Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Ash-GreninjaSo why can't this form debut PH? Most suggestions are rejected by saying suggest the method, So, here's one possible method.
A new Ancient Cave Quest
In the ancient cave, there is a quest to proof that the bond between you and your Greninja is great. You will be asked to battle 10 powerful (possibly Mega Evolved) pokemon* using ONLY your Greninja one by one. When you manage to defeat all of them, you will recieve a new Item- " Trainer Accessories "* [New Name Abiltiy Capsule]. This Item when given to greninja, will change its form. The entry would be under Emera dex. Greninja's stats would increase, like mega evolution.
Method 2- A new Event
If the ancient quest seems like a big to-do for Riako, it could be made into an event-exclusive item, like the mega giratina item.
Q. 1Is this item tradeable?
No, as players have to prove bond with their own Pokemon .
No, it must have the OT and the current trainer of the Trainer who is performing this operation.
Q. 3Is the changed Greninja tradeable?
Based on Official Info, I couldn't find a true answer for that. So, I'll leave it for Riako to decide.
Note- The fields which have a '*' after them can be changed by Riako
Thank you!

Also, there is no evidence of any other Greninja other than Ash's doing this, and no known reason for this (unlike some other changed pokemon suggestions which have a certain reason they change).
EDIT: Adding up on this, I doubt that Ash is the only one to form such a close bond with Greninja in the anime, seeing as how Pokemon are part of everyones' daily lives. This means that Ash was selected specifically for this ability and thus other Greninjas doing it wouldn't be likely.
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- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
To me, it's really unnecessary and if you want Ash-formed things you can always hatch the Satichu line since it's based off of Ash.
Also, another thing about this... If you're really trying to base things/be true to the anime, this wouldn't be the same because Ash's Greninja has had multiple trainers before Ash.

Satochu already has Ash's appearance

-So, in Emera, he's the one who ended up looking like Ash, not Greninja
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Whereas, I'm suggesting of something, which is more recent and fresh (and is probably more than an event distribution, more like a forme change).
Satichu was an event, but Greninja is a forme change.
It would be just like comparing Teddurisa (Misderavious) to Jesterig.
The Greninja can have any OT. It should've raised some levels in our ownership to show that bond.
The item is changed from Trainer Accessories/Clothes to Abiltiy Capsule. I thought it may be the most logical choice, since the form comes from Abiltiy. Riako can choose another name, of course.