Forum Thread
The lost elements (Open/accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The lost elements (Open/accepting)rules

1.No op moves.No more than 3 moves either
2.We can all have the same type but to keep it balanced,All types will have three slots open.If you wish to reserve,Than palpad me.You have 12 hours to make your form.Once 12 hours is up,Then that slot is back up for grabs.Also,Since you can have 2 characters,You cant have them both on the same type
3.There is 10 crystals scattered.Once they are found then the rp ends but we can have a squeal if we had enough people and it was fun
4.I rather have yall to be mammals but birds and reptiles are allowed as sea creatures or insects.
5.If you have a question,Please palpad me or pm.
6.Romance is allowed but dont go far than maybe kissing
7.Pokeheroes rp includes with this rp!

Age (In human years):
Moves (Must match your type!):
Fire (3 slots open!)
Water (2 slots open!)
Grass (2 slots open!)
Ice (2 slots left!)
Earth (2 slots left!)
Shadow (2 slots left!)
Magic (3 slots left!)
Lighting (3 slots left!)
Fairy (2 slots left!)
Metal (3 slots left)
My forums

Age (In human years):14
(Not my art by the way,Credit to original
Moves (Must match your type!):Ice bark-Must charge to unleash a cold bark
Cold glare-After 20 seconds has passed while staring at her eyes,They turn into ice but they defrost quick
Crush:No one
Age (In human years):
Moves (Must match your type!):
Age (In human years):14

Moves (Must match your type!):Ice bark-Must charge to unleash a cold bark
Cold glare-After 20 seconds has passed while staring at her eyes,They turn into ice but they defrost quick
Crush:No one
Age (In human years):
Moves (Must match your type!):

Fairy Wings : Grows pink wings to fly for a short time
Ribbon Trap : Wraps up the opponent in pink ribbons for a little bit
Open / Palpad !!
-scared of everything
-love her
-floofy af
-she's tinier than an adult cat, almost like the size of a kitten
-easily flustered
Gender: Male
Age (In human years): 17
Appearance: A black cat with purple eyes (no bad luck is given )
Moves (Must match your type!):
Shadow Manipulation: Can turn others or his shadow into animals or ghost which attack enemies
Shadow Steal: Steals the opponent's shadow making them unable move temporarily
Shadow Blast: Sends a beam or ball of shadow which does damage
Crush: Open
Other: Unlike what people might think of black cats, he's very cheerful and nice

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Gender: Female
Age (In human years): 17
Type: Grass
Moves (Must match your type!):
Grass Blade: Sharp, enlarged blades of grass scratch the foe for about 5 full seconds.
Vine Trap Vines wrap the foe very tightly for a full 20 seconds, the move can be more powerful depending on the size of the foe.
Poison Slap Poisonous flowers slap the foe. Affects can range between fatal doses of poison, being knocked out, or just merely scratching the foe, depending on how much plant life is in the area.
Crush: ;; nope
Other: Bunn is very shy, and confused about most things. She does like helping animals she likes, and finds fun in watching little seedlings grow overtime. She will do mostly anything for her friends, but cannot control some of her powers, making it so her most powerful attacks may backfire on her, though rare.

Name: Schuyler
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Type: Water
Moves (Must match your type!): Water manipulation Schuyler can manipulate water at her own like, she can move the water from a river to the other! she can make rain, but that drains her much energy
Water quills Schuyler can turn her quills into water, she throws them like if they were water balloons
Water clones Schuyler can create clones of herself with water, sadly she's only able to make 1 due that it wastes much energy.
Crush: Open/palpaduvu
Other: Schuyler's quills tend to jump out of her whenever she's scared, or angry
Don't stay near her when that happends
She's also clumsy, not very clever or sly
basically a newbie in life??
Likes flowers <3
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Type: Water
Moves (Must match your type!): Water manipulation Schuyler can manipulate water at her own like, she can move the water from a river to the other! she can make rain, but that drains her much energy
Water quills Schuyler can turn her quills into water, she throws them like if they were water balloons
Water clones Schuyler can create clones of herself with water, sadly she's only able to make 1 due that it wastes much energy.
Crush: Open/palpaduvu
Other: Schuyler's quills tend to jump out of her whenever she's scared, or angry
Don't stay near her when that happends
She's also clumsy, not very clever or sly
basically a newbie in life??
Likes flowers <3

Gender: Male
Age (In human years): Around 18
Appearance: Here
Type: Earth
Moves: Land's Wrath- Used when Opponent gets too close to Azuris. Azuris sends a signal and from Earth in front of him rises a narrow pillar made from pure sandstone- Slamming into the Opponent and sending them away. They can also easily avoid it but they would have to jump away and get away from Azuris. This move is usually only used in the state of Panic and is sometimes used without thinking about it and so this move could potentially hurt Azurises friends. This is by far the hardest move to summon for Azuris..
Dust Storm: Creates a cloud of dust around Azuris. Radius is always different based on environment and tends to be stronger if Azuris is hurt in some way. This Cloud helps him escape and his opponents will most likely be lost if they aren't Earth/Grass/Metal/Water since eyes and ears are useless inside the cloud and only those who are very observant and close to the earth below them can sense Azuris getting away and can potentially follow him.
Earths Tantrum: Levitates nearby Earth-based materials (Sand, Stone, Mud, Possibly Gemstones and others. Specific Types are harder to control in large quantities and at this point in time Azuris cant levitate two or more different land masses). The rocks should levitate around him before he hurls some of them at his opponent. While using this move he must be split his mind and focus on levitating rocks and observing his surrounding at the same time and so he doesn't move much at this state. If he loses his focus the rocks will fall on the ground.
Crush: None. Things like these aren't for him...
Other: As his connection to the Earth will grow stronger he should be able to feel any movement around and beneath him. It's not almost nonexistent but will slowly grow and at some point, nobody (Except Shadow-Types) will be able to sneak up on him, Sadly because of this, his Eyesight will also grow weaker since it will be rendered useless...
These are of course elemental advantages to his element- He can't do much damage to Shadow and Water based attacks but he has an advantage against Fire and Grass.
Gender: male
Age(in human years): 19
Appearance: a lizard with stone like scales. He has light green eyes
Type: Earth
Moves(must match your type!):
Eath-bound: stone hands come up from the ground and take hold of the target, making them not able to move
Solid shield: blocks almost all attacks except for Fire and Metal
Not me: makes a stone petrification of himself and uses that as a distraction for any openings
Gender: Female
Age (In human years): 15
Appearance: A siamese cat with bright blue eyes
Type: Magic
Moves (Must match your type!):
Teleportation - Teleports her to places within 1 mile of herself
Invisibility - Makes it so that nobody can see her for about an hour, after which she can't use the power again for about 30 minutes
Illusion - Creates a mirage that lasts for about 15 minutes
Crush: None
Other: Extremely interested in learning about medieval times
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Avatar made by me!