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Pokeheroes Pokesonas

Forum-Index General Discussion Pokeheroes Pokesonas
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 04:36 (9 Years ago)
Here we can all share our Pokesonas with each other!

Also reference this

This can be used as a reference for artists, or just to let others get to know your sona (which is how many of us present ourselves to each other)

There are a few rules though:
-Don't share non-pokesonas
-If you do art of someone else's pokesona, please message it to them
-Do NOT steal artwork, trace artwork, claim others art as your own, etc
-Do NOT draw a sona without the owner's permission
-Have fun!

When you post, include the following:
-Sona's Name
-Sona's pic (if applicable0
-Who did the art of your sona (because credit is good to give)
-About your sona
-Can others do art of your sona?

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Art by Dcasom

Nessona was once a charmander. She and her trainer were the best of friends, and she kept her everstone close to her heart, because her trainer loved her exactly as she was. Long ago, she died in a war between people and pokemon. After many years, she discovered her grave, and next to it, the grave of her trainer. He had moved on, expecting her to be waiting on the other side, not knowing she had stayed as a ghost.
Now, she is trapped in the world of the living as a ghost, so she spends her time adopting certain young pokemon in need of guidance.

And YES, people can do art!

And here, I will keep track of everyone (alphabetic by username)

Links to everyone's posts:

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 04:50 (9 Years ago)

-Art done by Rare_Pepe

-Chastlyeon is a lab experiment gone wrong, she loves to read, just as much as draw or fly. She wears glasses. A lot of other pokemon made fun of her for her big gengar feet, but it didn't matter to Chastlyeon. She is the mixture of Shiny Charizard, Shiny Umbreon, and Shiny Mega Gengar.
-A lot of other examples and references are in my about me as well.
-You may do art of my pokesona.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 152
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 07:53 (9 Years ago)

* Sona's name is Keone (that's actually shown in the reference.. tho.. ahah)

* The art I've posted is done by myself (and it took much longer than it had to... because i just HAD to draw glass the HARD way didn't i?? smfbksdfbksd AND IT DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE GLASS)

* (pretty much all the main stuff about them is in the ref too, lol. i might make some more stuff about them in the future tho but right now i'm brain-dead lmao)

* if you want to do art, then feel free! but please only do it if you really WANT to!! if you could be doing something much better, then please don't use the time to do art for me haha it'll make me feel really bad

(oh my word i hope i did this right mskjgfnksgbsd im so nervous oh lord..)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 12:28 (9 Years ago)

Art is mine -- art is also very lazy he doesnt actually have transparent holes all over his body orz

His name is Jack

story under spoiler sit back and grab a snack

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Jack was a normal eevee in a normal family. His mom was a leafeon and his dad was an umbreon. He had a brother who was a glaceon as well. Jack was the last to evolve because he wanted to think long and hard about what he wanted to evolve into -- since it would be his permanent choice. He eventually decided he wanted to be a sylveon and be kind of like a light to his family.

Now jack and his family lived in a forest that was infested by malicious ghost types who had one goal -- kill, take, destroy. Basically if they caught you wandering after dark they'd take your soul, destroy your life, and leave your dead body somewhere. Jack and his brother didnt believe that so they went out to play one night, and they were caught by a gang of ghost types -- a dusknoir, a banette, and a couple of shuppets. Instead of running to hide to save themselves, they did a very dumb stupid and lead the gang back to their home. Jack escaped from the fight his family had with the ghosts, since he didn't know any attacks that could help them at the time and his family forced him to run since he was the youngest and they wanted to give him a chance at life. His family was taken from him in the battle, and he was later tracked down by the ghost types who killed them. He did indeed get found, but instead of killing him, they practically altered his soul and made it empty -- giving him the ghost typing. They forced him to wander the earth as a shell of his former self, and they did this to keep him from ever finding his family again.

He can use ghost type attacks, and speak to spirits from both heaven and hell -- yet his family is blocked off from him until his curse is gone, which will be whenever the ghost types themselves lose their will to cause pain anymore. Jack despises ghosts, even the ghost side of himself, but he's learned to live with it. He misses those he's lost but he has a few pokemon he holds close to his heart now

yes im talking about violet and vic

Yes please i like art you can do art

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 16:51 (9 Years ago)

-Art by Yumi-

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-Art by Chicken-

Bears the name Steven but respond better to Steve for whatever reason.

>Something about personality
Steve is cool. Or that's how he likes to think of himself and appear to others. He's really a big ball of self-doubt and an endless reserve of hindsight. Due to past happenings, the scrafty is quite the jealous type and constantly expects others to leave him either by choice or because of something that's simply out of his control. Steve is also terrified of letting others down and due to that fear, is usually almost incapable of making any important choices. He thinks too much about what may or may not happen and what consequences his actions might have. He simply worries too much. However, Steve doesn't exactly like showing those worries too much so he usually appears to be lazy and/or indifferent to what's going on around him.

The scrafty is a good 'soldier' though, he has no qualms following orders or instructions and does so without complaining. Steve likes being in the background and ends up having a mental breakdown if he has to step up to be the one in charge and make decisions that would affect others besides himself.

>Random facts
Likes to hide in forests although his orange skin tends to give him away.

Is kind of claustrophobic.

Generally has a problem with every pokemon trainer and holds grudges for quite some time. Steve doesn't forgive nor forget that easily.

Can't stand cold. The warmer, the better.

>Story time
Once upon a time, lil' Steve was a scraggy, a different scraggy. Unlike most scraggy, Steve didn't have nice yellow pants. Instead, he had a weird pattern of all kinds of green. Thus, his parents were a bit ashamed of him, which resulted in the small pokemon to become ashamed of himself as well. That is, until he met another different scraggy. David, or Dave like Steve called him, wasn't different like Steve was, he was different in a different way. He was shiny.

Dave's parents didn't mind their shiny offspring much and weren't too faced by Steve either, which is why the little camo scraggy started spending more time with Dave's family than his own. No one really minded the new arrangement much. Dave and Steve grew up together and became practically brothers. Life was great. Until someone came up with a stupid idea, that is. Stupid ideas usually tend to ruin everything.

The two young pokemon decided it was a very bright idea to go see what lies behind their familiar territory. They had barely made it out of their home when a random trainer spotted a nice shiny scraggy and decided she wanted it. The weirdly colored one with it was a great bonus too. Long story short: Dave ended up in a pokeball and Steve found himself fainted in a bush.

After that catastrophe, Steve didn't really have the guts to go back home so he ended up wandering around aimlessly with no idea what he was doing. Lucky for him, the scraggy ended up running into a charmander who claimed to be a ninja. Kashi was the charmander's name and he wouldn't stop pestering Steve. So the two of them ended up being buddies of some kind. It turned out Kashi being a ninja was no joke and the charmander was way stronger than he looked. Thanks to the guidance of his ninja comrade, Steve got stronger and eventually evolved into a scrafty. Steve was now more than capable of taking care of himself but he had grown to like his charmander pal and the two stuck together.

One faithful day, the two of them ran into the wussiest ninjask anyone had ever seen and they simply didn't have the heart to leave the pitiful pokemon on its own. The pokemon that reported its name to be Kevin was even more of an emotional self-loathing mess than the deepest parts of Steve's insecure mind and clung to the duo like his life depended on it. Thus, the duo became a trio. However, it didn't take long for the trio to become a duo again.

The three comrades ran into some rather unfortunate trouble in the form of a very territorial scrafty gang. Kashi, being easily the strongest of the three, didn't have much trouble but he's only one charmander, even he couldn't kick a** and babysit at the same time. The conclusion? Kevin died. Steve didn't take that particularly well and did his best to push Kashi away before the ninja got himself captured or killed as well since that's what seemed to happen to his friends. Kashi was having none of it and Steve gave up.

Not too long afterwards, Steve was actually having some luck for once. Him and Kashi ran into a trainer who was interested in capturing the duo. One of her pokemons just so happened to be a shiny scrafty. Even though they had both evolved, the bros instantly recognized each other. The situation at which the reunion took place wasn't exactly ideal though.

Steve didn't really know how to react but he sure as heck wouldn't let the blasted human walk away with his friend again. So he ended up killing the trainer while a confused and kinda horrified Kashi tried to make sense of the situation.

If you ignore the murder, everything turned out happily ever after. Except Kevin is still dead.

You're free to draw Steve as long as you don't claim him as yours, credit me for the character design if you upload your drawing(s) anywhere public, and let Finny here see your fabulous art. :]
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 18:48 (9 Years ago)
Added everyone to the first post so far (linking your post with your sona)

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 20:26 (9 Years ago)

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Mercury was born a normal Pawniard. She was named in the way that she is because of the fact she loved mail and traveling with it*. Anyway, onto the actual story...
Mercury's mom, dad, and brother lived in the tall grass near a very large city and they mostly never moved from there. There was plenty of the natural resources they needed around. Everything was perfect for Mercury, until that fateful day. A drought struck the city and the grass around it. Her family had decided to move up north so they could escape the unbearable heat, but Mercury heard a cry. She looked in the direction she heard it from to find a Lillipup that was suffering from the heat much more than she was. Mercury told her family to move on, and they obeyed. She led the Lillipup to the nearest forest and calmed him down. She started moving with him until he wasn't hot anymore, but then they realized the time. It was dark, and the moon was glowing in the center of the sky. This was the reason they weren't hot anymore. Mercury then remembered her family, gone. She sat with the Lillipup, tears welling her eyes. Lillipup nudged her and lay down, drifting to sleep. She decided to do the same.
Lillipup pawed Mercury's face until she woke up. Lil's face told her something was wrong. She looked behind her and saw it: a city with a lab. Mercury ran to a bush and made Lil come over. It was then she realized she made a wrong move. Crash! The trap activated with amazing accuracy and they were both stuck in a cage. Blah blah stuff happens don't want to make this too long. She evolved, she got fused, bam.

Mercury now:
She's hoping to see Lil again and find out what happened to him.

*The Roman God of messaging is Mercury

It'd be much appreciated it made art of her! Sorry I made her history long, I just started to get into it.

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 579
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 23:41 (9 Years ago)
Name: HIIIII My name is clover and I am currently doing this, not that human emelicious
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made by me

Family: Shulk (daddy = zoroark) Nena (momma = zoroark) Link (big brother = zoroark)
History: I'm back this is emelicious
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Clover has a interesting and adventures life. When she was a pup she learned the move transform like a ditto but shes not one, Any way she turned into a lot of thing like a human, wolf, dog, a cat, and a dragon but she also changed how she looked wherever she went to. And so can her brother link, soon almost all of her family learned how to do that by her teachings. when she grew up she took her big brother link that wasn't a Zoroark yet and she traveled with him to almost all the regions. She got her bandana from Archie who was kind enough to give her it and join it.

Yes people you may draw the me. CLOVER!!! GET JO BUTT BACK HERE.

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Wed, 07/10/2015 23:47 (9 Years ago)
-Sona's Name: Hiya there! I'm Lunar the Umbreon!
-Sona's pic (if applicable):
-Who did the art of your sona (because credit is good to give): Me!
-About your sona: Lunar is an Albino Umbreon. Her Umbreon rings are black and her fur is white with pink eyes. Her closest friend is a Sky Form Shaymin named Carlos - who is genderless but prefers male pronouns - who is trapped in this form. Also, her family all died in the events of a storm to tornado. But she has friends she considers siblings, not counting Carlos.
-Can others do art of your sona? Yep!
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all dolled up
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,083
Posted: Thu, 08/10/2015 09:30 (9 Years ago)

Drawn by Navuso

Name: Scarlet

About Scarlet: Scarlet was captured and trained by one of the best trainers in history. Realizing her great power, scientists from Team Rocket kidnapped her and murdered her trainer so they could experiment on her. They fused a Mega Stone to her so she would have immense strength and always be Mega-evolved. She lost some limbs trying to fight back, so they gave her mechanical ones. She finally escaped one day and is now out to get revenge.

May other people draw her? Yes, and I'd love it if you did
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Thu, 08/10/2015 09:36 (9 Years ago)
All have been added so far!

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Tue, 13/10/2015 23:40 (9 Years ago)
yes this is very cool

Name: Mallow
Pic credits: gravyplz (on another site)
About Mallow:
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When Mallow was just a young Eevee, she spent most of her time reading and playing video games. She didn't have many friends, but those she had were loyal and kind. Mallow's favorite foods are (really, really obviously) anything with marshmallows. Especially s'more pies. She'll do anything for 'em. Mallow's favorite season is Fall. She loves when it's cold outside and thinks that Fall has the right balance between warm and cold for her taste. Mallow usually has the hood on her head up. She only takes it off near close friends. Her ribbons, which are natural for Sylveon, are actually connected to her outfit.
(Don't ask why, I'm just weird and I have no idea why it is that way.

Can others do art of your sona: yes yes yes please do feel free \(*^*)/ But please note that she is fully Pokemon, not a gijinka!

and this is my very outdated old sona daydream v

Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Sun, 18/10/2015 20:55 (9 Years ago)
Adding your post to the table of contents now :3

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 03:36 (9 Years ago)
gonna edit to make this prettier :L

Name:Kitkat or Kit
gender: fem

Art by nerdcasom
about me
Im a Pikachu who likes a Braixen and fites with a nerdy Bat
Not to be confused with the nerdquen. Bc im not.

Yes u can draw her
Just send me ur finished peice pls



Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,275
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 03:54 (9 Years ago)
Name: Levri

-About your sona:
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Lervi is genderfluid and bisexual. They are very upbeat and love to make people happy, especially their datemates! They love to try on lots of different clothes (so don't be afraid to add a little -extra- if you decide to draw them) and dance. Nothing phases them, they are always smiling and happy and can turn any bad situation into a good one.

-Can others do art of your sona?
That would be amazing! Just let me know so I can maybe put it on my profile, yes?
My wings shine white, but oh, how you taint me black

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,736
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 04:39 (9 Years ago)

|| My Toyhou.se - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 04:42 (9 Years ago)
All added to the front post!

(Gawd I love organizing)

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 162
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 06:26 (9 Years ago)
Omg these pokesonas are too adorable oh god i wanna draw Jack and Levri

Pokésona's Name: Flare

Appearance: ignore the shading/slight coloring fail By yours truly

Flare's weird Backstory
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Flare was born a shiny Fennekin in a family of shinies. She grew up in a deep, maze-like forest just outside of Lumiose City. The neighboring Pokemon were shiny as well; it was an incredibly rare area just filled with the oddly-colored Pokemon. Every day, when Flare would go to play with her friends, climb trees and eat berries, or just whatever, every single Pokemon she'd see was a shiny. It was all she'd ever see.

It was great to know she was a unique Pokemon, but as time went on, she slowly developed a feeling that she wasn't special at all. "These Pokemon are all shiny..." she'd say to herself. "I feel like we're all the same. I look exactly like my family with purple fur instead of normal fur, and the same goes for the neighbors. It just... it feels like... like there's no special difference to any of us. No one here is unique... or are there just too many here to be unique?"

She'd often ask the same question to the her family and the others. She'd ask if they felt special or normal. A few of the older Pokemon were a bit confused, as she was simply a young Fennekin at the time; what was going on in her head? She'd get only the same answers: either, it was "I don't know," or "Why are you asking?"

No one gave her what she was looking for. She continued on questioning every shiny she saw, until one day she gave up. When her brother, a much larger Fennekin named Flame, finally took notice of her slight sadness and asked what was wrong, she responded with: "I'm not special. We're all the same."

This kind of struck Flame in an odd way, but through some talking, he'd understood what she was thinking. He agreed. Only shinies lived in the area, and although there weren't a lot of them there, it'd be nice to be in an environment where they could feel unique. He didn't know what to say exactly, but when he managed to convince her that she'd have to just find her own way for the confidence she needed, she took his advice and decided she'd do something about it.

So when she grew older and eventually evolved, she left home and went to explore to find some normal Pokemon for once. She observed many of them--Fletchling, Oddish, Pidgey, Caterpie, Butterfree, Pikachu, and many others. They all gave her strange looks since she was colored differently than anything they'd ever seen, but to her they were all the strange ones. She went everywhere; she explored, made friends, went on little adventures, battled for fun, trained, spied on lost trainers, and most of all spent her time up in the trees picking berries.

Over time, she befriended a Talonflame named Ember and a Bunnelby named Milo, and after hanging out with them almost too often (she eventually broke her stick after having possibly too much fun), she was somehow talked into dying her fur with strange patterns to make herself look special. It was a suggestion Milo had brought up after Flare had mentioned her past. She colored her fur with unique patterns, all being in the same pink and purple her fur had. She decorated herself with these things until she felt that this was her style. Once she even found a mega stone and kept it on a necklace in hopes of mega evolving when she was a Delphox.

She loved her friends, her new home, life, and look. Although she did get weird looks from some judge-y Pokemon, she didn't care. It made her different, right? Differently special.

Flare's personality:
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Flare is a brave, wild Braixen who likes to do what she wants. She has a huge liking for adventure and fun; she can almost never be spotted without her friends and can usually be seen in the trees either swinging or jumping from branch to branch, or just simply sitting and picking berries. She's an excellent climber and expert at determining which berry is sweet and which is sour.

Flare has a huge temper that can easily be set off if you're not careful. She's not too afraid to burn anyone, excluding Milo and Ember. She loves to act tough and threatening, usually acting as if no one stands a chance against her in battle. But when a much bigger, more powerful Pokemon approaches, she'll most likely chicken out and try to make a cool exit. She may seem fearless, but is actually really terrified of ghost, water, and fairy types and spiders.

She simply adores dragon types, though. If a massive, horrific Hydreigon were to burst through the bushes in search of Pokemon to attack, she'd probably end up hugging the thing and admiring its "cute" features. She has an obsession with berries, mostly sweet and spicy ones. The Braixen is aesexual yet biromantic and loves to socialize. She's also quite attracted to music and art.

Random extras:
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-Scared of water in general
- Can't be seen without a berry in hand/paw
- Loves setting things on fire
- Can get emotional/dramatic if the past is mentioned, but this is rare
- "I wanna marry dragon types! They're so cuuuuute!" - Flare
- Changes appearance often
- Loves to spy on trainers
- Has a strange admiration for Girafarig..

Yesssssssss I'd love if you'd do art of her!


Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 10:56 (9 Years ago)

This is Star.

She is a young dewott, obsessed with art and video games.

Nothing much to her backstory actually, and I dunno how to describe her personality.

Art is allowed, I would love to see it! Not that she is interesting enough for someone to draw her..
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 19:03 (9 Years ago)
Nickname: Fang
Appearance: My art.
Gender: Male
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Nightfang's father was pureblood eevee that hoped to get Shiny children, the same plan had his trainer so he put him and ditto in Daycare toghether. Ditto was previously breed only with cubone and absol, so in it was left some little dna of both pokemons. Nightfang was the first offspring of two and he wasn't... umm... exactly what anyone wanted. He was born with instincts of cubone, taking skull of his mother after he was born thinking 'she' was dead. Ditto grew new skull, but his trainer was scared of this eevee/cubone thing. He relised Nightfang while he was still eevee. Nightfang wandered world, hiding from trainers. One night he wake up with trainer finding him. On his luck it was new trainer and he managed to run away after deffiting him. He was so happy he evolved. With dark evolution his absol side wake up.

Personality:He might come as cold, mysterious and unfriendly, but he is just really scared of being close with someone, especially trainers. He will protect pokemons that are left behind by their trainers and he can get quite protective.
Random facts:
- He knows to swim very well
- He wanted to evolve in Vaporeon
- The gem he carries is water stone he found after evolving into Umbreon
- His scarf is gift from one pokemon that he protected until it found it's trainer

I would love to see art of him!

Appearance: Uh, I don't have art so...
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River is Suicune that was raised by scientist. They were created in lab like copy of original Suicune, but something went wrong so their fur is blue in parts that are supposed to be white and vice versa. They wears science coat and underneath it black hoodie with pink, yellow, blue bow tie. It also has Sylveon bows in its hair and as tail.Look in history for explanation. They also have stitches on its body.

Gender: Genderless, they/them pronouns
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River is Suicune that was raised by scientist. They were created in lab like copy of original Suicune. River spent most of theirs life helping scientist and sometimes battling pokemon. They didn't want to be healed so they stiched themselfs up after battle. Once they made friends with Sylveon that was used for leveling up pokemon, two of them spent most of time toghther, but one time Sylveon battled much stronger pokemon that ended up killing him. River then took essence of Sylveon and fused it with themself.

Personality: Really cold and somewhat sadistic after Sylveon died. They don't spend a lot of time with anyone anymore.

I would love to see art of River!