Forum Thread
[L] #One_Month_PremiumShip
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] #One_Month_PremiumShip1. A Mega Sceptile, 4x Rare Candy, 10x Box/Key, 150x Honey, 10x Electric, 10x Water, 10x Steel, 10x Grass, 10x Ground Gem
2. A Shiny Treecko, 2x Weather Ballon & Earth Plate, 100x Honey, 8x Box/Key, 30x Lemonade, 12x Fighting, 8x Normal Gems
3. A Shiny Weedle, 2x Lugia Voucher, 90x Honey, 6x Box/Key, 2x Rare Candy, 30x Soda Pop
4. 5 Ground, 2 Normal, 3 Grass Gem
1. 1000 PD for 1 ticket.
2. 50 Nugget for 80 ticket
3. A Dragon Gem/Star Piece/Bottled Message for 55 ticket
4. A Normal gem for 1 Ticket
5. Any Iteam/Shiny/Mega/Legendry Pokemon are accepted (Without Pal-Pad First it will be count as donation)

Post Here or Pal-Pad me.
Name: Username
I will buy xx amount of tickets for x Item(s)
Name: Username
I will buy xx amount of tickets for x Item(s)
when I Will get 1000 ticket 4 random persone will win,
1. Mega Able Swablu
2. 3x mystery Box/Keys
3. 2x Super honey
4. 50x Different kinds of berrys

Suvichan:- 5 (1-5)
aaliyah1829:- 55 (6-61)
heha192:- 29 (61-90)
umbreon721:- 2 (91-93)
Cursedartemus:- 110 (94-203)
sammy5555:- 1(204)
MisaAmane:- 385 (205-399, 1367-1557)
King-of-universe:- 1170 (400-499, 500-699, 700-1199, 1200-1366, 1571-1836)
Shinzo:- 60 (500-559)
Stardust_Crasher:- 6 (560-565)
KittyKatty:- 8 (1557-1565)
lifzmuzic:- 5 (1566-1570)
aaliyah1829:- 55 (6-61)
heha192:- 29 (61-90)
umbreon721:- 2 (91-93)
Cursedartemus:- 110 (94-203)
sammy5555:- 1(204)
MisaAmane:- 385 (205-399, 1367-1557)
King-of-universe:- 1170 (400-499, 500-699, 700-1199, 1200-1366, 1571-1836)
Shinzo:- 60 (500-559)
Stardust_Crasher:- 6 (560-565)
KittyKatty:- 8 (1557-1565)
lifzmuzic:- 5 (1566-1570)
Raffle will end when i sell total of 1800 Tickets
Good Luck Guys
I already sent 8 normal gems for 8 tickets ^.^
Title: Milestone Prize Winners
1. Mega Able Swablu - King-of-universe Ticket No. 575
2. 3x mystery Box/Keys- King-of-universe Ticket No.847
3. 2x Super honey- Cursedartemus Ticket No. 163
4. 50x Different kinds of berrys- aaliyah1829 Ticket No. 53
I chose the winner from but as i use my phone so i don't know how to show you guys Screenshot but i took the ScreenShots
For more Information click Here
Title: The Winners
1. A Mega Sceptile, 4x Rare Candy, 10x Box/Key, 150x Honey, 10x Electric, 10x Water, 10x Steel, 10x Grass, 10x Ground Gem:- King-of-universe :- Ticket no.889
2. A Shiny Treecko, 2x Weather Ballon & Earth Plate, 100x Honey, 8x Box/Key, 30x Lemonade, 12x Fighting, 8x Normal Gems:- aaliyah1829 :- Ticket no.58
3. A Shiny Weedle, 2x Lugia Voucher, 90x Honey, 6x Box/Key, 2x Rare Candy, 30x Soda Pop:- King-of-universe :- Ticket no.1138
4-10. every persone will get 5 Ground, 2 Normal, 3 Grass Gem:- MisaAmane :- Ticket no.393
Congratzz to the winners.. I took the winners form I also take the ScreenShot as proof.. But i don't how to post it.. as i use Mobile