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Poison Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 3

Trainerpoints: 4/29


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Samurott424,707 / 5,328


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arobeqsue 9 Months ago
bstarrb 9 Months ago

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nexann hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #534767201
Registration: 16/12/2023 (9 Months ago)
Game Time: 0:09 Hours
Total interactions: 0
Money: 2,800
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Pokémon decks and Pokémon Fusion represent the evolution of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, offering trainers new ways to strategize, surprise, and enjoy the thrill of battle. Whether you're a seasoned TCG veteran or a newcomer to the Pokémon world, the dynamic interplay of traditional deck building and Fusion adds a fresh and exciting layer to the Pokémon TCG experience. As the Pokémon universe continues to expand, so too do the possibilities for innovative strategies and unforgettable battles. Get ready to unleash the power of Pokémon Fusion and take your deck-building skills to new heights! Find out more at www.infinitefusioncalc.com

9 Months ago


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (9 Months ago)

Last Visitors

alexixThu, 01/Feb/2024, 22:35
bstarrbSun, 17/Dec/2023, 11:53