Forum Thread
The Flightrising Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → The Flightrising ClubThe FlightRising Club
i am literally inactive so the member list is never gonna get updated sorry
Welcome to the FlightRising Club! This is a reboot from the old club due to a change of owners. FlightRising has been popular on pokeheroes for a long time so this club has been made as a place to trade and talk between both sites.
What is FlightRising?
FlightRising is an adoptable site where you can adopt and breed dragons. Registration on FlightRising is open once a week each month. There are many fun things to do on FR including dressing up dragons, joining and competing in a flight, and participating in monthly events.
Basically stolen from the og thread.
Member list

notify either of us of username changes
To find a name, CTRL+ F
Twin - Cactis
Kitkat - Kitkatfirestar
Devil0356 - Devil0356
xCharizardx - ezridax
Nessy (Everyone) - MommaNessy
Ardyn - XVNoctisLucisXV
Kuroha - Yosaflame
FearlessDragonite - WarDawg
KlassBebeCaratVIP - ToppMonstaCarat
Atalina - Atalina
Four - Fourr
Meme - Frimp
Benji - Dover
Jek_porkins - Eeroye
Lola~Bunny - Sweetnightmares7
Furret - hexis
Liirah - liirah
Arcanitescholar - Akirashade
ErrorTheDragon - ErrorTheDragon
Kainbunny - Kainbunny
kinky - TheImmatureGuy
YutaTheTea - Yooterii
Akiruru - Akiruru
SpaceyAbsol - SpaceyAbsol
The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady - Marl1nde
Kurumi - Kurumi
Atavus - Atavus
Mafia - Mafiavamp
MaleAi - MaleAi
Valshi - Valistrasza
StrongFish91 - PhoeniXXTalon
Rascal - Finalize
Flytrap - RaylongShiny
Miir - TalonOcharria
-Naoto- - ZeroHym
Drama - Hellboy
Greili - Greili
Lucrecia - Solanine
LethalLulu - LethalLulu
~AnimeSenpai~ - SpiritWolfren
jdd5611 - jdd5611
-Khaleesi - poland0202
Cyanna - Cyanna
Piolla - SpaceOrchid
Bluefairy - Bluefairy
~Hetalia~ - HetaliaDragon
Kety - Kety
~Hanji_Zoe~ - Yellowbelt99
Seastar - Seaglassheart
Isabelle~Lightwood - IzzyLightwood
Atavan - Atavan
Argentis - Argentis
LeChatBox - LeChatBox
Lania - Essifox
Nexanda - Nexanda
Oratorio - Oratorio
Pikachutheboss - Skiadrum
Mallas - Sotku
Cat-rose - CatRose
Kagura333 - Kagura333
Muse - Cynclosa88
notify either of us of username changes
To find a name, CTRL+ F
Twin - Cactis
Kitkat - Kitkatfirestar
Devil0356 - Devil0356
xCharizardx - ezridax
Nessy (Everyone) - MommaNessy
Ardyn - XVNoctisLucisXV
Kuroha - Yosaflame
FearlessDragonite - WarDawg
KlassBebeCaratVIP - ToppMonstaCarat
Atalina - Atalina
Four - Fourr
Meme - Frimp
Benji - Dover
Jek_porkins - Eeroye
Lola~Bunny - Sweetnightmares7
Furret - hexis
Liirah - liirah
Arcanitescholar - Akirashade
ErrorTheDragon - ErrorTheDragon
Kainbunny - Kainbunny
kinky - TheImmatureGuy
YutaTheTea - Yooterii
Akiruru - Akiruru
SpaceyAbsol - SpaceyAbsol
The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady - Marl1nde
Kurumi - Kurumi
Atavus - Atavus
Mafia - Mafiavamp
MaleAi - MaleAi
Valshi - Valistrasza
StrongFish91 - PhoeniXXTalon
Rascal - Finalize
Flytrap - RaylongShiny
Miir - TalonOcharria
-Naoto- - ZeroHym
Drama - Hellboy
Greili - Greili
Lucrecia - Solanine
LethalLulu - LethalLulu
~AnimeSenpai~ - SpiritWolfren
jdd5611 - jdd5611
-Khaleesi - poland0202
Cyanna - Cyanna
Piolla - SpaceOrchid
Bluefairy - Bluefairy
~Hetalia~ - HetaliaDragon
Kety - Kety
~Hanji_Zoe~ - Yellowbelt99
Seastar - Seaglassheart
Isabelle~Lightwood - IzzyLightwood
Atavan - Atavan
Argentis - Argentis
LeChatBox - LeChatBox
Lania - Essifox
Nexanda - Nexanda
Oratorio - Oratorio
Pikachutheboss - Skiadrum
Mallas - Sotku
Cat-rose - CatRose
Kagura333 - Kagura333
Muse - Cynclosa88
Kotkat's formy form for when you wanna know how often I go on uwu

I'm a flightriser!
Username: Kitkat
FR Username:kitkatfirestar
[b]About how often do you get online?: On Ph: Everyday possible, on FR: usually around festivals and times I'm inspired to not let my dragons die
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Sidney!!
Which Flight do you like most and why?:Thunder bc bossdad rocks
Username: Kitkat
FR Username:kitkatfirestar
[b]About how often do you get online?: On Ph: Everyday possible, on FR: usually around festivals and times I'm inspired to not let my dragons die
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Sidney!!
Which Flight do you like most and why?:Thunder bc bossdad rocks
Username: Devil0356
FR Username: Devil0356
About how often do you get online?: Many times a day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Fire or Shadow just because of their nests (but I am in a water clan [for the eyes]).
Link is the image in the spoiler
FR Elements and Familiars
Username: Nessy
FR Username: MommaNessy
About how often do you get online?: Evenings mostly
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Shadow because PURPLE
FR Username:
About how often do you get online?:
Not very often OTL although I'm trying to become more active!!
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:
Uhhh I like most of my dragons the same?? But if I had to choose I'd go with Seisyl
Which Flight do you like most and why?:
I like Light and Arcane?? Their nests are really pretty, but I like my own flight (Ice) too because of the eyes!!
Username: Drama
FR Username: Hellboy
About how often do you get online?: Every day
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Charcoal
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Shadow because I've always been a "stealth" kinda girl and Shadow fit my aesthetic.
FR Username:WarDawg
About how often do you get online?:everyday
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: It was hard to chose but I chose Moonglow

Which Flight do you like most and why?:Ice, because it's quite fun in the hot summer

Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING
Username: Atalina
FR Username: Atalina
About how often do you get online?: Daily, usually many hours if I can get away with it.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: AGH I CAN'T CHOOSE (Yes I read the rules but I seriously can't choose)
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Right now, Nature, because I love the community I've found there.
Username: KlassBebeCaratVIP
[b]FR Username: ToppMonstaCarat
[b]About how often do you get online?: often
[b]What's your favorite dragon from your lair?:none I luv them all my lair
[b]Which Flight do you like most and why? For bc I have a burning passion

Park Hyung Sik #ZA:E #K-POP #I'M IN LOVE
Username: Four
FR Username: Fourr
About how often do you get online?: Like everyday. Most of the time. Every now and then I have a busy day. I'm usually on for a long time each day.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Oh I love all my dragons. But I'll go with Indominus (:

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Well, I'm in Plague, so Plague I guess. I really like the eye color, and the aesthetic of Plague.

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
PH Username: Hundemon
FR Username: Hundemon
About how often do you get online?: Daily
Who's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Dragon(s)
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Plague, and because I'm literally obsessed with plagues and zombies. I've studied them, I have stories and pets on many sites having to do with them, and I LOVE the way they look!

How might you know me?
|| Subeta: Dover || Flight Rising: Dover || Neopets: (Ask Me) || Dappervolk: Grunt ||
Username: Jek_Porkins
FR Username:Eeroye
About how often do you get online?: Every now and then when busy, consantly when not busy.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Acorn because black and purple look great together.
Which Flight do you like most and why?: Wind flight because I like wind and stuff.