulled the blankets up for him.

"I'll... Just stay with you, tonight. If that's okay. I- I think you need it. Kubo."

A worry seized him. Was Kubo going to get better?

"I mean... We have to be in the dorms, anyway. And-- I want to be here to help you. If you need it. ...good night."

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 23:54 (1 Year ago)
Can I please reserve a spot?

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2023 23:52 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV


Darcy's fingers curled into fists, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in, puffing and panting.

"I'm... I'm sorry. It's- been a very stressful day. Do you... Know where they are?"

He felt kind of guilty. It wasn't like Miyako had done anything wrong, even if she acted kind of mean. It's just... This was urgent.

"Please... I need to know they're okay."

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Oh. That was funny. That was so funny. Everything was so blurry.

Get back... To dorms?

Sawyer spun around and fell to the floor, blacking out.

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian took a deep breath. "You... You bumped your head. You got a concussion. I found you, and... Um... I- I tried to- talk to you, and, I realized I should get help, and-- I got Akari, and--"

He pulled up his scarf to hide his reddening face. "And... Never mind, it's... Not important. We took you to the Nurse's Office, and then I heard Idris trying to kill Saeko, so I- I'm so sorry, Kubo. I left you there and I swore I'd come back, but... I- I forgot," he choked out.

There was no way in hell he could mention kissing Kubo on the forehead. Kubo kissing him on the lips when he had a concussion. Or kissing him on the cheek when he left the room.

What's wrong with me?! What have- what have I been thinking?


That somehow... He liked me? Or even... Loved me? Had any romantic interest in me whatsoever?

"...are... You feeling okay?"

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