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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Suesue.
Posted: Sun, 17/10/2021 22:09 (2 Years ago)
Is this rp still open? XD

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Posted: Thu, 30/09/2021 17:53 (2 Years ago)
oops XD

hold on I'll take the Arrokuda then, Imma just copy and paste my sheet

Name: Ruben Takara
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Arrokuda
PalPad Group?: Yes please
Password: Wish

Never started an adventure with an Arrokuda, wonder where this'll take me XD

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Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 17:29 (2 Years ago)
Name: Ruben Takara
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Gastly
PalPad Group?: Yes please
Password: Wish

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Posted: Mon, 09/08/2021 19:30 (2 Years ago)
Are you guys still accepting sign ups?

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Posted: Tue, 04/08/2020 00:02 (3 Years ago)
Umbra and Starbie

Umbra and Starbie waited their turn, and when it came up the Victini was ready to jump through. But hesitated when he saw Umbra turn around and face the door that for sure the grunts and corrupted pokemon were going to come through.

"umbra?" the fire type said, unsure what the Dark-type was going to do, he wouldn't admit it but he was scared that the Darkrai was going to try and do something drastic. Or worse switch sides, however, they made eye contact and the Victini understood what his friend was going to do. "kay, just hurry we got to go" the fire type chirped and waited for his friend.

Umbra put one hand in his pocket pivoting so that his left claw was facing the door. he lifted it up and aimed at the ceiling, hoping to knock down some debris and block the door to allow them at least a little more time. The Dark-type silently(and cooly) used Thunder. Lightning shot out of his claw and hit the ceiling, just a few inches in front of the door.

With that done the Darkrai and Victini walked through the rift.

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Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 21:52 (3 Years ago)

The Darkrai turned human was relieved to hear the "Lights out" and following the sounds of the grunts leaving. The darkness never bothered him, other then Starbie it was his only friend. He was going to continue his tapping, but he had stopped when Meka threw in the idea of escaping. The Dark-type immediately perked up, he wanted to escape, he was sick of this place and those humans.

"We want to!!!" He heard Starbie yell, the Victini was speaking for both of them, Umbra didn't mind, after all it was true he wanted out just as much as Starbie, poor kid must have been driven insane in here. The Darkrai cringed when he heard his counterpart's voice, he decided to tune the other legendaries out as they started to speak. He only listened when he heard Meka again. Then he suddenly heard and clang and Meka flew by like a speeding bullet unlocking his cage, the Darkrai wasted no time in kicking the door open after she took care of the lock on it and he stepped out. This was the first step, they still needed to get out and away from this place. Before he could take another step however something tackle hugged him hard enough to make him grunt.



Starbie was vibrating with excitement, this was it, they were finally leaving. he stepped back from the bars just in time, shielding himself from the shrapnel, the Victini cheered, a huge smile on his face. He was finally free!!. The first thing he did was run out of his cell and immediately locate Umbra in the limited light they had. It wasn't that hard Starbie knew for a fact that Umbra was always in the darkest part of a room, even if there was a bit of light, he produced his own shadows and darkness to hid in. It didn't take long for the Mythical Fire-type pokemon to locate the brooding pokemon of darkness. He koala hug tackled the other Mythical pokemon "Umbra!!!" he cheered.

Starbie received a huff in response and Umbra patted the Other mythical on the head with a clawed hand. As much as Starbie wanted to catch up with his friend, he knew they needed to move NOW, or risk getting caught. Releasing the Darkrai, both joined everyone else that was escaping. They were not going to get caught, they refused to be these Grunts slaves any longer.

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Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 00:00 (3 Years ago)

The Darkrai just got comfortable and was just drifting off to sleep when Isas humming reached his ears. Umbra opened his eyes and he frowned. Isas humming wasn't the thing that was bothering the dark type, what was irking him were the grunts that demanded the Lunala to stop. The Mythical pokemon brought his hand up and mindful of the claws on them and pinched the bridge of his nose.

He could already feel a headache coming on, at least Isa's song was nice to listen to. Umbra sighed and sat up, unable to find sleep anymore.



The Fire-type was just about to sit down again when he heard humming, the Victini turned human perked up and a smile grew on his face. Music was one of Starbies favorite things in the whole world. It was nice to listen, especially when out in the sun, enjoying the breeze. Starbi hobbled over to where the bars were located and tried to peer into the darkness, trying to locate were Isa's cell was. He gave up unable to see anything past the dark, so instead, he sat down in front of the bars and started to hum, trying to copy Isa's tune. However he was clumsy and stumbled over the notes, but heck he was trying.

Starbie was only encouraged when a few minutes after he head Umbra tapping a clawed finger to the beat of the humming. the metal sound wasn't very loud, but loud enough to be detected within the humming.

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Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 05:36 (3 Years ago)

The mythical pokemon of nightmares was not happy at all, currently, he was within his cold drab cell, hidden in a dark corner. This whole situation was not one Umbra thought he would find himself in after he was awoken from his dormancy. His whole immortal life Umbra was used to being seen as a horrible creature by others, he was used to being treated as the villain and unliked by many. However, what he was not used to was being locked away like an animal and being tormented and experimented daily.
The only thing that stopped him from attacking his oppressors was the oath he lived by. That didn't mean that he couldn't be just a little bit rebellious, call him childish, but his favorite part about this horrid situation was the fact that he could make some of these pathetic creatures throw little tantrums when he did one little thing wrong. Sure it was all the worse for himself in the long run, but the satisfaction of seeing the humans go beserk over tiny little things was worth it.

He listened to the silence, relishing it before it was disrupted either by the other legendaries and mythical pokemon in the room or the humans themselves when they came to collect them for Arceus knows what. He pointedly ignored any of the other legendaries(especially his counterpart) when they spoke to him. He had nothing to say to them, nor was he concerned with any of their survival, they could take care of themselves, they were capable Pokemon after all.
However, there was one Mythical he was immensely worried about. The Mythical pokemon blue eyes opened and slowly moved to stare in the direction he had last heard that certain Mythical pokemon voice come from. Peering into the darkness he was unable to make out anything, but he hoped that Starbie was doing alright he hadn't heard the Victini speak at all. Staring for a bit longer Umbra looked back ahead and closed his eyes, crossing his arms and getting as comfortable as he could, he needed to rest, who knows when he would be allowed to again after all.



Starbie frowned as he stared at the far wall of his cell, the fire type was on the floor in a fetal position, hugging his knees to his chest. The victini found that if he stayed quiet he wouldn't be punished as bad, the grunts found his chatter annoying. But staying silent was so boring, and.....sad...
Talking really helped distract him from the current situation he was in, without it, he was forced to face reality and this was one reality that he really didn't want to be apart of. He lost count of how many days they were in here, their cells didn't have windows.

Starbie sighed sadly, he missed feeling the wind on his back, he missed the fresh air and freedom that he had before this whole debacle. Sometimes he dreamt that he was still in the forest, flying over the trees and basking in the sun. Only to wake up and be met with the dark damp air of his cell. The fire type yawned and he couldn't help but think of Umbra, the Darkrai was silent as ever, and normally Starbie would have talked his ear off by now. He had to wonder how his friend was doing, was he ok? was he sleeping ok? was he hungry????. That last part was a very scary thought, to go hungry was something that Starbie wouldn't wish on anyone. Starbie shivered and he smacked himself on the head to get that "scary" thought out of his head. The Mythical pokemon of victory shook his head and a determined expression set on his face. The Victini slowly stood up, careful not to put to much weight on his sore leg and he hobbled over to the right wall of his cell.

"hey......Umbra........are you ok?" he whisper yelled slightly, trying to be loud enough to be heard by the other Mythical pokemon, but hopefully not loud enough to alert any grunts. There was silence for a while, causing the Victini to worry, that was until he heard the sound of a metal claw, tapping metal. The Fire type smiled, happy to know that Umbra was ok, well as ok as one could be in their situation

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2020 20:53 (3 Years ago)
OOF I really love your Rowlet Icon!!, imma use it, thank you so much!!! XD

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Posted: Thu, 30/07/2020 20:47 (3 Years ago)
Oh man this sounds like an awesome Rp, is it still open for new people to join? XD

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Posted: Mon, 27/07/2020 00:44 (3 Years ago)
Username: SueSue
Character Name: Umbra
Legendary/Mythical selected: Darkrai
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: Umbra(not my art)
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): Umbra is a very reserved pokemon, he prefers to be alone and away from other pokemon and people. Due to this he often tries to deal with his problems alone than ask for help, or even fight multiple opponents by himself. Umbra lives by a code of honor and usually will go out of his way to make sure others are not caught up in the crossfire from his own fights.
Ability: Bad Dreams
Alliance: prisoner/refugee
Moveset:[/b Nightmare,Hypnosis, Thunder, Dark Void
Attached to Starbie, sees him as a little brother

Character Name: Starbie
Legendary/Mythical selected: Victini
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Starbie has orange straight hair about shoulder length, he has big bright light blue eyes. freckles are scattered across his nose and cheeks. he has fair skin and a bright smile. He wears a yellow t-shirt with a puffy orange vest jacket. The hood of the vest jacket has fluff around the edges. he wears cream-colored baggy pants and orange sneakers, on his head, coming out of his messy orange hair is a decoration in V formation resembling his ears
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): Starbie is a very happy go lucky pokemon. he often tries to see the silver lining in bad situations and always seems positive. This positivity sometimes leads him to be in denial about certain situations. He tries to get everyone to smile. Starbie also has a very annoying Hero complex, often running into situations headfirst.
Ability: Victory Star
Alliance: prisoner/refugee
Moveset: Final Gambit, Zen Headbutt, Overheat, V-Create

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2019 18:12 (5 Years ago)
Adrienne had been silently following this group for a while now, he found their antics amusing, especially with the traps.

but now things were getting too boring for his tastes, he wondered what kind of trap this next one was. for a second he thought of revealing himself but he shook his head, nah what would be the fun in that~.

The young man decided to see what the group would do next, heck from his hiding spot he tried to look around and see where the trap could be activated, he didn't want his source of entertainment to die so quickly so why not help them just a tiny bit~.

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2019 08:10 (5 Years ago)
Name: Adrienne

Age: 19

Personality: Random, Silly, not every sound of mind, crazy, always happy, positive. Adrienne loves to do these little sleights of hand magic tricks that always seem to wow others. He loves magic of any kind and especially games, any kind of games. He has a soft spot for children but wouldn't hesitate to throw an adult under the bus without batting an eye.

Dragon weapon (Dragon weapons let you transform into dragons and return to your human form): Broard Sword

Dragon Name: Seuche

Dragon element(its like magic that you can use in your human form): Plague

Description: Adrienne is a very tall young man, he's about 6,7. He has a very slim and noodle-like body, though he could still has some muscle to his form, though it's kinda hard to see due to his clothing and wiry frame. Adrienne has sickly pale skin, a few freckles are scattered across his face. He has red eyes, but they seem to switch to a radioactive green when angered or using his magic. Adrienne's hair is black and messy, it sometimes stands on end when he wakes up after a long nap. Adrienne usually wears a ringleader outfit, its usually red with a toxic green bow tie, he wears a black top hat, with a red ribbon tied into a bow on it. finally, he wears black fingerless gloves and carries around a cane to complete his look.

Dragon Description:

Other: He used to have a little sister, but he doesn't anymore....

I'm a little late, but I hope I can jump in XD

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