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Posted: Mon, 24/12/2018 00:09 (5 Years ago)
Opps. I'm so stupid. I forgot that eggs don't have the bubbles at all. Nevermind about this. It did hatch correctly.

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Posted: Sun, 23/12/2018 01:20 (5 Years ago)

I opened the door, and the Pokemon doesn't have the symbol to mega-evolve. All my other calendar Pokemon have been able to mega-evolve. So I just did 2000 interactions just to get a normal easy rarity Pokemon that I already have and that I can't mega-evolve? If this ain't a bug or error or mistake, I feel really dumb for doing this door. (I already have more than 20 open so I don't need it for the special end of calendar prize.)

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Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 10:03 (5 Years ago)
I just had this issue where it gave me a user who only has 7 Pokemon.

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Posted: Mon, 26/11/2018 23:33 (5 Years ago)
It's a definite bug or your browser is interpreting the code wrong. I don't have that problem on my computer.

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Posted: Mon, 26/11/2018 22:41 (5 Years ago)
This Pokedex: http://pokeheroes.com/pokedex

I mean the new mini-icons. I have also noticed that they aren't in the mobile clicklists (though I probably need to clear the cache on my phone).

Edit: It is also missing on GTS Pokemon selection. Since I am putting Alolan versions of Kantos Pokemon in GTS, it is noticeable that the new icons are missing from there.

And I am on my computer so the cache should be cleared since it auto-clears on my computer when I close the browser.

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Posted: Sun, 25/11/2018 20:54 (5 Years ago)
Someone may have missed this, but the new icons are not in the pokedex yet.

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 00:35 (5 Years ago)
Does Marshadow from the Halloween event have a wondercard? It's been awhile since the event ended so I was wondering.

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 00:29 (5 Years ago)
They are in mystery boxes now that the SCE is over.

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Posted: Tue, 06/11/2018 20:07 (5 Years ago)
I have the same issue with being unable to open boxes while on my phone. Table is too big, and I can not scroll over. I just have a cheap android phone.

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Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 21:42 (5 Years ago)
Still, that would be a difficult task to try to go through every id number on the site just to find out. The only way to do that would be to enter every single id number, regardless of breed, just to find out that no more exists. My Feraligatr has an id of 22294366. There is no way based on that information alone to tell if number 22294365 is another retro Feraligatr or not since there is no way to look up a list of retro Feraligatr's on the site. If I manually enter that number, I get a Staraptor. If I keep on going down, I get various non-retro Pokemon. That doesn't mean that I have the first shiny retro Feraligatr. It just means that people have picked up Pokemon from the lab and hatched them while I was searching for my Feraligatr, which is a definite possibility. So that leaves the question, how far back in the Pokemon ids do I need to go to find definite proof that this is the first one? And how long would that realistically take? Hours? Days? Especially without a Pokedex entry to base things on. Which actually feeds back into the dilemma as a buyer. I'm not seriously considering buying something that someone claims to be the first shiny on the site. But the Pokemon with the trade description that claims it is the first shiny on the site is a Pokemon that I don't have at all right now. I have no Pokedex entry to look at, and no solid information to base how many Pokemon ids I have to go through to find out the truth. As a buyer, I wouldn't want to pay a ton of money for something that has no definite proof to this kind of claim. Also, this Pokemon is not in the book of records so the thread is of no practical help.

Yeah, I've been curious about my retro, but there is a much more practical dilemma to buyers and sellers behind this question. It's something I've been wondering about for awhile now, to be honest.

Also, the id method doesn't cover Pokemon who have been deleted off of the system? What if the first Pokemon on the site ended up being deleted later on, whether accidentally or intentionally? So the claim, in all practical aspects, is the first Pokemon on the site that hasn't been deleted off the site.

I suppose one could look at the date that the Pokemon was obtained, but with the Pokemon being this old, it doesn't count the hours since the Pokemon was obtained. And I happen to know when the retro was released on the site down to the day / approximate hour. "3 Months and 27 Days ago" about an hour or less within the release date at reset. But this is my own Pokemon, and it narrows it down considerably. But going back to the Pokemon that is on GTS, I'm not completely sure of what date and year the Pokemon was released on. It's definitely not this year's Halloween event since the new event Pokemon is Marshadow. I suppose I can look the release date up on the wiki... but not all the Pokemon are on the wiki with their release dates. Suppose it isn't an event Pokemon. Suppose it was something like a shiny Floette and that it isn't in the records thread at all. That Pokemon isn't in the wiki, and there is no easy access to the information as far as when it was released. So one would be going through a lot of ids blindly just to find that out.

Anyways, I'm tired and probably rambling on and on by now, whether coherently or not. I've been curious.

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Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 20:38 (5 Years ago)
"FIRST OS!!!" I've always wondered how people can prove that. And if this is even allowed to be advertised in GTS since it isn't exactly very proveable. Especially for a Pokemon that has been around for awhile. Sure, I can claim to have had the first shiny retro Feraligatr on the site, and it could come close. First day it was released, and I got it within an hour of its release, if I remember right. I even wondered if I got the first one at the time of its release. But with no way to prove it (and the retro's entry wasn't even in the Pokedex when I caught it), I can make no definite claim to it. Maybe someone would know on the forums...

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Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 01:26 (5 Years ago)
As you successfully complete the mini-games, your progress % on the ancient cave for Giratina's quest will go up. You need to get it up to 100% before you can get anything from its quest.

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Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 01:19 (5 Years ago)
I find it difficult to fish on mobile, too, which is why I only do fishing while I'm on my computer.

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Posted: Tue, 30/10/2018 00:15 (5 Years ago)
If you get the shiny rod, you have the potential to catch all the Pokemon at the beach, not just the new ones. I have a collection of 345 Tentacools in my fish box for that reason, even though I've been using the shiny rod for awhile. You're going to get the Pokemon that you could get with the previous rods in with the ones available for the new rod. It's probably just unclear in the wiki article.

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Posted: Mon, 29/10/2018 03:45 (5 Years ago)
Since I haven't been home much in awhile, I didn't respond to Rowan and pick up Rowan's quest Pokemon until what was Sunday evening / night on server time (what was yesterday by server time). I have the whole week to do the Pokemon leveling quest, but Oak's Pokemon's level in the lab was still displaying the level it would have been at if the quest ended at reset rather than 8 am in the morning. It was showing that Oak's Pokemon was level 192 instead of below 40. At reset, it corrected itself and showed Oak's Pokemon to be level 40.

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Posted: Sun, 28/10/2018 00:03 (5 Years ago)
I haven't broken my chain with the eggs you win from the concentration game and egg voucher redeemptions. I haven't tried the prize exchange eggs, but I think they don't.

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Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 07:05 (5 Years ago)
I put kids, just because.

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Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 04:09 (5 Years ago)
We can't get candy from interacting. I have done at least 1000 interactions for DP, but no candy. Other people are saying the same kind of thing on my notifications. (The Dream World event works fine, though.)

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Posted: Fri, 19/10/2018 21:37 (5 Years ago)
How many entries were there?

I would like to see a bit of a longer word count limit. Maybe 750 - 1000.

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Posted: Mon, 15/10/2018 23:29 (5 Years ago)
Since this is coming up real bad to the point where I'm staying off of GTS for awhile, what is there to do about annoying people on GTS who may be trying to fleece you out of something for almost nothing? I put up $3000 pokedollars and a Lucario to look for sellers who have Pharraloin, and either a moron, someone who can't read, or someone who is looking to try to fleece me out of $3000 pokedollars put in an offer of a single Purrloin and nothing else for the 3000 and Lucario. Not only is Purrloin not worth that much, it is not what I even asked for in my trade description. The same thing came up with Gloweon. Initially, I was asking for an event Pokemon I didn't have the evo line of, and people kept on trying to give me events from an evo line that I already have. I wasn't getting anywhere so I put up some kind of silent auction on GTS with a min of $2500. Someone put in a single Exploud and no Pokedollar bid on it. Not only is Gloweon not worth a single Exploud, it goes against what I put in the trade description. I'm not sure if they are all stupid people who simply don't read the trade description or people who put up something by mistake or if they are simply trying to fleece me out of what I asked for by putting in something that I could potentially mistake it for. Um, help? Clarification? It's become a headache... And yes, I'm mad at it.

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