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Searching for: Posts from OMFG_HE.
Posted: Sat, 09/11/2024 05:19 (3 Months ago)
The shop is being closed permanently as I'm quitting the game. Take care and happy gaming

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Posted: Sat, 09/11/2024 05:18 (3 Months ago)
Dear diary

This will be my final entry as I've decided to quit maintaining this diary... and to quit this game. It's become boring and does not have any entertaining factor left in it. Time to give more time to showdown, where pokémon battles are truly fun!
To the dear readers, take care and happy gaming

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 15:34 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

New area unlocked

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Posted: Mon, 28/10/2024 00:39 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

▪︎ Before proceeding further, I'd like to announce that I've opened a small shop named OMFG_HE has a small shop to sell/trade the small collection of pokémon and items
▪︎ Feel free to check it, it has few rough edges that will be smoothened soon
▪︎ Price could not be uploaded since it didn't fit in forum posts, all will be rectified soon
▪︎ In the meantime ask about price and I'll announce it in comments and set private trade as early as possible
▪︎ If you have any suggestions/complaints, drop them in pm/pp

▪︎ New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Treasure Hunt

Feeling cute. Might sell it soon, very soon


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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 19:54 (4 Months ago)
@Dragonegg: 5500 pd

@GlitchMode: 150+200=350 pd

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 18:16 (4 Months ago)

Title: Pokémon & Items


☆ Sale:

Ivysaur x1
Venusaur x1
Butterfree x1
Ekans x1
Arbok x1
Vulpix x1
Venomoth x1
Alolan Dugtrio x1
Primeape x1
Machoke x1
Bellsprout x1
Alolan Graveler x2
Galarian Rapidash x1
Yorebro x2
Magneton x1
Alolan Muk x2
Gastly x1
Gastly retro x1
Haunter x1
Haunter retro x1
Hypno x1
Lickitung x1
Rhydon x1
Seadra x1
Mr Mime x1
Pinsir x4
Porygon x1
Kabuto x1
Chikorita retro x1
Hoothoot retro x1
Cleffa shadow x1
Scizor x2
Heracross x6
Slugma x1
Piloswine x1
Smeargle x1
Blaziken x23
Beautifly x1
Ludicolo x2
Shiftry x1
Kirlia x1
Gardevoir x1
Exploud x1
Mawile x1
Aron x1
Plusle x3
Torkoal x1
Grumpig x1
Swablu x1
Zangoose x2
Lileep x1
Banette x1
Snorunt x1
Walrein x1
Metang x2
Pacharisu x1
Cherrim x3
Chimeco x1
Chatot x2
Gabite x1
Munchlax x3
Riolu x4
Carnivine x1
Stoutland x1
Simisear x1
Musharna x1
Roggenrola x1
Throh x1
Sawk x1
Whimsicott x1
Scraggy x1
Deerling summer x1
Sawsbuck x2
Karrablast x4
Jellicent male x1
Alolomola x1
Kling x1
Tynamo x1
Lampent x1
Fraxure x2
Beartic x2
Shelmet x1
Meinfoo x1
Rufflet x1
Larvesta x2
Fletchling x1
Floette x1
Meoswtic x1
Doublade x3
Swirlix 1
Amaura x1
Klefki x1
Phantump x1
Noibat x2
Toucannon x1
Ribombee x1
Lycanroc midday x1
Fomantis x2
Salazzle male x1
Golisopod x2
Pallossand x1
Komala x1
Turtonator x1
Corviknight x3
Silicobra x1
Sinistea x1
Snom x4
Frosmoth x1
Indeedee x1
Dracovish x2
Arctovish x1
Cyclizar x1
Farigiraf x1
Dudunsparce x1

☆ Trade:

Mega-abled Pidgeot
• LF: missing mega-abled pokémon, check Camp Box

Magikarp Emera x1
Gyarados Emera x1
• LF: missing Emera pokémon, check Emera Box

Unown I x1
Unown V x2
Unown Y x1
• LF: Unown C

Crystal Aron x3
• LF: missing Emera pokémon, check Emera Box

Shellos north x1
Shellos south x5
• LF: missing Emera pokémon, check Emera Box

Zarude x2
• LF: event legendary pokémon

Brute Bonnet
• LF: missing paradox pokémon, check Paldea box

☆ Auction:

Unown V


Mega Banette



Poison gem x50
Rock gem x50
Water gem x50



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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 18:15 (4 Months ago)
Greetings to all visitors 👋😄



》This is a small shop 🛒 set to sell or trade the handful few pokémon that are kept in Sale/Trade box, it also includes select items for sale/exchange

》Pokémon and items available for sale, trade or auction will be listed in 2nd post



☆ Please read the rules written below carefully:

》Read the specifications carefully. Any offer made other than the specification(s) for respective pokémon/item will most likely be rejected if deemed unfitting

》Cost of respective pokémon/item in respective sale sections will be the max recommended price (from auction house) plus trade tax

》Only pokémon available in Sale/Trade box are available for aforementioned purposes

》Do NOT ask for addition of pokémon/item of your choice, no hunts will be entertained

》Offers made for pokémon NOT available in Sale/Trade box will be rejected without any explanation

》Do NOT ask for pokémon to have certain IV values

》Pokémon holding everstone will incur additional cost of 200

》Pokémon holding an evolutionary item will cost as per price of evolved pokémon, if its value is greater than cost of pre-evolution + evolutionary item

》Please share pokémon card link (left, below direct link) if you wish to have any specific pokémon that's available in numbers >1

》If you want a pokémon that you cannot purchase immediately, it can be reserved for 5 days (120 hrs) before trade is set up.Do share pokémon card link of specific pokémon so that it can be labelled. Do specify the no. of days you might need and keep updating daily about amount gathered in pp/pm

》Above point is applicable only on sales and NOT trades, NO exceptions will be entertained. It's not applicable on items either

》Sale/trade will be cancelled if not processed with 48 hours and next interested party will be able to grab the pokémon



☆ Before proceeding further, please note:-

》In case trades do NOT successfully transfer pokémon thanks to a glitch (click here to read about such bad trades) and if i do not receive the amount while the pokémon (probably) returns to the box, you will get the pokémon only if you're able to pay for it again

》In case you're unable to arrange the amount originally asked for within 48 hours, the pokémon will be sold to next interested party

》No reservations will be entertained after the failed round of transfer and first come, first serve will be applicable

》I'm neither responsible for the glitch nor for resolving it

》Contact game moderators and/or post in the forum linked here

Welcome 😄 to the laziest and most insignificant shop 🛍

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 07:15 (4 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Sat, 26/10/2024 17:03 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

Was on a self-imposed hiatus that prevented diary entries (had forgotten about updating it 😅)

▪︎ New pokémon added to Pokédex:

▪︎ Few new megas

▪︎ Few new shinies

Entire (yet-to-be updated) collection can be viewed in "Party too" in profile page

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Posted: Wed, 23/10/2024 13:14 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 20:14 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

▪︎ New pokémon added to Pokédex:

▪︎ Yay!



Mystery box

Beach time

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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 17:58 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

▪︎ New pokémon added to Pokédex:

▪︎ Shiny as reward of giveaway ✨️

▪︎2nd shortest, along with Raichu 🙂

Few more completed puzzles, didn't bother to check until yesterday

Good find

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 23:52 (4 Months ago)
Original answer is Darkrai
Upon realising that it doesn't actually provide Darkrai... 😅

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 12:01 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

▪︎ New pokémon added to Pokédex:

▪︎ This is fancy! 😲

2 new mega-abled pokémon have been added to collection 😤:

• Entire gang can be viewed in "Party Too 😍" or in Camp Box
• All mega pokémon are nicknamed as Mega *Category*
• Mega-abled pokémon in sale/trade box are available for trade, in exchange for missing mega-abled pokémon

Beach time!

▪︎ 2nd post on 1st page has been updated to include latest updates on starters that includes their respective names, regular and other (retro, shadow, shiny... whichever is available) sprites and the ones that were previously missing from boxes
▪︎ Of course, Hisui remains empty and will remain that way for some time 😅
▪︎ Something useful has been planned for pokémon of sale/trade box, will be announced soon 😊 praying that it works
▪︎ With further segregation of emera and shadow-retro pokémon thanks to some huge sales that got me 2 additional boxes, sorting pokémon has become more convenient. Will buy more egg storage and mega-abled pokémon for some time since most boxes have excess capacity at the moment 😀

▪︎ This is one of the sections I've been thinking of posting for some time, hilarious offers on trades
▪︎ Players won't be named but unless specified, it can be safely assumed that some newbie had decided to try their luck

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 04:43 (4 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2024 17:46 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

• Yveltal is on its way! Unfortunately 2x interaction day didn't see much activity hence it might get delayed... but it will be here nonetheless

• Another Necrozma! Yay!

• Another Azelf! Yay!

• Another Mesprit! Yay!

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2024 14:38 (4 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2024 20:06 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Beach time:
•Missed it 😆


• Gems are fine 👍

• The troublesome badge has been acquired!

• With this, 2nd badge set has been completed

• Another explorer bag is now in possession, being 6th overall
• Another previously unexplored area will be explored with additional slot

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2024 07:40 (4 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 20:31 (4 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Few good surprises from the BEACH

Why settle for 1

When you can get another!

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