Forum Thread
The Mystery of the Missing Sculpture! - Finished
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → The Mystery of the Missing Sculpture! - FinishedSign up's are closed!

[b]JustMe, I want to be a detective![/b]
[b]Detective Name:[/b]
[b]Other[i](any questions etc)[/i]:[/b]
[b]Detective Name:[/b]
[b]Other[i](any questions etc)[/i]:[/b]

Prize List
Prize Donations:
Omnia: 19290pd

Sign Up Sheet

01 - yukai5
02 - Latias_Queen
03 - Shadow_Koin
04 - fastrun25
05 - The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady
06 - Rini00
07 - AbsolEmerald
08 - Humza-Senpai
09 - Mega_Charmander
10 - Liana10
11 - Jokar
12 - Yueyue0912
13 - Saknar
14 - bladehell
15 - nextname
16 - Yoru
17 - abgrade
18 - Pwned
19 - Legendary252
20 - Finhawk
21 - FullmetalHeart
22 - Shadowespio
23 - Pikablu
24 - Noctis
25 - Skar
26 - Darkvolt
27 - Monokuma
28 - Wellslee
29 - JudJud
30 - FatherOfDaycare
31 - Star_Savior_Dragon
32 - suherman12
33 - Meenah_Peixes
34 - FlameCome4321
35 - cut3gummy4life
36 - Omnia
37 - Latios_Master
38 - Eeveelution8
39 - The_Scarlet_Devil
40 - EternityOfMagic
41 - Lucas13
42 - UltimateLucarioKnight
43 - XxFloatzel*HeroxX
44 - kalac
45 - Whitenight
46 - Harkness
47 - CJoE
48 - infernaped
49 - Squertle908
50 - apqsyafiqp
Sign up's are closed!
Detective Name: yukai
Other(any questions etc):Chaaaaaa! Well, I have to put something here if I don't have a question....

both made by JustMe4031

both made by Harkness
Me did this :D
Friend code: 5215-1339-6944 PM me to let me know yours and I will add you :D
Detective Name:Fast
Other(any questions etc):None (But goodluck to all!)
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Username: The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady
Detective Name: Isranul [mwahahahaha]
Other(any questions etc): i am terrible at puzzles XD but i'll see if i can solve yer mystery!
Username: Yueyue0912
Detective Name: JD
Other(any questions etc): Nothing really :D

Art credit: gelatin
Username: Yoru
Detective Name: Yoru
Other(any questions etc): Sounds really interesting ^^
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:

+Pidgeot,Beedrill,Slowbro,Sceptile,Swampert,Camerupt,Glaile,Gallade & Event Megas