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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 77

Trainerpoints: 2,051/17,863


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Wooper12 / 8
Shellos (East)12 / 8
Gossifleur12 / 8
Plusle11 / 8

About Me

If you want to send me plushies, Spheal, Milotic and Zubat are my favourites^^

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Action
Visiting Prof. Rowan (22 Hours ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #966357314
Registration: 07/03/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 1772:15 Hours
Total interactions: 8,771,643
Money: 17,139,310
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Starting some crafts I have been wanting to do for years and doing more Tokota stuff!
7 Months ago
Still my starter Faito the Typhlosion
1 Year ago
#BeatingOak #FriendsForCommunitySupport #RowanQuest

Rowan Quest List

Zellane is collecting a list of Rowan quests to feed.

50 pokemon on the list so far. Perfect for DP ‘Feed a Berry’ tasks.

Clicklist by Leveia or Clicklist by Boomboy

If you have a Quest pokemon that isn’t on the list or know someone that does, please post the pokemon link in Zellane’s previous feed for people to feed.

Tips for Beating Oak

Hangman Helper by Solipse.

Click here to Share the feed!
1 Year ago
#MyGoalForNextYear do more swimming and finally start a few of my longterm crafting projects
2 Years ago
Hi, I've only recently started with Pokemon Go! If anyone's interested in exchanging Trainercodes, mine is 2623 6754 3751 ^^
3 Years ago
Playing in the riverbed back home!
3 Years ago
Starting my new job, that turned out to be pretty much the best that I could imagine
3 Years ago
#MyFavoriteMemory My first time going to a Larp-Con!
4 Years ago
#ThanksGiving I'm grateful for my new job offer. And for my guardian angel doing their job well to protect stupid me in Halle this October.
4 Years ago


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Newest gifts
ShinyZata 6 Days ago
Nnoitra 10 Days ago
RaiseARoselia 21 Days ago
Darkdragonbz80 22 Days ago