how u give friendship to ur pokemons

im back and im making bideos for youtube and stuff and i am almost
done with the victiny thingy and plz help me with my eggs and

Im so Lucky every time i grabe And egg from the lab And i feel i
have to And the ratity isint disco verde yet i just gran it And
when i Check its hard or rare well last time i got one egg And it
was hard And now i just got a diré rare egg And the ratity didint
show And i cant wait what it Will be

Im going to try to get the asían week egg

Wow i got a box And key color Brown at the same time at rumble

I got a coper found it looked like a coin what is That for?

Yey i got a green mystery key final y i wonder what ill get when
ónix comes black with the key from rumbling

Iv found a yamas an ghost hard egg That has lasted5 minutos at the
lab i cant Belice no1 too it but me

Does the wide lens actualy help u get eggs at the daycare or it
just scans them?

Im shiny hunting does it count at the tall gras even tho ur not
using the pokeradr

OMG rumble área is giving me so much green mystery And not a key i
got 3 green mystery boxes

I cant i need at least 50 or more sorry cant

Lol after all it was ónix And Also i can go On nacient cave how do
i go look for the victniys

I gating alto of hard And rare pokemons forma the lab

i got a rare rock typoe pokemon i think its going to be a onix and
also i got a hard type pokemon but i forgot what type plz help me
hatch my eggs

whats the fastest way of getting money?

how do u go shiny hunting

i feel i got a mew because i got physic type unknow pokemon and it
is 10,455 points to hatch i woder what it is i hope its a mew

Yey im so happy, im got my first water type rare pokemon And ti
turned out to be phione And its so cool