Forum Thread
Haipshire // RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Haipshire // RPIn the wilderness of the world, there is a small kingdom known as Haipshire ruled by a widowed king and his only son.
This kingdom thrived in times long past; they were once the most powerful of all magical kingdoms in the land. Haipshire was protected by an army of wizards--magical folk who were well-versed in spells and the art of the arcane. These wizards were born with their magical powers and many people thought it impossible to kill one.
The wizards' numbers dwindled for reasons unknown. Now in this current age, only one remains. Not a single member of the town remembers the kingdom's magical history well and the wizards became nothing short of a legend. The three gods that ruled over the land--Rumei, god of chaos and power, Taron, god of mercy and wisdom, and Gorei, goddess of balance and neutrality--were the only ones left to defend the kingdom.
A new menace has risen to threaten the nearly defenseless kingdom. The last wizard--Robbie--has but one solution: summon heroes to defend them. The King and Prince agree.
You are one of the heroes called on to defend Haipshire. Fallen from the sky, you find yourself thrown into the chaos of the realm; all while the royal family tries to hide the truth about the ancient army of wizards from the public.
Everyone starts as they wake up. You are in a small cot, with your new comrades around you. The walls around you are made of stone and your body seems to ache... But you're not sure why.

Credit to Viper
Tiana, on the other hand, didn't have enough sense to realize that instantly jumping up would result in her face-planting soon after. Rubbing her nose while prone on the floor, she waited until the pain and dizziness faded. Suddenly she sat up, took a look around, and realized that she was in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people. Trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice, she called out to the strangers. "Um...who are you guys and how did I get here?"
"Told you we should have given them the guest bedrooms." The second grumbled under his breath, fiddling with his tie. He glanced at the one still in bed who opened his eyes and gave a shy wave.
"Shut up. Um. All you guys need to know right now is that you are decidedly not at home." The first blinked and offered a hand to Tiana after getting up.

Credit to Viper
"Aw. I thought I got everyone," Robbie groaned, looking over from Tiana. "Sorry about that. I can fix it up in no time."
"In that case, welcome to Haipshire. I'm Andor--"
"Be formal."
"Fine. I'm Prince Andor and that's Robbie," Andor rolled his eyes as he said the word 'prince' and glared at Robbie, who grinned.

Credit to Viper
Okay, let's think. He looks rapidly around the room which seems to be in a small house. Okay, so the guy next to me, yeah looks like a guy, seems to have a bad headache, one's in the corner and there's a guy helping an girl which seems normal enough he though. But, though Will, those guys in the back looks weird. What are they wearing?
Yeah, said Will as he heard what the guy with what seems with an headache said. I would like to know that too. I have to get home soon or my parents will yelled at me again for being late.
Prince? Said Will in an none believing way. Yeah, okay that guy has some screews loose.
Did he say Haipshire? Definetly there's something weird.
Andor sighed.
(@Hipster could you maybe use some quotation marks? I'm having a bit of a hard time telling what your character is thinking and what is the narration)

Credit to Viper
Now this chick's shrieking woke him up. "Can't you see that i'm too hungover for this? I can deal with you lot when I wake up and these two over here aren't even doing anything yet! Just chill out." And with that being said, Sean propped himself against a wall and began resting again.
"Ease them into it, Andor," Robbie told him gently. He did a mock bow. "Ah, thank you. It's... Special? You have to be born with magic. ...Here," He pulled down his sleeve to reveal the mark on his arm. "I'm the only one in Haipshire."
"...Are we just going to ignore the fact that that one thinks he's hungover?"
"Just go with it."

Credit to Viper
"I'm really interrested at how you can do magic, but i will have to agree with the girl. I would like to have explanations please?"
"It's not a tattoo. It's a mark of magic," Robbie explained. "Nice to meet you guys," He turned to Andor. "Care to take it from here?"
"Only if I can take this damned suit off afterwards." Andor grumbled, fiddling with the tie once more.
"Just don't let your father see you. Go on, go on!" Robbie urged.

Credit to Viper
"We prefer the term 'wizard,' by the way, but I don't exactly care," Robbie interrupted. "Go on."
Andor rolled his eyes at Robbie. "Anyway. We used to have a ton of wizards around, but they all... Disappeared. Our kingdom is left defenseless and there is a new threat approaching us. So... Robbie brought you all here."
"Nope! I didn't! I just created the portal. You guys were chosen by THAT." Robbie corrected swiftly.

Credit to Viper
"So you did kidnap us! Magic isn't even real-you probably just drugged us so that we see your so called magic!" Tiana was too young to die-she had friends to keep from dying and professors to annoy. Her kidnappers' good looks wouldn't keep her from clocking them the seco-wait, did Andor just imply-"Are you saying that the people that you just kidnapped will have to protect you?" Again, this was too much for her and it was a miracle that she didn't start to get light-headed until now.
"Jebus Chris woman just let it go already! I just went through the five stages of grief within the span of five seconds because of your yelling. Yes, they did kidnap us. What can we do about it? We're in no position to refuse so why don't you can it and listen to them for once? Besides, not only are they treating us better than any kidnapped person but they aren't even asking too much of us!" Sean had enough. He was tired, hungover and not mentally prepared to deal with some mainstream chick. Not wanting to deal with her anymore, he turned towards Robbie and Andor. "Sorry for the outburst. It's nice meeting you guys, i'm Sean."