Forum Thread
Shiny Legendaries~
Forum-Index → Discussion → Shiny Legendaries~Here are the shiny legendries that exist
Shiny Moltres
Shiny Zapdos
Shiny Articuno
Shiny Mew
Shiny Mewtwo
Shiny Celebi
Shiny Ho-Oh
Shiny Lugia
Shiny Entei
Shiny Raikou
Shiny Suicune
Shiny Latias
Shiny Latios
Shiny Deoxys
Shiny Deoxys (Speed)
Shiny Deoxys (Attack)
Shiny Groudon
Shiny Kyogre
Shiny Rayquaza
Shiny Regice
Shiny RegiRock
Shiny RegiSteel
Shiny Jirachi
Shiny Darkrai
Shiny Arceus
Shiny Arceus (Electric)
Shiny Arceus (Water)
Shiny Arceus (Grass)
Shiny Arceus (Psychic
Shiny Giratina
Shiny Manaphy
Shiny Uxie
Shiny Mesprit
Shiny Azelf
Shiny Dialga
Shiny Palkia
Shiny Heatran
Shiny Giratina
Shiny Regigigas
Shiny Cresselia
Shiny Phione
Shiny Cobalion
Shiny Terrakion
Shiny Virizon
Shiny Victini
Shiny Keldeo
Shiny Genesect
Shiny Meloette
Shiny Meloette (Pirouette)
Shiny Kyruem
Shiny Kyruem (Black)
Shiny Kyruem (White)
Shiny Reshiram
Shiny Zekrom
Shiny Tornadus
Shiny Torandus (Therian Forme)
Shiny Landorus
Shiny Landorus (Therian Forme)
Shiny Thundurus
Shiny Thundurus (Therian Forme)
Shiny Heatran
Shiny Yveltal
Shiny Zygarde
Shiny Xerneas
Shiny Diance
Shiny Hoopa
Shiny Volcanion
Shiny Seatran
Shiny Polestar
Primal/Mega Form shinies~
Shiny Primal Groudon~
Shiny Primal Kyogre~
Shiny Mega Rayquaza
That's all the ones I know so far! Please if you know ones I missed Give me the users name and I will add the shiny legendary to the list ^^

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Ok thank you! Could you tell me the owners?

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
And, I think the Shiny Raikou/Entei/Suicune on the main post should be Loketoke's, since I'm pretty sure he was the first to own all three of them.
Same with Navuso's Rayquaza ^^
[i]"Shinah. It means
Ok :D will add the ones I need to once my computer is fixed.
Another polestar
OH and liirah's celebi
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk