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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 6/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
16479,689 / 101,476
14272,390 / 76,149
1372,350 / 56,719
14152,681 / 75,084
Typhlosion15917,091 / 86,901
14027,222 / 74,026

About Me

Looking for a messenger flecthling !
Pal Pad me or send PM if u wanna sell !


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Tounicoon 8 Years ago
Samaia 8 Years ago
Tuna 8 Years ago
KarnevalGhoul 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


shiny_dialka hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #356900303
Registration: 03/02/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 24:37 Hours
Total interactions: 4,070
Money: 50,477
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


need male easter buneary
8 Years ago
Need a Griseous Orb , Palpad me if selling
8 Years ago
Hi Guys , Im back after a long time to pokeheroes.
Did i miss anything special ?
8 Years ago
Need a female shelcasso
8 Years ago
Buying star pieces , pm me if selling
8 Years ago
Hi every1 , Pls go to userlist and type Srishtirockstar and interact her . And add her to friend list cause she is my sis ( newly joined ) . Pls add her !!! :-)
8 Years ago
Buying star pieces for 6000 pd or more than it . Plapad me if sellling
8 Years ago
Who plays Pokmeon Vortex here , palpad me snd private message. Or even comment
8 Years ago
looking for a griceous orb
8 Years ago
Lookin for a female van bagon
8 Years ago
Need a female van bagon
Palpad me or send private messages if trading or selling
8 Years ago
Who has ditto
8 Years ago
Who want a cyndaquil retro , easter buneary , snowling , phione , sentret retro , baneetenstein
8 Years ago
Have : 2 Electric Gem
1 Fighting Gem
1 Fire Gem
2 Grass Gem
1 Ground Gem
1 Ice Gem
1 Normal Gem
1 Steel Gem
1 Green mystery key

Pm me if wanted
8 Years ago
Pls interact my team , will return with berries
8 Years ago
Need 5 star pieces , palpad me or send private message
8 Years ago
Pls interact my lugia and eggs pls
8 Years ago
does any1 know where is accessory tool for beauty contest
8 Years ago
pls interact my team
8 Years ago
wanna battle
8 Years ago



Last Action
Reading the news (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

apache_885Wed, 02/Nov/2022, 19:55
MegaabsolMon, 04/Jul/2022, 18:07
O_opsFri, 11/Feb/2022, 06:11
lordcazzWed, 05/Jan/2022, 13:40
rinrellTue, 14/Dec/2021, 13:44