Forum Thread
The Experimented Pokemon(Pokefusion RP Signups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Experimented Pokemon(Pokefusion RP Signups)After mixing this food with the Pokemon's regular meals for a couple of days, the scientists awoke one morning. They were shocked and interested. The Pokemon in the same chamber had fused! The scientists kept the fused Pokemon in their chambers and continued to experiment on them.
The Pokemon grew tired of the everyday experimenting. Some tried to escape, but few succeeded. Even if they escaped, they would likely not be treated fairly. The Pokefusions would most likely be sold off as servants to trainers.
But there is another way.
One of the scientists doesn't want to keep the Pokefusions all cooped up in the lab, and she isn't alone. A small group of scientists work to help the Pokefusions escape, risking their lives.
So, will you escape and be free? Will you escape and be sent back to the lab? Will you escape and become a servant to some trainers? Or, will you stay in the lab for eternity?
It's up to you, after all.
RP is here: x

1. No being OP/ powerplaying/ mary/gary sues/stus, yada yada, y'know the drill.
2. No being the exact same fusion as someone else.
3. Be polite to each other OOC (Out Of Character).
5. No spamming.
6. Please give me some kind of notice before using a legend.
7. You can only be a fusion or a human scientist. No regular Pokemon.
8. The password is the missing number. Put this in the "Other" section of the form.
9. Have fun :3
For human scientist:
For Fusion:
Pokemon in the Fusion:
Pokemon in the Fusion:

Name: Lillian
Nickname: Lilly
Pokemon in the Fusion: Leafeon & Noibat
Personality: Friendly, fun, clumsy, distracted.
Appearance: Leafeon with Noibat wings.
Other: ~
Name: Magdalene
Nickname: Magda
Position: Scientist
Personality: Quiet, mysterious, likes the Pokefusions.
Appearance: Pale skin, long blond wavy hair, lab coat, black sneakers, shorts, blue eyes.
Other: Helps the Pokefusions.
Name: Maximilian
Nickname: Max
Position: Owner of the lab.
Personality: Harsh, bossy, cold.
Appearance: Tan skin, short black spiky hair, brown eyes, lab coat, black long pants, blue sneakers.
Other: ~
Name: Evelyn
Nickname: Eve
Pokemon in the Fusion: Flygon / Meganium
Personality: To be rped .
Appearance: Art not by me
Name: Jackson
Nickname: Jax
Pokemon in the Fusion: Quilava and Furret(since im using this fusion is Shadow's RP I guess XD)
Personality: He's very childish, cheerful and upbeat pokemon, but he's also sort-of depressed and scared in the lab as of the moment, being experimented on 24/7
Appearance: He's a Quilava with a furret's coloration and ears. He also has less flame than normal quilavas

Pokemon in the Fusion: sylveon and espeon
Personality:fun nice out going
Appearance: not my art
Nickname: Xara
Pokemon in the Fusion: Xernas Yveltal
Personality: Very mixed about things, and doesn't have strong opinions on things. She loves open spaces, and being free. She is serious, and often smiles only when she thinks it is right.

Other: Not my art, and the password is *.

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Nickname: Zoey
Pokemon in the Fusion: Zorua and Eevee
Personality: Can look any where for a mystery. She is totally wild with puzzles, and she is good with solving them. Is very nice to strangers and friends, if she had one, it comes from her Eevee side. Her Zorua side, is glad for silence, and can keep calm in the weirdest situations. Its also the Zorua side that makes her not fall over for every trick. It keeps her safe. She keeps no emotion when a scientist is nearby.
Appearance: X
Other: Not my art.
Pokemon in the Fusion: Zubat + Arcanine
Personality:Zunine was a female arcanine who really hated humans, she was lonely and a crybaby her unic friend was a zubat, who really cared about her she's blind but she uses echolocation like bats


Pokemon in the Fusion: Flygon+Altaria
Personality: Calm, quiet, and likes to be outdoors to fly. She is usually peaceful, but when she needs to attack she will. She also likes music.

Other: Not my art and the password is ****.
