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Trainerlevel: 8

Trainerpoints: 156/199


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gyarados177100,585 / 118,149
Stoutland18915,390 / 123,693
Cleffa18230,861 / 79,935
Shiinotic967,762 / 27,937
Chingling22133,872 / 117,750
Amoonguss19633,580 / 115,837


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Newest gifts
Grolbar 7 Years ago
ellen1987 7 Years ago
warioware 7 Years ago
Daemone 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


thegreat hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #568932005
Registration: 16/07/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 25:22 Hours
Total interactions: 1,735
Money: 2,034
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Who 7 will give a plushie to $Lugiatrainer$ will get 1k (but a plushie he don't have) :D
8 Years ago
By Professor_Mac - 5 Minutes and 18 Seconds ago.
Hi, guys! As you know I am trying to win the medal rally..
So, please feed this a berry..
It ends when the medal rally ends..
If I get gold, the prizes are:

1. Articuno
2. Moltres

Feeding it a berry gives you 1 ticket
Sharing this gives you 1 ticket
Interacting as guest gives you 1 ticket
Sending me rare candies give you tickets. 1 rare candy = 1 ticket
8 Years ago
Hi, guys! As you know I am trying to win the medal rally..
So, please feed this a berry..
It ends when the medal rally ends..
If I get gold, the prizes are:

1. Articuno
2. Moltres

Feeding it a berry gives you 1 ticket
Sharing this gives you 1 ticket
Interacting as guest gives you 1 ticket
Sending me rare candies give you tickets. 1 rare candy = 1 ticket
8 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

HjonkGhostTrashPandaTue, 23/Oct/2018, 04:57
~Red~Sun, 01/Apr/2018, 16:44
$Lost_Legends$Sun, 17/Sep/2017, 11:31
James4Sat, 01/Jul/2017, 12:24
BokutoWed, 21/Jun/2017, 18:07