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Posted: Thu, 05/12/2024 16:13 (3 Months ago)
Glad to hear it works now. But on another forum, we realized it actually gave 200 game corner points each time you clicked it anyway. Will those be reverted? Some of us were concerned about how many times we clicked. I don't recall having a ton of clicks, but others said they had dozens or hundreds of clicks before they realized. I just don't feel good about keeping game corner points I didn't earn.

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Posted: Thu, 05/12/2024 07:14 (3 Months ago)
Yeah, I tested it on mine once after reading yours and the same happened. :/ I'd feel bad using that for points I didn't earn, (plus it's prolly not within the spirit of the rules) so I'm gonna wait until it's fixed. Hope people get a pass or something similar so we don't lose our baby Latias or Latios. Thanks for figuring out it kinda works.

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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2019 21:10 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: Esti
Item(s) You Want: Rare Candies
Quantity Of Item(s): 3 Rare Candies
Donation To Shop (optional): Moonstone and 10K PD
Other: Much appreciation :)

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