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Dream World

Gabe's Gifts

[View Gabe's Plushie Collection]

Jackal U noob 7 Years ago
Bevis Karp! 8 Years ago
Bevis Karp! 8 Years ago
Bevis Karp! 8 Years ago
Bevis Karp! 8 Years ago
Bevis Karp! 8 Years ago
Bevis Karp! 8 Years ago
Amuu I'm not a cutie. You and this is though <'33 8 Years ago
Lovino_Vargas 8 Years ago
Lovino_Vargas 8 Years ago
Lovino_Vargas Just sending you plushies that you're missing from the collection~ 8 Years ago
Evelyn You're back! :D

8 Years ago
yuumi :3c ti amu 8 Years ago
Godfred <3 8 Years ago
Fahad_Ali Hey bro,
Hope you will be in best of your health,
IDEk what happened to you and I just got to know that you are feeling very down,
You know what,
Life is limited,you must have to enjoy it to its fullest,Cheer up bro,I want to see the cheerful ,happy and silly Gabe again,I wish that you have lots of happiness and success in your life,
8 Years ago
enderknux Hello, I'm sending you this because I hope you have an amazing day. Never let anyone get down. If it's rainy, know the sun will shine through, and maybe make a rainbow! Hope your day is a grand one, that'll make you smile. <3 8 Years ago
Rhythm Okay, you got these super-cute messages, now it's one from me so don't expect this again. Wake up, Gabe. Don't be SO selfish. Yeah, there are people who ignore you, people who don't like you. But there are those people who do care and want you back.
Don’t you care about them? Okay. But if Lighty is here, why would you leave? Oh, because people here are “unfriendly” and she is someone you can ignore, right? Come on.
8 Years ago
Toucan It may not be much. But I care for everyone else feels. Sometime you get off felling about things, so have I. Don't worry! we have a army to back you up. 8 Years ago
Mari I saw the hashtag just now :'3
Happy that you're feeling better, even if we don't talk much, you seem like a really good person and a great friend /o/
and I want a hug, if i can still get one xD

or hug this plushie instead *throws espeon plush at you*
8 Years ago
Mewgone Feel better, no need for a sweater! (Wait what the hell) I MEANT to say Huggle this to death and feel good. ;) 8 Years ago
Marikot TOU ATRASADA MAS TOU AQUI. Mas sério, se precisar de alguém pra conversar só dar um toque. Sei bem o que vc tá passando, lido com isso faz mais de 10 anos. :'D Tem dians bons, dias ruins e dias que vc não quer nem sair da cama, mas o que importa é continuar tentando. Então arregaça a manga e dá um murro bem na cara da tristeza. >:3 8 Years ago
Nighty I'm sure that now you know that others care about you. You are important, every single person is important. There are no useless people on this world, nothing is useless if you will look at it from other point of view. To be certain only thing that is useless in the word "useless".
Sorry for long message, take care!
8 Years ago
Nighty I know quite well feeling we are talking about, that's one of the reasons why I never wanted to play online games, I just felt like no one wants/needs me there. But PH and amazing people here change a way I look at the world (that was the first site like this for me). 8 Years ago
Nighty I think that this cute Shuckle represent everything quite well. If you know people's opinion about him then you know what I'm talking about. But honestly this little guy saved me many times (and now I want him to save you). If people would like to acknowledge him only then they would find out his true potential. 8 Years ago
yuumi Agente nem fala muito mais eu te adoro <3 Eu sei que minhas palavras não são nada comparadas a todas as outras que você recebeu mais eu não sou muito boa com textos :'D Nem sei se vai enviar com a mensagem inteira. Mais eu queria que você soubesse que eu te adoro muito como todos os meus amigos, e palavras não explicam o quanto eu adoro vcs <3 ;o; 8 Years ago
yuumi Oh Gabe eu acabei de ver aquela hashtag que a Luna fez ;;o;

Eu sei que tem umonte de gente que não gosta de você e talvez isso te faça sentir triste :<
Aye mais não liga pra eles, viu quanta gente gosta de tu? uwu Principalente eu, eu acho vc uma pessoa muito doce e divertida ;
8 Years ago
Nouvelle So, you know, I'm always here for everything and
I like to think of you as a good new friend and I hope you have the same attitude towards me ^^ So keep being happy and the most wonderful person you can be! Anything, Everything, I'm here! and I liked your voice xD
Sorry about all the karps but the text didn't fit in only one plushie and I don't have much dp .-. xD
8 Years ago
Nouvelle I personally been there done that and learned a lot, especially choosing the words I want to listen and to keep with me and the ones that I don't care. I know it's hard (it keeps you up all night, crying or simply starring at a cloudy sky or a starry night) but one day you're going to look at all the things that happen and you'll only focus on the best and all that you learned from everyone.
8 Years ago
Nouvelle I am a few minutes late but I just want to say that you do have friends and people who really admire you and love you for who you are! And for the other ones who look down on you or are fake/hater/wtv (and I once said the same thing to Luna) a big f*** you to them! Focus on the good things in life and try not to care about things/people that don't really matter. 8 Years ago
Bevis I'm so glad you are feeling better :3

Have a 'Whale' of a time! (See what I did there? ;))
8 Years ago
Jacharias Whenever you feel down, just look at this 'Karp.. it doesn't have a care to the the world.. but, if it evolves the world must watch out for it. Lol. Cheer up! Problems may leave.. but, don't let your happiness get away from you though. :) 8 Years ago
Tarra Ofc I'm going to get one for you too, you awesome man ;w; #ICare <3 8 Years ago
*-Al0la-* sorry not enough DP...anyways, #iCare 8 Years ago
Dragonstars I heard from others. don't think we've ever spoken, but I've felt like that too in the past. people who don't care aren't the only people out there. keep your chin up. people out there love you. 8 Years ago
Fujiwa A lot of members here don’t even know you, but still care about you. We all love you and value you in some way! So cheer up, and keep your spirits high! 8 Years ago
Fujiwa Even though I know nothing about you, I still care about you. Everyone has a purpose in life and there are no exceptions to that. Here's something you can do: get a container and when something happens that makes you feel important or happy or if anything good happens, write it down on some paper and put it into the container. That way, if you ever feel like this again, you can reflect on the good times and know that if you weren't here, those good things would never have happened! 8 Years ago
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen I care.~ I'm not very good at conversing, but if you ever wanna talk, I'll be here. =3 8 Years ago
Acalm In case of emergency, hug this. =) 8 Years ago
Dokku Hello im Markus the Phanpy and i really like you and im dont like to see any of my friends sad

*bro hugh*

I really care about you and i dont have anything against you.

So i cant imagine PH without you.

So may the Phanpy be lucky plushie to bring you back to us.
8 Years ago
Mihnea So, you leaved PH? Why? So many people leaved PH so I don't want to stay in your house without playing this game. I hope you will be back soon. Take care! 8 Years ago
Vamperior hi 8 Years ago
xXx~SwagMeowth~xXx Ayyyyy dude, so, I heard you were having a hard time, with, things, and I just wanted to say, It'll all get better, I was once in the same position, come back! 8 Years ago
Swirlix I hope you feel better soon! 8 Years ago
Tune 'sup Gabe? I've heard you been down. I agree with many other peeps on here, you are nice and we all like you. Don't ever feel like you're not enough!
Also, I still have the Relicanth you gave me, he's still super adorable and I always think of how nice you were to gift him to me. There's Definitely no way I could forget a nice person like you :D
8 Years ago
Filip Shh, nu being sad. .w. 8 Years ago
Luciana Let this litte guy cheer you up :) 8 Years ago
Don't come down...and Mark my Words :).
8 Years ago
megamegashinka Gabe, just stay here.
You made me stand here, remember?
Do not you dare go out, you are still my friend, right? So you should talk about these things with me.
Amo vc amigo do cabelo lindo *-*
8 Years ago
Bokuto I truly care and there are many more as you can see. You are good as you are, I'm still happy about your present. <3 So I hope you come back soon ^o^ 8 Years ago
Error_404 One day i said to a friend that for me he was perfect, and he answered that he has more default than quality, so i answered ;

" You said you are more default than quality ? This is why i found you are perfect. "

We don't know each other, but i want to help everyone who seem to be a cute/cool user. People like you the way you are. If not, then, they are missing a good friend, not you.
8 Years ago
Cystal Everyone obviously cares about u don't ever doubt yourself. It gets you no where keep your head on positive side of things and don't look to the darkness. 8 Years ago
Naoya You are an important person, lots of people care about you. Even if you don't know it. 8 Years ago
power-of-waffle Everyone's been there, but people do care 8 Years ago
Dude Ofcourse i care :) *hugs* And i do it with all the other wonderful people around you ^^ 8 Years ago
Deez_Nuts #iCare 8 Years ago
Furret I know we have had our differences in the past, but, I care o/ You're great and you shouldn't feel bad about yourself! 8 Years ago
Tlilkuautli I care ^^ 8 Years ago
Nyaheat Thanks for existing. <3 8 Years ago
Nyaheat Gabe,
you do know you mean a lot to me, right? Well.. maybe not? But now you do. Don't feel down, my little friend, i'm always here whenever you need me. I'm always here for you and everyone else, and I care a lot about you. I honestly didn't know what was going on until Luna's recent feed. Don't be sad, be happy. Be happy about how many people likes you and thinks you are a great person for them - including me.
8 Years ago
TheHowlingWolf22 Don't be sad D: 8 Years ago
