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Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 19/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Larvesta2831 / 3,046
Volbeat352,560 / 3,982
Masquerain513,942 / 7,957


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Newest gifts
piror 8 Years ago
Reivilox 8 Years ago
The_Batman 8 Years ago
Jackal 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


teken hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #181274361
Registration: 11/09/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 11:30 Hours
Total interactions: 3,387
Money: 65,877
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


please help me to hatch my eggs, i have more in daycare
8 Years ago
please help me to hatch eggs i have more in daycare
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

yeyeWed, 09/Dec/2015, 15:18
Professor_ElmSun, 06/Dec/2015, 10:20
KinandraThu, 19/Nov/2015, 00:09
Hikari2Sun, 15/Nov/2015, 23:12
stormer90000Fri, 06/Nov/2015, 16:52