Forum Thread
Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]Kowai Kurai's POV
Lucian stared in confusion at her. "...pardon me, but... Who are you? You're not supposed to be here, are you?"
"Uh oh. Uhh, right. I'm not supposed to exist. DORKY, ERASE HIS MEMORY!!"
Kowai mysteriously vanished just as quickly as she came.
Lucian Arbred's POV
"Hey... Kubo. Were you having a nightmare? Are you okay?" he asked, in a very soft and gentle tone.
It was difficult to tell if he was asleep, or barely awake.
Lucian's face reddened once more. Even with Akari also in here... It felt so... Awkward how he was at Kubo's bedside, stroking his hair and whispering kind words in an attempt to comfort him. It almost felt like something romantic.
But... It could never be like that, could it?
He was trying to talk to Akari right now, too, but Akari was stuck in a T-Posing state at the moment. Horrifying.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Why was it so hard to move?
"Human... Person?" they mumbled.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
"Hey daddy," Shi tapped her father on the arm to get his attention. "Why do you always wear that?" She pointed, too short to reach the object of her fascination.
"This? Well honey, it's a long story. Maybe when you're older."
"But why?" Her fathers face bunched up in thought. Recalling this later, she knew he was finding an excuse to avoid telling her the real reason.
"You won't know about a lot of stuff in it. Once you're older, I promise."
Her father's face morphed and changed into that of a teenage girl. Shi knew instinctively that she was now a teenager as well.
"I can't believe it..." The girl had more to say, questions to ask and rage to express. But she was unable to as a sob broke through her mouth.
"I know. It wasn't your fault, no matter what, it was never your fault. No matter what he says."
"I know, but..."
Akari's eyes had grown distant since the silence filled the air, he seemed to be zoned out as his head stayed low and his body continued to lean against the wall. That empty expression, deprived of any emotion or thought, tainted by the years and years that weighed on it. Scars, eye bags, exhausted eyes, and that permanent expression.
"...Akari, are... You sure you're alright? It's okay if you're not. Really."
Everything seemed to pause. A small sting fell upon his chest as his breathing momentarily stopped. Those glazed over eyes became focused once again. He didn't dare lift his head or move a muscle though.
Well, obviously he wasn't. There hasn't been a day he could confidently say he was alright. But that didn't matter, did it? Nothing really mattered anymore, right? Akari didn't really care anyways, just wade through the sands of time until you finally go under. Only the fear of the excruciating pain of sand filling your lungs keeping you afloat, and even then...
"It's okay if you're not."
...Since when was it ever ok? Sure, edgy as hell as it may be, that was just something he considered every time it was brought up. He... Honestly didn't care enough about himself to even think about whatever could be running rampant in his mind, much less talk about it.
He didn't say a word, not like he could anyways. Not with the slight quiver in his lip, not when he couldn't breathe.
"If there's anything you need to talk about... You can talk about it. I won't judge, I promise."
But there was nothing to talk about, was there?
"...Lucian, just... Drop it." He muttered quietly, his tone lacked the harshness that abrupt words like that would bring, it instead sounded... Sad? Desperate, even?
He was too caught up in his own misery to even notice Lucian's sudden, lightened expression.
"I'm... ...sorry if this is annoying. I just... Want to help you. If you need it."
"I-... I'm beyond help, just... stop worrying about me, please?" He could barely get those words out, his words were almost a whisper at this point. God he hated this, he looked so damn pathetic right now. Should've just kept your damn mouth shut, like you always do.
If you just kept your damn mouth shut, maybe nothing would've ever happened. If you had just kept your damn mouth shut, maybe he wouldn't have been hurt so much. If you had just kept your damn mouth shut, maybe you wouldn't ever have had to feel the burning sting of boiling water, of those glass shards, of the bullets, of the blade that tore deep into your skin.
If you had just kept your damn mouth shut, maybe they'd still be alive. Your brother, your sister, and...
The sound of the door locking rang through the room, alerting Akari once again. He looked up in that direction, giving a sigh before looking back at Lucian and Kubo.
"Or, I mean, we could always talk about something else! If you want. Whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy."
He looked back down at the ground, going back to stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Whatever makes me happy, huh..." He whispered under his breath, barely audible to anyone but himself probably.
He was beyond that point, really. He didn't really care about happiness, and sure as hell wouldn't go through the effort of trying to get it. Not like it mattered, right?
Not like it mattered.
"...Good night, Lucian."
Wow, what a way to end a conversation Akari. Avoid the question, be dismissive, barely talk, push Lucian away like the plague, sounds like the perfect talker right here! He decided to go to an even more secluded part of the room and fall down the wall, bringing up his legs to his chest and resting his head on his knees.
He honestly wasn't sure if he'd even be able to sleep, he just wasn't sure of what exactly to do next. He hated how that entire thing went, hated how bad he was at talking, but there wasn't much he could do now, was there?
Honestly, it wasn't as spooky as it was when she was younger. Strangely, Akora could remember struggling in the thick, swampy black until she was free from the plague of dreams.
The acidic, yet chillingly cold bite of the darkness made pain tear through her.
-------------------------------Solaro :>
Solaro leapt away. Blood, blood blood. The oozy thickness pooled at her feet.
Solaro saw her reflection in the blood. Wincing, she closed her eyes. The overwhelming, metallic scent of blood wreathed around her.
The echo of someone padding around her bounced around, rattling her brain. Opening her eyes into a thin slit, an oblivious, purring, silver cat stepped into Solaro's vision, 'miiaoow'ing. It coiled its tail sweetly.
Solaro closed her eyes tiredly. "Please just let me sleep."
It blinked slowly. It narrows its intelligent, green eyes and bounded away. "Fine."
Monokuma Message
A screen lit up. In it, Monokuma was sitting at a bar, with a glass of beer and a cowboy hat. “Sttuuuupiiid kidds….” he slurred. “Don’t even know to be- respectful-” He yawned. “No wonder they’re losing it…”
He turned an evil red eye to the camera and grinned.
“An extent, my dear roleplayers, you are unaware to.”
The screen cracked as something hard flew through the air and hit it. “Juuuuuusss-zzt- remember-”
It glitched a few times, then went out.
The final image was of Monokuma’s glowing red eye-
And then the reflection of two individuals. The two stood and watched one another. There was not an emotion to be seen on either's face. But hidden within a pocket belonging to but one of them, a vial lay, cold and still.
"Talk about a plot twist! Not to be that person, but I'm looving all of this drama~ I simply can't wait to see what comes next."
“Oh, of course, darling! The Ultimates are all on edge… you can’t help but wonder how long it is before something just gives.”
"Some of them already have, my dear. Yet…” a pause. “If I was a betting man, I’d say there’s probably some more breaking to be done. These ultimates are like a twig, snapped but not broken."
"Oh, I get that! It's fun watching them crumble. Entertaining, even! Watching the smiles slowly fade and those lovely dead eyes take root in their faces as their friends and darling lovers kill each other! It’s kill or be killed, and it’s simply delightful! Hmm- speaking of kill or be killed, didn’t you like that recent murder? Cute victim… interesting murderer. Honestly, I thought she'd get away with it, but alas… All the more entertainment for me!”
"It’s best she didn't. I haven’t asked the headmaster what happens to us in such cases, and I don’t believe either of us wants to learn the hard way. Besides, darling, there's more breaking to be done, just yet."
"Oh, of course! I'm looking forward to it. The next murder should be fun! And with all the panicked Ultimates running around, it'll be much harder to solve this one, riiight? Dont’cha think?"
"Of course. And yet... With all of the panic and frustration, I'm curious to see how the murder plays out. Thought through or rushed. A broken murderer isn't a careful one.”
“Hehe! You sure sound on top of it. Who's gonna be the next victim? I already have my suspicions… Place your bets, Ultimates! Fun stuff is about to go down..."
"Only a matter of time, in the end. Tick tock Ultimates, it's running out."
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako should've slept very well that night, after unspecified "activities" with Shi. But for some reason she hadn't. Images were racing through her mind.
She was some kind of criminal, who was being sentenced to execution. The judge brought down his gavel, and she held out her handcuffs to be dragged somewhere.
She was put in front of the noose, and when she took the final step, it was because she wanted to.
The dream rippled, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was cradled in the heart of a room- a sleeping princess on a bed, chained by nails through her wrists.
Prince Charming's lips were on hers. She clasped his face tenderly and brought him down again, and the thorns that shaped his face pierced into her skin. She closed her eyes as the thorns met her eyelids and pierced through to her brain.
The strings were in her hands. But who was controlling her, if not him?
And when Miyako woke that next morning, tears were starting in the corners of her eyes. “Shi!” she called out. “Shi, are you there?”
Setsuna Jun
Despite having nightmares, Setsuna slept very well that night, due to unspecified "activities" with Sutaraitsu. Regardless though...
Setsuna cradled her face in his hands. Do you blame me? He wanted to ask. Am I your killer?
But her smile just remained still. Empty. Dead. Frozen in a time period Setsuna had lost.
He’d lost everything.
Blood dripped onto the ground, and when he looked at his hands, he realised they were covered with the stuff. But all he could do was watch as it fell. Trickled down his fingers, onto his mother’s face. Watch as she slumped down, and her whole body went red.
He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he was awake.
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo didn’t sleep. All night, images of Kaoru danced behind his eyes. It seemed that even when he avoided sleep, the dreams came for him.
No, not dreams. Nightmares.
“Lucian,” he whispered, nudging him gently.
my name is saeko katsumi. i'm-
how old am i again...keiki?
17, love. you sure you're up to this? the doctors said you'd struggle with this...the accident was quite recent-
my name is saeko katsumi. i'm 17 years old. my family is dead. i killed my grandparents. i-
no, love. you didn't kill them.
i set the house on fire, didn't i? i watched the flames creep up the walls and slowly suffocate them, did i not?
you didn't have a choice-
Saeko looked down, tears welling up in their eyes.
-my family is dead. all dead. every single one. and it was all my fault it was my fault it was my fault it was my fault keiki, it was all my fault my fault my fault my fault tall all my fault all my fault all my fault-
Their voice grew louder and louder, shrieking and screaming and sobbing, tears flooding their eyes and trickling down tear-stained cheeks.
it's best we don't do this, love. i don't know what he told you but it's messed up your memory. your memory will take a while to come back, at least, that's what the doctors said.
i should be behind bars, keiki. i've done horrible things. it was my fault that his mother....sister...father-
it was never your fault, you hear me? never. i know you so well, and i know you'd never hurt a fly. trust me on this, sae-sae. alright? he fed you all these....lies. it was all because he needed someone to blame, and in your state-
Saeko stifled a sob.
The hospital room was cold and dark.
you're listening to me, right?
They nodded slowly.
my name is saeko katsumi
i am 17 years old
i was born in texas, later adopted and re-named in osaka, japan.
i live a happy life now
he won't hurt me again
Keiki smiled. there you go. see? we're happy, right, katsumi?
They smiled a twisted smile, eyes full of hatred and anger.
Keiki seemed to shape into a taller, gaunt figure, with a bottle in one hand and a knife in the other.
It seemed to mutter, slurring its words.
Their face was obscured by black hair, but Saeko could just make out two piercing eyes.
They screamed.
it's all your fault. all your damn fault. i'll kill you. i'll kill you. i'll kill-
saeko? saeko? SAEKO?
Keiki shook the snivelling figure.
saeko? you alright?
They burst into sobs.
saeko.....i love you, 'kay? i want you to know that
promise me you'll never leave me. i don't want him to come back. ever.
yeah, sure. you're the only one i'll ever love, saeko katsumi. i'll never leave you.
Shi, who'd already awoken from her own dreams, was at Shi's side within seconds. Shi lightly gripped Miyako's arm, stroking her hair. "I'm right here, right here, don't worry."
It's not your fault. I'll always be here for you.
For a second, Miyako's face appeared to morph, before returning to normal.
Lucian Arbred's POV
"...Lucian, just... Drop it."
Lucian winced. So... He was... Being that repressive of his pain?
"...but... Akari, I--"
What had this world done to him, to steal the light away from his eyes? As Lucian looked at him, he couldn't help but wonder if he had faced even worse than he had. Well... Not that what Lucian suffered from mattered. Not that his past mattered.
"I-... I'm beyond help, just... stop worrying about me, please?"
"no one is beyond-"
He stopped. Every time he tried to say something to Akari, he'd see that downtrodden face, that made him plummet into silence. That complete and utter misery. That tiredness, that sorrow. It made him feel sick inside. To see someone like this, to be unable to help them...
How could he just stop worrying?
"...Akari, I-- yes. Whatever makes you happy."
His eyes were almost pleading as he looked after him, desperately.
All he left with was that hollow saying of good night. That he was sorry.
"...good night, Akari," he whispered.
It's not you that should be sorry. It's me. Why can't I help you?...
Some "Ultimate Therapist" I am.
Lucian gritted his teeth, bitting his lips, pinching at his hands and fingers. Anything to quell the tears from starting up in his eyes. He wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, he knew that.
Just how worthless was he? That he couldn't even begin to help Akari?
He was hopeless.
Lucian Arbred's POV
Here we are, wasting our chances for the last time
Just what was he doing, really? Taking care of the one who had indirectly told him to kill himself? He hadn't meant it like that. And... Even if he had, could Lucian ever hope to be worthy of more? He wasn't expecting an apology.
Oh, and when we go, I'll try not to be, so, slow...
But how could he not take care of Kubo? Not just because he was undeniably the one he loved, who stirred his heart into motion. Who captivated him with every word and every little touch, every glance and every wonder of what he might be thinking. And he couldn't help but wonder, what it was that Kubo Atsushi had done to him. He was a mess, and... He wasn't even quite sure why. He'd never felt this way about... Anyone, before.
Skeletons, skeletons! What do we have here? Hiding from the mirror?...
Here Lucian was, though. Lingering in-between. Like a coward. Barely pretending not to dream of kissing him, of loving and being loved by him. Kubo was just like anyone else... Wasn't he? Then why... Why had Lucian considered telling him the truth? His truth? The one he had never told a soul, the one he had desperately tried to keep under wraps. The very reason, the biggest reason he never wishes anyone to hear of his past.
Say it once, say it twice, TRY TO BE NICE! Well, let's not lose ourselves...
It was pathetic. He'd... Tried pushing Kubo away, hadn't he? Maybe what he'd said wasn't enough. Maybe Kubo would know to leave him for his own good, if he told him the truth about himself. Kubo had tried to push him away, too, if he had interpreted that right. And yet it was like something still drew them both together. Curiosity, perhaps. Something in common, maybe. Because weren't therapists and detectives so similar? They'd both lost a mother. But... They coped with things differently.
Summer's over, love had left her! Screaming at the screen...
And yet, maybe he didn't want to fully push Kubo away. It was a selfish thought. Really, it was. Because if Kubo knew that truth about him, he'd be afraid of him. Possibly even hate him. If... He didn't already. Why did Kubo even put up with him? Maybe... Because there was no one else who bothered. Everyone was so caught up in their lives and their social norms, to the point they never lifted their heads above the water. To see if there was possibly... More than what met the eye.
Oh, and it's understood, that the both of us, are no good...
Could Lucian ever tell Kubo how he felt? Knowing how badly that would go? If he couldn't tell him the truth, it would haunt him forever. But... He wasn't sure if he was ready for the consequences. Lucian had lived a rather passive life, when he thought about it, hiding away from all the riskiness and the change and the pain, preferring to think of the past as but a faraway memory. He didn't want life to be like that again, he just wanted to help people. He never thought of having a life of his own, love, connections, genuine friendships, something that went beyond people being just clients.
I'll always be that... Short little gloat, always clearing his throat, like he ever had something to say...
But he almost wanted that. A life of his own. And yet, he hesitated, to venture into that unknown. Because what if it only brought pain, not just to himself, but others as well? He couldn't help but wonder... If his family would have wanted this for him. If his clients would have wanted this for him. If Kaoru would have wanted this for him, or Mei, or anyone else. If they could be bothered to care. ...not that he thought little of them, in the least, but... He wasn't that important. Would the people in his life have wanted him to live a boring, dreary life where he never formed genuine connections? Where he was merely a tool to help others?
And I'll say... When I go...
Maybe they wouldn't have. He'd have to think on that. And maybe, make a decision soon. Because anything could happen inside this terrifying school. If he didn't tell Kubo sometime soon... What if he never got the chance to?
"...yes, Kubo? Are... You alright? Do you need anything?"
Bury me six feet in snow.
He smiled sadly and squeezed the detective's hand. Maybe he'd... Tell him today. Oh, gosh. If only he could.
"...good morning."
He couldn't help but wonder how Akari had slept, if he had been alright, and dreadfully remembered the night before. Oh.
How could he ever hope that Kubo could love him? When he was THIS pathetic?
...yeah. He didn't deserve it.
Darcy Harper's POV coming soon to Walmarts and Targets near you because I'm being made to water plants!! YAYYY
Sawyer Laurens's POV coming soon to Gamestops and Hot Topics near you because I'm being made to water plants!! YAYYYY
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo gave a start and a gasp. Lucian's face...
It was covered in blood.
He rubbed his eyes and looked again, and Lucian's face was clear. Fear crept up his spine, lancing its way between his ribs and drawing him taut.
"Lucian, I just wanted to say-" he started.
Miyako Hiroto
"Shi," she breathed out, relieved tears trickling down her face. "Oh, my prince charming."
Then she flung her arms around her and pulled her into a hug.
Lucian Arbred's POV
"Yes, Kubo?" he asked softly. He smiled reassuringly at him, tilting his head slightly to the side. "I'm listening. You can tell me anything you feel comfortable with, I... Promise I won't judge."
Is he going to say he loves me? he thought, for a moment, albeit foolishly, before shaking the idea away. No, of course not. Lucian, get your head out of the clouds. It's probably something more important than that.
He put his hand over his heart, narrowly suppressing a slight sigh.
How can I promise him anything?
It wouldn't matter anyway, would it?
Darcy Harper's POV has come to Walmart and Target, look at stores near you for our new product!
He was shivering and shaking, his eyes twitching as he stirred. His hands were shaking, too, and he lifted them up to look at them.
He blinked and swore he saw blood, although, no, that couldn't truly be there. Could it?
They shook their head.
There were bigger things to worry about than drugs... Or alcohol. But the headache almost seemed to split his skull, his brain felt like it was screaming. He wouldn't stop shaking. He felt very nauseous, as though he might vomit.
...maybe it wasn't just the withdrawal.
How he wished that this was all some twisted dream. They got up with a groan, and headed towards the mirror, blinking rapidly. Well...
It was never a good idea to look in the mirror.
Reddish, puffy eyes stared back at him, black, inky mascara running down their face. Some of it had dripped onto their clothes, which made them wince. Darcy reached for his eyes a moment, that looked as dreary, though pretty, as ever, except for the blackness that oozed down his face, like some sort of malicious monster.
His eyes. Oh, Darcy's eyes. He almost loathed them sometimes, for the things he wished he could take back seeing. The things they wished they could never see again.
Like Mom, in her dire state. Constantly drinking, shouting, angrily, and her eyes that always looked so... Tired.
Her face, that spoke of age, though she wasn't even all that old. The methods she had turned to keep herself alive had done a number on that woman, who had once looked so very beautiful.
Perhaps her obsession over Erica had been a way to try to relive that beauty, reclaim it.
Darcy's fingers curled into fists, his sharp nails sinking into the flesh of his palms.
And Will... Was how she would do that.
Erica, the perfect girl. Always so talented. Always so... Loved. She had it made in life. Darcy... Didn't. And he envied that. He... Loathed her for it.
That doesn't make up for what you did.
Sometimes, Darcy wished he didn't have eyes. They hadn't done him any good in his life, although they were one of his most attractive features. He had seen nothing but things that he liked to regret, that drove him to tears.
That drove Darcy to pierce their skin with blades, and then panic, and cover it up.
That drove Darcy to gobble down pills. Too many pills. Begging and bribing the hospitals not to tell his mom, or anyone in the general public for that matter.
...and other drugs. And to drink. Always to drink.
Just like Mom.
That drove Darcy many times, to jump. To try to hang himself. To drown. To bleed out, finally at peace, dead and gone. To die, in so many ways. To just end it all. And... In this situation, didn't he have even more reason to do so?
He didn't.
There was-
Sawyer. They were always there. Always there to stop him. Until... They couldn't be, anymore.
He didn't even know how he had held on without them.
Darcy hurriedly got dressed and ran out the door, not even bothering to do anything else. Were they okay?! Where was Miyako keeping them?!
So desperate to protect them, aren't you, Darcy? Ohoho. Aaaanything to distract himself from the horrible person he is! He flinched, coming to a stop, thinking he heard Mei behind him.
...but... No. Of course. There was nothing there. No one there.
To protect the only person in this world who could ever BOTHER with you. Face it, if they knew what really happened, the day of that court trial... They'd never look you in the eyes again.
Oh, God, not now.
God isn't here, sweetheart.
Mei's face twisted and distorted in Darcy's mind, into a narrow-eyed, smirking demon. Her teeth became razor-sharp fangs, dripping with blood. Her nails sharpened into claws. She tilted her head to the side, neck twisted at an unnatural angle.
Go run along and find your little "friend", will you? Like the pathetic coward that you are, Darcyyy!~
"M-Miyako? Where... Where are you?"
Your waking life has become a nightmare, you silly boy! And you're NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER WAKING UP!
Horrendous laughter from Mei echoed in Darcy's mind. He could almost feel the dagger pressing into his throat, as he pleaded for it not to strike-
"...P-Please. Please no," he choked out.
Mei returned to normal, smiling almost sweetly. belong in the deepest pits of Hell. Farewell, Darcy! I'll be waiting for you! Might as well end it all now, you know. Get it over with! Just a friendly recommendation!
...and then... She was gone.
"...Miyako?" Darcy choked out hoarsely.
She's dead... She was never really here.
...and somehow, THAT revelation hurt more than anything.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Miyak-yak. Saeko? And someone else Sawyer didn't quite recognize.
They groaned. The world still seemed to be shifting. They blinked it into slightly more focus.
"How- how did- I get here? Whoaaa. This is some- sick magic stuff. Heheheh."
Sawyer began tapping the various objects in the room, tilting their head to the side, perplexed and extremely curious about all of them.
They supposed they were awake now.
This was...
Hope's Peak. The school.
Amnesia was her name, she had beautiful eyes
Eyes? Eyes? What eyes?
Sawyer picked up the sharp object, and blinked at it. Huh. Fascinating.
And every word she said, was a little surprise
"Did we catch the imposter yet?"
Idris. Right. The imposter. Right?
Who was going to kill Saeko... Or something?
Bad person. Bad people.
"Bad... Idris was... Bad," they murmured.
"Or... Is bad."
"Where is the bad guy?"
They had a peculiar, distant thought that they tried to reach out and grasp, but couldn't quite reach. That maybe the name Idris had another place in their memory. That that person had been... Something other than bad to them.
No, that was-
I think I know, I mean,
Ah yes, but it's all wrong
That is, I think I disagree
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Akari didn't react to the words Lucian had said, to Kubo's stirring as his knocked-out ass did whatever it did, he just stayed silent and hardly moved. He didn't dare close his eyes, he didn't dare do anything. He just sat there, resting his head, and listened to the lonely and quiet room.
Waiting for the night to go by.
TW: Body horror, gore, Akari in general
Hours probably went by before his body became overrun by exhaustion, the sleepless nights catching up to him once again like they always did. He blinked once, and the next thing he knew, he was in the dark. Standing alone, surrounded by pitch-black darkness. Not a sound was made, not a sound was heard. Not a movement was made, not a movement was seen. Just complete nothingness.
...Until that horror paid him a visit once again.
Akari couldn't move, couldn't say a word. Only watch as the figure wobbled over to him slowly, the gruesome sound of its flesh squelching and the bones clacking echoing throughout the nothingness.
That face. That goddamn face. Still the same, sick expression plastered onto the horridly disfigured skull, eyes seething with enough rage and hatred that it almost seemed to glow with a sickening light in this nothingness. Wiry, blood and grime stained hair stuck to whatever skin was left on its horrifying frame, swaying along to every painful step that thing took.
It was all too real. It was all to much. Every sound, every sight. It was all too real. Rang in his ears endlessly, echoing louder and louder until it deafened him.
Then the choir joined in to the tune of this horrifying cacophony. Sung and sung its haunting melody as the nothingness only grew larger around him. The choir of voices he never wanted to hear again, the choir of painful screams and brutal cries, screeches and yelling, all of them played their own agonizing song.
To the tune of its footsteps.
Louder and louder, and Akari could only stand there. Begging and begging to be let free, the choir became too much. But nobody heard his cries.
But nobody came.
The figure only got closer and closer. Then close enough to see every detail in that ragged old skin. Close enough to see the maggots and flies that had made it their home in those empty, filthy eye-sockets. Close enough to see every single one of those rotten bones, covered in the bits and pieces of flesh that it had grinded up as it moved. Close enough to see every organ spilling out over those rotten bones, chunks and chunks everywhere, hanging on my a thread as they swayed along with that disgusting green hair and dragging along at its feet. Close enough to see the parasites and disgusting insects feeding upon its flesh, crawling along its skin and acting as if it was one with the body. Close enough to see the difference between its dark skin and the layers and layers of blood.
Layers and layers that could be compared to the make-up she liked to wear. She wore a lot of it, Akari remembered. Most days she was too drunk or too high to do it, but she always made sure to cover up the face that hid a thousand secrets. Whenever she would go out, she would wear it.
She wore it to cover the sins she bore, the atrocities that built her empire. The mask managed to fool them all, everyone except the poor souls who were already too chained up under her grasp for it to matter.
But now, there was nothing to hide. That monster's true form was now uncovered. Right in front of him, wobbling closer and closer. Right in front of him, only in his nightmares.
The choir continued to sing.
"You... You did this..."
The choir continued on. Continued singing its tune.
Sung its tune while the voice of the corpse lead them on.
"All... Your... Fault."
And then it lunged. Those claws went straight for his eyes, covering them and gripping his skull so tightly it could shatter. And there was nothing he could do.
The pain subsided. Light began to flood into his eyes. The choir had stopped, and a new orchestra had begun.
He was there again.
The familiar handle was gripped firmly in his hands. He could feel how cold it was, how tightly he gripped that damn thing. He could feel his other arm aching, more so than the one grasping the blade. He could feel how light his head was, yet still weighed down by the overwhelming feeling of horror, and...
He could feel how soaked he was. Soaked in rubies. Rubies that gleamed in the sun, rubies that sparkled. Rubies that were her favorite, now covering him. He could feel how much his entire body ached, moved all on its own.
Akari could feel the overwhelming weight of his sins that crashed down on him without a warning.
Akari could see the rubies everywhere. But the sun wasn't out to show their pretty glow.
It was nighttime after all, he was supposed to be sleeping. And he was. He knew exactly what had happened that day. He was sleeping, then he ended up here. His arms were aching, his mind was foggy.
...Revenge was a bitter thing, wasn't it? The men who drugged him let it overcome their thoughts, take over their actions. They drugged him, a dose enough to kill a man, but not before wreaking havoc on his mind and flesh. They intended to kill him, but not before they guaranteed his spot in hell. Not before they got their revenge. Not before they saw how far they could break him.
He was sleeping, and then the next moment he was standing in this room. He had his knife in his hands, a crowbar in the other. Everything was foggy, nothing seemed real. Couldn't see, couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't hear.
Until her voice filled the walls, filled with fear and concern. Those horrified, sea-blue eyes were the only thing he could see. Her voice was the only thing he could hear.
No, no no no no...
Not again, please not again.
I don't want to see it again, please...
Wake me up, I swear to god let me wake up-
She was asking a lot of questions. He kept hearing his name. Over and over again. Fear and terror filled those once glimmering eyes. She had her hands up, as if to stop him. Her body was shaking, wasn't it?
Yours was too, Akari.
Did she see it?
Did she see the terror in your eyes too?
Did she see the tears you cried?
Or did she only see that glazed over emotionless stare?
Could she only see the rubies that flooded the sea of blue in her eyes? The blood you certainly got all over her?
Could she only see your remorse-less, stone cold face as you slowly slit her neck, watching the life fade out of her skin and eyes as the voice began to fade away, fading away into the pool of rubies that formed at her feet?
You only knew the terror on her face, Akari. That's all your blurred mess of a vision allowed you to see. You only heard her please, her cries for you to stop, her screams of fear.
That's all you knew. You live knowing that she died a miserable death, and you swung the reaper's scythe.
You know her last moments were spent begging the one she trusted the most to spare her life. But that life meant nothing to you, did it?
No, no no stop, please no-
It meant nothing to you, did it Akari?
The sound of her screams filled his ears once again. He watched yet again to see what the color leaving her light skin looked like. He sliced the blade across her neck once more, her face right in front of his. That golden blond hair soon becoming soaked in rubies, rubies that she loved. He watched it all again, and it was all so real. He watched as his hands made that sickening motion once again, and he watched as her final breath left her lips.
All right in front of him, all by his hand.
You did this, Akari. You killed her. You did everything.
I'll see you in hell.
He woke up shaking, shaking so badly his body had gone numb. He woke up with an enormous gasp for breath, his eyes wide in fear as his heart raced and raced. He was still against the wall, legs pulled up to his chest with his head rested on his knees, only now he was completely shaken by the nightmare. Drenched in sweat that felt like blood on his skin, desperately gasping for air, and a scream would've probably been heard if it wasn't for the immense dread that filled his throat, his entire body really.
His head snapped up to find the familiar voice, his state of panic causing him to forget where he even was.
It was Lucian, he was still with Kubo. Looks like he had just woken up too. They were in a random dorm, at Hope's Peak. They were still in a killing game.
There wasn't much the poor guy could do at the moment, he had been so overridden by fear and shock that he was just left unable to function. He tried, at least, barely opening his quivering mouth in hopes of being able to say something back to Lucian, but the attempt was futile.
...Kubo was awake now, anyways. He had started to talk to Lucian. It was probably better if Awkwari didn't say anything anyways, right? Don't draw attention, at least get a grip first, right?
Lucian Arbred's POV
It seemed as though he had been about to speak, but no words came out.
"Good morning, Akari," he breathed. "Did... You sleep well?"
He paused in realization. "...that question is for you, too, Kubo."
For some reason he felt slightly amused at what he had just said, but the feeling was swept away as he remembered Akari's further downridden appearance. Maybe it wasn't even how he looked right now, but... Lucian had a feeling Akari had gotten even worse.
Or... Was his lack of sleep tonight getting to him?
He suppressed a yawn, trying not to fall over. Focus, focus. Just stand up.
Stand.... Up?
Oh, good word. Today was not going to be an easy one.
He had been watching Kubo almost the entire time he had been sleeping
A pang of sorrow struck Lucian in the heart, to see Kubo so afraid, and to see Akari look in even worse shape.
This is awful... Why can't I prevent things like this from happening? I should be suffering, not them.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Get it together.
Get. It. Together, Akari.
Not here, not now.
He was still trembling, his breathing was erratic, his body was tense. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't calm himself down further. He could barely think, his eyes were wild and crazed, and he just couldn't stop shaking. That feeling that plagued him in his dream, it seemed to follow him even now.
Only that scene played over and over in his head. Over and over did he see the blood drip down, over and over did he see those eyes, that once pleasant smile that was now tainted with her screams and pleas. He couldn't get it out of his mind, it just would not stop playing.
"Good morning, Akari. Did... You sleep well?"
Akari sat in silence, almost like he didn't hear the question. His eyes were pinned on the ground in front of him, his arms gripped tightly onto his legs.
"...Yeah. Just fine..." He managed to whisper out, unsure if Lucian could even hear it. that was a fkin lie
Anyways, after that, he quickly got up from his edgy little corner in the room to the best of his abilities, the numbness in his limbs and the immense shaking making it quite hard to do so, and headed for the door. He barely even said a goodbye, just rushed out like his life depended on it.
Not like he cared much about his life, but you get the point.
. . .
oh no i wonder what awkwari will do next, totally not anything stupid!
it is not advised to attempt to stop this edgy angsty mfer
now playing : Rivers and Roads -- The Head and the Heart
A year from now, we'll all be gone
All our friends will move away
And they're goin' to better places
But our friends will be gone away
Nothin' is as it has been
And I miss your face like hell
And I guess it's just as well
But I miss your face like hell
Night turned to day, and Idris raised his head from his pillow, fresh tears staining his cheeks. The knife was still gripped in his hand.
Shards of glass littered the floor.
The smell of alcohol and death filled the room.
He let out a groan. "F**ing hangover, dammit."
Been talkin' 'bout the way things change
And my family lives in a different state
If you don't know what to make of this
Then we will not relate
So if you don't know what to make of this
Then we will not relate
"... what the hell is wrong with me?" Idris spat, looking at all the glass scattered around the dorm. "...oh god..."
His vision was spinning, the lights were too bright, everything too loud, or too quiet. Idris collapsed back in his bed, disorientated.
"No. No. No, dammit. I can't break now."
"I can't-"
Rivers and roads
Rivers and roads
Rivers 'til I reach you
Rivers and roads
Rivers and roads
Rivers 'til I reach you
Rivers and roads
Rivers and roads
Rivers 'til I reach you
Lucian Arbred's POV
Right. He had slept... Fine. Somehow, Lucian doubted that. Aaand now he had just run out, barely having said goodbye.
Feasibly, Lucian should probably run after him. If not for the sake of Akari's mental wellbeing, then at least so he wouldn't be stuck inside of this awkward situation where he and Kubo were alone inside of a room together and--
Lucian's face reddened, and he shook his head as though to try to shake the thoughts away. No, they weren't going to start kissing again! Those had been-- accidents, and- nothing of that nature would happen again--
"Kubo, if... You don't want to tell me, that's okay." He needed
Or... Did he?
Would it really be so bad to tell him that you love him? You want to do it, don't you?
"I-- um-" He patted the bed nervously with his hands, trying not to make eye contact. If only Kubo would stop being so distractingly pretty with his hair down--
"Maybe I should... Get you breakfast. Right? That's an idea! Maybe we could... Eat together. Iiiin here."
Without our lips touching!! Obviously. Because why would they be?
Focus, Lucian. You're just here to help him feel better. And... Maybe we should go check on everyone else, too. Make sure they're doing okay...
But, oh, god, why couldn't he banish the idea of kissing him?
Darcy Harper's POV
Sawyer Laurens's POV
He kept saying Miyako. Why did the angel keep saying Miyako? They sounded... Sad-sad. And that made Sawyer feel sad-sad. What was causing Darcy's distress?
Oh, right.
That presence.
"Uhhh, Miyako? Somebody keeps calling for you!" They tilted their head off to one side. "I think it's Darcy!"
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
"Breakfast works, yeah." Kubo nodded. He kept his gaze firmly on Akari. He wasn't sure why that guy was here. To watch him?
Was he friends with that Idris guy? Kubo wasn't sure. It felt like he'd missed a whole lot.
Didn't miss that he hated him, though. Kubo didn't trust Akari as far as he could throw him and he knew the feeling was mutual.
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako gasped, jerking awake to Shi in her arms and an overflooded dorm. Sh*tshtshthththt- She practically fell off the bed in her efforts to get to the door, upon which she flung it open and was met with Darcy's panicked expression.
"They're in here!" she yelled. "Jesus, they're in here! Calm down!"
Setsuna Jun
"Wow... I had a really fun time last night, Sutaraitsu." Setsuna laughed nervously. "You're really good at the- thing! We should get together more often. For conspiracy theories and-" he blushed. "...this?"
He gestured to the two of them.
"So are we... you know... together?"
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian slowly stood up from the bed, almost falling over as he did so, and just barely catching himself. Ow.
...okay. Maybe he needed sleep. That wasn't important right now, though.
Darcy Harper's POV
Darcy took deep breaths, forcing himself to remain calm. Okay, so... He was a bit irritated at Miyako using His son's name in vain like that. But...
His eyes widened at the sight of Sawyer. On the floor, blinking, staring, looking barely conscious. And quite confused.
"SAWYER!" Darcy gasped, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around them. "Sawyer, are you hurt? What h-"
He stared in shock at their dried bloody hands. Sawyer's eyebrows were raised, but they were slow to react.
"Darcy?... Was it? Whoosh! This is, uhh... What was it called? What is this?"
"Sawyer... Whose blood is that?" he asked very quietly.
Sawyer Laurens's POV
Sawyer's heart was racing. Their ears were ringing. Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump.
There was a slamming. There was a hissing. There was a crashing, a crinkling.
Shards of broken glass and metal remains falling to the ground. There was this strange liquid, all over their hands, that they couldn't quite recognize. Dripping down their face, and down their body.
There were lights. Lights in very pretty colors.
Very bright.
Blaring this strange, loud noise.
What was that on their hands?...
Of course. It looked like the pasta sauce that Mom had used.
That's all it possibly could be.
They turned, and thought they saw something. Something horrifying.
Then it vanished in a swirl of darkness, and they shook their head. There was nothing there.
"What? What... Blood? This is pasta sauce, Darcy! It was all over this shiny thing..."
They picked up the object and showed it to him, grinning. "See? It's pretty, isn't it? It was so shiny... But it's all dulled now." Their grin faded. "It was sooo pretty! I wish you could have seen it."
Darcy let go of Sawyer, freezing up. "Sawyer... That's a knife. Did... Did... Did you... Use that?"
Sawyer didn't answer.
Did I?...
Sawyer wracked their brain.
I don't...
I don't remember...
The angel had turned away now. Sawyer felt a throb... Of something, in their heart. Was it... Disappointment? Deja vu?
Darcy Harper's POV
He remembered distinctly, now, the cuts marking up Sawyer's hands. That was their blood, for certain. They didn't seem to even remember what happened... As usual.
I just don't understand... How someone could forget something like that...
Mom always told me there was something very wrong with Sawyer. That I should stay away from them. Maybe... Maybe she was right. But not in the way she thought.
"...did... Someone hurt them? Did they do this to themselves?"
Darcy crossed his arms. "I... I need to know. I'm sorry, for barging in like this. But, they're my... My friend, and I was worried... That they might have been hurt. Or worse."
Just what is happening to them?
Sawyer seemed to be fiddling with various objects in the room, crawling about. It was like they'd never seen any of it before.
He had to get Sawyer some first aid, but... He had to know what happened.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
insert the first verse of boulevard of broken dreams here, to add to awkwari's edgy angsty emo-ness
Couldn't see, couldn't think, couldn't hear, couldn't breathe. That feeling followed him, the overwhelming memory burned into his mind and haunted him. It was an awful one, one he had to endure days and days on end. They wouldn't stop, they wouldn't stop tormenting him.
The drug only worked because you let it, Akari.
They used him, they used him because they knew it would work. They used it to kill, they used him to kill. They did it while he slept, when he was vulnerable. Sometimes they did it while he was awake, just to torment him. They did it to torture him. They did it to kill.
He couldn't sleep at night because of it. Always too terrified that they'd do it again. He begged and begged, hid himself away, even tried to fight back.
He was only a kid. They didn't listen, they always found him, always overpowered him. Made it hopeless.
Sick f**ks.
Doesn't change the fact that you did it. It was all you. The drug did nothing. You, Akari.
He slowly made his way around the school. Slowly but surely. No destination in mind, he just wanted to escape. Wanted to distract. Couldn't see, couldn't think, couldn't breathe, couldn't hear. It was all just a blur, thoughts rushing endlessly but there was nothing there at the same time.
You were right there, Rei. Right there.
Why did you do it?
Why did you ignore my cries for help?
You know why. You just don't want to admit it. Don't want to throw him under the bus like that, because Rei can do no wrong, right?
You just don't want to admit that he did it. That he was finally sick and tired of protecting you like the baby you are, sick and tired of dealing with your bulls**t.
But it's true, isn't it? You know it is. Face it, Akari. Listen for once in your life. Use your goddamn head.
You killed her.
"Leave me alone leave me alone leave me he f**k alone..."
He began muttering under his breath, his breathing heavy and his footsteps quickened. The pounding in his head was becoming unbearable. Akari just kept walking and walking, not even aware of what was around him, he couldn't think well enough to do that in the first place.
...And the next thing he knew, he was back in the kitchen. Back where he was yesterday.
Oh yeah. They looked for Sawyer yesterday. Were they alright? Did something happen?
Blood. The blood was still there, surprisingly.
Akari couldn't focus on the blood right now. Blood on the ground, blood flooding his vision. Blood all over his hands, all over his clothes, all over bodies.
He turned away, he couldn't look anymore. He turned away and turned to what he came here for. Both yesterday and today.
...Was he really that desperate? He turned back to it. Turned back to it again. Even when he had a second chance, he still came back to it.
He told himself he'd never do it again. Never pick up a filthy bottle, never take another drink. Only reminded him of home, his mother, his father. Only reminded him of what hell really was, only reminded him of how horrible things could be.
Only reminded him of his dirty hands, of the things they have done.
So he picked up the bottle. Popped the cork. Held the familiar weight in his hands. Stared at the glass. Then he held it to his lips.
Because he drank to forget.
Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.
Ninety-eight bottles of... beer on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall.
Ninety... seven bottles of beer on the wall, Bottles of beer.
Take one down... pass it around, ninety-six bottles of beer on the wall.
Ninety... one? bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-one bottles of... beer?
Take... one down, pass it around... Ninety bottles of beer on the... wall?
...Eighty bottles of beer on the wall... Seventy-eight? bottles of beer?
"Eh... Who's counting..." Akari began to mutter to himself.
...Wow. That was a lot of bottles, huh? That... Was a lot...
At least he was alone, right? Alone, being the stupid edgy angsty dumbass mfer who I honestly don't even know what to do with.
...Sixty-nine bottles of beer on the wall~