Forum Thread
Saving Kanto [semi-lit]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Saving Kanto [semi-lit]Sign-ups are here
Jess woke up, stretching, getting dressed as she always did. She closed the door to her apartment in Vermillion, running to the Subway station to make her way to Indigo Plateau for the tournament she'd be participating in.
Already at the subway station was the recognizable face of the champion, Nick. She stood, leaning against a wall, her Banette floating beside her.

"PJ?" Aditsan whispered while shaking his cousin awake, her Delcatty, rolled up at the foot of her bed flicked her tail and opened one eye. "PJ..." Aditsan repeated, this time waking the girl. "Hm???" she asked, inhaling deeply and sitting up. "We have to get ready..." Aditsan told the girl, who'd then turned her attention to her alarm clock. She swore quietly and melted out of her bed before presuming to get ready for the day.

"Let's see..." PJ mumbled whilst scanning the Town Map. "It looks like we'll have to take the subway in order to get to the stadium or wherever this tournament is being held." she informed. Aditsan simply nodded and looked down at his six Pokéballs.

Pulling out his Town Map, Sakurai saw that he would have to go through Mt. Moon. Despite Mt. Moon being one of the most notorious places to go through, one lucky person could find a Clefairy there. He grabbed his stuff, got his Pokemon ready, and began to walk for Mt. Moon in order to get to the Indigo Plateau.
Nick stared at Jess for a brief moment, then yawned and stared at her Banette who was entertaining a few young children.

Aditsan decided to look around, seeing a few trainers leaning against the walls of the subway, one with a Raichu and Cleffable, the other whose Banette appeared to be playing with children on the subway. For a moment he thought of speaking up and starting conversation with the trainers, though quickly changed his mind and disregarded the idea completely.

Jess's Raichu scampered onto her shoulder, a spot it had taken a liking too since she had caught it, Clefable walked beside Jess as the trio boarded the subway, sitting down as well.

Aditsan looked over at a trainer with a Cleffable and Raichu, taking out his Pokédex to scan the latter. "It's different than the ones in Alola..." he mumbled though loudly enough for the trainer to hear.

Jess looked up, overhearing him speak. "Well, yeah, the ones in Alola evolved to be able to surf easier. I think." She shrugged. "I caught one of each, though. The typing's different." Raichu hopped off Jess's shoulder, carefully walking over to Aditsan.