Forum Thread
Plates of Arceus
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Plates of ArceusSign Ups
Sinnoh. Once, there was a scientist. This scientist had amassed all the plates to control Arceus. However, the result was that Arceus was accidently locked in the Distortion World. The scientist, on his deathbed, revealed the location of his journal, which was found by another scientist. But the scientist was not dead, he had been locked in the Distortion World with Arceus. Celebi had heard his cries, and using some of it's power, it gave the scientist a magical calendar, giving the scientist his last chance to fix his mistakes. But before he died, the scientist hid Arceus's plates across Sinnoh- which he can't access.
Now, a group of new trainers have been tasked with finding the plates after they have completed their journey. The trainers meet for the first time at a café with Rowan, to learn about their job....
Everyone starts sitting around a table in a café, in Sandgem Town.

From beside her, Sear sat, looking rather irritable as well. The Houndoom grunted, laying down on the floor, watching his trainer carefully. Mia reached down to pat him lightly.
The blonde glanced at Rose in annoyance. "A pleasure to meet you." She remarked dryly.

"Wait--" Nara was cut off by a beeping sound. Frustrated by the sudden cut off, she scanned the area for cafe. She spots one in the corner so she did not hesitate to enter.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.
"I'm Devyn. I'm here from Canlave. Up north. And I think we're waiting for Rowan, right?" Devyn shrugged, twirling her cap around on one finger.
Scarlett shrugged. "I'm Scarlett. Nice to meet you." Scarlett smiled, giving a little wave as she sipped her coffee.

Probably knowing what she was thinking, Sear rolled his eyes.
She walked past Enzo, with no signs of gratitude. "I'm not interested." She stated in a dull tone, declining Enzo who was trying to befriend Nara.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.
"Well..." Enzo shrugged and followed after Nara. He wad aware that his presence annoyed her so he decided to torture her.
"Seems like there are a lot more than I expected." He mumbled, fixiating his eyes on every trainer.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.