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Companions for Life Sign-Up

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Companions for Life Sign-Up
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 23:45 (7 Years ago)
Dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, lizards. We love our pets. Who doesn't? We treat them like family, we care for them, we give them love and in return they give us companionship. They're wonderful animals, our pets. But what if there was a world where the owners didn't choose the pet...
The animal did.
You get a letter in the mail. It's addressed to you, not your parents or just your house number, but YOU. Full name and everything. You open it and It reads:

Hello! If you're reading this, you've been chosen for the School of Incredible Pets, or SIP. We're an outstanding school that's different from all the rest. Here you will have your normal classes, but will also have classes specifically on the Creatura. What are Creatura, you may ask. Simple. They're like pets, but so much more amazing and different! Here, you will learn about them, and one may even choose you as it's master. Care to join us? We'll be waiting.

You decide to go. But what you, and everyone else who accepted doesn't know, is something terrible is going on. Something that's killing the Creatura. One... by... one...

Basic Idea:
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Ok, so the basic idea is that a bunch of people go to the School and they get "chosen" by a Creatura. Creatura do NOT look like regular animals. Anything can make them different, from strange colors to strange features. And be creative when it comes to them! There can be mythical creatures, but please try to stay away from dragons and unicorns and pick some unknown one. And to clarify, when they first arrive, they do not have their Creatura yet. Please treat the Creatura as an actual character, I mean, they have a whole part of the form.

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-Normal PH rules apply!-
-Normal RP rules apply!-
-You can have as many characters as you like-
-Everyone has a Creatura. EVERYONE-
-Please read the notes on the unclean form, they are important-
-Use the clean form or I won't accept-
-Any questions? PP me!-

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Name: (First and last, middle optional)
Nickname: (Just the first name, or if you shorten it)
Age: (Keep it between 13 and 17 please)
Creatura Name:
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality:
Creatura Ability: (Yes, it's like a power. But do NOT be OP. You will be asked to leave)

Creatura Name:
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality:
Creatura Ability:

My forms:
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Name: Sydney Vivillia Joine
Nickname: Sydney
Age: 14
Appearance: Dark brown hair cut short in a boyish style, pale blue eyes and a few freckles. She commonly wears jeans and t-shirts, though occasionally a pale blue hoodie.
Personality: She's friendly mostly, with a welcoming vibe. She tends not to judge people on first impressions, and instead tries to get to know them, but if there's someone she really doesn't like, she almost completely ignores their presence.
Creatura Name: Alia
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality: Alia is timid and easily frightened. Because of this, she has been rejected many times. She's a gentle pacifist, very loyal to her owner, and even a little curious. However, she tends to keep questions to herself in fear of being called a nasty name.
Creatura Ability: Her breath can speed up the growth of plants, which she can control, and by connection, can help speed up the process of healing, but not by much.

Name: Zizzia Frost
Nickname: Zia
Age: 17
Appearance: Black curls a little past the shoulder, hazel eyes with hints of a bunch of other colors in them. She's got pale skin, and is tall and lean, weighing just over 100 pounds. She wears dark clothes, an has a silver chain necklace around her neck, the end always hidden under her shirt.
Personality: She's a little quiet, and off-putting by the way she seems to study people like she know everything about them. She's clever, and cunning, always standing up to jerks. She absolutely hates bullies.
Creatura Name: Nix
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality: Nix is a thoughtful creature, a little quiet, but always willing to spring into a fight if it is to protect her owner.
Creatura Ability: Nix can control shadows, but only for short periods of time.

Name: Brooklyn Ajax
Nickname: Lyn
Age: 16
Appearance: Red hair and pale gold eyes, she's smaller in frame, but still manages to be intimidating. She always wears her purple hoodie and matching sneakers.
Personality: She's a little dismissive and unfriendly, but once you get past her rough exterior, she's a little sweet and amazingly loyal.
Creatura Name: Cae
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality: Cae is sweet and a total darling, with a friendly attitude towards most others. When Lyn is quiet, she speaks for her.
Creatura Ability: Telekinesis, but only for short bursts.

Name: Izerin Nemi
Nickname: Izzy
Age: 15
Appearance: His hair is cut a little longer than normal, letting his black curls hang down a little. His eyes a beautiful blue-green, and he blushes a lot. He wears a slightly big dark blue sweater over t-shirts and jeans.
Personality: He's sweet, if a little quiet. He is normally anxious talking around some people, so you know he likes you if he'll talk to you. He also gets flustered kind of easily, and is a bit clumsy.
Creatura Name: Rune
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality: She's very in-tune with others emotions, and is often a peace-marker, breaking up fights. She talks for Izzy sometimes.
Creatura Ability: Rune can use a bit of magic
Other: Gay. Has a small crush on Oli.

Name: Galaxy Malia Junia
Nickname: Galaxy
Age: 17
Appearance: Dark hair that's black at her roots and turns chocolatey brown at her tips. She has strange mismatched eyes, one dead black, the other a weird dark red. She has pale skin, and her nails are usually painted some deep color, like royal blue or deep purple. She wears leggings and t-shirts, never bothering to wear more, and is quite tall and lean.
Personality: Her personality changes like the wind. One moment she'll be relatively friendly and nice, the next she'll be cold and unresponsive. She's a thinker and very bright, but hates stuck-up people or jerks. She always likes a curious person, and often takes a liking to the people who ask questions. However, shy people she also likes, and usually tries talking to them to get them to come out of their shells. Galaxy's also really hyper, and some part of her always has to be moving, like her finger tapping. She also talks a lot, some to herself.
Creatura Name: Cosmo (Galaxy calls her Cossy)
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality: Cosmo is always curious and fearless, with stubborn tendencies but good intentions. She's really quite sweet, but tends to rush into things, which counters her owners over-thinking problem. The star floating around her changes colors with her mood.
Creatura Ability: She can create illusions, so powerful sometimes she can create the illusion of pain or strong emotions. She rarely ever uses her power, but is well-trained with it.
-Galaxy's bisexual
-Galaxy has lived in the school most of her life, and knows tons about Creatura
-Cosmo has been Galaxy's companion for almost 10 years, and they share a strong connection mentally that almost seems to allow them to sense one another's emotions.

Name: Valor Thorn Hevrin
Nickname: Valor
Age: 17
Appearance: Tall and slender, but very strong, with hair dyed in waves of teal and aqua. She has pretty dark brown eyes and pale skin, and almost always wears her hair in a braid or ponytail. When she doesn't, she's normally not thinking, and relaxing instead. Valor tends to be very casual, wearing leggings, t-shirts, a hoodie, and the occasional jeans and long-sleeve shirts but not often.
Personality: Mostly friendly and easy-going, Valor is an easy person to like. She's smart, a little funny, and doesn't always take things completely seriously. However, mess with Galaxy or bully someone? She's not afraid to stand up to jerks, and has zero tolerance for it. Other than that, she's a rock climber and slightly clumsy, but enjoys reading and is constantly thinking.
Creatura Name: Cress
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality: Cress is quiet and prefers to be only with her companion. She likes Cosmo, but other than that, can be slightly hostile towards others. She's very protective of her bandana, as it was given to her by Valor when they first met.
Creatura Ability: Cress seems to be able to tell the near future, and navigate the memories of others easily, but she only uses her powers on Valor's command.
-Valor is bisexual
-Valor has problems with her hearing, and sometimes she hears loud ringing that causes her to lose focus and become a little more quick-tempered.
-Valor has been with Cress for almost 10 years at the school, and has known Galaxy and Cosmo for just about that long.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:05 (7 Years ago)
Name:Richard Jackson
Nickname: Ricky
Age: 17
Appearance: Tall, thin, and pale white. He usually wears a Victorian era tuxedo. He has black hair that goes down to his neck and is neatly combed.
Personality: He is usually calm and collected aiming to be polite to everyone. That being said he often over predicts things and makes mistakes causing him to panic slightly. He harbors a deep grudge and nasty personality he is trying to keep in control.
Creatura Name: Leonidas
Creatura Appearance: A thin black skeleton that is eight feet tall. It is covered in a thin layer of ice.
Creatura Personality: The biggest jerk ever insulting everyone and anyone he wants to.
Creatura Ability: An ice creature, that can become an ice and fire creature should Ricky allow it.
Other: Leonidas and Ricky met before where they saved each other. Ricky thought it was end when they parted, but he soon learned it was not.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:08 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! Keep the power at a reasonable level, however.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 636
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:10 (7 Years ago)
Name: Viata Moartea
Nickname: Via
Personality: shy, but will fight if unjustice occurs
Creatura Name: Maglica
Creatura Appearance: except black with some golden and white feathers to look stunning
Creatura Personality: Like those totally popular girls in highschool who speak like "Yeah What evs"
Creatura Ability: can give a "boost" to allies if in a fight <gives bravery :P>
Other: potatoes
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:23 (7 Years ago)
Accepted, Lapis! Advertise please!
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:48 (7 Years ago)
Name: Bella Pellington
Nickname: Bell
Age: 13
Appearance: She has long red hair, chestnut eyes, and she wears a pink T-shirt, blue jeans, and red sneakers.
Personality: She's really kind most of the time, but when someone threatens her friends, she defends them with some aggressiveness.
Creatura name: Fang
Creatura appearance: He's a mini Basilisk that's emerald green, the size of a Corgi, and has citrine orange eyes.
Creatura personality: He's nice and optimistic, but can be sneaky and a bit creepy at times.
Creatura power: He bites his opponents in battles, sometimes poisoning them.
Other: Nothing
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:49 (7 Years ago)
Orion Stellae
Ori (dont call him that)
drawing yo
Hard to approach and be friends with. Corvus is cold to people who try to be friends with him but gets warmer overtime towards anyone who kept trying to be friends with him. He's normally smart and is willing to help his friends with study. He gets along with his Creatura quite well, too well people might say.
Creatura Name:
Creatura Appearance:
A raven with blue eyes and the normal height of a raven.
Creatura Personality:
Smart, cunning, and also tricky. He is almost the complete opposite to Orion yet somewhat similar. He finds himself and Orion to be on a higher level above others and is almost like a shield for Orion. He's quite mysterious really.
Creatura Ability:
Able to read minds but will get a headache if doing it too long. (above 1 minute will be his limit. after that he'll get a headache.) He can also speak human language
- Both are known to be the most unapproachable in school
- Corvus often perches on Orion's shoulder
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 00:58 (7 Years ago)
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Oliver Carson Hymun
Oliver has bright blue eyes and curly red hair to his mid-neck. His face is covered in freckles, and he has a quite feminine facial structure. He is short and thin, standing at 4'3" and weighing 92 lbs. He has really thin limbs, and any average person could wrap their hand around his arm or lower leg. His upper leg is a bit thicker, but not by much. His body is covered in little freckles, not just his face. His nails are almost always painted a light pink or pastel purple. His ears are pierced, and he has two piercings on each ear. A silver stud and a pink flowers as earrings. He usually wears casual sundresses and sweaters, and loves to wear pink. He wears knee high socks or leggings with most outfits, along with flats or converse.He is stuck with horrible eyesight, meaning he needs glasses. He has wide rimmed, circular glasses, and he loves them. Going against his usual "feminine" look, he has a septum piercing. This was obviously not his idea or plan, though. Let's just say, his best friend wanted to be a piercing and tattoo artist. He's lucky they didn't give him a tattoo.
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!! He's a clumsy dork, and usually has bandaids and such all over.
Creatura Name:
Tamara Rellia
Creatura Appearance:
Tamara is a white cat, about the size of a horse. She has a long tail, about 4 foot, and wings. Her wings are wide in span, and the feathers are a blue. Well, at the top of the wing, it is white, and it slowly fades to a blue color. She has claws, which are white and black striped. She has piercing yellow eyes, and her teeth are quite sharp. She wears a few golden rings around her ankles, and wear three on her neck. She has a scar stretching from her shoulder to her lower chest, due to an... Accident.
Creatura Personality:
Sweet. She's a kind cat, with a very warm and bright personality. She is pretty intimidating when you first meet her, but as you get to know her, she becomes a sweetie pie! She rarely gets angry, but when she does... Oh boy. Hold on. She bursts out into heavy vents with those she trusts, and usually ends up crying during her intense venting.
Creatura Ability: She can fly, and carry people. That's about it!!
-Oliver is super gay
-French accent
-He deserves happiness

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Harper Alex Evans
Harper has short blonde hair, reaching their shoulders. Their eyes are brown, and they have a small scar running from their ear to mid-cheek. They are 5'6" and weigh 105 lbs. They are much bigger than Oliver, but maintain an average weight. They have really sharp nails, but never keep them painted. They do occasional makeup in themselves, but that's on their feminine days. They usually wear jeans and a graphic shirt, with converse and a beanie. On feminine days they wear skirts or the occasional sundress. When they do feel feminine, Oliver always loves to fix them up. They secretly love when he does so.
Always ready to listen to the worries and problems of others and spare no effort when they are asked for help. With empathy and understanding, they can sense what other people need. They are always willing to highly regard the strong points of the other person and to excuse that person’s weaknesses. They open and communicative, easily integrating yourself into group hierarchies. The "parent" friend
Creatura Name:
Jamai Drean
Creatura Appearance:

Creatura Personality:
Creatura Ability:
Singing people to sleep
-Loves Oli
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 01:09 (7 Years ago)
Geez. All accepted! Currently working on my forms! Please advertise, and as soon as I finish, I'll make the RP. (This might occur tomorrow)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 318
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 01:23 (7 Years ago)
Name: Nyx Somun
Nickname: Nxy
Age: 15
Appearance: Boop
Personality: She is a shy yet kind girl that is willing to help everyone out.When her mind is set on something she sticks with it.
Creatura Name: Magi
Creatura Appearance: Magi is a creature based off of the Wendigo folklore.She has a human based apearence but her eyes are red and you can count every single one of her ribs.She wears a black hoodie,black skinny jeans,and black converse.The only odd part about her is her eyes and the horns on her head.
Creatura Personality: She is insane and cold to everyone but Nyx.She eventually warms up to her.She also loves to bite Nyx and takes chunks off of her.
Creatura Ability: She has a boost to her speed thanks to the amount of human flesh she has consumed.
-Magi is a cannibal.
-Magi does NOT like to share Nyx.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 02:00 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! I'll make the RP tomorrow!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 03:40 (7 Years ago)
October Blaze
Hallows (based off of halloween. doesn't like being called that)
Silent and usually doesn't have enough time to communicate after filling his whole life with just study. When he takes a break though, he's quite kind to people and is willing to help them with whatever. He'll become social when he's not studying.
Creatura Name:
Creatura Appearance:
Creatura Personality:
Shiro is silent and usually stays out of the drama, wishing to be left alone from trouble. He has a strong sense of justice beneath his mask and would fight for what he knows is right. He isn't really kind nor he is rude but he is just somewhat normal. He usually communicates with October.
Creatura Ability:
Is able to jump high. How he lands can leave a devastating hole on the ground or a soft landing.
- Shiro often just walks beside October or lets October get on his back.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 10:30 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! I'll have to make the RP after school.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 18:38 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Alexi Rosario
Nickname: Al, Lex
Age: 15

Personality: Alexi is Italian, so he gets Italian and English mixed up ALOT. He's vey kind though, and Minnette calls him her "kit" because he's very cat like and inquisitive. He loves hugs, and is a bit of a flirt. He has a tiny tatto of a paw on his left shoulder which he keeps covered. He's also.... odd. He makes up fantasy worlds in his head and talks to himself in Italian a lot.

Creatura Name: Minnette Aliora
Creatura Appearance: Minnette is a red cat with brown and white stripes. She has a large pink horn in the middle of her forehead and is about the size of a cow.
Creatura Personality: Minnette is a vey soothing individual. She calms everyone, and is quite motherly. She sees Alexi as her son.
Creatura Ability: Soothing aura and small spells caster via her horn.
- Alexi is the BEST BI
- Love him please

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 13/03/2017 20:01 (7 Years ago)


Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2017 17:54 (7 Years ago)
Name: Kevin Smith
Nickname: Alexander Cromwell
Age: 17
Appearance: A male of average height, white with brown hair, and brown eyes. He is of average weight. At every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday he dons on sneakers, tan khakis, a black t-shirt, and a lab coat. On every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday he wears running shoes, black khakis, a white t-shirt, and his second lab coat which is longer than the first. On Sunday he wears dress shoes, black khakis, a button up long sleeve white shirt, a lab coat, and a black tie.
Personality: He is smart, but many can miss it as he often goes on some rant making people view him as a nut case. He dreams of ruling the world.
Creatura Name: Xero
Creatura Appearance: A two foot tall metal monster with red rubies for eyes.
Creatura Personality: About as much personality as a rock (which is to say none.)
Creatura Ability: It can summon metals, but only a pound at a time every hour.
Other: He is constantly experimenting on things.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2017 18:00 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 18/03/2017 01:18 (7 Years ago)
Name: Jake Oolan (Oo-Lawn)
Nickname: Jake
Age: 16
Appearance: Average size, average weight, white, brown hair, brown eyes. Normal clothes. So average he is considered invisible.
Personality: Depressed and angry, but he can be happy. He also wants revenge and is quick to pass blame to others.
Creatura Name: Emperius
Creatura Appearance: A suit of armor that is black.
Creatura Personality: The same as its user.
Creatura Ability: Emperius changes form to match the situation.
Other: Emperius lives off strong desires. If one is conflicted, it will become the standard black armor.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 18/03/2017 01:21 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 21/03/2017 02:09 (7 Years ago)
Name: Lola Ponce
Nickname: Lydia (She wanted to sound more American)
Age: 16
Appearance: A slim female with an orange and yellow skirt, red leggings, a red shirt, a purple jack, and purple shoes. She is from France. Her eyes are blue and she has yellow and red hair. (The red is dyed)
Personality: Happy, naive, far to trusting, and likes to cheer people up whenever she can.
Creatura Name: Toy Maker
Creatura Appearance: A small old man with point ears, two tails, and blue skin. He wears orange baggy clothes.
Creatura Personality: Calm and stubborn always building toys.
Creatura Ability: The toys he make can come to life.
Other: *Toy Maker likes getting flowers for people.
*Lydia's parent's joke that she has a black hole for a stomach. Lydia can eat six pounds in a day and she never seems to gain weight.

Name: Mathew Graves
Nickname: Matt
Age: 17
Appearance: A slim young man, who wears black from head to toe with mixtures of dark blue. His hair is black and his eyes are brown. He wears a black top hat with a blue band around it, and he carries a sword at his hip.
Personality: Calm, collected, and intelligent. He studies military tactics and works on his charisma. He also likes to prepare for the future. Hew hates being surprised and is often frustrated when things don't go to plan.
Creatura Name: Crystal
Creatura Appearance: A small girl at five foot three, who wears black shoes, black pants, and a long sleeved blue shirt. She has blonde hair with mixes of black dyed in.
Creatura Personality: Quiet, calm, and calculating. She loves listening to stories and often will marvel at all the dresses and outfits at stores.
Creatura Ability: As an AI she has the entire internet in her head and she remove body parts and replace them with weapons (Example: replacing her left arm with a flame thrower)
Other: *Matt aims to be the best general in the world
*Matt is not from this world
*Matt might be falling in love with Crystal