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MoonClan's Reboot [open]

Forum-Index Roleplay MoonClan's Reboot [open]
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:11 (7 Years ago)
a reboot of rise of moonclan, my most successful roleplay!
in the cold night air, you can see puffs of breath. you approach, your tail lashing cautiously. ahead of you is a blue-grey she-cat. she stares at you with calm green eyes. "greetings, i am lunarstar. do you wish to walk with me?" curious, you follow her. she talks about moonclan, her home, and her cats. before long, you both are in her den.

you tell her that you wish to join the clan. she laughs and smiles politely. lunarstar dips her head to you. "welcome to my clan," she says. "enjoy your time here." you look around before staring at your tail, ready to leave the den...

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follow the rules on pokeheroes. spam posts will be immediately reported and you will be banned from roleplay.
ooc chat is fine, but put it between brackets.
follow the w- y'know what? disobey the code! pull a rainrock!
disobeying any rules will get you a warn. four warnings gets you banned from roleplaying and we will control your cats. *if you do not wish for that, please tell us!
do not repeat prefixes, or have a prefix of star.

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[b]☾i wish to join moonclan![/b]
[b]✕roleplay name[/b] [name]
[b]✕bio gender[/b] [m / f]
[b]✕age[/b] [x moons]
[b]✕ranking in clan[/b] [rank]
[b]✕appearance[/b] [url or spoiler and image]
[b]✕personality[/b] [tbrped is fine]
[b]✕family[/b] [list all family members up to grandparents]
[b]✕crush/mate and kits[/b] [mate/crush | kits]
[b]✕extra[/b] [extra information goes here]

my characters
Quote from moonclan
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✕roleplay name lunarstar
✕bio gender female
✕age forty moons
✕ranking in clan leader
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
sisters : darkpool [deceased] and night
brother : windwhisker [deceased]
✕crush/mate and kits
mate : splashstar lion [deceased]
kits : skyfall and rainrock

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✕roleplay name frostpool
✕bio gender male
✕age thirty moons
✕ranking in clan medicine cat starclan member
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
parents : unknown
brother : dovestripe
✕crush/mate and kits
mate and kits : forbidden

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✕roleplay name jaggedtooth
✕bio gender male
✕age one hundred thirty-five moons
✕ranking in clan elder
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
✕crush/mate and kits
mate : troutwhisker [deceased]
kits : lunarstar and night [alive], darkpool and windwhisker [deceased]

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✕roleplay name rainrock
✕bio gender
✕age eighteen moons
✕ranking in clan
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
parents : lunarstar and splashstar lionpelt
brother : skyfall
✕crush/mate and kits
crush : huge crush on snowfall

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✕roleplay name skyfall
✕bio gender
✕age eighteen moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
parents : lunarstar and splashstar lionpelt
brother : rainrock
✕crush/mate and kits

Quote from out of moonclan
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✕roleplay name night / nighttail
✕bio gender female
✕age forty moons
✕ranking in clan rogue / formerly the medicine cat
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
parents : troutwhisker and jaggedtooth
siblings : lunarstar, darkpool, and windwhisker
✕crush/mate and kits
crush : yellowsting
kits : possibility <3
✕extra will rejoin moonclan as a warrior i promise.

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✕roleplay name lion / lionpelt
✕bio gender male
✕age forty-three moons
✕ranking in clan rogue
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
brothers : oak and leopard
✕crush/mate and kits
mate : lunarstar none
kits : rainrock and skyfall none
✕extra known to be hostile toward silvermask, but kind to twilight.

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lunarstar [f]

yellowsting [m]

medicine cats
nighttail [f] (temporary)

medicine apprentices
icepaw [f]

rainrock [m]
skyfall [m]
snowfall [m]
dovestripe [m]
stonepelt [m]
whiteheart [m]
tigerpelt [f]
wolffrost [m]
grayblaze [f]

wishpaw [f]
icepaw [f]
flamepaw [m]

queens / kits

jaggedtooth [m]
redclaw [m]

rogue clan/pack
oak [m]
lion [m]
leopard [m]
silvermask [f]
twilight [f]

other rogues
wren [m]



frostpool [m]

dark forest
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:15 (7 Years ago)

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name yellowsting
✕bio gender male
✕age 38 moons
✕ranking in clan deputy
✕appearance x
✕personality n a h
✕family n a h
✕crush/mate and kits night / nighttail (crush)

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name wishpaw
✕bio gender female
✕age 11 moons
✕ranking in clan apprentice
✕appearance x
✕personality n a h
✕family n a h
✕crush/mate and kits n a h
✕extra snowfall's apprentice

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name snowfall
✕bio gender male
✕age 18 moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance x
✕personality n a h
✕family n a h
✕crush/mate and kits rainrock (soon to be crush)
✕extra blue eye is blind. wishpaw's mentor

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name dovestripe
✕bio gender male
✕age 31 moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance x
✕personality n a h
✕family frostpool (brother)
✕crush/mate and kits n a h
✕extra gay asf

~outside of moonclan

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✕roleplay name wren
✕bio gender male
✕age 43 moons
✕ranking in clan rogue
✕appearance x
✕personality n a h
✕family n a h
✕crush/mate and kits n a h
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:16 (7 Years ago)
I gotchu B
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:29 (7 Years ago)
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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name whiteheart
✕bio gender male
✕age 29 moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance white tom with yellow eyes
grandparents: (father's side) wolfclaw (deceased grandfather), blackwing (deceased grandmother), (mother's side) rowantail (deceased grandfather), roseheart (deceased grandmother)
parents: graysky (deceased father), hawkflight (deceased mother)
siblings: stonepelt
✕crush/mate and kits
✕extra stonepelt's brother

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name stonepelt
✕bio gender male
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
gray and white tom with yellow eyes
grandparents: (father's side) wolfclaw (deceased grandfather), blackwing (deceased grandmother), (mother's side) rowantail (deceased grandfather), roseheart (deceased grandmother)
parents: graysky (deceased father), hawkflight (deceased mother)
siblings: whiteheart
✕crush/mate and kits
✕extra whiteheart's brother
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:32 (7 Years ago)
Gotchu too fam (Y)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:47 (7 Years ago)
☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Tigerpelt
✕bio gender f
✕age 19 moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕personality tbrped
✕family (grandparents on father's side) Mistyfeather (grandma Deceased), Stonefall (Grandfather deceased). (grandparents on mother's side) Whiskers (grandma Kittypet won't be in RP), Rob (Grandpa kittypet won't be in RP). Father: Redclaw, mother: Fluffy (Kittypet, deceased). Foster mother: Skysong (Won't be rped much will make her form later) Foster sister: Lillystream (Won't be rped much will make her form later)
✕crush/mate and kits open
✕extra she was half kittypet. As a kit, her father saved her from a burning twoleg den, but was unable to save her littermates, and mother. She trained with the Clan and is a loyal warrior to the clan. She is the mentor to Flamepaw.

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Flamepaw (Flameheart)
✕bio gender M
✕age 6 moons
✕ranking in clan apprentice
✕personality a bit of a hard head, kind, but rushes into things without thinking
✕family Skysong (grandma on mother's side) Swiftclaw (Grandfather on mother's side) Featherstone (Grandma on father's side) Houndstrike (grandpa on father's side) Lillystream (mother), Specklestorm (father), Icepaw (sister needs mentor)
✕crush/mate and kits none yet
✕extra Tigerpelt's apprentice

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Icepaw (Iceflower)
✕bio gender f
✕age 6 moons
✕ranking in clan apprentice
✕personality tbrped
✕family Skysong (grandma on mother's side) Swiftclaw (Grandfather on mother's side) Featherstone (Grandma on father's side) Houndstrike (grandpa on father's side) Lillystream (mother), Specklestorm (father), Flamepaw (brother)
✕crush/mate and kits open
✕extra needs mentor

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Redclaw
✕bio gender m
✕age 65 moons
✕ranking in clan elder
✕personality short tempered and rude at times, has a kind heart and will defend the cats he loves.
✕family Flowerheart (grandma mother's side) Raintail (grandpa mother's side) Russetflower (grandma father's side) Oakclaw (Grandpa father's side) Mistyfeather (mother) Stonefall (Father)
✕crush/mate and kits Fluffy (Kittypet mate deceased) Speck (half Kittypet daughter deceased) Frosty (half kittypet son deceased) Tigerpelt (half kittypet daughter)
✕extra he took a kittypet mate, and wasn't punished harshly due to the fact that he saw the twoleg den that housed his mate burn down while he was on a hunting patrol. He brought Tigerpelt into the Clan and retired after the smoke got to his lungs
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 00:49 (7 Years ago)
All of you are accepted! When squad goals™ finishes our forms we can begin! Also, repeating prefixes won't be allowed. So if any prefix repeats any previously entered I'd suggest editing
That or when we get another people.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 01:07 (7 Years ago)
☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Grayblaze
✕bio gender m
✕age 50 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior
✕appearance Grayblaze
✕personality tbrped
✕family Parents both unknown but deceased.Grandfather is unknown but grandmother is Cedardusk but both are deceased.Wolffrost is his younger sister
✕crush/mate and kits None
✕extra hi

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Wolffrost
✕bio gender f
✕age 50 moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance Wolffrost
✕personality tbrped
✕family Parents both unknown but deceased.Grandfather is unknown but grandmother is Cedardusk but both are deceased.Grayblaze is her older brother
✕crush/mate and kits none
✕extra Meow

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 01:12 (7 Years ago)
I'm calling people will think Wolffrost and Skyfall are sibs--
Accepted! You can begin!
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 01:14 (7 Years ago)
Oops,I can change it if you want :)

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 01:23 (7 Years ago)
Nah, it'll be funny

The she-cat sat upon the Highcliff, grooming herself. It was a particularly cool greenleaf day, but it was still too hot for the thick-furred cat. She stared out upon her camp. Her gaze wandered to the lower than usual fresh-kill pile. She called out to wherever Yellowsting may be. "Could you send out a hunting patrol? I'll take a border!"

She leaped down from the Highcliff by going from ledge to ledge. As the leader reached the grassy floor, she was met by her Medicine Cat. "Frostpool, is something wrong? You rarely leave the den," she mewed. Frostpool's hackles were raised. The usually tame tom was obviously annoyed about something.

"Yes. I caught Rainrock and Skyfall sniffing through my herbs again. This is the third time within this quarter moon!"

"I'll deal with them. Do you need any herbs? I'm taking a few warriors out on patrol."

"We're low on catmint. It's all out of use, though it has been sitting since leaf-bare. Thank you, Lunarstar."
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 15:16 (7 Years ago)
Tigerpelt was eating a vole outside the warrior's den. She overheard Frostpool, and Lunarstar and padded over. "Lunarstar, if you'd like Flamepaw and I could come with you on patrol. I could bring Icepaw as well since she still doesn't have a mentor" she said respectfully.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 15:34 (7 Years ago)
"Thank you, Tigerpelt. I'll bring you, Flamepaw, and Skyfall. After the patrol, we will discuss." As she said her third sentence, she looked toward Frostpool. She saw Rainrock and Skyfall exiting the medicine den. Rainrock's head was lowered extremely down while Skyfall tried to keep his head up.

"I told you that it was a bad idea, but did you listen?" Lunarstar heard Rainrock ask. "It wa- Oh, hi Lunarstar!" The leader stared at her kits with a rather not amused expression.

"You two are Warriors, not kits. I expected better of you after last time. Skyfall, come with me. You're on my patrol." She flicked her tail for her son to follow her. "Tigerpelt, could you fetch Flamepaw?"


The gray she-cat sat in the barn with her "Clanmates". Lion was asleep next to her, on her right. To her left was Silvermask, who chatted quietly with Twilight. Night felt a pang of guilt. She shouldn't be here! Every cat in MoonClan must think she's dead. Like how Darkpool and Windwhisker died? She should've died with them!

"Stop fidgeting, Night. You'll wake everyone up."

"Sorry, Lion."
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 15:41 (7 Years ago)
((Ooc : hey could it be alright if Icepaw figures out she doesn't want to be a warrior apprentice, but a medicine cat apprentice later on? It's cool if someone already is medicine cat apprentice.))

Tigerpelt nodded, and padded toward the apprentice den. Once inside she saw Icepaw, and Flamepaw grooming each other near the entrance. "Flamepaw we're on a patrol" she meowed kindly.

Flamepaw nodded, and said goodbye to Icepaw. "Alright let's go" he yawned, and walked out of the apprentice den.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 15:47 (7 Years ago)
((Yeah that's fine!))
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 15:54 (7 Years ago)
((Ooc : thanks))

Tigerpelt, and Flamepaw padded out of the apprentice den, and to Lunarstar, and Frostpool. "Alright I got Flamepaw. We're ready to go when you are" Tigerpelt said kindly to her leader as she padded over. Icepaw had followed the others out of the apprentice den, and was gathering moss to clean out the apprentice den.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 04/07/2017 17:18 (7 Years ago)
I tried reading over but yeh))

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Tue, 04/07/2017 17:19 (7 Years ago)
//Everyone's just getting ready for patrols
Icepaw is gonna be med cat app soon
Rainrock and Skyfall got in trouble

i need to post omg
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 04/07/2017 17:28 (7 Years ago)
Wolffrost was sitting on a stone outside the camp,In the hunting territory and taking a break from hunting.She watched her older brother Bring back a mouse to the camp.She flicked her tailed as he passed by her then got to her paws.Wolffrost walked further into the hunting grounds,looking for preys.Grayblaze dropped the mouse into the fresh kill pile and he licked his paws.

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Tue, 04/07/2017 19:01 (7 Years ago)
In a quiet corner of the MoonClan camp, Whiteheart and his brother Stonepelt were discussing patrols. "Do you think Yellowsting will take us on a hunting patrol..?" Stonepelt asked Whiteheart. The pure white tom cat sensed his brother's eagerness "If you really want to go on a hunting patrol that bad then you can just.. you know. Ask Yellowsting to put you on one." he flicked an ear, after a short heartbeat his brother finally responded "I never really thought of that." Stonepelt admitted, his stone grey pelt flushing with embarrassment.

"Of course you didn't." Whiteheart let out an exasperated sigh. "What am I going to do with you, you silly tom?" he muttered. "I'd suggest you go try and find Yellowsting, before leaves camp." Stonepelt's eyes lit up "You're right. Come on, let's go!" the grey tom immediately got up and started looking around the camp for Yellowsting. 'I suppose Stonepelt's still a kit at heart, in some ways.' he thought, slightly amused. Whiteheart finally stood up and followed his younger brother.