You push the pink key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
You push the pink key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Dragon Gem found!

when i open a box, do you automatically get a report of what's
inside it from my feed or do you post it so we can see it?

are rare candies worth a dragon gem or what's the equivalent of a
dragon gem ?

i have rhyhorn free to go male or female, ask me and youll have it
with your name on GTS

please help my pokemon get out of their egg =)

going for a mega able ryhorn, have a question tho : can we get a
shiny out of 2 regular pokemon? probably hein?

finally got a male axew... YAY!

I'd like to know from you all, which is the coolest castform
evolution (feeling)

how come all the axew i breed are female...

trecko going out free in auction house if some peeps want one.

im breeding some tecko and axew until i have special powered one
(megaable) please help me hatch hem and ill surely clear my
clicklist every day.

I don't know if many people send random plushies and what they do,
those plushies, but that's kind of funny to recieve ahaha

ahahah didnt take too long i got a mega able bagon YEEAHHHH!!!!!

please help me get my egg to hatch and ill give you the bagon that
is inside for a pokemon you dont care about =) juste to swap my inv
to not let them get into the wild =)

can i get megaable out of regular pokemons in daycare? (cause i'm
willlin to put in my 2 salamence)

is it long to make eevee evolve into umbreon in this game? (or

man! someone picked the easy egg no one really wants and after that
that, i clicked on the next one and it was a hard one with 10k
point to get before hatching... help me =)

I just let my nuzleaf evolve, I think he was waiting for it while
he had the stone on him ahahah well now... shiftry, just realized,
we don't see a lot of hem on this game.

I'd also like to know how the honey tree works, if someone could do
that it would be appreciated