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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 356/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
9913,398 / 32,757
Flabébé (Yellow)9196 / 271
Vespiquen24474 / 1,527
Wynaut950 / 271


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Newest gifts
Skellart 2 Days ago
absoul_74 3 Days ago
Piplupfan6828 3 Days ago
-carter- 3 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Game Records

Trainer ID: #631917565
Registration: 11/09/2024 (7 Days ago)
Game Time: 15:16 Hours
Total interactions: 45,888
Money: 298,423
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Ah, I am starting to reach the point in my life where I feel old, yowza do I not care for it. XD
3 Days ago

About Me I suppose

This is going to stay fairly basic for now(now being the operative word). I am an almost 30 year old, part of the alphabet squad and need to relearn how to code the next time I hyper fixate to make my profile no look like poots. All art on my profile is done by me~

Fave pokemon are Tyrunt and Lugia, precious bebes that they are. ♥

I post sketches over here.

Last Visitors

FrostyyYesterday, 15:09
soloniumYesterday, 09:22
MeepTheMareep02Tue, 17/Sep/2024, 12:01
CelestiaCatTue, 17/Sep/2024, 09:49
KoishiMon, 16/Sep/2024, 12:22