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A Wish for More Sign Up (Always Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up A Wish for More Sign Up (Always Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 12/05/2017 23:52 (7 Years ago)
A long, long, long time ago, when humans were taking their first steps and there was no war, no peace, no struggle for survival, the Earth was young. The creatures, her children she had created, that walked or swam or flew, they simply existed. There was no concept of love or hate, needless violence or fragile truce, original or unique. Her children did not think of tomorrow, or yesterday. The lived every moment, but not thinking or truly feeling anything. Earth was troubled by this. She loved her beautiful children, from the giants with scales as tough as rock to the smallest, bright-eyed and furriest that lived among trees. Yet, she feared without a guide, her children might develop thoughts much darker than they could ever need. So, using the magic from her core, she brought forward an island. One half of the island was bright and happy-looking, with lush trees and flowers and vibrant colors. The other half was dark and menacing, with twisted nightshades and roses and trees lacking leaves. In the center of the island was a crystal carved into the shape of the Earth. One half of the crystal was white, the other black. Earth created two beings, one for the light side of the island, one for the dark. The creatures were siblings, and though they had their rivalries, they loved each other deeply. The creature of light was named Solia, and the creature of dark was named Lunia. Together, the sisters brought good and evil into the world, spreading feelings of both happiness and despair. The world was not perfect, no, but nothing was ever made to be perfect. Lunia and Solia knew they could not do everything alone, for they were all black and white, and there needed to be variety in the world. So their mother, Earth, made others like them. A creature of creativity, a creature of destruction, a creature of compassion, a creature of apathy. Every creature had a sibling, a twin. They were most connected to the Earth. Therefore, they were named Geonita. Recognizing the power of the Geonita, the other creatures of Earth respected and worshiped them. It was as if there could be nothing wrong ever again.
Many years passed, humans grew smarter, and Earth... her power was fading. Her sons and daughters, the Geonita began to fight. Trust was broken, truces formed and shattered. Many of the beautiful children of Earth were killed in their fighting. In the end, using the last of her power, Earth separated her children so that they could do no more harm. She hid the Geonita away, sent them to sleep, hoping to advert war. Maybe they could settle it rationally in a thousand years or so. Earth did not want her closest children forgotten, however, and so, with her rapidly fading strength, she taught the humans how to recognize the signs of the elements of the Geonita in themselves. As she laid down to sleep, she hoped all would be better when she woke.
-1,267 Years Later-
It is the Earth everyone knows. Modern and comfortable for most, with phones and computers and tablets. Knowledge is power, and humans sure have a lot of both. Yet, they have not forgotten their place in the world. A select few are picked to follow the path of their soul, based on the Geonita they connect closest with. They are sent to the School for Colored Souls, where they will learn their Geonita's history, and maybe be part of the ones who raise the Geonita once more.
You have been chosen. The only question is, will you bring war or peace with your choices?

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-Normal RP/PH rules apply
-Please follow the form correctly
-Please choose one of the Geonita available. There are more, but the ones that go to the school follow the main ones.
-No, the ones who are picked to go to the school do NOT have powers. yet
-Please try and keep an equal amount following each soul/geonita
-You may have as many characters as you wish
-Password is Wishes. Put in other section.
-Any questions? PP me! I'll try my best to help.

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Black: Lunia
Considered the guardian of night and mother of the moon, she's often described as graceful and cunning. Her sacred animals are wolves, jackals, wild dogs, and canines in general.

White: Solia
The guardian of day and mother of the sun, she's usually considered motherly and loving. Her sacred animals are leopards, panthers, lions, and felines in general.

Yellow: Illian
The bringer of fair weather, sunshine, and new growth, he is seen as kind and welcoming. His sacred animal is the hawk or eagle.

Green: Rian
The bringer of storms, lightning, and many natural disasters, she is considered sneaky, power-hungry, and confident. Her sacred animal is the deer or goat.

Red: Kilie
The source of creativity, happiness, and life, she is seen as peaceful and able to see good in everything. Known for loving her sister very much. Her sacred symbol is a pen and paintbrush crossed.

Blue: Nelli
The source of depression, destruction, and death, she is seen as quiet and not one to be messed with, but loyal and smart. Known for hating her sister very much. Her sacred symbol is a cracked star.

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[B]Soul Color/Geonita:[/b]

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Name: Charlotte
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long, dark brown hair and gentle blue eyes. Her skin is a bit pale, but not in an unattractive way, and she's pretty small in size, a bit over five feet tall. She usually wears long-sleeved shirts and jeans, and usually has her hair down, but tucked behind her ears.
Personality: Kind and sweet, she's very patient and loving, usually taking care to make sure all of her students understand what she's saying before moving on. She's friendly, but a bit mellow and quiet sometimes.
Soul Color/Geonita: White/Solia
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: Teaches the white-souled students

Name: Lyn
Gender: Female
Appearance: Fiery red curls down to the middle of her back, bright hazel eyes flecked with green, pale skin and lacking freckles. She's slender and taller than Charlotte, but with a bit paler skin. She usually wears jeans and t-shirts, and always has her hair in a braid or ponytail.
Personality: Full of energy, not necessarily happy energy, and can come off a bit fierce sometimes. She's got her heart in the right place, though, and while she isn't the most patient ever, she will take the time to help a student if they really need it.
Soul Color/Geonita: Yellow/Illian
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: Teaches the yellow-souled students.

Name: Izzy
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black curls to the tips of his ears, beautiful blue-green eyes, slightly tanner skin than Lyn, but still pretty pale. He's small and very skinny, and he's usually always blushing. He wears a dark blue sweater thats slightly too big, and loose jeans.
Personality: He's kind and sweet, a little nervous, but patient. He's not the friendliest, he lacks the ability to go up to people casually, and usually needs a purpose to speak or interact with someone. He's very quiet, and people don't expect him to be quick-witted or sly at all. He is, in fact, a very good thief, and rarely ever gets caught if he does take something.
Soul Color/Geonita: Black/Lunia
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: Teaches the black-souled students

Name: Amby/Amber (She doesn't mind either)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tanner skin like she's been out in the sun a lot, chocolatey brown eyes, caramel hair cut to chin-length. She's about 5'11, thin, but strong. She usually wears tank-tops or t-shirts, jeans, and has a gold heart locket.
Personality: She's careful and tactical, with a calm attitude towards everything. She rarely, if ever, gets flustered and is a very fair-minded person. She keeps everyone in the school in check, but not harshly.
Soul Color/Geonita: None, she is not connected with a Geonita.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: She is, essentially, the headmaster or principal of the school, though she rarely acts like it.

Name: Nightshade (Usually goes by Rose)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black hair cut a little past her shoulder in glossy waves, dark, black eyes, and pale skin. She's tall, maybe 6 feet, and has graceful features. She wears darker clothes, like t-shirts and jeans, has a shiver chain necklace.
Personality: She can seem cold or unwelcoming sometimes, but she's really quite nice and extremely loyal. She prefers to avoid conflict at all costs, but do not take her as a pacifist. If someone or something stands in the way of what she wants, she always gets past it.
Soul Color/Geonita: Green/Rian
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: She teaches the green-souled students.

Name: Ink
Gender: Female
Appearance: Silvery-blonde curls that have been dyed with streaks of teal and aqua. Her eyes are sorta hazel, but more tanish-gold, like pale sand in the sun, but a bit more light brown. She's a bit small in frame, but quite pretty overall, just like he sister. She wears ragged t-shirts and leggings, and her clothes are usually spotted with paint. She puts her hair up in a messy bun when she's thinking or working hard.
Personality: Very bright and happy, Ink has faith in everyone's ability to do good. She can be a little shy or quiet sometimes, even a bit flustered, but she's usually energetic and lovable, ready to help anyone who needs it.
Soul Color/Geonita: Red/Killie
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: Teaches the red-souled students. Her twin sister is Chaos

Name: Chaos (Usually called Chia)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Straight black hair with streaks of red falling to a bit past her shoulders. Her eyes are blue-gray, with a hint of silver in them. She's pretty overall, with her graceful features, but looks absolutely nothing like her twin. She wears t-shirts and leggings, and will put her hair in a braid if thinking or working to keep it out of her eyes.
Personality: She's a bit... unsettling to be around. With a colder atmosphere that seems to make everyone around her a little less likely to speak their minds. She's actually quite imposing, but, oddly enough, she is kind. She is very patient, and not likely to get frustrated or lose her temper. Most of her past students say she's a good storyteller when telling about the Geonita, and many love her for her gentle and mellow attitude, despite the unsettling atmosphere.
Soul Color/Geonita: Blue/Nelli
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: Teaches the blue-souled students. Ink is her sister.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 00:31 (7 Years ago)
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Nyx Somun
Nyx is 3 ft tall and weighs 80 pounds.She has plum color hair and lilac eyes that change to a different shade of purple with every emotion.She is pale but in a graceful way.She wears a pale purple dress that has a black collar on the top part of it.She also wears grey foot wrappings instead of shoes.
Nyx is as sweet as a cinnamon bun and cute as a button.She always tries to help others out and will show mercy to even the meanest people.She believe that every bad thing that happens to her is meant to happen.
Soul Color/Geonita:
She likes strawberries and coffee.
Wishes are amazing
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 00:34 (7 Years ago)
Advertise if you would, please!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:12 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Riley Johnson
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind and creative finding himself happy when he is building things.
Soul Color/Geonita: Red/Kilie
Crush/BF/GF: None
Other: Wishes
Has an IQ of 185 and saddened that he is forty three IQ points too low to be put in the Genius book of world records.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:15 (7 Years ago)
Advertise, please!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 14:07 (7 Years ago)
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Peri Agathe
Peri is tall at about 5'9. She has short red hair cut to her ears and dark green eyes. She is covered in freckles. Wears a black jacket with white stripes up the arms, a blue tank top with a yellow lightning symbol on it, black shorts, and laced black boots that gi to her knees.
Peri is confident, snarky and sharply critical. She is rather sneaky, as a good spy, but outspoken. Has good stamina, but considered rude and slightly aloof because of her tendency to be blunt and sarcastic.
Soul Color/Geonita:

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 14:24 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! Advertise, if you wouldnt mind.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 15:43 (7 Years ago)
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Teresa Maria Calvosu

Kind, gracious and endearing as opposed to bitter, hard and harsh. Her heart is tender and understanding. She has been and is forgiving. She is hardened by life's difficulties. She is cultivated by choosing to love in the midst of a harsh and many times hateful world. She's really a big sweet heart.
Soul Color/Geonita:
Open / Palpad
-She loves wishes!

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Adeeva Nagi

she tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humour and subtle irony. Adeeva has a typical nerd nature in that she is very passive, and she follows commands more easily than the others, complying with commands not because of their logical sense but because she was told to. She's a dorks and a sweetie. Flinchy.
Soul Color/Geonita:
Open / Palpad
-Also loves wishes !
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 15:53 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! Advertise one last time, if you wouldn't mind!
My forms are done and Here's the rp!¥
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 19:25 (7 Years ago)
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Acea "Ace" Deala

Ace is sweet as sugar and a very goofy person. She loves making things and little gifts for her friends, and is obsessed with loads of different fandoms, like Pokemon and Sherlock, and can ramble on about them for a while.
Soul Color/Geonita:
N/A, Pal pad!
- Pansexual
- Elder sister to Estel

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Estel "Stella" Deala

Stella is very calm and helpful, and loves her sister dearly. She loves dancing and singing, and loves makng music on her violin, leading her sister to nickname her "Sherlock". She is the ying to her sister's yang and is very quirky.
Soul Color/Geonita:
N/A, Palpad!
- Lesbian
- Younger sister to Acea

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 20:00 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 20:23 (7 Years ago)
Name: Natia
Gender: female

Personality: she has a very... interesting personality. she can act insane sometimes, but it's usually to joke around, but sometimes it's for real
Soul Color/Geonita: blue
Crush/BF/GF: open/palpad
Other: Wishes
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 20:59 (7 Years ago)
No, characters right now can only have one-colored souls.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 21:03 (7 Years ago)
ok fixed it
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 21:41 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 23:36 (7 Years ago)
Name: Laura
Gender: Female
Appearance: Laura has red hair and blue eyes. She wears a tank top, and jeans. She also wears purple glasses
Personality: Laura is friendly, and sweet, but could kill you in a snap.
Soul Color/Geonita: Red
Crush/BF/GF: TBRPed, if allowed.
Other: Wishes she could fly sometimes.
Has a British accent.

Name: Ava L. Robbin, but often goes by Robbin
Gender: Female
Appearance: A small girl with brown hair. She has brown eyes, and wears a sundress.
Personality: Robbin is a shy little girl who has no trouble making friends.
Soul Color/Geonita: Yellow
Crush/BF/GF: TBRPed
Other: She is mute
Wishes she could talk
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 23:53 (7 Years ago)