Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Battlingthese are my opinon if i where to make a pokemon game
u can use these ideas if u want am not judjuing and pokemon heroes
i hope u use my idea or at least see it :D
Instead of the 4 generic moves that all pokemon know (if they are double-typed) you want to instead have a set of actual moves from the games that they can only learn 1 of essentially making battles less dynamic but at the same time need more data to be added to the website. Namely the range of moves, their names, types, if they are special or physical, their base stats, oh and it would also probably require the addition of status ailments to be added to the site.
Pokeheroes is an adoptable, breeding, and caretaking site. Not a battle based site. A simplistic battle style is perfect for this site, and I'd rather see Riako put his energy towards updates to the site itself than taking time to fix the not broken battle feature.
And the make sure you can send battle requests part of your post doesn't really make sense to me. You can send battle requests, but only one at a time. Which makes sense, as it's not like you'd be in five battles at once or anything.