so uh. i didnt even know this was possible, but uh, phione is
capable of being found at rowans lab. neat

so this week is my schools finals week. and just my luck i get a
viral infection in my throat. and im probably gonna miss all my
exams besides the last 2 on friday. just in time for the holidays
yippee! well merry christmas, happy honica, or whatever you
celabrate, have a good one

so remember that friend of mines switch that ive been finding
random shinies on? yeah, its cursed. sandwiches and shiny boost do
not work. i used a sparkling power 3 ghost sandwich and nothing.
nothing shiny spawned and whenever i use one i always get a shiny.
but yeah im kinda screwed with this

so for the past 3 days ive been stealing my friends switch with
pokemon violet and the teal mask dlc, and i dont know whats going
on but ive been getting shinies each day. so now im gonna document
each time i get a new one. so far ive gotten and none of these have
been hunted for they just spawned, a poocheyena, a swablu, a
mankey, and now a morpeko

reminder that last year my first encounter with a retro ghost trick
or treating was a shiny. ghost is best

yo, those boomers are kinda terrifying zoomers

17 years ago the earth was cursed with the birth of me. since then
i have been nothing but chaotic and fun loving. but of course
nothing good comes without some bad. i have a very bad case of the
congestion and my throat is dead. but once i complete school (if i
can even complete it) im going for my favorite meal, nice juicy
medium rare steak. wish me luck and i hope i dont hurl halfway thru
my day.

so in legends i got me the mustard fish and the purple mustache
fish. ima be honest i prefer the mustard form

so this is a bit late from when it actually happened but i was
playing legends arceus and on my way to go beat up the ball i found
a shiny alpha electivire lvl 69. i tried and tried but
unfortunately he struggled to death. i shall reclaim my big shiny
honey monster. one day

yall ever have so much stuff going on in your head and life that
you forget what a verb is or is that just me?

the waffle house has found its new host

where were you when you found out blue from blues clues was a girl?

You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Dark Stone found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.

ay so im not gonna do a cosmog hunt till i get a ditto which could
take forever but for anyone who wants neb stones let me know
or i could just sell em

so whos doin what for halloween?

so we had a fire alarm at our high school during 7th and as im
getting out there i see not one but two firetrucks going to the
other side of the school and overhead a helicopter. but the thing
is no one knows what caused it. there were rumors but no oh this is
what happened. im just glad everyone was safe. but now im at home
having to do extra school work i was gonna do at afterschool
classes. woho

so doing the rowan quest and already im in the lead

so while trick or treating a pokemon came up and i dont know the
odds for anything but i got a SHINY RETRO GASTLY