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Searching for: Posts from crazedlapras.
Posted: Mon, 11/07/2016 22:22 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2016 05:03 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 05:02 (9 Years ago)
Lapras --- CrazedLapras --- August 6, 2015

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Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 01:54 (9 Years ago)
Everyone wants a shiny eevee. Including me :P
P.S I love this idea. Someday when I have built up my account I hope to be cool and give back to the community like you.

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Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 03:48 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen looked up from her clipboard, glancing this way and that. She thought she had heard a soft voice say hello. At last she spotted Minori, and gave the girl a smile. "How can I help you my dear?" She asked. "I bet you are here for the adoption day. Don't worry, I think we still have a few pokemon left." At that moment, a lab assistant stepped through a backdoor, herding a small group of pokemon. Professor Aspen gestured to him, signaling for him to bring the 'mons over. "Maybe you would like one of these? Go ahead and get to know them. You don't need to be shy."

At the head of the group came a flirty houndour. Each step she took was precisely placed to show off every glamorous inch of her blue hide. She paused within arms reach of Minori and tossed her head as if to say "You may pet me now." Her performance was ruined as a male eevee dashed past, bounding around the human's feet with eager joy. At last he tripped over his own tail and went sprawling in a pile. He lay dazed for a moment before wagging his tail, looking up at Minori for approval. Next came a pair of pokemon, a female togepi riding on the back of a male mudkip. The water type had a large if simple grin on his face as the togepi urged him on with friendly encouragement. Lastly came a male turtwig, scuffing his feet with his eyes fixed on the ground, hoping not to be noticed.

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Posted: Tue, 04/08/2015 16:28 (9 Years ago)
Sure, we can have one more person in the party. Minori is approved, go ahead and send her to the lab ASAP and then we can assemble our party and get on the road.

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Posted: Tue, 04/08/2015 16:27 (9 Years ago)
(Hey guys, sorry. My baby was sick, which meant she didn't sleep, which means I didn't get to either. But all is good now. I'm also almost finished making a map that I'll post on our sign up thread soon.)

As Neil and Gastly approached the sign, and angry low buzz filled the air. From behind the wooden post jumped a joltik, the hair on his back bristling. This was his territory, and anyone who dared to threaten his turf would be punished! The electric bug looked back over his shoulder and uttered a cry, encouraging two more of his siblings to emerge from the nest cleverly concealed under the large rock behind the sign. The three pokemon formed a wall, advancing threateningly on the humans.

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 06:15 (9 Years ago)
The pokemon professor continued to hesitate. Part of her worried that she would regret this. The other part of her hoped the two misfits could make each other happy. "Very well, he's yours. But please be careful. There are people out in the world who would misuse pokemon, even against their own trainers. I'd hate for you to fall prey to one of them. Talk to the intern on your way out and he'll get you your starter kit."

Congratulations! You recieve the following Pokemon:

#092- Gastly, Male, Lvl- 5
Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Spite

You each also get a starter pack with the following:
Pokeball x10
Potion x 2
Burn Heal
Parlyz Heal

(Just a side note NyanCat, first welcome to the role play. You'll noticed how Neverlight and AuroraNightshade have put in a little more detail into their posts. We will hopefully be at this for a long time, and ease/interest of reading is greatly appreciated. It is much easier for me to respond and to keep things moving if each of us strive to put in extra detail to our descriptions. I know it's just a word game, but double checking your posts for proper capitalization and punctuation etc also help to make the role play feel a little more professional and mature, if you know what I mean? If you could put some effort into those things we are sure to be fast friends. 'Preciate it.)

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)
"Hmm, I do have... one other option." Professor Aspen said tentatively. "I don't usually let new trainers meet him. He can be, brutal." She walked to one of the cupboards lining the walls and removed a pokeball. She pressed the release button, and a moment later a gastly was floating in the center of the room. A wicked gleam glinted in his eye as he promptly turned to lick the totodile as she scampered by. The water type shrieked in dismay, rubbing her tiny hands all over her face and stumbling backward as her shuppet friend rushed to her side. The gastly chuckled darkly.

Professor Aspen frowned at him. "I would love for him to get out and see the world. It might tame him. But this little fellow has all the makings of a bully. It will take a unique trainer to help him, someone with authority but also patience and understanding." She chewed her lip thoughtfully as the ghost type began to chase the totodile and shuppet around the room, not entirely playfully. "I don't know anything about you though my dear. Do you think you can handle him?"

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 05:40 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen turned around, startled. She thought all of the adoption candidates had been taken care of. She gave Neil a once over with a critical eye before beckoning him forward. "Not at all my young friend. It's never too late to make a friend. Tell me a little about yourself. Why do you want a pokemon?"

She led him to a small room, similar to the first. This one looked to be more of an office, being used today as overflow for the large variety of pokemon adoptions. As Professor Aspen opened the door, a female shinx looked up guiltily from the plush desk chair she had been shredding with her claws. She hopped to the floor and began to groom a paw, trying to look nonchalant. The male zubat fluttered down from the corner, circling Neil's head with interest. A flicker in the corner revealed a shuppet hiding behind a large potted plant, chuckling to himself as a bright skinned totodile opened the desk drawers, searching for the ghost type.

Professor Aspen heaved a sigh at the shinx, then stepped aside to let Neil get closer to the pokemon. "Make sure you give this choice some serious thought. A pokemon companion is for life."

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 05:12 (9 Years ago)
Hey NyanCat, glad you want to join us. If you check out our board, we're just leaving the lab. Why don't you PM me, we can get you your starter, and Neil can join the group on Route 1?

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 04:13 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen looked on as the two pokemorphs chose their companions. She pulled a few berries from the depths of her pockets and tossed them out to the remaining critters and gestured for Evander and Serafina to follow her back to the lobby. "Well, usually we have some paper work for you to sign, tell us where you're going and how we can contact you. But we'll find a way to get in touch." She paused to pull out two canvas bags from a closet and pass them to the new trainers.

"Obviously, I'm in the business of researching pokemon. Rumors have reached my ears of a new pokemon sighting. A pair of pokemon, actually. There isn't much information, but the few stories I've heard might indicate that these two fit into the legendary category. So if you happen to find out anything more about Proteus or Antilus, I'd appreciate you letting me know." The Professor escorted the two to the door.

"One more word of advice. Some of my staff have reported shady figures lurking around the edge of lab lands. You might want to stick together for a while, just to be safe." With one last smile she turned around and disappeared back into the lab.

Congratulations! You recieve the following Pokemon:

#557- Dwebble, Female, Lvl- 5
Moves: Furry Cutter, Rock Blast

#304- Aron (shiny), Male, Lvl- 5
Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mud Slap

You each also get a starter pack with the following:
Pokeball x10
Potion x 2
Burn Heal
Parlyz Heal

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Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 18:02 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen smiled at the two of them as she unlocked another door. "I'm glad to hear both of you have strong family ties. That will be a boon for you on your journey. If times ever get difficult, remember your roots and I bet you can pull through. Ah, here we are."

The door opened to reveal a small play room. A large, brightly colored jungle-gym dominated the center of the room while several young pokemon gamboled around the plastic. A hyper-active eevee spun in circles, chasing his tail while a ralts swung her feet to and fro from her perch above him, giggling at his antics. A piplup stood at the very top of the toy, blowing bubbles that glided down to the male ralts and red-skinned cyndaquil who eagerly popped each transparent orb. As the humans entered, a little aron began to order his friends about with a stern voice and forceful look of his red eyes, trying unsuccessfully to round them up to meet the humans. The only pokemon to listen was a female eevee who strutted toward the door with model grace, her head and tail poised elegantly behind her. In the corner, almost unnoticed, a dweeble shyly rubbed her claws together, peering around with her head half hidden in her shell.

Professor Aspen gestured toward the pokemon. "Go ahead, introduce yourselves, get to know them. When you think you've found a friend let me know. If none of these are quite right, I have one other room I can take you to."

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Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 05:12 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 23:16 (9 Years ago)

The line continued to move forward, until Serafina was at the front of the line. The intern looked up and opened his mouth to give her a greeting. His words were cut off by a howl of rage. The doors to the lab burst open as a Mankey scrambled through, hotly pursued by a furious Houndour. The little monkey dodged between trainer legs, while the fire-type merely bowled people over in her pursuit. At last the Mankey sought refuge on the counter. He danced on top of the pile of trainer forms, waving a bone shaped toy tauntingly at his foe. The Houndour paced back and forth for a moment, then braced herself and took a deep breath. "No! Don't-" the intern cried, but the well placed Ember attack shot passed him, singeing his hair and sending the precious paperwork up in smoke.

The two pokemon tore through the open door and outside while the poor intern burst into frustrated tears. "There, there, don't fret." Came a soothing voice. A frizzy haired woman in a lab coat walked to the counter, her hands in her pockets. "The registration stuff isn't all that important anyway. Why don't I take over, and you go take a quick break?" The woman adjusted her glasses and turned to address the trainers.
"Sorry about that. Hopefully that will be a lesson to you all that pokemon can sometimes be a bit... unpredictable. I'm Professor Aspen. Thank you for being part of our adoption program. Have a little patience and we will get you all sorted quickly. You, you and you-" she said, pointing to three different trainers, "head through that door and take your second left. The gentleman there will assist you." She continued to give instructions, directing various trainers to various spots in the lab. At last she pointed to Serafina and Evander. "And you two, I'm all out of assistants, so why don't you follow me and we will find you a pokemon?" She turned and headed through a side door. "Please, tell me a bit about yourselves. Why do you think you are qualified to have a pokemon partner?"

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Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 20:19 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 19:53 (9 Years ago)
Okie dokie guys, the role play has started here. Maybe we will get one more person to join as we get started, but if not we are off!

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Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 19:50 (9 Years ago)
(Welcome my fellow role players. If you would like to join our game, please check out the sign up thread here. Based on the votes of our two current players, we will be using first person.)

It looks like it will be a beautiful day in Airore, at least as far as the weather is concerned. Not a single cloud can be spotted over the grassy fields that surround the Pokemon Lab. Several flying types stretch their wings in the clear morning air, singing their welcome to the day.

The lab itself appears to be a bustle of activity. A sign on the sliding glass doors gives hint to the reason why. "Pokemon Adoption Day" is painted in bright green letters. Hopeful trainers trudge along the gravel path, their faces alight with the promise of making a new friend. A small line has already formed just inside the tiled lobby as a frantic intern does his best to distribute the proper paper work while a dark furred Purrloin keeps lazy watch from the counter. Another lab assistant escorts a pair of boys deeper into the lab, informing them "You'll get to meet the pokemon one on one, then make a decision." High pitched squeaks, threatening growls, and various pokemon speeches mingle with the chatter of prospective trainers already filling the plastic seats of the waiting room. Some are excited. Other nervous. Today is the kind of day that can be life changing.

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Posted: Sun, 26/07/2015 02:17 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 18:45 (9 Years ago)
Skeptical lucario is skeptical

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