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Haipshire // Sign-Ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Haipshire // Sign-Ups
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 23/05/2018 01:52 (6 Years ago)
In the wilderness of the world, there is a small kingdom known as Haipshire ruled by a widowed king and his only son.

This kingdom thrived in times long past; they were once the most powerful of all magical kingdoms in the land. Haipshire was protected by an army of wizards--magical folk who were well-versed in spells and the art of the arcane. These wizards were born with their magical powers and many people thought it impossible to kill one.

The wizards' numbers dwindled for reasons unknown. Now in this current age, only one remains. Not a single member of the town remembers the kingdom's magical history well and the wizards became nothing short of a legend. The three gods that ruled over the land--Rumei, god of chaos and power, Taron, god of mercy and wisdom, and Gorei, goddess of balance and neutrality--were the only ones left to defend the kingdom.

A new menace has risen to threaten the nearly defenseless kingdom. The last wizard--Robbie--has but one solution: summon heroes to defend them. The King and Prince agree.

You are one of the heroes called on to defend Haipshire. Fallen from the sky, you find yourself thrown into the chaos of the realm; all while the royal family tries to hide the truth about the ancient army of wizards from the public.

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-All PH Rules apply.
-This will be a semi-literate RP! Please use proper grammar and punctuation.
-There is magic in the RP, but all wizards will be controlled by me UNLESS I give you special permission to control one. No exceptions. This is ultimately to avoid powerplaying and sudden changes of the story.
-Absolutely no godmodding. Godmodding is when someone takes full control of the story out of nowhere, without permission. (An example of this is "the bad guys are all dead now, the end" or "they all teleport away from the danger") I will not tolerate godmodding and doing so will give you an automatic boot from the RP.
-Please write in prose. In other words, write in complete sentences. Instead of "Lucky: I like bread", it would be "'I like bread,' Lucky said."
-Be nice.
-Don't argue with me.

[b]Name:[/b] First/last please! Nicknames also go here.
[b]Age:[/b] 18-21
[b]Gender/Sexuality:[/b] Self-explanitory.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Be detailed! If you use a picture, please credit the orginal artist or website you got it from.
[b]Personality:[/b] Please, no TBRP'd.
[b]Weapons/Specialties:[/b] Limit to two weapons.

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Robert "Robbie" Fenn


Male // Bisexual

Robbie is tall and lanky. He stands at 5'9 and wears clothes no different from the rest of the town, probably to blend in. He wears a brown shirt, denim jacket, and blue jeans with shoes. What puts him apart from the other townsfolk, however, is a black mark that looks almost like a tattoo on his shoulder. This has been there since his birth and is the mark of a magical being. He does a good job of hiding it, however.

His face is round and his cheekbones and chin aren't incredibly well defined. He has light brown hair with a red highlight on his bangs and bright blue eyes. His skin is tan, but not dark.

Robbie is an extremely social person. He's not heroic or anything, but he does have a tendency to act for the greater good instead of something that is in the moment. His magical prowess does, however, bring out his cockiness from time to time and he can overestimate himself quite easily. He gets nervous from time to time, especially when overly stressed (which is a state he is commonly in now that he is the last wizard) and he sometimes overthinks things because of it.

His temper is something to marvel at; the Prince will tell you that he has only ever seen Robbie's fury once, in an old battle that happened a few years back. During that, he didn't speak a word. He just attacked everything on sight for about ten minutes before going back to the castle looking like the happiest person in the world. Don't piss him off.

Magic. His specialty is enchanting weapons.


-The last known wizard of Haipshire
-Strongly associated with the royal family, but is not a royal himself

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Andor Quimbley


Male // Bisexual but prefers guys a tiny bit more

Andor stands at about 5'5". When out in public, he wears a dark red suit and white undershirt with a tie. He hates the getup, mostly because he has to wear it so often. He prefers to wear a red leather jacket, white shirt, and comfortable jeans whenever he can. He owns a lot of red articles of clothing, mostly because it is the kingdom's colors, but he doesn't mind that much.

He has clean-cut black hair and brown eyes. He wears square, black glasses over them. Freckles dot his face around his cheeks and eyebrows. He's not intimidating, really, despite his lean and muscular build.

Andor is quiet, reserved, and absolutely despises his title. He is a strong believer that his title of prince is little more than a formality and won't have any real power until the day he becomes king. As such, he prefers everyone just call him by his first name.

He very rarely talks about his family, but the influence clearly shows. He's certainly not snobby, but he does act proper and polite whenever humanly possible. He's calm and extremely collected and no one has ever seen him truly mad. His upbringing was rough and he's developed a slight fear of his father, the King. The locals gossip that he's never angry because his childhood has left him nothing to be upset about.

A boomerang


-If you get the reference within this character, I will love you forever
-The Prince of Haipshire
-Best friends with Robbie, since they grew up together
-The King isn't exactly the nicest to him. Because of this, he very rarely discloses his sexuality to anyone

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Wed, 23/05/2018 02:44 (6 Years ago)
Fiora Raeva
Female / Bisexual
Fiora has long, wavy blond hair with a white bow in the back, bangs, blue eyes, and fair skin. She could be and is considered beautiful by many. She wears white and silvery armor that covers from her mid-neck and on her shoulders, ending above her stomach. There, she wears a white and light blue/teal tunic. She also wears white leggings, and then thigh high silver and light blue/teal armor-covered boots.
Fiora puts on a mask of being cordial, soft and gentle, along with authentic. This is to hide her more terrifying side - brutish, rough, potent and ferocious. Often times Fiora throws herself into danger without thinking. She acts like this after many were scared away from her, after witnessing her behavorir. She is vey headstrong and speaks in an often eccentric manner. Overbearing at times.
Battle Axe, a club with spikes on the end.
open for either gender owo / palpad

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 23/05/2018 02:48 (6 Years ago)
Post when finished!

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Wed, 23/05/2018 03:53 (6 Years ago)

Name: Akai Kurinai
Age: 18
Gender/Sexuality: Female/ Bi
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Art by Me~
Is instead wearing some brown hiking boots, a simple blue jacket, a white off the shoulder shirt with a light blue tank top underneath, and some black leggings

Personality: Is an outgoing girl who makes friends with a lot of different people but has very deadly aim with her bow so getting into an argument with her isn't exactly the best thing to do ^-^' ,is surprisingly calm sometimes but can bottle up her emotions and once the bottle is full it explodes and she explodes on anyone near her
Weapons/Specialties: Bow, dagger
Crush: Palpad/PM me
Other: Is very good with her bow and has deadly aim after taking archery classes when she was young

"I don't need you to respect me, I respect me. I don't need you to love me, I love me. But I want you to know you could know me, if you change your mind..." -Steven Universe.

My art shop!
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 23/05/2018 10:36 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! Please advertise :3

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 02:42 (6 Years ago)
Name: Fiova Mooncatcher

Age: 18

Gender/Sexuality: femelle

Appearance: Long silver hair that reaches her lower back that she dyed to match the color of the moon whe loves so much, blue eyes that appears to be asleep most of the time except when there's some yummie desert siting in front of her. Normally wears pants and prefers to avoid wearing any sort of skirts and dresses as she finds them highly incomfortable. But oh boy does she loves NOT to wear any kind of shoes as she hates having hers toes pressed together. Though she accepts to wear sandals

Personality:Prefers to keep to herself and loves to meditate. Though her eyes sparkles at the sights of yummy pastries. At night she likes to watch the moon on a starry night instead of sleeping which causes her to be sleepy most of the time.

Weapons/Specialties: Katana and short sword

Other:Has been trained in the use of the katana by her teacher who she has been training with since she barely started kindergarden since her parents wanted her to protect herself, though only the katana seemed to pleased her.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 02:50 (6 Years ago)
There are a few things wrong with your form:

-There is not a single downside to your character's personality.

-Not only that, but your character's personality has no depth and is sort of limited to liking the moon and desserts.

-You left out the sexuality and misspelled female.

So, not accepted.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 03:49 (6 Years ago)
Name: Fiova Mooncatcher

Age: 18

Gender/Sexuality: femelle

Appearance: Long silver hair that reaches her lower back that she dyed to match the color of the moon she loves, blue eyes that appears to be asleep most of the time. Normally wears pants and prefers to avoid wearing any sort of skirts and dresses as she finds them highly incomfortable. But oh boy does she loves NOT to wear any kind of shoes as she hates having her toes pressed together. Though she accepts to wear sandals.

Personality: Prefers to keep to herself and loves to meditate. At night, she looks up at the sky and tries to identify each stars she sees as she is very curious and wishes to learn a lot even though she doesn't have a very good memory. However, she is very determinate and will lead to the end whatever she takes on as she hates losing.

Weapons/Specialties: Katana and short sword

Other:Has been trained in the use of the katana by her teacher who she has been training with since she barely started kindergarden since her parents wanted her to protect herself, though only the katana seemed to pleased her.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 11:04 (6 Years ago)

Still not accepted. Your character is still a huge mary sue and all you did to change the form was change desserts to determination.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 17:33 (6 Years ago)
Name: Will Windcatcher

Age: 19

Gender/Sexuality: Male

Appearance: A tall caucasian boy with curly red hair and pale brown eyes full of determination. Wears saggy pants and brand shirts. He wears a necklace around his neck that has the shape of an winged scarab beetle wich is an egyptian symbol that represents the sun, a present from his parent that visited Egypt.

Personality: He's an hardworking guy that doesn't give up wich he has undertaken. He loves to play with his friends, but doesn't always think things through wich brings him a lot of trouble at school. Though always ready for a fight to protect his friends, he's pretty weak XD. So, it's usually his friends that finishes by rescuing him. Though he is a quick learner, especially when it comes to things he is interested in.

Weapons/Specialties: Doesn't have any yet.
Crush: Has never been in a relation
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 19:45 (6 Years ago)
Ink Flora "Bendy"
Ink is gender fluid so their gender depends on what they want at the time but their biological gender is female
They also have a tattoo of a demon wing on their left and an angel wing on their right on their back that is go from the middle of their back to their shoulders that she got when they were 18.
Ink looks like they're almost always emotionless but they do, they just don't like to show it around people they don't know. You know they're nervous as they have a habit to look away and run their fingers through their hair.
hunting dagger
doesn't care about it
Has total color blindness
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 20:27 (6 Years ago)
@All accepted!

Please advertise, I'd like to start this as soon as one or two more people join.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 22:00 (6 Years ago)
Yai!!! Finally I got accepted !!! XD
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 02:49 (6 Years ago)
So now that we are 5, can we start? Or are we waiting on another person?
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 02:54 (6 Years ago)
I'd like at least one more person to start.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 15:43 (6 Years ago)
//Quietly slides in

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Sean O'Sullivan
Male / Panro
A tanned man with matching dark brown hair and eyes. Sean's entire wardrobe consists of flannel (He likes black and blue but will occasionally wear red), a white shirt and black or blue jeans.
Sean is awfully confident in himself...a bit too confident if you ask anyone. He likes to be the center of attention and will often try to jab at others to get said attention. He ignores the saying "don't dish what you can't receive" and will easily get riled up himself-often picking fights with others. When he isn't busy acting a fool he can be a pretty decent guy, though. He's a lot more laid back and-dare I say-considerate towards people he's close to.
Brass Knuckles
Palpad/PM (Also down for QPRs and poly relationships)

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Tiana Conwy
Female / Homoflexible (Questioning)
A dark-skinned girl with blonde-brown hair and matching brown eyes. She usually has it in a high bun or a ponytail. She is usually seen wearing a short white dress, a black leather jacket and thigh high boots.
Tiana is a cheerful girl that always looks at the bright side of things. She tries her best to help others but she's awfully ditzy. She forgets important things often and doesn't take anything seriously except for when in combat. When fighting she's prone to get irritable due to nerves, so most try to stay on her good side.
Palpad/PM (Also down for QPRs and poly relationships)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 19:06 (6 Years ago)

Here's the RP!

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 748
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 15:51 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 17:02 (6 Years ago)
Post when finished!

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 11:02 (6 Years ago)
//dabs in// I might be a bit inactive, so don't judge me

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Amanita Stipe
Female/Big Old Bisexual

NOT MY ART. Made by Mayakern on tumblr
Amanita is bossy, competitive, and wild. She jumps into things with little regard for her own safety. The law of the wild, the food chain, and survival of the fittest governs. She sees the senseless violence of nature as exciting and beautiful and equates her druidic ideals to more civil company by equating social power and influence to position on the food chain. She doesn't care much for material posessions by virtue of the posessions themselves -- though creature comforts are nice, she'd be just as happy under a canopy of trees as she would be in a canopy bed. Rather, she likes the position of power such things can grant her. She's a little sleezy and tends to run schemes, but she's the sort of type to make REALLY INNAPROPRIATE JOKES at the best and worst of times. A master of comedic timing.
A crossbow and a Spear.
Bit of one on Andor?? But mainly just like a 'WOAH HE'S A PRINCE'-esque one.