Forum Thread
The Ashwick Pokemon Journey (Signups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Ashwick Pokemon Journey (Signups)Now, however, there is an evil organization on the rise. It's name is Team Seven. Strange name, I know, but I can assure you that their plan is not strange in the slightest. Their plan is to capture the legendary Pokemon and use them to destroy all the villages in Ashwick that will not hand over all the Pokemon living in the village.
Now, four new trainers, each from a different region, have taken on this task. With the help of Professor Pine, they will set off on a big journey to defeat Team Seven once and for all. But it won't be easy.
RP is here.

1. No powerplaying, godmodding, mary sues, or bunnying. It isn't cool, and it will result in a warning.
2. Three warnings and you are out, no exceptions.
3. You may only have two characters: One trainer and one Team Seven member. If all trainer spaces are out, you may make two Team Seven members.
4. If you have a problem with someone in the RP, please shoot me a PM! No need to argue about it during the RP, I can definitely handle it.
5. No minimodding.
6. Please have proper/decent grammar and spelling! No: omg i went to the supermarket and then i exploded and then i ate ice cream...
Yes: I went to the supermarket to buy a loaf of bread.
7. I reserve the right to deny your form. No need to go crying around saying "OMG my form just got rejected i'm so sad i'm blocking you! ;;D;D;D;D;D;;D;D;"
8. The password is pink fluffy unicorns. Put this into the "Other" section of the form.

Region That You Came From:
Team Seven Member?:
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Region That You Came From:
Team Seven Member?:
Team of Pokemon (four only):
My forms:

Name: Cassandra (prefers to be called
Gender: Female
Cassie is average height. She has pale skin, and straight brown hair that she usually ties back in a ponytail. She also has brown eyes. She likes to wear hoodies, the most frequent ones being a red one and a blue one. She also wears black pants.
Personality: Cassie is quiet. She doesn't have many friends. But, if you get to know her, you will find out that she likes to read, play the flute, and she's also pretty funny. But she is also clumsy, competitive, and she likes to be independent.
Region That You Came From: Unova
Team Seven Member?: Nope.
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Leaf / Male Sewaddle (With Everstone) / 20
Maddie / Female Furret / 15
Belle / Female Audino / 16
Comet / Male Herdier / 17
Crush?: Nope
Other: ~
Name: Max
Gender: Male
Max is a taller than average men. He has pale skin and short spiky black hair. He also has black eyes. He wears a black leather jacket in a big red "7" on the back. He also wears black pants.
Personality: Max is the coldest and harshest man you will ever meet. He doesn't let anything stand in his path of his plan. He is hardworking and if the people in his team don't work hard enough, he'll usually punish them.
Region That You Came From: He's always stayed in Ashwick.
Team Seven Member?: Yes, he's the leader.
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Shadow / Male Mega Charizard X / 150
Sun / Female Dragonite / 95
Tank / Male Snorlax / 89
Shell / Female Lapras / 90
Crush?: NO!
Other: ~
Gender: Female
Cassie is average height. She has pale skin, and straight brown hair that she usually ties back in a ponytail. She also has brown eyes. She likes to wear hoodies, the most frequent ones being a red one and a blue one. She also wears black pants.
Personality: Cassie is quiet. She doesn't have many friends. But, if you get to know her, you will find out that she likes to read, play the flute, and she's also pretty funny. But she is also clumsy, competitive, and she likes to be independent.
Region That You Came From: Unova
Team Seven Member?: Nope.
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Leaf / Male Sewaddle (With Everstone) / 20
Maddie / Female Furret / 15
Belle / Female Audino / 16
Comet / Male Herdier / 17
Crush?: Nope
Other: ~
Name: Max
Gender: Male
Max is a taller than average men. He has pale skin and short spiky black hair. He also has black eyes. He wears a black leather jacket in a big red "7" on the back. He also wears black pants.
Personality: Max is the coldest and harshest man you will ever meet. He doesn't let anything stand in his path of his plan. He is hardworking and if the people in his team don't work hard enough, he'll usually punish them.
Region That You Came From: He's always stayed in Ashwick.
Team Seven Member?: Yes, he's the leader.
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Shadow / Male Mega Charizard X / 150
Sun / Female Dragonite / 95
Tank / Male Snorlax / 89
Shell / Female Lapras / 90
Crush?: NO!
Other: ~
Name: Sami
Gender: Female

Personality: She is weird, spunky, and mature when needed. She lacks common sense, or confidence. Her favorite quote is "Nobody will care what clothes you wore today-tomorrow
Region That You Came From: Alola?
Team Seven Member?: Noooo
Team of Pokemon (four only): Popplio (Level 14), Chickorita (Level 14) (everstone on it), Spinda (Level 14), Slurpuff (Level 14) She likes her Pokemon the same level always XD
Crush?: Nobody here! Check back when more people come XD
Other:Not my art
Name: Luna
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is a beauty. She has tan-ish skin, blue eyes and light blonde hair. She wears the team uniform, but she wears pink, sparkly leggings that shine with blue gems finely cut. Her shoes are high-heels that are silver on the heel and glossy pink for the front.
Personality: She is quite a snob. She thinks everyone is below her. A real drama queen. Must I say more?
Region That You Came From: Kalos
Team Seven Member?: Yes
Team of Pokemon (four only): Her main partner is a Grandbull. (Level 25)
Crush?: None
Other: She is Sami's sister. If she meets with the whole group, she will always battle her first, they hate each other. As a kid she was treated nicely, she lived with her mom in Kalos where Sami lived in Alola with her dad. Luna got used to the spoiled-only child-in-the-house- life.

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Name: Cee-lo (prefers to be call Cee or CeeCee)
Gender: Male
Appearance: [x]
Personality: Cee-lo is very extroverted, as he likes to make friends with any person he sees. He loves to dance when he has free time to do so. He tends to make people uncomfortable because of the fact that the tries to make friends with the person he first sees, but he doesn't mind
Region That You Came From: Kalos
Team Seven Member?: Nope
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Wizardo / Male Braixen / 20
Ice / Female Amaura / 16
Dragonfly / Male Trapinch / 13
Axel / Male Wooper / 18
Crush?: noneee
Other: pink fluffy unicorns dancing in rienboowwsss -
Gender: Male
Appearance: A mid teen with swirling hex maniac eyes sporting a gray beret covering dark brown hair. He wears a grey t-shirt with a red 7 in front under a black sweater. He has red pants and black sneakers.
(I might draw him someday)
Personality: A lazy bum who only battles when forced to by his boss. Usually he just hangs around and trolls his opponent using his Banette's Thunderwave, then quickly fleeing as a past time. He's quite cheerful and can usually be found sleeping. He barely ever battles.
Region That You Came From: Sinnoh
Team Seven Member?: Yes(you can assign him a position)
Team of Pokemon (four only):
Viprell / Male Gengar / 65
Banny / Female Banette / 65
Chrysalis / Male Mega Sableye / 65
Nappy / Male Mimikyu / 70
Crush?: n/a
Other: pink fluffy unicorns!!!
Besides being a nuisance for trainers, he can also be found trying to discover new ghost types.
(I made him have some high leveled pokemon since I honestly would like him to be one of the main antagonists, if that's ok.)

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has brick red hair with bright red highlights and dark green eyes. She wears the normal team uniform, although it is ripped. A lot. Her skin is the color of peaches, almost a soft pink, but not quite.
Personality: She honestly couldn't care less about the future or the past. She's only in Team Seven for the chaos and the adventure. She's rather sarcastic and seems to always be with at least one Pokemon at her side.
Region That You Came From: Unova
Team Seven Member?: HECK YEAH!
Team of Pokemon (four only): Darkzilla / Male Umbreon / 23
Fireplace / Female Houndour / 18
Chomp / Male Carvanha / 19
Uboa / Female Gulpin / 17
Crush?: None at this time.
Other: A L L H A I L T H E G L O W C L O U D

Question for me?