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laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Mon, 19/05/2014 19:43 (10 Years ago) |
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laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Mon, 19/05/2014 18:56 (10 Years ago) |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 17/05/2014 12:21 (10 Years ago) |
It was then that she realized that along with her, Nathan seemed to be loosening up. He was no longer so worried looking and was even moving along with her. It made her feel better, and a grin spread across her face like a raging wildfire. "Way to go, Kress," she jaunted teasingly, temporarily forgetting the fact that he was a seemingly touchy guy. He could suck it up and take it like a man. Besides, he was surprisingly good at this whole thing. In order to actually dance, however, Belle knew that she would need a song that she actually need a song that she knew the dance to. So she went over to the person DJ'ing the iPod and basically grabbed it from him as she scanned through the music. There was plenty of crap music, and then maybe an okay song. She finally gave up, and slammed it down in front of the dude who looked pretty ticked off. "Do you have any good dancing songs?" she asked him. The guy looked at her like she was crazy before answering. "Well, yeah." Belle smiled like poisoned honey. "Then go ahead and play one of them for me, okay sweetheart?" she asked in a slow voice, retorted the guy's rude looks as she turned on her heel as walked (or rather stalked) back to Nathan. She waited for him to switch the song and when he did, it was the Wop. Belle was fairly good at this one, so she stepped into line with a bunch of girls and a few guys who actually knew the song and began dancing, a huge smile on her face. [Sorry for boring post :P] [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu, 15/05/2014 12:32 (10 Years ago) |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu, 15/05/2014 01:31 (10 Years ago) |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu, 15/05/2014 01:27 (10 Years ago) |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu, 15/05/2014 01:20 (10 Years ago) |
"Nathan." She spoke softly, hoping to not upset him even worse. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Concern etched into the girl's face, she tried to figure him out. It was weird, considering she'd just met the kid not even an hour ago and she already felt like she understood him. As they stood there in silence, the song switched and something a little more fierce and determined flashed in Belle's eyes. She tried out a smile, and beckoned him forward, this time gently taking his wrist rather than jerking him forward like an oversized dog. "C'mon," said Belle as she got into the beat of the song with the other kids. "Don't worry about any of it." She hated to admit it, but Belle was actually having fun. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Tue, 13/05/2014 02:45 (10 Years ago) |
Belle was dwarfed by Nathan as he stood up next to her, but she didn't let that faze her. In Belle's mind, she could still just as big as the other dogs, no matter how short she was. Another small smirk came to her face at his confusion, but she once again chose not to say anything. Instead, the girl beckoned for him to follow her as she inched nearer to the group of dancing teens in the other room. She decided to explain what her plan was when they got to their destination, so she kept walking, only to stop when she could have sworn she saw a small glimpse of Nathan's smile. She gave him a sidelong glance before stopping and turning to look at him. A big Cheshire grin decorated the boy's face, making his otherwise emotionless eyes glitter with something more lighthearted and youthful. For a second, Belle even found herself catching her breath. It was gorgeous, and it left her with a look of somewhat awe. But that small moment ended abruptly right then and tree as he explained to her that the smile was so-called 'uncalled for,' as he had stated. Belle simply shrugged and turned back away from Nathan, concealing a small smile of her own. "Of course it was," she replied bluntly with a short snort of haughty laughter and a roll of her eyes. It was always the best people who you had to truly work for to reveal. "Let's go," she muttered, and they were back on their way to the music and dancing. After they had gotten there, Belle's devilish grin from before was back on her face. This was going to be fun. "We're going to teach some diseased elephants how to dance," she told him at long last as she grabbed hold of his wrist and dragged him along behind her, right into the mass of the stupidity. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Mon, 12/05/2014 03:14 (10 Years ago) |
Belle's short bout of amusement finished as some random guy with a headful of messy purple hair plopped down on the couch beside her. Her smile dropped and her expression turned to the hard, cold face that she had worn earlier. Who the hell did he think he was? She set her jaw as he leaned over and literally began sniffing her hair. When he got a little too close, the girl began to snap. "Back off," she growled in a low, menacing tone. The boy just laughed and shook his head before persisting. With bunched up fists, Belle just sat there, looking annoyed as she contemplated punching the perv in the face or not. She was literally about to swing when all of a sudden, the jerk was dragged up and off of her, and Nathan had him by the collar of his shirt. Belle's mouth hung open in shock as she watched him speak quietly to the creepy dude. She wasn't entirely sure why he had done such a nice thing for her, but she was very relieved that he did. As he sat down next to her, she just gave him a look of utter confusion, her gaze watching him intensely as she tried to figure him out. She hesitated as he asked her about it, but still answered: "I am so confused right now. Why would you do that for me? I could have very well handled him myself..." Though she had meant for the question to be sort of rude, a note of gratitude and awe rung in her tone. She shifted in her seat and finally removed her eyes from Nathan, seeing as he'd realized that she had been staring at him the whole time. She was honestly sort of surprised at the next thing that he said. A smirk played on Belle's lips as she stood up. "Let's go then, Kress," she challenged, a brunette eyebrow arched. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Fri, 09/05/2014 00:40 (10 Years ago) |
Belle's thoughts and pissed offedness was stolen from her as some random kid plopped down on a couch opposite her. She merely spared a glance for him, sure that he was just another one of the annoyingly giddy people that were still jamming out to some stupid pop song. Sure, Belle didn't mind a good beat, but she had to be honest— it was all the same. Being an American idiot was one thing that she tried to avoid at all costs. She sighed and brought her legs up to her chest, setting her head on her knees. This is all a bloody joke, she thought haughtily as she internally rolled her eyes and shook her head. Why would someone even think of stealing a bunch of kids from parents like theirs? It was like playing with fire— only a matter of time before they burnt themselves. There had to be someway, somehow that whoever was behind all of this was going to get caught. Besides, it was only a week. She could wait maybe another one or two before she went completely insane. As Belle popped into reality, her blue eyes found the boy sitting a little ways away from her. She was surprised to see him staring at her, and for a moment they locked onto each other's gazes. It was one of those brief eye contact moments where you really want to say something and you can tell that the other person wants to as well, but neither of you end up doing anything but looking away and ignoring each other. That was exactly what happened, too, and for about a minute she was silent as she gathered up the courage to say something. Just say hi... It's not hard, urged her mind as she sat there, running her fingers along the hem of her shirt. The thing was, Belle hated talking to strangers. It made her look so... nice. All she had ever wanted was for people to see her as she was, which wasn't some sweet girl who went around making friends. She wasn't like the others who were laughing their butts off and singing loudly in the other room. She solemnly refused. After some more hesitation, she finally turned back towards him and took a small breath. "I'm Belle," she stated matter-of-factly, her expression something cold and calculating, as if she were sizing him up. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu, 01/05/2014 21:31 (10 Years ago) |
Anyways, I agree with the rules and I can't think of anything else to add.] Belle woke up to a harsh bright light beating down on her, staining her eyelids blood red until she opened them up just to be blinded. "Time to get up!" bellowed a masked man who was carrying a large gun. It looked like some sort of assault rifle, from what Belle could gather. This was day seven. It had officially been a week since she was forced to pack a bag and then shoved into a car. She honestly never thought she'd say it, but she missed her parents. Nevertheless, the other kids in the room groaned and rolled out of bed, shielding their eyes from the harsh lights beating down on them. Belle did the same. She was beginning to get used to this routine, so it was no surprise when they were separated by gender and then herded off to go shower. After that they had to get dressed, and then they were all put into some common room of some sort in order to 'mingle,' as one of the masked men had so nicely stated it. The best part about was that the men brought them all breakfast, which was actually pretty good. Not that she would admit it, though. So that was exactly what she and all of the others did, and an hour later, she found herself sitting alone on a couch, staring straight at the wall. Most of the others had already made friends, but not Belle. No, she couldn't. She didn't think it was appropriate to make friends when she was abducted and her parents were possibly looking for her. "Idiots," she muttered as music began to play and they started to sing along and laugh. This was just peachy. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 23:29 (10 Years ago) |
____________________________________________ My Forms: ![]() Name Annabelle "Belle" McOwen Gender Female Age 16 Hair Deep chestnut brown Eyes Light blue Height 5'2" Body Type A runner's body, Belle has long legs and a short torso. She runs when she gets mad (which happens quite often) so she has a trim, athletic build. History Belle is the only child of a rich family, so she's used to getting what she wants. Well, everything but freedom. Her parents are very strict and expect much of her, so naturally she has always felt the need to defy them. Sexual Orientation Straight [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 22:02 (10 Years ago) |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 23:53 (10 Years ago) |
Aiden slowly tried to give Lulu a gentle hug, but she rounded on him and pushed him away before he could. "Don't act like you're my friend," she snapped. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 08:13 (10 Years ago) |
Lulu felt bad. Had se seriously just killed Shadow, the most weirdest guy she'd ever met but yet among the nicest and creepiest? The thought made her insides flip. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 04:19 (10 Years ago) |
Lulu and Aiden both silently watched as Shadow died. Lulu turned to Copper, shocked. "Copper!" she shouted. "We killed him!!!" [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 04:09 (10 Years ago) |
Lulu as well as Aiden flew back. Lulu immediately put her bow up, but Aiden's thunder clouds still loomed in the sky above. "Hey, she started it!" called the girl, pointing to Tiff. "Yeah!" chorused Aiden. "She just, like, pushed Copper into this lava... It was weird!" But something cringed on Luna's heart as she stood up and walked nearer to Shadow. He was actually crying [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 04:04 (10 Years ago) |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 03:52 (10 Years ago) |
Aspen had to admit– she was quite relieved to find the random boy that she had met from the tree alive and well. She hardly knew him, but he was good company for her. "Well, Blitzen ran off," she told him. Obsidian gently brought her mane of embers to a mild sizzle and carefully approached Atlantis, sniffing him in greeting. [Read more] |
laurenashleigh1230 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 3 |
Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 03:38 (10 Years ago) |
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