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Trainerlevel: 11

Trainerpoints: 206/373


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Anniversary Cupcake)
431,378 / 7,096
Cyndaquil (Retro)31979 / 2,727
Aron26141 / 2,634


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Newest gifts
Kimie 3 Years ago
Taavi 3 Years ago
Taavi 3 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


wontonnuke hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #28089298
Registration: 06/01/2021 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 8:48 Hours
Total interactions: 14,267
Money: 22,720
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


how do i find things in quest?
3 Years ago
What is a shiny chain?
3 Years ago
how do i get gems?
3 Years ago
What is the best way to get money?
3 Years ago
What is the currency give that I keep on getting from interactions?
3 Years ago
How do I get event tokens?
3 Years ago
what does it mean to be gifted a pokemon
3 Years ago
how the frick do i level up my trainer level
3 Years ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (4 Months ago)

Last Visitors

andytoroTue, 23/Mar/2021, 04:30
partizanovacThu, 18/Mar/2021, 19:25
BryanLionSat, 13/Mar/2021, 06:46
darkvenomFri, 12/Mar/2021, 23:43
~Ace223~Thu, 11/Mar/2021, 18:52