Forum Thread
Team Wings •Rp-Sign Ups•
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Team Wings •Rp-Sign Ups•
"Hello There!" Called a Girl with a weird colored TalonFlame one her shoulder. "I'm Maky leader of Team Wings, our mission is to protect all of Pokemon and humans from worldwide disasters" Maky said as she gives you a card. "Please contact this number if you want to be part of my team" she said before walking away.

•No Cussing
•All Ph rules apply
•Relationship are allowed, but keep it kid friendly
•Maximum characters (3)
•No Legendaries Pokemon
Name: Navneet
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Rank: Operation Commander
History: To be Roleplayed
Personality: Kind , Caring , Loner and Loves Music and hates fighing
Crush: Open
GirlFriend/Boyfriend: Open
Pokemon: Heracross
Shiny?: Yes
Pokemon's name: Narma
MoveSets: - Fly - Earthquake - Stone Edge - Megahorn
Personality: Just like his master :)

Name: Lavril
Age: 19
Rank:Idea/Thinker Team
History: To be rped
Personality: Friendly and Wild , She is also very hyperactive and she is almost same like Brisinger
Crush: Open
GirlFriend/Boyfriend: Open
Pokemon: Braviary
Shiny?: No
Pokemon's name: Brisingr
Moveset: Crush Claw , Sky Drop , Aerial Ace , Slash
Personality: He is like Lavril brother , he maybe seemss little rude toward Lavril but he would give his life for her , he is Brave and he never betray anyone , he is little agresive toward others Bird-like pokemons
Age: 19
Rank:Idea/Thinker Team
History: To be rped

Personality: Friendly and Wild , She is also very hyperactive and she is almost same like Brisinger
Crush: Open
GirlFriend/Boyfriend: Open
Pokemon: Braviary
Shiny?: No
Pokemon's name: Brisingr
Moveset: Crush Claw , Sky Drop , Aerial Ace , Slash
Personality: He is like Lavril brother , he maybe seemss little rude toward Lavril but he would give his life for her , he is Brave and he never betray anyone , he is little agresive toward others Bird-like pokemons
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Rank: Elite Team
History: TBE
Appearance: x
Personality: Ron is a very cool, calm, and collected fellow. He's very friendly towards new people and likes making new friends. Though he's usually seen listening to music, one of his favorite hobbies.
Crush: N/A (Open)
GirlFriend/Boyfriend: N/A (Open)
Pokemon: Noivern
Shiny?: No
Pokemon's name: Valtor
MoveSets: Flamethrower, Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Air Slash
Personality: Very overprotective of Ron, tends to be aggressive towards new trainers and their pokemon. But after a while he'll ease up towards Ron's friends. He'll do anything for Ron, and loves him dearly.