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Teddy's SHSS

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting Teddy's SHSS
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 25/03/2017 23:07 (7 Years ago)

(Still in editorial progress)

Welcome to my shiny hunt shop! I'm new to this breeding shop business so pardon my mistakes and feel free to fill me in whenever I missed something. Anyways, as you can tell, this is a shiny hunt shop where I'll be selling shiny slots. The prices listed would be for the stated hunt and does not apply to all pokemon. It will change based on the Pokemon that is being hunted.

Ever feel like it'd be a waste to waste premium on chaining for pokemon that doesn't evolve? Would you rather use your premium on Shiny Megas and such? Well, for most of the hunts that would be conducted in this shop, I decided that it'll mostly, but not 100%, be Pokemon that does not evolve. This is because I do not have premium to chain long chains so chaining and selling multiple slots for full evolution lines would be tedious. It would also benefit and make my shop slightly more unique as well.

So to start your experience with my shop, just read the followings and let the shiny hunts begin!

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All Pokeheroes rules apply.
Common Sense.
Please don't rush me and don't be rude!
Look at "Warning/Disclaimer" for understanding.
Payment will be made according to the price listed!
Each pokemon's price would vary / differ.
Any accepted purchase order not paid within 24 hours of receiving my PM/Palpad that states I accepted your order, the slot will be given to the next person on the list.
Your purchase order will also be voided.
Any Pokemon not claimed within 72 hours of hatching will be given to the next person on the
Your purchase order will also be voided and your upfront payment will not be refunded.
Any items or payments sent without me accepting your purchase order will be taken as
donation and not refunded!
You've been warned.
I'll only be selling limited slots each hunts to avoid dwelling on 1 hunt too long.
So it's a first come first served basis unless someone got voided.

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Shut it. I know I'm pathetic.

I do not have a Ditto.
I do not have Premium.
I do not have any Flutes.
I do not tolerate any rule breakers.

Total slots for this hunt (Excluding myself):


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Like I mentioned, each hunt will only have limited slots so names on list will remain on list
throughout hunts.
Striked out names would mean order is completed.
Voided orders will have their names removed to make space for new slot buyers.
The last Slot will always be for myself and will be used as a buffer period to prepare for next
shiny hunt (Example: Finding/Getting a breeding pair etc.)

Upfront payment:
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50k PD / 50 Nuggets / 50 Electric Gems - Upfront payment [For a Battery]
You send the upfront payment once your name is placed on the slot list.
No refunds once paid. [Again, you've been warned.]
You'll be notified via palpad/PM when your name makes it onto the slot list.

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200k PD / 180 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems / 1 Summon Map/Item - Within 100 eggs chain [For the Pokemon]
This would be paid after the shiny hatches.
This is price of the shiny if it hatches within 100 egg chain.
You'll be notified via palpad/PM when your shiny hatches.

175k PD / 160 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems - Within 101-150 eggs chain [For the Pokemon]
This would be paid after the shiny hatches.
This is price of the shiny if it hatches within 101 - 150 egg chain.
You'll be notified via palpad/PM when your shiny hatches.

150k PD / 140 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems - Within 151-200 eggs chain [For the Pokemon]
This would be paid after the shiny hatches.
This is price of the shiny if it hatches within 151 - 200 egg chain.
You'll be notified via palpad/PM when your shiny hatches.

125k PD / 120 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems - Within 201-250 eggs chain [For the Pokemon]
This would be paid after the shiny hatches.
This is price of the shiny if it hatches within 201 - 250 egg chain.
You'll be notified via palpad/PM when your shiny hatches.

100k PD / 100 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems - At 251 (or above) eggs chain [For the Pokemon]
This would be paid after the shiny hatches.
This is price of the shiny if it hatches at 251 (or above) egg chain.
You'll be notified via palpad/PM when your shiny hatches.

Special Requests (Additional Charges):
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Specific Genders: 100k PD / 25 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems / 2 Dragon Gem.
Specific Nature: 250k PD / 50-150 Electric/Fire/Ice/Flying Gems / 5 Dragon Gem.
IMPORTANT 1: You may be the first on the list but if the Gender/Nature doesn't fit your need,
it'll be sold to the player next in line.
IMPORTANT 2: If your order is not yet fulfilled by the last order (everyone, including me), it
is up to you to ask for a refund (upfront payment only) or take whatever that was hatched in
order for me to move onto next hunt.

You can decide on what this shop should hunt next by visiting my profile and voting on my 2nd poll!
(Will be up whenever a set of Pokemon has been decided on for voting)

Current Options:


Name: [user][/user]
Pokemon: (Insert desired Pokemon's name)
Upfront payment method: (50k PD/50 Nuggets/50 Electric Gem)
Status: Completed/incomplete/voided.
Proof: [url=](insert payment method. Eg: 150k PD etc.)[/url]
Tips/Donations: (Optional. Paid after receiving the shiny)
Special Requests: (if any)

Instructions for Forms:
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Just fill up the form and await a PM/Palpad that says your order has been accepted!
Desired pokemon name as in the name of either the current / next hunt pokemon only. No others.

For "Proof", leave it blank until transaction of payment and pokemon is completed.
Leave blank if status is "Voided".

The hatched shiny will be placed on GTS with the buyer's name in description. The trade will be accepted only after the payment is made.
A screenshot of the chain number as well as the payment received from buyer will be provided as proof to both breeder (me) and buyer (you) as a form of "receipt".
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 14:10 (7 Years ago)
Name: Maniac
Pokemon: Chatot
Upfront payment method: 50k PD
Status: Completed
Proof: 175k PD
Tips/Donations: 30k PD

Hi! Your first costumer, yayy! :>
Edit: Thank youu ~

My Log
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 14:14 (7 Years ago)

Title: @Maniac

Accepted! Your name's on the list now. Send the upfront payment over anytime :3

Thankies ;v;
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 14:15 (7 Years ago)
Name: the_last_guardian
Pokemon: # chatot
Upfront payment method: 50k PD
Status: cop
# proof
Tips/donations 30k pd
hi maniac xp
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 27/03/2017 14:23 (7 Years ago)

Title: @The_Last_Guardian

Your name's up on the list. Thank you!
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 791
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2017 02:13 (7 Years ago)
Name: MeepTheMareep02
Pokemon: Chatot
Upfront payment method: 50k PD
Status: Incomplete
Proof: doink
Tips/Donations: 50k PD
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2017 02:49 (7 Years ago)

Title: @Meep

Your names up on the list. Thank you for purchasing a slot! C:
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 06:22 (7 Years ago)
Name: WingedGolem
Pokemon: Chatot
Upfront payment method: (50k PD)
Status: Complete
Proof: Before After
Tips/Donations: (Will consider after the job is done.)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 06:25 (7 Years ago)

Title: @WingedGolem

Your order has been accepted! Send the upfront payment soon~ c:
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 791
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2017 18:01 (7 Years ago)
Name: MeepTheMareep02
Pokemon: Spinda
Upfront payment method: 100 Electric Gems
Status: Complete!
Proof: first non-existent second
Tips/Donations: Same as before ;D
Special Requests: 1. Both Female Spindas, I'll pay the 100k extra each
2. Could you put one slot under Eeveezard's name? (I'm paying, but deliver the shiny to her, thanks <3)
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Sun, 04/06/2017 10:16 (7 Years ago)
Name: ShadowedFury
Upfront payment method: (50k PD
Proof: (insert payment method. Eg: 150k PD etc.)
Tips/Donations: (This is optional but you're free to donate or tip me leave blank if you don't wish to do so.)

credit goes to meowords for the artwork
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 04/06/2017 10:16 (7 Years ago)

Title: MeepTheMareep02 & ShadowFury

Noted! Your name and Eeveezard's on the list. Please do check my newly added section of the payment regarding your specific gendered Spindas! :D Will start hunt as soon as I hatch the 3 legendaries in my party.

Noted and received your payment! Your name will be added to the list. As mentioned to Meep, the hunt will start as soon as the 3 legendaries hatches. Thank you for your purchase! :D
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 05/06/2017 03:23 (7 Years ago)

Title: Announcement

Legendaries hatched and thus Spinda chain starting! Thanks for waiting :D
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 05/06/2017 04:30 (7 Years ago)
Name: WingedGolem
Pokemon: Spinda
Upfront payment method: 50k PD
Status: incomplete
Proof: El Proofo
Tips/Donations: Hatch all males.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 05/06/2017 05:09 (7 Years ago)

Title: WingedGolem

Noted~ Your name will be added to the list~
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Fri, 21/07/2017 05:37 (7 Years ago)
Name: FlamingBlaze
Pokemon: Spinda
Upfront payment method: 50k PD
Status: complete
Proof: 100kpd
Tips/Donations: (Optional. Paid after receiving the shiny)
Special Requests: (if any)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Fri, 21/07/2017 05:37 (7 Years ago)

Title: FlamingBlaze

Thank you for the order! Your name's been added to the list. Send your 50k PD anytime :>
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 791
Posted: Sun, 24/12/2017 03:51 (7 Years ago)
Name: MeepTheMareep02
Pokemon: Zangoose
Upfront payment method: I don't remember lol
Status: incomplete
Proof: Forgot what I paid in ;-;
Tips/Donations: (Optional. Paid after receiving the shiny)
Special Requests: Male, and put the shiny under ~DexShiny~'s name (shiny goes to her)
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 24/12/2017 03:52 (7 Years ago)

Title: @MeepTheMareep02

Okie will update the name on list to her then. Thank you for your form and payments uwu
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 25/12/2017 17:30 (7 Years ago)
Name: WingedGolem
Pokemon: Zangoose
Upfront payment method: (50k PD/50 Nuggets/50 Electric Gem)
Status: Completed
Proof: Payment
Tips/Donations: (Optional. Paid after receiving the shiny)
Special Requests: Not asking for myself, but if you wind up hitting a Quirky, Bashful, or Docile natured Zan, I'll pay you for it. If mine doesn't hatch with those natures, don't worry about it.