Forum Thread
[L] A Sappy Lotto COMPLETE
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] A Sappy Lotto COMPLETEPurpose:
From Price Check:

(No Legendary, Genderless, or Event)
Grand Prize

(Will not be shiny)
2nd Prize

(Choose one!)
3rd Prize

4th to 10th Prizes

11th to 15th Prizes

16th to 20th Prizes
List of Weekly Prizes:

Fossils: x2 Claw Fossil, x3 Dome
Fossil, x3 Sail Fossil, x1 Cover Fossil
Dragon gems and star pieces
Evolutionary Items: x3 Up-grade, x2 Protector, x4 metal coat, x2 Razor Claw, x1 Magmorizer, x4 reaper cloth, x1 King's Rock,
Form Change Items: x1 mixer, x1 douse drive, x1 fist plate
x5 Mega Stones (one per week!)
x3 Prison Bottles
x9 Rare Candy
various Event pokemon
leftover Shiny pokemon
Dragon gems and star pieces
Evolutionary Items: x3 Up-grade, x2 Protector, x4 metal coat, x2 Razor Claw, x1 Magmorizer, x4 reaper cloth, x1 King's Rock,
Form Change Items: x1 mixer, x1 douse drive, x1 fist plate
x5 Mega Stones (one per week!)
x3 Prison Bottles
x9 Rare Candy
various Event pokemon
leftover Shiny pokemon
Weekly Prizes
Week 3:
2nd: Shiny Shuppet
3rd: 2 Dragon gems
4th: Mixer
5th: Mr. Bagon Or Zompet
6th: One of Each remaining fossil
7th: Prison Bottle
8th: Evo Items (2): Of Choice
9th: 10K PD
10th: Rare Candy
Lottery Method: All tickets will be drawn from
Ticket Method: Please make a forum post about what you're sending a lot of items, it makes it easier for me to count! Otherwise all deliveries, pd or gems must have "SappyLotto" in the comments--if this is not done, the delivery will be considered a donation with no ticket(s) awarded. [Further note: if you have either me, CassOfDelphi or LarryCig blocked, then you are not considered a participant in this lotto. This is due to the system preventing us from messaging and sending you items!]
Forum Post: (Please fill this out correctly)
[b]Total of Tickets:[/b]
[b]Total of Tickets:[/b]
Hashtag post to share:
#SappyLotto by [user]CassOfDelphi[/user] and
[b]Grand Prizes:[/b]
* 1st: Shiny hunt of choice (see details in thread)
* 2nd: Mega hunt of choice (see details in thread)
* 3rd: 2 Mega Stone OR x3 Submarine Volcano Map (see details in thread)
* Weekly prizes: [In Forum post]
[b]How to join:[/b]
(Delivery comments [b]must[/b] have SappyLotto and be sent to CassOfDelphi!)
* Share the hashtag post with links = 1 ticket
* Send 5,000 PD = 1 ticket
* Send 50 Nuggets = 20 tickets
* Send x1 Common Box/Key = 2 tickets
* Send x5 Common gems = 3 tickets (for each set of 5)
* Send x1 Dragon Gem = 15 tickets
For more, check out the details in lottery thread link below.
[b]Deadline:[/b] April 6th at reset
[url=]Share It[/url] | [url=]Lottery Thread[/url] | [url=delibird]Delibird[/url]
[b]Grand Prizes:[/b]
* 1st: Shiny hunt of choice (see details in thread)
* 2nd: Mega hunt of choice (see details in thread)
* 3rd: 2 Mega Stone OR x3 Submarine Volcano Map (see details in thread)
* Weekly prizes: [In Forum post]
[b]How to join:[/b]
(Delivery comments [b]must[/b] have SappyLotto and be sent to CassOfDelphi!)
* Share the hashtag post with links = 1 ticket
* Send 5,000 PD = 1 ticket
* Send 50 Nuggets = 20 tickets
* Send x1 Common Box/Key = 2 tickets
* Send x5 Common gems = 3 tickets (for each set of 5)
* Send x1 Dragon Gem = 15 tickets
For more, check out the details in lottery thread link below.
[b]Deadline:[/b] April 6th at reset
[url=]Share It[/url] | [url=]Lottery Thread[/url] | [url=delibird]Delibird[/url]


Deadline: April 6th @ 11:59PM (server time)
Google Spread

Atavan: 29
Hope: 1
Ropets123: 261
Therru: 1,238
Trouzerhover: 3
Cynthia016: 1
Super_rishi: 3
NightWind: 1
Sinni: 173
Reticence: 1
Kindred~: 76
AmeliaHamAndEggs: 376
Maxxie33: 1
Dittongo: 272
Awood2009: 57
Ghost_Rider: 1
demon-house: 1
Cupcakes_: 2
TheHollowIchigo: 1
Yukina-chan: 1
Mitsuki1252: 4
Atavus: 7
Totodile88: 264
Akihono-san: 40
McCree: 307
Suvansh: 18
Plasmad_Hadter: 1

Week one
*Winner 1 (Mega Stone): AmeliaHamAndEggs
*Winner 2 (shiny Lapras): Argentis
*Winner 3 (one of each fossil from list): Therru
*Winner 4 (Van Bagon or Dark Rapidash): Dittongo
*Winner 5 (evolutionary item of choice): Kindred~
*Winner 6 (rare candy): Ropets123
Week Two
*Winner 1 (Mega Stone): Therru
*Winner 2 (Mega-able Aron): Cupcakes_
*Winner 3 (Star Piece): Ropets123
*Winner 4 (Van Bagon or Zompet): Argentis
* Winner 5 (Evolutionary item of choice): Totodile88
* Winner 6 (Rare candy): Sinni
Week Three
* Winner 1: AmeliaHamAndEggs
* Winner 2: Argentis
* Winner 3: Therru
* Winner 4: McCree
* Winner 5: Sinni
* Winner 6: Atavan
* Winner 7: Ropets123
* Winner 8: Suvansh
* Winner 9: Cupcakes_
* Winner 10: Grace2345
Week 4
Winner List
*Winner 1 (Mega Stone): AmeliaHamAndEggs
*Winner 2 (shiny Lapras): Argentis
*Winner 3 (one of each fossil from list): Therru
*Winner 4 (Van Bagon or Dark Rapidash): Dittongo
*Winner 5 (evolutionary item of choice): Kindred~
*Winner 6 (rare candy): Ropets123
Week Two
*Winner 1 (Mega Stone): Therru
*Winner 2 (Mega-able Aron): Cupcakes_
*Winner 3 (Star Piece): Ropets123
*Winner 4 (Van Bagon or Zompet): Argentis
* Winner 5 (Evolutionary item of choice): Totodile88
* Winner 6 (Rare candy): Sinni
Week Three
* Winner 1: AmeliaHamAndEggs
* Winner 2: Argentis
* Winner 3: Therru
* Winner 4: McCree
* Winner 5: Sinni
* Winner 6: Atavan
* Winner 7: Ropets123
* Winner 8: Suvansh
* Winner 9: Cupcakes_
* Winner 10: Grace2345
Week 4
Winner List
Special thanks to Argentis who coded this for us!

Title: Happy 5th!
Items: 8 purple keys, 5 light blue boxes, 7 brown boxes
Total of Tickets: 38 tickets
Items:5,000 pd, 3 normal gems, shared
Total of Tickets:11

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.